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path: root/t/import.t
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Diffstat (limited to 't/import.t')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/t/import.t b/t/import.t
index e71dd714..7e2432e7 100644
--- a/t/import.t
+++ b/t/import.t
@@ -1,60 +1,53 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016-2020 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+#!perl -w
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+use v5.10.1;
 use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use PublicInbox::MIME;
+use PublicInbox::Eml;
+use PublicInbox::Smsg;
 use PublicInbox::Git;
 use PublicInbox::Import;
-use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(spawn);
 use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT SEEK_SET);
-use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
 use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
+use MIME::Base64 3.05; # Perl 5.10.0 / 5.9.2
 my ($dir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir();
-is(system(qw(git init -q --bare), $dir), 0, 'git init successful');
 my $git = PublicInbox::Git->new($dir);
 my $im = PublicInbox::Import->new($git, 'testbox', 'test@example');
-my $mime = PublicInbox::MIME->create(
-        header => [
-                From => 'a@example.com',
-                To => 'b@example.com',
-                'Content-Type' => 'text/plain',
-                Subject => 'this is a subject',
-                'Message-ID' => '<a@example.com>',
-                Date => 'Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000',
-        ],
-        body => "hello world\n",
-my $v2 = require_git(2.6, 1);
+my $mime = PublicInbox::Eml->new(<<'EOF');
+From: a@example.com
+To: b@example.com
+Subject: this is a subject
+Message-ID: <a@example.com>
+Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000
-$im->{want_object_info} = 1 if $v2;
-like($im->add($mime), qr/\A:\d+\z/, 'added one message');
+hello world
-if ($v2) {
-        my $info = $im->{last_object};
-        like($info->[0], qr/\A[a-f0-9]{40}\z/, 'got last object_id');
-        is($mime->as_string, ${$info->[2]}, 'string matches');
-        is($info->[1], length(${$info->[2]}), 'length matches');
+my $v2 = require_git(2.6, 1);
+my $smsg = $v2 ? bless({}, 'PublicInbox::Smsg') : undef;
+like($im->add($mime, undef, $smsg), qr/\A:[0-9]+\z/, 'added one message');
+SKIP: {
+        skip 'git 2.6+ required', 3 if !$v2;
+        like($smsg->{blob}, qr/\A[a-f0-9]{40,64}\z/, 'got last object_id');
         my @cmd = ('git', "--git-dir=$git->{git_dir}", qw(hash-object --stdin));
-        my $in = tempfile();
+        open my $in, '+<', undef or BAIL_OUT "open(+<): $!";
         print $in $mime->as_string or die "write failed: $!";
         $in->flush or die "flush failed: $!";
-        seek($in, 0, SEEK_SET);
-        my $out = tempfile();
-        my $pid = spawn(\@cmd, {}, { 0 => $in, 1 => $out });
-        is(waitpid($pid, 0), $pid, 'waitpid succeeds on hash-object');
+        seek($in, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "seek: $!";
+        chomp(my $hashed_obj = xqx(\@cmd, undef, { 0 => $in }));
         is($?, 0, 'hash-object');
-        seek($out, 0, SEEK_SET);
-        chomp(my $hashed_obj = <$out>);
-        is($hashed_obj, $info->[0], "last object_id matches exp");
+        is($hashed_obj, $smsg->{blob}, "blob object_id matches exp");
 my @revs = $git->qx(qw(rev-list HEAD));
 is(scalar @revs, 1, 'one revision created');
+my $odd = '"=?iso-8859-1?Q?J_K=FCpper?= <usenet"@example.de';
+$mime->header_set('From', $odd);
 $mime->header_set('Message-ID', '<b@example.com>');
 $mime->header_set('Subject', 'msg2');
 like($im->add($mime, sub { $mime }), qr/\A:\d+\z/, 'added 2nd message');
@@ -77,7 +70,7 @@ $im->done;
 is(scalar @revs, 26, '26 revisions exist after mass import');
 my ($mark, $msg) = $im->remove($mime);
 like($mark, qr/\A:\d+\z/, 'got mark');
-is(ref($msg), 'PublicInbox::MIME', 'got old message deleted');
+like(ref($msg), qr/\bPublicInbox::(?:Eml|MIME)\b/, 'got old message deleted');
 is(undef, $im->remove($mime), 'remove is idempotent');
@@ -103,4 +96,29 @@ eval {
 ok($@, 'Import->add fails on non-existent dir');
+my @cls = qw(PublicInbox::Eml);
+SKIP: {
+        require_mods('Email::MIME', 1);
+        require PublicInbox::MIME;
+        push @cls, 'PublicInbox::MIME';
+$main::badchars = "\n\0\r";
+my $from = '=?UTF-8?B?'. encode_base64("B\ra\nd\0\$main::badchars", ''). '?=';
+for my $cls (@cls) {
+        my $eml = $cls->new(<<EOF);
+From: $from <spammer\@example.com>
+Message-ID: <$cls\@example.com>
+        ok($im->add($eml), "added $cls message with nasty char in From");
+my $bref = $git->cat_file('HEAD');
+like($$bref, qr/^author Ba d \$main::badchars <spammer\@example\.com> /sm,
+         'latest commit accepted by spammer');
+$git->qx(qw(fsck --no-progress --strict));
+is($?, 0, 'fsck reported no errors');
+$main::badchars = undef;