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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/LeiXSearch.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/LeiXSearch.pm')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/LeiXSearch.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiXSearch.pm
index 9d367977..e1538391 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/LeiXSearch.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiXSearch.pm
@@ -149,22 +149,38 @@ sub query_one_mset { # for --threads and l2m w/o sort
         local $0 = "$0 query_one_mset";
         my $lei = $self->{lei};
         my ($srch, $over) = ($ibxish->search, $ibxish->over);
-        my $desc = $ibxish->{inboxdir} // $ibxish->{topdir};
-        return warn("$desc not indexed by Xapian\n") unless ($srch && $over);
-        my $mo = { %{$lei->{mset_opt}} };
+        my $dir = $ibxish->{inboxdir} // $ibxish->{topdir};
+        return warn("$dir not indexed by Xapian\n") unless ($srch && $over);
+        my $mo = { %{$lei->{mset_opt}} }; # copy
         my $mset;
         my $each_smsg = $lei->{ovv}->ovv_each_smsg_cb($lei);
         my $can_kw = !!$ibxish->can('msg_keywords');
         my $threads = $lei->{opt}->{threads} // 0;
         my $fl = $threads > 1 ? 1 : undef;
+        my $lss = $lei->{dedupe};
+        $lss = undef unless $lss && $lss->can('cfg_set'); # saved search
+        my $maxk = "external.$dir.maxuid";
+        my $stop_at = $lss ? $lss->{-cfg}->{$maxk} : undef;
+        if (defined $stop_at) {
+                die "$maxk=$stop_at has multiple values" if ref $stop_at;
+                my @e;
+                local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @e, @_ };
+                $stop_at += 0;
+                return warn("$maxk=$stop_at: @e") if @e;
+        }
+        my $first_ids;
         do {
                 $mset = $srch->mset($mo->{qstr}, $mo);
-                mset_progress($lei, $desc, $mset->size,
+                mset_progress($lei, $dir, $mset->size,
                 wait_startq($lei); # wait for keyword updates
                 my $ids = $srch->mset_to_artnums($mset, $mo);
+                @$ids = grep { $_ > $stop_at } @$ids if defined($stop_at);
                 my $i = 0;
                 if ($threads) {
+                        # copy $ids if $lss since over->expand_thread
+                        # shifts @{$ctx->{ids}}
+                        $first_ids = [ @$ids ] if $lss;
                         my $ctx = { ids => $ids };
                         my %n2item = map { ($ids->[$i++], $_) } $mset->items;
                         while ($over->expand_thread($ctx)) {
@@ -183,6 +199,7 @@ sub query_one_mset { # for --threads and l2m w/o sort
                                 @{$ctx->{xids}} = ();
                 } else {
+                        $first_ids = $ids;
                         my @items = $mset->items;
                         for my $n (@$ids) {
                                 my $mitem = $items[$i++];
@@ -193,6 +210,12 @@ sub query_one_mset { # for --threads and l2m w/o sort
         } while (_mset_more($mset, $mo));
+        if ($lss && scalar(@$first_ids)) {
+                undef $stop_at;
+                my $max = $first_ids->[0];
+                $lss->cfg_set($maxk, $max);
+                undef $lss;
+        }
         undef $each_smsg; # may commit