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6 files changed, 286 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/Documentation/public-inbox-xcpdb.pod b/Documentation/public-inbox-xcpdb.pod
index a04fd374..fd8770a4 100644
--- a/Documentation/public-inbox-xcpdb.pod
+++ b/Documentation/public-inbox-xcpdb.pod
@@ -30,6 +30,17 @@ preferable for gigantic inboxes where the coarse-grained lock
 currently required for L<public-inbox-compact(1)> can cause
 the compaction to take hours at-a-time.
+=item --reshard=N / -R N
+Repartition the Xapian database on a L<v2|public-inbox-v2-format(5)>
+inbox to C<N> partitions.  Since L<xapian-compact(1)> is not suitable
+for merging, users can rely on this switch to repartition the
+existing Xapian database(s) to any positive value of C<N>.
+This is useful in case the Xapian DB was created with too few or
+too many partitions given the capabilities of the current
 =item --blocksize / --no-full / --fuller
 These options are passed directly to L<xapian-compact(1)> when
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index ae637f24..3f0a79a6 100644
@@ -264,3 +264,4 @@ t/watch_filter_rubylang.t
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm
index 09ed4e7b..3329d79f 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/V2Writable.pm
@@ -23,7 +23,14 @@ use IO::Handle;
 # an estimate of the post-packed size to the raw uncompressed size
 my $PACKING_FACTOR = 0.4;
-# assume 2 cores if GNU nproc(1) is not available
+# SATA storage lags behind what CPUs are capable of, so relying on
+# nproc(1) can be misleading and having extra Xapian partions is a
+# waste of FDs and space.  It can also lead to excessive IO latency
+# and slow things down.  Users on NVME or other fast storage can
+# use the NPROC env or switches in our script/public-inbox-* programs
+# to increase Xapian partitions.
 sub nproc_parts ($) {
         my ($creat_opt) = @_;
         if (ref($creat_opt) eq 'HASH') {
@@ -32,7 +39,14 @@ sub nproc_parts ($) {
-        my $n = int($ENV{NPROC} || `nproc 2>/dev/null` || 2);
+        my $n = $ENV{NPROC};
+        if (!$n) {
+                chomp($n = `nproc 2>/dev/null`);
+                # assume 2 cores if GNU nproc(1) is not available
+                $n = 2 if !$n;
+                $n = $NPROC_MAX_DEFAULT if $NPROC_MAX_DEFAULT > 4;
+        }
         # subtract for the main process and git-fast-import
         $n -= 1;
         $n < 1 ? 1 : $n;
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/Xapcmd.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/Xapcmd.pm
index dad080c8..e1c6fe3a 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/Xapcmd.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/Xapcmd.pm
@@ -17,34 +17,66 @@ our @COMPACT_OPT = qw(jobs|j=i quiet|q blocksize|b=s no-full|n fuller|F);
 sub commit_changes ($$$) {
         my ($ibx, $tmp, $opt) = @_;
+        my $new_parts = $opt->{reshard};
         my $reindex = $opt->{reindex};
         my $im = $ibx->importer(0);
         $im->lock_acquire if !$opt->{-coarse_lock};
         $SIG{INT} or die 'BUG: $SIG{INT} not handled';
+        my @old_part;
         while (my ($old, $new) = each %$tmp) {
-                my @st = stat($old) or die "failed to stat($old): $!\n";
+                my @st = stat($old);
+                if (!@st && !defined($opt->{reshard})) {
+                        die "failed to stat($old): $!";
+                }
                 my $over = "$old/over.sqlite3";
                 if (-f $over) { # only for v1, v2 over is untouched
+                        defined $new or die "BUG: $over exists when culling v2";
                         $over = PublicInbox::Over->new($over);
                         my $tmp_over = "$new/over.sqlite3";
                         $over = undef;
-                chmod($st[2] & 07777, $new) or die "chmod $old: $!\n";
+                if (!defined($new)) { # culled partition
+                        push @old_part, $old;
+                        next;
+                }
+                if (@st) {
+                        chmod($st[2] & 07777, $new) or die "chmod $old: $!\n";
+                        rename($old, "$new/old") or
+                                        die "rename $old => $new/old: $!\n";
+                }
                 # Xtmpdir->DESTROY won't remove $new after this:
-                rename($old, "$new/old") or die "rename $old => $new/old: $!\n";
                 rename($new, $old) or die "rename $new => $old: $!\n";
-                my $prev = "$old/old";
-                remove_tree($prev) or die "failed to remove $prev: $!\n";
+                if (@st) {
+                        my $prev = "$old/old";
+                        remove_tree($prev) or
+                                die "failed to remove $prev: $!\n";
+                }
+        remove_tree(@old_part);
         if (!$opt->{-coarse_lock}) {
                 $opt->{-skip_lock} = 1;
+                if ($im->can('count_partitions')) {
+                        my $pr = $opt->{-progress};
+                        my $n = $im->count_partitions;
+                        if (defined $new_parts && $n != $new_parts) {
+                                die
+"BUG: counted $n partitions after repartioning to $new_parts";
+                        }
+                        my $prev = $im->{partitions};
+                        if ($pr && $prev != $n) {
+                                $pr->("partition count changed: $prev => $n\n");
+                                $im->{partitions} = $n;
+                        }
+                }
                 PublicInbox::Admin::index_inbox($ibx, $opt);
                 # implicit lock_release
         } else {
@@ -139,31 +171,59 @@ sub run {
         my $tmp = PublicInbox::Xtmpdirs->new;
         my $v = $ibx->{version} ||= 1;
         my @q;
+        my $new_parts = $opt->{reshard};
+        if (defined $new_parts && $new_parts <= 0) {
+                die "--reshard must be a positive number\n";
+        }
         # we want temporary directories to be as deep as possible,
         # so v2 partitions can keep "xap$SCHEMA_VERSION" on a separate FS.
         if ($v == 1) {
+                if (defined $new_parts) {
+                        warn
+"--reshard=$new_parts ignored for v1 $ibx->{mainrepo}\n";
+                }
                 my $old_parent = dirname($old);
                 same_fs_or_die($old_parent, $old);
-                $tmp->{$old} = tempdir('xapcmd-XXXXXXXX', DIR => $old_parent);
-                push @q, [ $old, $tmp->{$old} ];
+                my $v = PublicInbox::Search::SCHEMA_VERSION();
+                my $wip = tempdir("xapian$v-XXXXXXXX", DIR => $old_parent);
+                $tmp->{$old} = $wip;
+                push @q, [ $old, $wip ];
         } else {
                 opendir my $dh, $old or die "Failed to opendir $old: $!\n";
+                my @old_parts;
                 while (defined(my $dn = readdir($dh))) {
                         if ($dn =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/) {
-                                my $tmpl = "$dn-XXXXXXXX";
-                                my $dst = tempdir($tmpl, DIR => $old);
-                                same_fs_or_die($old, $dst);
-                                my $cur = "$old/$dn";
-                                push @q, [ $cur, $dst ];
-                                $tmp->{$cur} = $dst;
+                                push @old_parts, $dn;
                         } elsif ($dn eq '.' || $dn eq '..') {
                         } elsif ($dn =~ /\Aover\.sqlite3/) {
                         } else {
                                 warn "W: skipping unknown dir: $old/$dn\n"
-                die "No Xapian parts found in $old\n" unless @q;
+                die "No Xapian parts found in $old\n" unless @old_parts;
+                my ($src, $max_part);
+                if (!defined($new_parts) || $new_parts == scalar(@old_parts)) {
+                        # 1:1 copy
+                        $max_part = scalar(@old_parts) - 1;
+                } else {
+                        # M:N copy
+                        $max_part = $new_parts - 1;
+                        $src = [ map { "$old/$_" } @old_parts ];
+                }
+                foreach my $dn (0..$max_part) {
+                        my $tmpl = "$dn-XXXXXXXX";
+                        my $wip = tempdir($tmpl, DIR => $old);
+                        same_fs_or_die($old, $wip);
+                        my $cur = "$old/$dn";
+                        push @q, [ $src // $cur , $wip ];
+                        $tmp->{$cur} = $wip;
+                }
+                # mark old parts to be unlinked
+                if ($src) {
+                        $tmp->{$_} ||= undef for @$src;
+                }
         my $im = $ibx->importer(0);
         my $max = $opt->{jobs} || scalar(@q);
@@ -197,10 +257,11 @@ sub cpdb_retryable ($$) {
 sub progress_pfx ($) {
-        my @p = split('/', $_[0]);
+        my ($wip) = @_; # tempdir v2: ([0-9])+-XXXXXXXX
+        my @p = split('/', $wip);
         # return "xap15/0" for v2, or "xapian15" for v1:
-        ($p[-1] =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/) ? "$p[-2]/$p[-1]" : $p[-1];
+        ($p[-1] =~ /\A([0-9]+)/) ? "$p[-2]/$1" : $p[-1];
 # xapian-compact wrapper
@@ -243,12 +304,74 @@ sub compact ($$) {
+sub cpdb_loop ($$$;$$) {
+        my ($src, $dst, $pr_data, $cur_part, $new_parts) = @_;
+        my ($pr, $fmt, $nr, $pfx);
+        if ($pr_data) {
+                $pr = $pr_data->{pr};
+                $fmt = $pr_data->{fmt};
+                $nr = \($pr_data->{nr});
+                $pfx = $pr_data->{pfx};
+        }
+        my ($it, $end);
+        do {
+                eval {
+                        $it = $src->postlist_begin('');
+                        $end = $src->postlist_end('');
+                };
+        } while (cpdb_retryable($src, $pfx));
+        do {
+                eval {
+                        for (; $it != $end; $it++) {
+                                my $docid = $it->get_docid;
+                                if (defined $new_parts) {
+                                        my $dst_part = $docid % $new_parts;
+                                        next if $dst_part != $cur_part;
+                                }
+                                my $doc = $src->get_document($docid);
+                                $dst->replace_document($docid, $doc);
+                                if ($pr_data && !(++$$nr  & 1023)) {
+                                        $pr->(sprintf($fmt, $$nr));
+                                }
+                        }
+                        # unlike copydatabase(1), we don't copy spelling
+                        # and synonym data (or other user metadata) since
+                        # the Perl APIs don't expose iterators for them
+                        # (and public-inbox does not use those features)
+                };
+        } while (cpdb_retryable($src, $pfx));
 # Like copydatabase(1), this is horribly slow; and it doesn't seem due
 # to the overhead of Perl.
 sub cpdb ($$) {
         my ($args, $opt) = @_;
         my ($old, $new) = @$args;
-        my $src = Search::Xapian::Database->new($old);
+        my ($src, $cur_part);
+        my $new_parts;
+        if (ref($old) eq 'ARRAY') {
+                ($cur_part) = ($new =~ m!xap[0-9]+/([0-9]+)\b!);
+                defined $cur_part or
+                        die "BUG: could not extract partition # from $new";
+                $new_parts = $opt->{reshard};
+                defined $new_parts or die 'BUG: got array src w/o --partition';
+                # repartitioning, M:N copy means have full read access
+                foreach (@$old) {
+                        if ($src) {
+                                my $sub = Search::Xapian::Database->new($_);
+                                $src->add_database($sub);
+                        } else {
+                                $src = Search::Xapian::Database->new($_);
+                        }
+                }
+        } else {
+                $src = Search::Xapian::Database->new($old);
+        }
         my ($xtmp, $tmp);
         if ($opt->{compact}) {
                 my $newdir = dirname($new);
@@ -264,10 +387,9 @@ sub cpdb ($$) {
         # of other bugs:
         my $creat = Search::Xapian::DB_CREATE();
         my $dst = Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase->new($tmp, $creat);
-        my ($it, $end);
-        my ($nr, $tot, $fmt); # progress output
         my $pr = $opt->{-progress};
-        my $pfx = $opt->{-progress_pfx} = progress_pfx($old);
+        my $pfx = $opt->{-progress_pfx} = progress_pfx($new);
+        my $pr_data = { pr => $pr, pfx => $pfx, nr => 0 } if $pr;
         do {
                 eval {
@@ -276,44 +398,45 @@ sub cpdb ($$) {
                         $dst->set_metadata('last_commit', $lc) if $lc;
                         # only the first xapian partition (0) gets 'indexlevel'
-                        if ($old =~ m!(?:xapian[0-9]+|xap[0-9]+/0)\z!) {
+                        if ($new =~ m!(?:xapian[0-9]+|xap[0-9]+/0)\b!) {
                                 my $l = $src->get_metadata('indexlevel');
                                 if ($l eq 'medium') {
                                         $dst->set_metadata('indexlevel', $l);
-                        $it = $src->postlist_begin('');
-                        $end = $src->postlist_end('');
-                        if ($pr) {
-                                $nr = 0;
-                                $tot = $src->get_doccount;
-                                $fmt = "$pfx % ".length($tot)."u/$tot\n";
-                                $pr->("$pfx copying $tot documents\n");
-                        }
-                };
-        } while (cpdb_retryable($src, $pfx));
-        do {
-                eval {
-                        while ($it != $end) {
-                                my $docid = $it->get_docid;
-                                my $doc = $src->get_document($docid);
-                                $dst->replace_document($docid, $doc);
-                                $it->inc;
-                                if ($pr && !(++$nr & 1023)) {
-                                        $pr->(sprintf($fmt, $nr));
+                        if ($pr_data) {
+                                my $tot = $src->get_doccount;
+                                # we can only estimate when repartitioning,
+                                # because removed spam causes slight imbalance
+                                my $est = '';
+                                if (defined $cur_part && $new_parts > 1) {
+                                        $tot = int($tot/$new_parts);
+                                        $est = 'around ';
+                                my $fmt = "$pfx % ".length($tot)."u/$tot\n";
+                                $pr->("$pfx copying $est$tot documents\n");
+                                $pr_data->{fmt} = $fmt;
+                                $pr_data->{total} = $tot;
-                        # unlike copydatabase(1), we don't copy spelling
-                        # and synonym data (or other user metadata) since
-                        # the Perl APIs don't expose iterators for them
-                        # (and public-inbox does not use those features)
         } while (cpdb_retryable($src, $pfx));
-        $pr->(sprintf($fmt, $nr)) if $pr;
+        if (defined $new_parts) {
+                # we rely on document IDs matching NNTP article number,
+                # so we can't have the combined DB support rewriting
+                # document IDs.  Thus we iterate through each shard
+                # individually.
+                $src = undef;
+                foreach (@$old) {
+                        my $old = Search::Xapian::Database->new($_);
+                        cpdb_loop($old, $dst, $pr_data, $cur_part, $new_parts);
+                }
+        } else {
+                cpdb_loop($src, $dst, $pr_data);
+        }
+        $pr->(sprintf($pr_data->{fmt}, $pr_data->{nr})) if $pr;
         return unless $xtmp;
         $src = $dst = undef; # flushes and closes
@@ -358,6 +481,7 @@ sub DESTROY {
         my $owner_pid = delete $owner{"$self"} or return;
         return if $owner_pid != $$;
         foreach my $new (values %$self) {
+                defined $new or next; # may be undef if repartitioning
                 remove_tree($new) unless -d "$new/old";
diff --git a/script/public-inbox-xcpdb b/script/public-inbox-xcpdb
index ef64e58f..b41c683b 100755
--- a/script/public-inbox-xcpdb
+++ b/script/public-inbox-xcpdb
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ use PublicInbox::Admin;
 my $usage = "Usage: public-inbox-xcpdb [--compact] INBOX_DIR\n";
 my $opt = {};
-GetOptions($opt, qw(compact), @PublicInbox::Xapcmd::COMPACT_OPT) or
-        die "bad command-line args\n$usage";
+my @opt = (qw(compact reshard|R=i), @PublicInbox::Xapcmd::COMPACT_OPT);
+GetOptions($opt, @opt) or die "bad command-line args\n$usage";
 my @ibxs = PublicInbox::Admin::resolve_inboxes(\@ARGV) or die $usage;
 foreach (@ibxs) {
         my $ibx = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($_);
diff --git a/t/xcpdb-reshard.t b/t/xcpdb-reshard.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce552f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/xcpdb-reshard.t
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+my @mods = qw(DBI DBD::SQLite Search::Xapian);
+foreach my $mod (@mods) {
+        eval "require $mod";
+        plan skip_all => "missing $mod for $0" if $@;
+require './t/common.perl';
+use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
+use PublicInbox::MIME;
+use PublicInbox::InboxWritable;
+my $mime = PublicInbox::MIME->create(
+        header => [
+                From => 'a@example.com',
+                To => 'test@example.com',
+                Subject => 'this is a subject',
+                Date => 'Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000',
+        ],
+        body => '',
+my ($this) = (split('/', $0))[-1];
+my $tmpdir = tempdir($this.'-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
+my $ibx = PublicInbox::Inbox->new({
+        mainrepo => "$tmpdir/testbox",
+        name => $this,
+        version => 2,
+        -primary_address => 'test@example.com',
+        indexlevel => 'medium',
+my $path = 'blib/script';
+my @xcpdb = ("$path/public-inbox-xcpdb", '-q');
+my $nproc = 8;
+my $ndoc = 13;
+my $im = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($ibx, {nproc => $nproc})->importer(1);
+for my $i (1..$ndoc) {
+        $mime->header_set('Message-ID', "<m$i\@example.com>");
+        ok($im->add($mime), "message $i added");
+my @parts = grep(m!/\d+\z!, glob("$ibx->{mainrepo}/xap*/*"));
+is(scalar(@parts), $nproc, 'got expected parts');
+my $orig = $ibx->over->query_xover(1, $ndoc);
+my %nums = map {; "$_->{num}" => 1 } @$orig;
+# ensure we can go up or down in partitions, or stay the same:
+for my $R (qw(2 4 1 3 3)) {
+        delete $ibx->{search}; # release old handles
+        is(system(@xcpdb, "-R$R", $ibx->{mainrepo}), 0, "xcpdb -R$R");
+        my @new_parts = grep(m!/\d+\z!, glob("$ibx->{mainrepo}/xap*/*"));
+        is(scalar(@new_parts), $R, 'repartitioned to two parts');
+        my $msgs = $ibx->search->query('s:this');
+        is(scalar(@$msgs), $ndoc, 'got expected docs after repartitioning');
+        my %by_mid = map {; "$_->{mid}" => $_ } @$msgs;
+        ok($by_mid{"m$_\@example.com"}, "$_ exists") for (1..$ndoc);
+        delete $ibx->{search}; # release old handles
+        # ensure docids in Xapian match NNTP article numbers
+        my $tot = 0;
+        my %tmp = %nums;
+        foreach my $d (@new_parts) {
+                my $xdb = Search::Xapian::Database->new($d);
+                $tot += $xdb->get_doccount;
+                my $it = $xdb->postlist_begin('');
+                my $end = $xdb->postlist_end('');
+                for (; $it != $end; $it++) {
+                        my $docid = $it->get_docid;
+                        if ($xdb->get_document($docid)) {
+                                ok(delete($tmp{$docid}), "saw #$docid");
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        is(scalar keys %tmp, 0, 'all docids seen');