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diff --git a/Documentation/public-inbox-tuning.pod b/Documentation/public-inbox-tuning.pod
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index 00000000..892ee0f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/public-inbox-tuning.pod
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+=head1 NAME
+public-inbox-tuning - tuning public-inbox
+public-inbox intends to support a wide variety of hardware.  While
+we strive to provide the best out-of-the-box performance possible,
+tuning knobs are an unfortunate necessity in some cases.
+=over 4
+=item 1
+New inboxes: public-inbox-init -V2
+=item 2
+Optional Inline::C use
+=item 3
+Performance on rotational hard disk drives
+=item 4
+Btrfs (and possibly other copy-on-write filesystems)
+=item 5
+Performance on solid state drives
+=item 6
+Read-only daemons
+=item 7
+Other OS tuning knobs
+=item 8
+Scalability to many inboxes
+=item 9
+public-inbox-cindex --join performance
+=item 10
+public-inbox-clone with shared object stores
+=head2 New inboxes: public-inbox-init -V2
+If you're starting a new inbox (and not mirroring an existing one),
+the L<-V2|public-inbox-v2-format(5)> requires L<DBD::SQLite>, but is
+orders of magnitude more scalable than the original C<-V1> format.
+=head2 Optional Inline::C use
+Our optional use of L<Inline::C> speeds up subprocess spawning from
+large daemon processes.
+To enable L<Inline::C>, either set the C<PERL_INLINE_DIRECTORY>
+environment variable to point to a writable directory, or create
+C<~/.cache/public-inbox/inline-c> for any user(s) running
+public-inbox processes.
+If libgit2 development files are installed and L<Inline::C>
+is enabled (described above), per-inbox C<git cat-file --batch>
+processes are replaced with a single L<perl(1)> process running
+C<PublicInbox::Gcf2::loop> in read-only daemons.  libgit2 use
+will be available in public-inbox 1.7.0+
+More (optional) L<Inline::C> use will be introduced in the future
+to lower memory use and improve scalability.
+Note: L<Inline::C> is required for L<lei(1)>, but not public-inbox-*
+=head2 Performance on rotational hard disk drives
+Random I/O performance is poor on rotational HDDs.  Xapian indexing
+performance degrades significantly as DBs grow larger than available
+RAM.  Attempts to parallelize random I/O on HDDs leads to pathological
+slowdowns as inboxes grow.
+While C<-V2> introduced Xapian shards as a parallelization
+mechanism for SSDs, enabling C<publicInbox.indexSequentialShard>
+repurposes sharding as a mechanism to reduce the kernel page cache
+footprint when indexing on HDDs.
+Initializing a mirror with a high C<--jobs> count to create more
+shards (in C<-V2> inboxes) will keep each shard smaller and
+reduce its kernel page cache footprint.  Keep in mind excessive
+sharding imposes a performance penalty for read-only queries.
+Users with large amounts of RAM are advised to set a large value
+for C<publicinbox.indexBatchSize> as documented in
+C<dm-crypt> users on Linux 4.0+ are advised to try the
+C<--perf-same_cpu_crypt> C<--perf-submit_from_crypt_cpus>
+switches of L<cryptsetup(8)> to reduce I/O contention from
+kernel workqueue threads.
+=head2 Btrfs (and possibly other copy-on-write filesystems)
+L<btrfs(5)> performance degrades from fragmentation when using
+large databases and random writes.  The Xapian + SQLite indices
+used by public-inbox are no exception to that.
+public-inbox 1.6.0+ disables copy-on-write (CoW) on Xapian and SQLite
+indices on btrfs to achieve acceptable performance (even on SSD).
+Disabling copy-on-write also disables checksumming, thus C<raid1>
+(or higher) configurations may be corrupt after unsafe shutdowns.
+Fortunately, these SQLite and Xapian indices are designed to be
+recoverable from git if missing.
+Disabling CoW does not prevent all fragmentation.  Large values
+of C<publicInbox.indexBatchSize> also limit fragmentation during
+the initial index.
+Avoid snapshotting subvolumes containing Xapian and/or SQLite indices.
+Snapshots use CoW despite our efforts to disable it, resulting
+in fragmentation.
+L<filefrag(8)> can be used to monitor fragmentation, and
+C<btrfs filesystem defragment -fr $INBOX_DIR> may be necessary.
+Large filesystems benefit significantly from the C<space_cache=v2>
+mount option documented in L<btrfs(5)>.
+Older, non-CoW filesystems generally work well out of the box
+for our Xapian and SQLite indices.
+=head2 Performance on solid state drives
+While SSD read performance is generally good, SSD write performance
+degrades as the drive ages and/or gets full.  Issuing C<TRIM> commands
+via L<fstrim(8)> or similar is required to sustain write performance.
+Users of the Flash-Friendly File System
+L<F2FS|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F2FS> may benefit from
+optimizations found in SQLite 3.21.0+.  Benchmarks are greatly
+=head2 Read-only daemons
+L<public-inbox-httpd(1)>, L<public-inbox-imapd(1)>, and
+L<public-inbox-nntpd(1)> are all designed for C10K (or higher)
+levels of concurrency from a single process.  SMP systems may
+use C<--worker-processes=NUM> as documented in L<public-inbox-daemon(8)>
+for parallelism.
+The open file descriptor limit (C<RLIMIT_NOFILE>, C<ulimit -n> in L<sh(1)>,
+C<LimitNOFILE=> in L<systemd.exec(5)>) may need to be raised to
+accommodate many concurrent clients.
+Transport Layer Security (IMAPS, NNTPS, or via STARTTLS) significantly
+increases memory use of client sockets, be sure to account for that in
+capacity planning.
+Bursts of small object allocations late in process life contribute to
+fragmentation of the heap due to arenas (slabs) used internally by Perl.
+glibc malloc users should use C<MALLOC_MMAP_THRESHOLD_=131072> to reduce
+fragmentation from the sliding mmap window.  jemalloc (tested as an
+LD_PRELOAD on GNU/Linux) also reduces fragmentation compared to an
+unconfigured glibc malloc in long-lived processes.
+=head2 Other OS tuning knobs
+Linux users: the C<sys.vm.max_map_count> sysctl may need to be increased if
+handling thousands of inboxes (with L<public-inbox-extindex(1)>) to avoid
+out-of-memory errors from git.
+Other OSes may have similar tuning knobs (patches appreciated).
+=head2 Scalability to many inboxes
+L<public-inbox-extindex(1)> allows any number of public-inboxes
+to share the same Xapian indices.
+git 2.33+ startup time is orders of magnitude faster and uses
+less memory when dealing with thousands of alternates required
+for thousands of inboxes with L<public-inbox-extindex(1)>.
+Frequent packing (via L<git-gc(1)>) both improves performance
+and reduces the need to increase C<sys.vm.max_map_count>.
+=head2 public-inbox-cindex --join performance
+A C++ compiler and the Xapian development files makes C<--join> or
+C<--join=aggressive> orders of magnitude faster in L<public-inbox-cindex(1)>.
+On Debian-based systems this is C<libxapian-dev>.  RPM-based distros have
+these in C<xapian-core-devel> or C<xapian14-core-libs>.  *BSDs typically
+package development files together with runtime libraries, so the C<xapian>
+or C<xapian-core> package will already have the development files.
+=head2 public-inbox-clone with shared object stores
+When mirroring manifests with many forks using the same objstore,
+git 2.41+ is highly recommended for performance as we automatically
+use the C<fetch.hideRefs> feature to speed up negotiation.
+=head1 CONTACT
+Feedback encouraged via plain-text mail to L<mailto:meta@public-inbox.org>
+Information for *BSDs and non-traditional filesystems especially
+Our archives are hosted at L<https://public-inbox.org/meta/>,
+L<http://4uok3hntl7oi7b4uf4rtfwefqeexfzil2w6kgk2jn5z2f764irre7byd.onion/meta/>, and other places
+Copyright all contributors L<mailto:meta@public-inbox.org>
+License: AGPL-3.0+ L<https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>