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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2015-12-17 05:37:31 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2015-12-22 00:58:12 +0000
commitb140961420c0f240c9c3f55e83c52cfc3efa709d (patch)
parente00a6f63ef80f3540a159ef4fdc4bba359dc5596 (diff)
The "cat_file" sub now allows a block to be passed for partial
processing.  Additionally, a new "check" method is added to
retrieve only object metadata: (SHA-1 identifier, type, size)
3 files changed, 318 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/GitCatFile.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/GitCatFile.pm
index dd95d5f3..b3666a08 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/GitCatFile.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/GitCatFile.pm
@@ -17,75 +17,116 @@ sub new {
         bless { git_dir => $git_dir }, $class
-sub _cat_file_begin {
-        my ($self) = @_;
-        return if $self->{pid};
+sub _bidi_pipe {
+        my ($self, $batch, $in, $out, $pid) = @_;
+        return if $self->{$pid};
         my ($in_r, $in_w, $out_r, $out_w);
-        pipe($in_r, $in_w) or die "pipe failed: $!\n";
-        pipe($out_r, $out_w) or die "pipe failed: $!\n";
+        pipe($in_r, $in_w) or fail($self, "pipe failed: $!");
+        pipe($out_r, $out_w) or fail($self, "pipe failed: $!");
-        my @cmd = ('git', "--git-dir=$self->{git_dir}", qw(cat-file --batch));
-        my $pid = fork;
-        defined $pid or die "fork failed: $!\n";
-        if ($pid == 0) {
+        my @cmd = ('git', "--git-dir=$self->{git_dir}", qw(cat-file), $batch);
+        $self->{$pid} = fork;
+        defined $self->{$pid} or fail($self, "fork failed: $!");
+        if ($self->{$pid} == 0) {
                 dup2(fileno($out_r), 0) or die "redirect stdin failed: $!\n";
                 dup2(fileno($in_w), 1) or die "redirect stdout failed: $!\n";
                 exec(@cmd) or die 'exec `' . join(' '). "' failed: $!\n";
-        close $out_r or die "close failed: $!\n";
-        close $in_w or die "close failed: $!\n";
+        close $out_r or fail($self, "close failed: $!");
+        close $in_w or fail($self, "close failed: $!");
-        $self->{in} = $in_r;
-        $self->{out} = $out_w;
-        $self->{pid} = $pid;
+        $self->{$out} = $out_w;
+        $self->{$in} = $in_r;
 sub cat_file {
-        my ($self, $object, $sizeref) = @_;
+        my ($self, $obj, $ref) = @_;
-        $self->_cat_file_begin;
-        print { $self->{out} } $object, "\n" or die "pipe write error: $!\n";
+        $self->_bidi_pipe(qw(--batch in out pid));
+        $self->{out}->print($obj, "\n") or fail($self, "write error: $!");
         my $in = $self->{in};
-        my $head = <$in>;
+        my $head = $in->getline;
         $head =~ / missing$/ and return undef;
         $head =~ /^[0-9a-f]{40} \S+ (\d+)$/ or
-                die "Unexpected result from git cat-file: $head\n";
+                fail($self, "Unexpected result from git cat-file: $head");
         my $size = $1;
-        $$sizeref = $size if $sizeref;
-        my $bytes_left = $size;
-        my $offset = 0;
-        my $rv = '';
-        while ($bytes_left) {
-                my $read = read($in, $rv, $bytes_left, $offset);
-                defined($read) or die "sysread pipe failed: $!\n";
-                $bytes_left -= $read;
-                $offset += $read;
-        }
+        my $ref_type = $ref ? ref($ref) : '';
+        my $rv;
+        my $left = $size;
+        $$ref = $size if ($ref_type eq 'SCALAR');
+        my $cb_err;
-        my $read = read($in, my $buf, 1);
-        defined($read) or die "read pipe failed: $!\n";
-        if ($read != 1 || $buf ne "\n") {
-                die "newline missing after blob\n";
+        if ($ref_type eq 'CODE') {
+                $rv = eval { $ref->($in, \$left) };
+                $cb_err = $@;
+                # drain the rest
+                my $max = 8192;
+                while ($left > 0) {
+                        my $r = read($in, my $x, $left > $max ? $max : $left);
+                        defined($r) or fail($self, "read failed: $!");
+                        $r == 0 and fail($self, 'exited unexpectedly');
+                        $left -= $r;
+                }
+        } else {
+                my $offset = 0;
+                my $buf = '';
+                while ($left > 0) {
+                        my $r = read($in, $buf, $left, $offset);
+                        defined($r) or fail($self, "read failed: $!");
+                        $r == 0 and fail($self, 'exited unexpectedly');
+                        $left -= $r;
+                        $offset += $r;
+                }
+                $rv = \$buf;
-        \$rv;
+        my $r = read($in, my $buf, 1);
+        defined($r) or fail($self, "read failed: $!");
+        fail($self, 'newline missing after blob') if ($r != 1 || $buf ne "\n");
+        die $cb_err if $cb_err;
+        $rv;
-sub DESTROY {
-        my ($self) = @_;
-        my $pid = $self->{pid} or return;
-        $self->{pid} = undef;
-        foreach my $f (qw(in out)) {
+sub check {
+        my ($self, $obj) = @_;
+        $self->_bidi_pipe(qw(--batch-check in_c out_c pid_c));
+        $self->{out_c}->print($obj, "\n") or fail($self, "write error: $!");
+        chomp(my $line = $self->{in_c}->getline);
+        my ($hex, $type, $size) = split(' ', $line);
+        return if $type eq 'missing';
+        ($hex, $type, $size);
+sub _destroy {
+        my ($self, $in, $out, $pid) = @_;
+        my $p = $self->{$pid} or return;
+        $self->{$pid} = undef;
+        foreach my $f ($in, $out) {
                 my $fh = $self->{$f};
                 defined $fh or next;
                 close $fh;
                 $self->{$f} = undef;
-        waitpid $pid, 0;
+        waitpid $p, 0;
+sub fail {
+        my ($self, $msg) = @_;
+        cleanup($self);
+        die $msg;
+sub cleanup {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        _destroy($self, qw(in out pid));
+        _destroy($self, qw(in_c out_c pid_c));
+sub DESTROY { cleanup(@_) }
diff --git a/t/git.fast-import-data b/t/git.fast-import-data
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a105ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/git.fast-import-data
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+mark :1
+data 6
+reset refs/heads/header
+commit refs/heads/header
+mark :2
+author AU Thor <e@example.com> 0 +0000
+committer AU Thor <e@example.com> 0 +0000
+data 8
+M 100644 :1 foo.txt
+mark :3
+data 12
+commit refs/heads/master
+mark :4
+author AU Thor <e@example.com> 0 +0000
+committer AU Thor <e@example.com> 0 +0000
+data 7
+from :2
+M 100644 :3 foo.txt
+mark :5
+data 12
+commit refs/heads/header
+mark :6
+author AU Thor <e@example.com> 0 +0000
+committer AU Thor <e@example.com> 0 +0000
+data 11
+add header
+from :2
+M 100644 :5 foo.txt
+mark :7
+data 18
+commit refs/heads/master
+mark :8
+author AU Thor <e@example.com> 0 +0000
+committer AU Thor <e@example.com> 0 +0000
+data 46
+Merge branch 'header'
+* header:
+  add header
+from :4
+merge :6
+M 100644 :7 foo.txt
+mark :9
+data 0
+mark :10
+data 16
+commit refs/heads/master
+mark :11
+author AU Thor <e@example.com> 0 +0000
+committer AU Thor <e@example.com> 0 +0000
+data 26
+add symlink and deep file
+from :8
+M 100644 :9 dir/dur/der/derp
+M 120000 :10 link
+mark :12
+data 78
+[submodule "git"]
+        path = git
+        url = git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/git/git.git
+commit refs/heads/master
+mark :13
+author AU Thor <e@example.com> 0 +0000
+committer AU Thor <e@example.com> 0 +0000
+data 18
+add git submodule
+from :11
+M 100644 :12 .gitmodules
+M 160000 f3adf457e046f92f039353762a78dcb3afb2cb13 git
+reset refs/heads/master
+from :13
diff --git a/t/git.t b/t/git.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4532921d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/git.t
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt)
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
+my $dir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
+use Cwd qw/getcwd/;
+use_ok 'PublicInbox::GitCatFile';
+        is(system(qw(git init -q --bare), $dir), 0, 'created git directory');
+        my @cmd = ('git', "--git-dir=$dir", 'fast-import', '--quiet');
+        my $fi_data = getcwd().'/t/git.fast-import-data';
+        ok(-r $fi_data, "fast-import data readable (or run test at top level)");
+        my $pid = fork;
+        defined $pid or die "fork failed: $!\n";
+        if ($pid == 0) {
+                open STDIN, '<', $fi_data or die "open $fi_data: $!\n";
+                exec @cmd;
+                die "failed exec: ",join(' ', @cmd),": $!\n";
+        }
+        waitpid $pid, 0;
+        is($?, 0, 'fast-import succeeded');
+        my $gcf = PublicInbox::GitCatFile->new($dir);
+        my $f = 'HEAD:foo.txt';
+        my @x = $gcf->check($f);
+        is(scalar @x, 3, 'returned 3 element array for existing file');
+        like($x[0], qr/\A[a-f0-9]{40}\z/, 'returns obj ID in 1st element');
+        is('blob', $x[1], 'returns obj type in 2nd element');
+        like($x[2], qr/\A\d+\z/, 'returns obj size in 3rd element');
+        my $raw = $gcf->cat_file($f);
+        is($x[2], length($$raw), 'length matches');
+        {
+                my $size;
+                my $rv = $gcf->cat_file($f, sub {
+                        my ($in, $left) = @_;
+                        $size = $$left;
+                        'nothing'
+                });
+                is($rv, 'nothing', 'returned from callback without reading');
+                is($size, $x[2], 'set size for callback correctly');
+        }
+        eval { $gcf->cat_file($f, sub { die 'OMG' }) };
+        like($@, qr/\bOMG\b/, 'died in callback propagated');
+        is(${$gcf->cat_file($f)}, $$raw, 'not broken after failures');
+        {
+                my ($buf, $r);
+                my $rv = $gcf->cat_file($f, sub {
+                        my ($in, $left) = @_;
+                        $r = read($in, $buf, 2);
+                        $$left -= $r;
+                        'blah'
+                });
+                is($r, 2, 'only read 2 bytes');
+                is($buf, '--', 'partial read succeeded');
+                is($rv, 'blah', 'return value propagated');
+        }
+        is(${$gcf->cat_file($f)}, $$raw, 'not broken after partial read');
+if (1) {
+        use POSIX qw(dup2);
+        my @cmd = ('git', "--git-dir=$dir", qw(hash-object -w --stdin));
+        # need a big file, use the AGPL-3.0 :p
+        my $big_data = getcwd().'/COPYING';
+        ok(-r $big_data, 'COPYING readable');
+        my $size = -s $big_data;
+        ok($size > 8192, 'file is big enough');
+        my ($r, $w);
+        ok(pipe($r, $w), 'created pipe');
+        my $pid = fork;
+        defined $pid or die "fork failed: $!\n";
+        if ($pid == 0) {
+                close $r;
+                open STDIN, '<', $big_data or die "open $big_data: $!\n";
+                dup2(fileno($w), 1);
+                exec @cmd;
+                die "failed exec: ",join(' ', @cmd),": $!\n";
+        }
+        close $w;
+        my $n = read $r, my $buf, 41;
+        waitpid $pid, 0;
+        is(0, $?, 'hashed object successfully');
+        chomp $buf;
+        my $gcf = PublicInbox::GitCatFile->new($dir);
+        my $rsize;
+        is($gcf->cat_file($buf, sub {
+                $rsize = ${$_[1]};
+                'x';
+        }), 'x', 'checked input');
+        is($rsize, $size, 'got correct size on big file');
+        my $x = $gcf->cat_file($buf, \$rsize);
+        is($rsize, $size, 'got correct size ref on big file');
+        is(length($$x), $size, 'read correct number of bytes');
+        my $rline;
+        $gcf->cat_file($buf, sub {
+                my ($in, $left) = @_;
+                $rline = <$in>;
+                $$left -= length($rline);
+        });
+        {
+                open my $fh, '<', $big_data or die "open failed: $!\n";
+                is($rline, <$fh>, 'first line matches');
+        };
+        my $all;
+        $gcf->cat_file($buf, sub {
+                my ($in, $left) = @_;
+                my $x = read($in, $all, $$left);
+                $$left -= $x;
+        });
+        {
+                open my $fh, '<', $big_data or die "open failed: $!\n";
+                local $/;
+                is($all, <$fh>, 'entire read matches');
+        };