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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2021-01-03 09:48:40 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2021-01-03 18:24:00 +0000
commit5e67ce9c055bd16d322cee2b0178f16c9a89816e (patch)
treefa41f155147f75cc001a897072f7e5763695e910 /t
parent22e51bd9da476fa9f4d72d4ec25ed0ec4a1f636f (diff)
t/lei: use $lei->() callback wrapper
This shortens the test and should make it easier to debug and
add new tests.
Diffstat (limited to 't')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/t/lei.t b/t/lei.t
index 6f6a5888..541d83ce 100644
--- a/t/lei.t
+++ b/t/lei.t
@@ -35,37 +35,35 @@ my $config_file = "$home/.config/lei/config";
 my $store_dir = "$home/.local/share/lei";
 my $test_help = sub {
-        ok(!$lei->([], undef, $opt), 'no args fails');
+        ok(!$lei->(), 'no args fails');
         is($? >> 8, 1, '$? is 1');
         is($out, '', 'nothing in stdout');
         like($err, qr/^usage:/sm, 'usage in stderr');
         for my $arg (['-h'], ['--help'], ['help'], [qw(daemon-pid --help)]) {
-                $out = $err = '';
-                ok($lei->($arg, undef, $opt), "lei @$arg");
+                ok($lei->($arg), "lei @$arg");
                 like($out, qr/^usage:/sm, "usage in stdout (@$arg)");
                 is($err, '', "nothing in stderr (@$arg)");
         for my $arg ([''], ['--halp'], ['halp'], [qw(daemon-pid --halp)]) {
-                $out = $err = '';
-                ok(!$lei->($arg, undef, $opt), "lei @$arg");
+                ok(!$lei->($arg), "lei @$arg");
                 is($? >> 8, 1, '$? set correctly');
                 isnt($err, '', 'something in stderr');
                 is($out, '', 'nothing in stdout');
-        ok($lei->(qw(init -h), undef, $opt), 'init -h');
+        ok($lei->(qw(init -h)), 'init -h');
         like($out, qr! \Q$home\E/\.local/share/lei/store\b!,
                 'actual path shown in init -h');
-        ok($lei->(qw(init -h), { XDG_DATA_HOME => '/XDH' }, $opt),
+        ok($lei->(qw(init -h), { XDG_DATA_HOME => '/XDH' }),
                 'init with XDG_DATA_HOME');
         like($out, qr! /XDH/lei/store\b!, 'XDG_DATA_HOME in init -h');
         is($err, '', 'no errors from init -h');
-        ok($lei->(qw(config -h), undef, $opt), 'config-h');
+        ok($lei->(qw(config -h)), 'config-h');
         like($out, qr! \Q$home\E/\.config/lei/config\b!,
                 'actual path shown in config -h');
-        ok($lei->(qw(config -h), { XDG_CONFIG_HOME => '/XDC' }, $opt),
+        ok($lei->(qw(config -h), { XDG_CONFIG_HOME => '/XDC' }),
                 'config with XDG_CONFIG_HOME');
         like($out, qr! /XDC/lei/config\b!, 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME in config -h');
         is($err, '', 'no errors from config -h');
@@ -75,31 +73,28 @@ my $ok_err_info = sub {
         my ($msg) = @_;
         is(grep(!/^I:/, split(/^/, $err)), 0, $msg) or
                 diag "$msg: err=$err";
-        $err = '';
 my $test_init = sub {
-        ok($lei->(['init'], undef, $opt), 'init w/o args');
+        ok($lei->('init'), 'init w/o args');
         $ok_err_info->('after init w/o args');
-        ok($lei->(['init'], undef, $opt), 'idempotent init w/o args');
+        ok($lei->('init'), 'idempotent init w/o args');
         $ok_err_info->('after idempotent init w/o args');
-        ok(!$lei->(['init', "$home/x"], undef, $opt),
-                'init conflict');
+        ok(!$lei->('init', "$home/x"), 'init conflict');
         is(grep(/^E:/, split(/^/, $err)), 1, 'got error on conflict');
         ok(!-e "$home/x", 'nothing created on conflict');
-        ok($lei->(['init', "$home/x"], undef, $opt), 'init conflict resolved');
+        ok($lei->('init', "$home/x"), 'init conflict resolved');
         $ok_err_info->('init w/ arg');
-        ok($lei->(['init', "$home/x"], undef, $opt), 'init idempotent w/ path');
+        ok($lei->('init', "$home/x"), 'init idempotent w/ path');
         $ok_err_info->('init idempotent w/ arg');
         ok(-d "$home/x", 'created dir');
-        ok(!$lei->(['init', "$home/x", "$home/2" ], undef, $opt),
-                'too many args fails');
+        ok(!$lei->('init', "$home/x", "$home/2"), 'too many args fails');
         like($err, qr/too many/, 'noted excessive');
         ok(!-e "$home/x", 'x not created on excessive');
         for my $d (@$home_trash) {
@@ -111,12 +106,12 @@ my $test_init = sub {
 my $test_config = sub {
-        ok($lei->([qw(config a.b c)], undef, $opt), 'config set var');
+        ok($lei->(qw(config a.b c)), 'config set var');
         is($out.$err, '', 'no output on var set');
-        ok($lei->([qw(config -l)], undef, $opt), 'config -l');
+        ok($lei->(qw(config -l)), 'config -l');
         is($err, '', 'no errors on listing');
         is($out, "a.b=c\n", 'got expected output');
-        ok(!$lei->([qw(config -f), "$home/.config/f", qw(x.y z)], undef, $opt),
+        ok(!$lei->(qw(config -f), "$home/.config/f", qw(x.y z)),
                         'config set var with -f fails');
         like($err, qr/not supported/, 'not supported noted');
         ok(!-f "$home/config/f", 'no file created');
@@ -201,7 +196,7 @@ SKIP: { # real socket
         local $ENV{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} = "$home/xdg_run";
         my $sock = "$ENV{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/lei/sock";
-        ok(run_script([qw(lei daemon-pid)], undef, $opt), 'daemon-pid');
+        ok($lei->('daemon-pid'), 'daemon-pid');
         is($err, '', 'no error from daemon-pid');
         like($out, qr/\A[0-9]+\n\z/s, 'pid returned') or BAIL_OUT;
         chomp(my $pid = $out);
@@ -210,42 +205,39 @@ SKIP: { # real socket
-        $out = '';
-        ok(run_script([qw(lei daemon-pid)], undef, $opt), 'daemon-pid');
+        ok($lei->('daemon-pid'), 'daemon-pid');
         chomp(my $pid_again = $out);
         is($pid, $pid_again, 'daemon-pid idempotent');
-        $out = '';
-        ok(run_script([qw(lei daemon-env -0)], undef, $opt), 'show env');
+        ok($lei->(qw(daemon-env -0)), 'show env');
         is($err, '', 'no errors in env dump');
         my @env = split(/\0/, $out);
         is(scalar grep(/\AHOME=\Q$home\E\z/, @env), 1, 'env has HOME');
         is(scalar grep(/\AFOO=BAR\z/, @env), 1, 'env has FOO=BAR');
         is(scalar grep(/\AXDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/, @env), 1, 'has XDG_RUNTIME_DIR');
-        $out = '';
-        ok(run_script([qw(lei daemon-env -u FOO)], undef, $opt), 'unset');
+        ok($lei->(qw(daemon-env -u FOO)), 'unset');
         is($out.$err, '', 'no output for unset');
-        ok(run_script([qw(lei daemon-env -0)], undef, $opt), 'show again');
+        ok($lei->(qw(daemon-env -0)), 'show again');
         is($err, '', 'no errors in env dump');
         @env = split(/\0/, $out);
         is(scalar grep(/\AFOO=BAR\z/, @env), 0, 'env unset FOO');
-        $out = '';
-        ok(run_script([qw(lei daemon-env -u FOO -u HOME -u XDG_RUNTIME_DIR)],
-                        undef, $opt), 'unset multiple');
+        ok($lei->(qw(daemon-env -u FOO -u HOME -u XDG_RUNTIME_DIR)),
+                        'unset multiple');
         is($out.$err, '', 'no errors output for unset');
-        ok(run_script([qw(lei daemon-env -0)], undef, $opt), 'show again');
+        ok($lei->(qw(daemon-env -0)), 'show again');
         is($err, '', 'no errors in env dump');
         @env = split(/\0/, $out);
         is(scalar grep(/\A(?:HOME|XDG_RUNTIME_DIR)=\z/, @env), 0, 'env unset@');
-        $out = '';
-        ok(run_script([qw(lei daemon-env -)], undef, $opt), 'clear env');
+        ok($lei->(qw(daemon-env -)), 'clear env');
         is($out.$err, '', 'no output');
-        ok(run_script([qw(lei daemon-env)], undef, $opt), 'env is empty');
+        ok($lei->(qw(daemon-env)), 'env is empty');
         is($out, '', 'env cleared');
-        ok(run_script([qw(lei daemon-kill)], undef, $opt), 'daemon-kill');
+        ok($lei->(qw(daemon-kill)), 'daemon-kill');
         is($out, '', 'no output from daemon-kill');
         is($err, '', 'no error from daemon-kill');
         for (0..100) {
@@ -255,26 +247,22 @@ SKIP: { # real socket
         ok(!-S $sock, 'sock gone');
         ok(!kill(0, $pid), 'pid gone after stop');
-        ok(run_script([qw(lei daemon-pid)], undef, $opt), 'daemon-pid');
+        ok($lei->(qw(daemon-pid)), 'daemon-pid');
         chomp(my $new_pid = $out);
         ok(kill(0, $new_pid), 'new pid is running');
         ok(-S $sock, 'sock exists again');
-        $out = $err = '';
         for my $sig (qw(-0 -CHLD)) {
-                ok(run_script([qw(lei daemon-kill), $sig ], undef, $opt),
-                                        "handles $sig");
+                ok($lei->('daemon-kill', $sig), "handles $sig");
         is($out.$err, '', 'no output on innocuous signals');
-        ok(run_script([qw(lei daemon-pid)], undef, $opt), 'daemon-pid');
+        ok($lei->('daemon-pid'), 'daemon-pid');
         chomp $out;
         is($out, $new_pid, 'PID unchanged after -0/-CHLD');
         if ('socket inaccessible') {
                 chmod 0000, $sock or BAIL_OUT "chmod 0000: $!";
-                $out = $err = '';
-                ok(run_script([qw(lei help)], undef, $opt),
-                        'connect fail, one-shot fallback works');
+                ok($lei->('help'), 'connect fail, one-shot fallback works');
                 like($err, qr/\bconnect\(/, 'connect error noted');
                 like($out, qr/^usage: /, 'help output works');
                 chmod 0700, $sock or BAIL_OUT "chmod 0700: $!";