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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/ExtMsg.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/ExtMsg.pm')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/ExtMsg.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/ExtMsg.pm
index 44884ad2..95feb885 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/ExtMsg.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/ExtMsg.pm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
 # Used by the web interface to link to messages outside of the our
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ package PublicInbox::ExtMsg;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use PublicInbox::Hval qw(ascii_html prurl mid_href);
-use PublicInbox::WwwStream;
-our $MIN_PARTIAL_LEN = 16;
+use PublicInbox::WwwStream qw(html_oneshot);
+use PublicInbox::Smsg;
+our $MIN_PARTIAL_LEN = 14; # for 'XXXXXXXXXX.fsf' msgids gnus generates
 # TODO: user-configurable
 our @EXT_URL = map { ascii_html($_) } (
@@ -28,14 +29,11 @@ our @EXT_URL = map { ascii_html($_) } (
 sub PARTIAL_MAX () { 100 }
-sub mids_from_mset { # Search::retry_reopen callback
-        [ map { PublicInbox::SearchMsg::from_mitem($_)->mid } $_[0]->items ];
 sub search_partial ($$) {
-        my ($srch, $mid) = @_;
+        my ($ibx, $mid) = @_;
         return if length($mid) < $MIN_PARTIAL_LEN;
-        my $opt = { limit => PARTIAL_MAX, mset => 2 };
+        my $srch = $ibx->isrch or return;
+        my $opt = { limit => PARTIAL_MAX, relevance => -1 };
         my @try = ("m:$mid*");
         my $chop = $mid;
         if ($chop =~ s/(\W+)(\w*)\z//) {
@@ -67,82 +65,154 @@ sub search_partial ($$) {
                 # has too many results.  $@ can be
                 # Search::Xapian::QueryParserError or even:
                 # "something terrible happened at ../Search/Xapian/Enquire.pm"
-                my $mset = eval { $srch->query($m, $opt) } or next;
-                my $mids = $srch->retry_reopen(\&mids_from_mset, $mset);
-                return $mids if scalar(@$mids);
+                my $mset = eval { $srch->mset($m, $opt) } or next;
+                my @mids = map {
+                        $_->{mid}
+                } @{$srch->mset_to_smsg($ibx, $mset)};
+                return \@mids if scalar(@mids);
 sub ext_msg_i {
-        my ($other, $arg) = @_;
-        my ($cur, $mid, $ibxs, $found) = @$arg;
+        my ($other, $ctx) = @_;
-        return if $other->{name} eq $cur->{name} || !$other->base_url;
+        return if $other->{name} eq $ctx->{ibx}->{name} || !$other->base_url;
         my $mm = $other->mm or return;
         # try to find the URL with Msgmap to avoid forking
-        my $num = $mm->num_for($mid);
+        my $num = $mm->num_for($ctx->{mid});
         if (defined $num) {
-                push @$found, $other;
+                push @{$ctx->{found}}, $other;
         } else {
                 # no point in trying the fork fallback if we
                 # know Xapian is up-to-date but missing the
                 # message in the current repo
-                push @$ibxs, $other;
+                push @{$ctx->{again}}, $other;
+        }
+sub ext_msg_step {
+        my ($pi_cfg, $section, $ctx) = @_;
+        if (defined($section)) {
+                return if $section !~ m!\Apublicinbox\.([^/]+)\z!;
+                my $ibx = $pi_cfg->lookup_name($1) or return;
+                ext_msg_i($ibx, $ctx);
+        } else { # undef == "EOF"
+                finalize_exact($ctx);
+sub ext_msg_ALL ($) {
+        my ($ctx) = @_;
+        my $ALL = $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}->ALL or return;
+        my $by_eidx_key = $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}->{-by_eidx_key};
+        my $cur_key = eval { $ctx->{ibx}->eidx_key } //
+                        return partial_response($ctx); # $cur->{ibx} == $ALL
+        my %seen = ($cur_key => 1);
+        my ($id, $prev);
+        while (my $x = $ALL->over->next_by_mid($ctx->{mid}, \$id, \$prev)) {
+                my $xr3 = $ALL->over->get_xref3($x->{num});
+                for my $k (@$xr3) {
+                        $k =~ s/:[0-9]+:$x->{blob}\z// or next;
+                        next if $k eq $cur_key;
+                        my $ibx = $by_eidx_key->{$k} // next;
+                        $ibx->base_url or next;
+                        push(@{$ctx->{found}}, $ibx) unless $seen{$k}++;
+                }
+        }
+        return exact($ctx) if $ctx->{found};
+        # fall back to partial MID matching
+        for my $ibxish ($ctx->{ibx}, $ALL) {
+                my $mids = search_partial($ibxish, $ctx->{mid}) or next;
+                push @{$ctx->{partial}}, [ $ibxish, $mids ];
+                last if ($ctx->{n_partial} += scalar(@$mids)) >= PARTIAL_MAX;
+        }
+        partial_response($ctx);
 sub ext_msg {
         my ($ctx) = @_;
-        my $cur = $ctx->{-inbox};
-        my $mid = $ctx->{mid};
+        ext_msg_ALL($ctx) // sub {
+                $ctx->{-wcb} = $_[0]; # HTTP server write callback
-        eval { require PublicInbox::Msgmap };
-        my $ibxs = [];
-        my $found = [];
-        my $arg = [ $cur, $mid, $ibxs, $found ];
+                if ($ctx->{env}->{'pi-httpd.async'}) {
+                        require PublicInbox::ConfigIter;
+                        my $iter = PublicInbox::ConfigIter->new(
+                                                $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg},
+                                                \&ext_msg_step, $ctx);
+                        $iter->event_step;
+                } else {
+                        $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}->each_inbox(\&ext_msg_i, $ctx);
+                        finalize_exact($ctx);
+                }
+        };
-        $ctx->{www}->{pi_config}->each_inbox(\&ext_msg_i, $arg);
+# called via PublicInbox::DS::event_loop
+sub event_step {
+        my ($ctx, $sync) = @_;
+        # can't find a partial match in current inbox, try the others:
+        my $ibx = shift @{$ctx->{again}} or return finalize_partial($ctx);
+        my $mids = search_partial($ibx, $ctx->{mid}) or
+                        return ($sync ? undef : PublicInbox::DS::requeue($ctx));
+        $ctx->{n_partial} += scalar(@$mids);
+        push @{$ctx->{partial}}, [ $ibx, $mids ];
+        $ctx->{n_partial} >= PARTIAL_MAX ? finalize_partial($ctx)
+                        : ($sync ? undef : PublicInbox::DS::requeue($ctx));
+sub finalize_exact {
+        my ($ctx) = @_;
-        return exact($ctx, $found, $mid) if @$found;
+        return $ctx->{-wcb}->(exact($ctx)) if $ctx->{found};
         # fall back to partial MID matching
-        my @partial;
-        my $n_partial = 0;
-        my $srch = $cur->search;
-        my $mids = search_partial($srch, $mid) if $srch;
+        my $mid = $ctx->{mid};
+        my $cur = $ctx->{ibx};
+        my $mids = search_partial($cur, $mid);
         if ($mids) {
-                $n_partial = scalar(@$mids);
-                push @partial, [ $cur, $mids ];
-        }
-        # can't find a partial match in current inbox, try the others:
-        if (!$n_partial && length($mid) >= $MIN_PARTIAL_LEN) {
-                foreach my $ibx (@$ibxs) {
-                        $srch = $ibx->search or next;
-                        $mids = search_partial($srch, $mid) or next;
-                        $n_partial += scalar(@$mids);
-                        push @partial, [ $ibx, $mids];
-                        last if $n_partial >= PARTIAL_MAX;
+                $ctx->{n_partial} = scalar(@$mids);
+                push @{$ctx->{partial}}, [ $cur, $mids ];
+        } elsif ($ctx->{again} && length($mid) >= $MIN_PARTIAL_LEN) {
+                bless $ctx, __PACKAGE__;
+                if ($ctx->{env}->{'pi-httpd.async'}) {
+                        $ctx->event_step;
+                        return;
+                # synchronous fall-through
+                $ctx->event_step while @{$ctx->{again}};
+        finalize_partial($ctx);
+sub _url_pfx ($$) {
+        my ($ctx, $u) = @_;
+        (index($u, '://') < 0 && index($u, '/') != 0) ?
+                "$ctx->{-upfx}../$u" : $u;
+sub partial_response ($) {
+        my ($ctx) = @_;
+        my $mid = $ctx->{mid};
         my $code = 404;
         my $href = mid_href($mid);
         my $html = ascii_html($mid);
         my $title = "&lt;$html&gt; not found";
         my $s = "<pre>Message-ID &lt;$html&gt;\nnot found\n";
-        if ($n_partial) {
+        $ctx->{-upfx} //= '../';
+        if (my $n_partial = $ctx->{n_partial}) {
                 $code = 300;
                 my $es = $n_partial == 1 ? '' : 'es';
                 $n_partial .= '+' if ($n_partial == PARTIAL_MAX);
                 $s .= "\n$n_partial partial match$es found:\n\n";
-                my $cur_name = $cur->{name};
-                foreach my $pair (@partial) {
+                my $cur_name = $ctx->{ibx}->{name};
+                foreach my $pair (@{$ctx->{partial}}) {
                         my ($ibx, $res) = @$pair;
-                        my $env = $ctx->{env} if $ibx->{name} eq $cur_name;
-                        my $u = $ibx->base_url($env) or next;
+                        my $e = $ibx->{name} eq $cur_name ? $ctx->{env} : undef;
+                        my $u = _url_pfx($ctx, $ibx->base_url($e) // next);
                         foreach my $m (@$res) {
                                 my $href = mid_href($m);
                                 my $html = ascii_html($m);
@@ -157,10 +227,11 @@ sub ext_msg {
         $ctx->{-html_tip} = $s .= '</pre>';
         $ctx->{-title_html} = $title;
-        $ctx->{-upfx} = '../';
-        PublicInbox::WwwStream->response($ctx, $code);
+        html_oneshot($ctx, $code);
+sub finalize_partial ($) { $_[0]->{-wcb}->(partial_response($_[0])) }
 sub ext_urls {
         my ($ctx, $mid, $href, $html) = @_;
@@ -180,23 +251,25 @@ sub ext_urls {
 sub exact {
-        my ($ctx, $found, $mid) = @_;
+        my ($ctx) = @_;
+        my $mid = $ctx->{mid};
+        my $found = $ctx->{found};
         my $href = mid_href($mid);
         my $html = ascii_html($mid);
         my $title = "&lt;$html&gt; found in ";
         my $end = @$found == 1 ? 'another inbox' : 'other inboxes';
         $ctx->{-title_html} = $title . $end;
-        $ctx->{-upfx} = '../';
+        $ctx->{-upfx} //= '../';
         my $ext_urls = ext_urls($ctx, $mid, $href, $html);
         my $code = (@$found == 1 && $ext_urls eq '') ? 200 : 300;
         $ctx->{-html_tip} = join('',
                         "<pre>Message-ID: &lt;$html&gt;\nfound in $end:\n\n",
                                 (map {
-                                        my $u = $_->base_url;
+                                        my $u = _url_pfx($ctx, $_->base_url);
                                 } @$found),
                         $ext_urls, '</pre>');
-        PublicInbox::WwwStream->response($ctx, $code);
+        html_oneshot($ctx, $code);