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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/WatchMaildir.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/WatchMaildir.pm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 294 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/WatchMaildir.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/WatchMaildir.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index e2024640..00000000
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/WatchMaildir.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016-2020 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
-# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
-# ref: https://cr.yp.to/proto/maildir.html
-#        http://wiki2.dovecot.org/MailboxFormat/Maildir
-package PublicInbox::WatchMaildir;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use PublicInbox::MIME;
-use PublicInbox::InboxWritable;
-use File::Temp 0.19 (); # 0.19 for ->newdir
-use PublicInbox::Filter::Base qw(REJECT);
-use PublicInbox::Spamcheck;
-*maildir_path_load = *PublicInbox::InboxWritable::maildir_path_load;
-sub new {
-        my ($class, $config) = @_;
-        my (%mdmap, @mdir, $spamc);
-        my %uniq;
-        # "publicinboxwatch" is the documented namespace
-        # "publicinboxlearn" is legacy but may be supported
-        # indefinitely...
-        foreach my $pfx (qw(publicinboxwatch publicinboxlearn)) {
-                my $k = "$pfx.watchspam";
-                defined(my $dirs = $config->{$k}) or next;
-                $dirs = [ $dirs ] if !ref($dirs);
-                for my $dir (@$dirs) {
-                        if (is_maildir($dir)) {
-                                # skip "new", no MUA has seen it, yet.
-                                my $cur = "$dir/cur";
-                                my $old = $mdmap{$cur};
-                                if (ref($old)) {
-                                        foreach my $ibx (@$old) {
-                                                warn <<"";
-"$cur already watched for `$ibx->{name}'
-                                        }
-                                        die;
-                                }
-                                push @mdir, $cur;
-                                $uniq{$cur}++;
-                                $mdmap{$cur} = 'watchspam';
-                        } else {
-                                warn "unsupported $k=$dir\n";
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        my $k = 'publicinboxwatch.spamcheck';
-        my $default = undef;
-        my $spamcheck = PublicInbox::Spamcheck::get($config, $k, $default);
-        $spamcheck = _spamcheck_cb($spamcheck) if $spamcheck;
-        $config->each_inbox(sub {
-                # need to make all inboxes writable for spam removal:
-                my $ibx = $_[0] = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($_[0]);
-                my $watch = $ibx->{watch} or return;
-                if (is_maildir($watch)) {
-                        my $watch_hdrs = [];
-                        if (my $wh = $ibx->{watchheader}) {
-                                my ($k, $v) = split(/:/, $wh, 2);
-                                push @$watch_hdrs, [ $k, qr/\Q$v\E/ ];
-                        }
-                        if (my $list_ids = $ibx->{listid}) {
-                                for (@$list_ids) {
-                                        my $re = qr/<[ \t]*\Q$_\E[ \t]*>/;
-                                        push @$watch_hdrs, ['List-Id', $re ];
-                                }
-                        }
-                        if (scalar @$watch_hdrs) {
-                                $ibx->{-watchheaders} = $watch_hdrs;
-                        }
-                        my $new = "$watch/new";
-                        my $cur = "$watch/cur";
-                        push @mdir, $new unless $uniq{$new}++;
-                        push @mdir, $cur unless $uniq{$cur}++;
-                        push @{$mdmap{$new} ||= []}, $ibx;
-                        push @{$mdmap{$cur} ||= []}, $ibx;
-                } else {
-                        warn "watch unsupported: $k=$watch\n";
-                }
-        });
-        return unless @mdir;
-        my $mdre = join('|', map { quotemeta($_) } @mdir);
-        $mdre = qr!\A($mdre)/!;
-        bless {
-                spamcheck => $spamcheck,
-                mdmap => \%mdmap,
-                mdir => \@mdir,
-                mdre => $mdre,
-                config => $config,
-                importers => {},
-                opendirs => {}, # dirname => dirhandle (in progress scans)
-        }, $class;
-sub _done_for_now {
-        my ($self) = @_;
-        my $importers = $self->{importers};
-        foreach my $im (values %$importers) {
-                $im->done;
-        }
-sub _try_fsn_paths {
-        my ($self, $scan_re, $paths) = @_;
-        foreach (@$paths) {
-                my $path = $_->{path};
-                if ($path =~ $scan_re) {
-                        scan($self, $path);
-                } else {
-                        _try_path($self, $path);
-                }
-        }
-        _done_for_now($self);
-sub _remove_spam {
-        my ($self, $path) = @_;
-        # path must be marked as (S)een
-        $path =~ /:2,[A-R]*S[T-Za-z]*\z/ or return;
-        my $mime = maildir_path_load($path) or return;
-        $self->{config}->each_inbox(sub {
-                my ($ibx) = @_;
-                eval {
-                        my $im = _importer_for($self, $ibx);
-                        $im->remove($mime, 'spam');
-                        if (my $scrub = $ibx->filter($im)) {
-                                my $scrubbed = $scrub->scrub($mime, 1);
-                                $scrubbed or return;
-                                $scrubbed == REJECT() and return;
-                                $im->remove($scrubbed, 'spam');
-                        }
-                };
-                if ($@) {
-                        warn "error removing spam at: ", $path,
-                                " from ", $ibx->{name}, ': ', $@, "\n";
-                }
-        })
-sub _try_path {
-        my ($self, $path) = @_;
-        return unless PublicInbox::InboxWritable::is_maildir_path($path);
-        if ($path !~ $self->{mdre}) {
-                warn "unrecognized path: $path\n";
-                return;
-        }
-        my $inboxes = $self->{mdmap}->{$1};
-        unless ($inboxes) {
-                warn "unmappable dir: $1\n";
-                return;
-        }
-        if (!ref($inboxes) && $inboxes eq 'watchspam') {
-                return _remove_spam($self, $path);
-        }
-        my $warn_cb = $SIG{__WARN__} || sub { print STDERR @_ };
-        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
-                $warn_cb->("path: $path\n");
-                $warn_cb->(@_);
-        };
-        foreach my $ibx (@$inboxes) {
-                my $mime = maildir_path_load($path) or next;
-                my $im = _importer_for($self, $ibx);
-                # any header match means it's eligible for the inbox:
-                if (my $watch_hdrs = $ibx->{-watchheaders}) {
-                        my $ok;
-                        my $hdr = $mime->header_obj;
-                        for my $wh (@$watch_hdrs) {
-                                my $v = $hdr->header_raw($wh->[0]);
-                                next unless defined($v) && $v =~ $wh->[1];
-                                $ok = 1;
-                                last;
-                        }
-                        next unless $ok;
-                }
-                if (my $scrub = $ibx->filter($im)) {
-                        my $ret = $scrub->scrub($mime) or next;
-                        $ret == REJECT() and next;
-                        $mime = $ret;
-                }
-                $im->add($mime, $self->{spamcheck});
-        }
-sub quit { trigger_scan($_[0], 'quit') }
-sub watch {
-        my ($self) = @_;
-        my $scan = File::Temp->newdir("public-inbox-watch.$$.scan.XXXXXX",
-                                        TMPDIR => 1);
-        my $scandir = $self->{scandir} = $scan->dirname;
-        my $re = qr!\A$scandir/!;
-        my $cb = sub { _try_fsn_paths($self, $re, \@_) };
-        # lazy load here, we may support watching via IMAP IDLE
-        # in the future...
-        eval { require Filesys::Notify::Simple } or
-                die "Filesys::Notify::Simple is currently required for $0\n";
-        my $fsn = Filesys::Notify::Simple->new([@{$self->{mdir}}, $scandir]);
-        $fsn->wait($cb) until $self->{quit};
-sub trigger_scan {
-        my ($self, $base) = @_;
-        my $dir = $self->{scandir} or return;
-        open my $fh, '>', "$dir/$base" or die "open $dir/$base failed: $!\n";
-        close $fh or die "close $dir/$base failed: $!\n";
-sub scan {
-        my ($self, $path) = @_;
-        if ($path =~ /quit\z/) {
-                %{$self->{opendirs}} = ();
-                _done_for_now($self);
-                delete $self->{scandir};
-                $self->{quit} = 1;
-                return;
-        }
-        # else: $path =~ /(cont|full)\z/
-        return if $self->{quit};
-        my $max = 10;
-        my $opendirs = $self->{opendirs};
-        my @dirnames = keys %$opendirs;
-        foreach my $dir (@dirnames) {
-                my $dh = delete $opendirs->{$dir};
-                my $n = $max;
-                while (my $fn = readdir($dh)) {
-                        _try_path($self, "$dir/$fn");
-                        last if --$n < 0;
-                }
-                $opendirs->{$dir} = $dh if $n < 0;
-        }
-        if ($path =~ /full\z/) {
-                foreach my $dir (@{$self->{mdir}}) {
-                        next if $opendirs->{$dir}; # already in progress
-                        my $ok = opendir(my $dh, $dir);
-                        unless ($ok) {
-                                warn "failed to open $dir: $!\n";
-                                next;
-                        }
-                        my $n = $max;
-                        while (my $fn = readdir($dh)) {
-                                _try_path($self, "$dir/$fn");
-                                last if --$n < 0;
-                        }
-                        $opendirs->{$dir} = $dh if $n < 0;
-                }
-        }
-        _done_for_now($self);
-        # do we have more work to do?
-        trigger_scan($self, 'cont') if keys %$opendirs;
-sub _importer_for {
-        my ($self, $ibx) = @_;
-        my $importers = $self->{importers};
-        my $im = $importers->{"$ibx"} ||= $ibx->importer(0);
-        if (scalar(keys(%$importers)) > 2) {
-                delete $importers->{"$ibx"};
-                _done_for_now($self);
-        }
-        $importers->{"$ibx"} = $im;
-sub _spamcheck_cb {
-        my ($sc) = @_;
-        sub {
-                my ($mime) = @_;
-                my $tmp = '';
-                if ($sc->spamcheck($mime, \$tmp)) {
-                        return PublicInbox::MIME->new(\$tmp);
-                }
-                warn $mime->header('Message-ID')." failed spam check\n";
-                undef;
-        }
-sub is_maildir {
-        $_[0] =~ s!\Amaildir:!! or return;
-        $_[0] =~ tr!/!/!s;
-        $_[0] =~ s!/\z!!;
-        $_[0];