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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2020-10-27 07:54:20 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2020-11-07 10:18:50 +0000
commitc82accdd243f599cddc62fe9e958552f5c55c595 (patch)
parent2a084f92fa8d2f8f9ea4c0c3463e9b0607ff73c9 (diff)
It compiles...
3 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index 60055d2b..418a2f17 100644
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ lib/PublicInbox/Eml.pm
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/ExtSearchIdx.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/ExtSearchIdx.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..edf17974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/ExtSearchIdx.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# Detached/external index cross inbox search indexing support
+# read-write counterpart to PublicInbox::ExtSearch
+# It's based on the same ideas as public-inbox-v2-format(5) using
+# over.sqlite3 for dedupe and sharded Xapian.  msgmap.sqlite3 is
+# missing, so there is no Message-ID conflict resolution, meaning
+# no NNTP support for now.
+# v2 has a 1:1 mapping of index:inbox or msgmap for NNTP support.
+# This is intended to be an M:N index:inbox mapping, but it'll likely
+# be 1:N in common practice (M==1)
+package PublicInbox::ExtSearchIdx;
+use strict;
+use v5.10.1;
+use parent qw(PublicInbox::ExtSearch PublicInbox::Lock);
+use Carp qw(croak carp);
+use PublicInbox::Search;
+use PublicInbox::SearchIdx qw(crlf_adjust);
+use PublicInbox::OverIdx;
+use PublicInbox::V2Writable;
+use PublicInbox::InboxWritable;
+use PublicInbox::Eml;
+use File::Spec;
+sub new {
+        my (undef, $dir, $opt, $shard) = @_;
+        my $l = $opt->{indexlevel} // 'full';
+        $l !~ $PublicInbox::SearchIdx::INDEXLEVELS and
+                die "invalid indexlevel=$l\n";
+        $l eq 'basic' and die "E: indexlevel=basic not yet supported\n";
+        my $self = bless {
+                xpfx => "$dir/ei".PublicInbox::Search::SCHEMA_VERSION,
+                topdir => $dir,
+                creat => $opt->{creat},
+                ibx_map => {}, # (newsgroup//inboxdir) => $ibx
+                ibx_list => [],
+                indexlevel => $l,
+                transact_bytes => 0,
+                total_bytes => 0,
+                current_info => '',
+                parallel => 1,
+                lock_path => "$dir/ei.lock",
+        }, __PACKAGE__;
+        $self->{shards} = $self->count_shards || nproc_shards($opt->{creat});
+        my $oidx = PublicInbox::OverIdx->new("$self->{xpfx}/over.sqlite3");
+        $oidx->{-no_fsync} = 1 if $opt->{-no_fsync};
+        $self->{oidx} = $oidx;
+        $self
+sub attach_inbox {
+        my ($self, $ibx) = @_;
+        my $key = $ibx->eidx_key;
+        if (!$ibx->over || !$ibx->mm) {
+                warn "W: skipping $key (unindexed)\n";
+                return;
+        }
+        if (!defined($ibx->uidvalidity)) {
+                warn "W: skipping $key (no UIDVALIDITY)\n";
+                return;
+        }
+        my $ibxdir = File::Spec->canonpath($ibx->{inboxdir});
+        if ($ibxdir ne $ibx->{inboxdir}) {
+                warn "W: `$ibx->{inboxdir}' canonicalized to `$ibxdir'\n";
+                $ibx->{inboxdir} = $ibxdir;
+        }
+        $ibx = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($ibx);
+        $self->{ibx_map}->{$key} //= do {
+                push @{$self->{ibx_list}}, $ibx;
+                $ibx;
+        }
+sub _ibx_attach { # each_inbox callback
+        my ($ibx, $self) = @_;
+        attach_inbox($self, $ibx);
+sub attach_config {
+        my ($self, $cfg) = @_;
+        $cfg->each_inbox(\&_ibx_attach, $self);
+sub git_blob_digest ($) {
+        my ($bref) = @_;
+        my $dig = Digest::SHA->new(1); # XXX SHA256 later
+        $dig->add('blob '.length($$bref)."\0");
+        $dig->add($$bref);
+        $dig;
+sub is_bad_blob ($$$$) {
+        my ($oid, $type, $size, $expect_oid) = @_;
+        if ($type ne 'blob') {
+                carp "W: $expect_oid is not a blob (type=$type)";
+                return 1;
+        }
+        croak "BUG: $oid != $expect_oid" if $oid ne $expect_oid;
+        $size == 0 ? 1 : 0; # size == 0 means purged
+sub do_xpost ($$) {
+        my ($req, $smsg) = @_;
+        my $self = $req->{eidx};
+        my $docid = $smsg->{num};
+        my $idx = $self->idx_shard($docid);
+        my $oid = $req->{oid};
+        my $xibx = $self->{sync}->{ibx};
+        my $eml = $req->{eml};
+        if (my $new_smsg = $req->{new_smsg}) { # 'm' on cross-posted message
+                my $xnum = $req->{xnum};
+                $idx->shard_add_xref3($docid, $xnum, $oid, $xibx, $eml);
+        } else { # 'd'
+                $idx->shard_remove_xref3($docid, $oid, $xibx, $eml);
+        }
+sub index_unseen ($) {
+        my ($req) = @_;
+        my $new_smsg = $req->{new_smsg} or die 'BUG: {new_smsg} unset';
+        $new_smsg->populate($req->{eml}, $req);
+        my $self = $req->{eidx};
+        my $docid = $self->{oidx}->adj_counter('eidx_docid', '+');
+        $new_smsg->{num} = $docid;
+        my $idx = $self->idx_shard($docid);
+        my $eml = delete $req->{eml};
+        $self->{oidx}->add_overview($eml, $new_smsg);
+        $idx->index_raw(undef, $eml, $new_smsg, delete $new_smsg->{ibx});
+sub do_finalize ($) {
+        my ($req) = @_;
+        if (my $indexed = $req->{indexed}) {
+                do_xpost($req, $_) for @$indexed;
+        } elsif (exists $req->{new_smsg}) { # totally unseen messsage
+                index_unseen($req);
+        } else {
+                warn "W: ignoring delete $req->{oid} (not found)\n";
+        }
+sub do_step ($) { # main iterator for adding messages to the index
+        my ($req) = @_;
+        my $self = $req->{eidx};
+        while (1) {
+                if (my $next_arg = $req->{next_arg}) {
+                        if (my $smsg = $self->{oidx}->next_by_mid(@$next_arg)) {
+                                $req->{cur_smsg} = $smsg;
+                                $self->git->cat_async($smsg->{blob},
+                                                        \&ck_existing, $req);
+                                return; # ck_existing calls do_step
+                        }
+                        delete $req->{cur_smsg};
+                        delete $req->{next_arg};
+                }
+                my $mid = shift(@{$req->{mids}});
+                last unless defined $mid;
+                my ($id, $prev);
+                $req->{next_arg} = [ $mid, \$id, \$prev ];
+                # loop again
+        }
+        do_finalize($req);
+sub ck_existing { # git->cat_async callback
+        my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $req) = @_;
+        my $smsg = $req->{cur_smsg} or die 'BUG: {cur_smsg} missing';
+        return if is_bad_blob($oid, $type, $size, $smsg->{blob});
+        my $cur = PublicInbox::Eml->new($bref);
+        if (content_digest($cur) eq $req->{chash}) {
+                push @{$req->{indexed}}, $smsg; # for do_xpost
+        } # else { index_unseen later }
+        do_step($req);
+# is the messages visible in the inbox currently being indexed?
+# return the number if so
+sub cur_ibx_xnum ($$) {
+        my ($req, $bref) = @_;
+        my $ibx = $req->{sync}->{ibx} or die 'BUG: current {ibx} missing';
+        # XXX overkill?
+        git_blob_digest($bref)->hexdigest eq $req->{oid} or die
+                "BUG: blob mismatch $req->{oid}";
+        $req->{eml} = PublicInbox::Eml->new($bref);
+        $req->{chash} = content_hash($req->{eml});
+        $req->{mids} = mids($req->{eml});
+        my @q = @{$req->{mids}}; # copy
+        while (defined(my $mid = shift @q)) {
+                my ($id, $prev);
+                while (my $x = $ibx->over->next_by_mid($mid, \$id, \$prev)) {
+                        return $x->{num} if $x->{blob} eq $req->{oid};
+                }
+        }
+        undef;
+sub m_start { # git->cat_async callback for 'm'
+        my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $req) = @_;
+        return if is_bad_blob($oid, $type, $size, $req->{oid});
+        my $new_smsg = $req->{new_smsg} = bless {
+                blob => $oid,
+                raw_bytes => $size,
+        }, 'PublicInbox::Smsg';
+        $new_smsg->{bytes} = $new_smsg->{raw_bytes} + crlf_adjust($$bref);
+        defined($req->{xnum} = cur_ibx_xnum($req, $bref)) or return;
+        $new_smsg->{ibx} = $req->{sync}->{ibx};
+        do_step($req);
+sub d_start { # git->cat_async callback for 'd'
+        my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $req) = @_;
+        return if is_bad_blob($oid, $type, $size, $req->{oid});
+        return if defined(cur_ibx_xnum($req, $bref)); # was re-added
+        do_step($req);
+sub eidx_last_epoch_commit ($$$) {
+        my ($self, $sync, $epoch) = @_;
+        my $key = $sync->{ibx}->eidx_key;
+        my $uidvalidity = $sync->{ibx}->uidvalidity;
+        $self->{oidx}->eidx_meta("lc-v2:$key//$uidvalidity;$epoch");
+sub _sync_inbox ($$$) {
+        my ($self, $opt, $ibx) = @_;
+        my $sync = {
+                need_checkpoint => \(my $bool = 0),
+                unindex_range => {}, # EPOCH => oid_old..oid_new
+                reindex => $opt->{reindex},
+                -opt => $opt,
+                eidx => $self,
+                ibx => $ibx,
+        };
+        my $key = $ibx->eidx_key;
+        my $u = $ibx->uidvalidity;
+        my $oidx = $self->{oidx};
+        my $v = $ibx->version;
+        if ($v == 2) {
+                my $epoch_max;
+                defined($ibx->git_dir_latest(\$epoch_max)) or return;
+                my $heads = $sync->{ranges} = [];
+                for my $i (0..$epoch_max) {
+                        $heads->[$i] = $oidx->eidx_meta("lc-v2:$key//$u;$i");
+                }
+        } elsif ($v == 1) {
+                my $lc = $oidx->eidx_meta("lc-v1:$key//$u");
+                prepare_stack($sync, $lc ? "$lc..HEAD" : 'HEAD');
+        } else {
+                warn "E: $key unsupported inbox version (v$v)\n";
+                return;
+        }
+sub eidx_sync { # main entry point
+        my ($self, $opt) = @_;
+        $self->idx_init($opt); # acquire lock via V2Writable::_idx_init
+        $self->{oidx}->rethread_prepare($opt);
+        _sync_inbox($self, $opt, $_) for (@{$self->{ibx_list}});
+sub idx_init { # similar to V2Writable
+        my ($self, $opt) = @_;
+        return if $self->{idx_shards};
+        $self->git->cleanup;
+        my $ALL = $self->git->{git_dir}; # ALL.git
+        PublicInbox::Import::init_bare($ALL) unless -d $ALL;
+        my $info_dir = "$ALL/objects/info";
+        my $alt = "$info_dir/alternates";
+        my $mode = 0644;
+        my (%old, @old, %new, @new);
+        if (-e $alt) {
+                open(my $fh, '<', $alt) or die "open $alt: $!";
+                $mode = (stat($fh))[2] & 07777;
+                while (<$fh>) {
+                        push @old, $_ if !$old{$_}++;
+                }
+        }
+        for my $ibx (@{$self->{ibx_list}}) {
+                my $line = $ibx->git->{git_dir} . "/objects\n";
+                next if $old{$line};
+                $new{$line} = 1;
+                push @new, $line;
+        }
+        push @old, @new;
+        PublicInbox::V2Writable::write_alternates($info_dir, $mode, \@old);
+        $self->parallel_init($self->{indexlevel});
+        $self->umask_prepare;
+        $self->with_umask(\&PublicInbox::V2Writable::_idx_init, $self, $opt);
+        $self->{oidx}->begin_lazy;
+        $self->{oidx}->eidx_prep;
+no warnings 'once';
+*done = \&PublicInbox::V2Writable::done;
+*umask_prepare = \&PublicInbox::InboxWritable::umask_prepare;
+*with_umask = \&PublicInbox::InboxWritable::with_umask;
+*parallel_init = \&PublicInbox::V2Writable::parallel_init;
+*nproc_shards = \&PublicInbox::V2Writable::nproc_shards;
diff --git a/t/extsearch.t b/t/extsearch.t
index 7687f5f0..54927c50 100644
--- a/t/extsearch.t
+++ b/t/extsearch.t
@@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
 require_mods(qw(DBD::SQLite Search::Xapian));
 use_ok 'PublicInbox::ExtSearch';
+use_ok 'PublicInbox::ExtSearchIdx';