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path: root/Documentation/lei-q.pod
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Diffstat (limited to 'Documentation/lei-q.pod')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Documentation/lei-q.pod b/Documentation/lei-q.pod
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79156750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/lei-q.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+=head1 NAME
+lei-q - search for messages matching terms
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+lei q [OPTIONS] TERM [TERM...]
+lei q [OPTIONS] (--stdin|-)
+Search for messages across the lei/store and externals.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=for comment
+TODO: mention curl options?
+=item --stdin
+Read search terms from stdin.
+=item --no-save
+Do not save the search for L<lei-up(1)>.
+=item --output=MFOLDER
+=item -o MFOLDER
+=item --mfolder=MFOLDER
+Warning: this clobbers and overwrites the output destination unless
+L</--augment> is specified.
+Destination for results (e.g., C</tmp/results-Maildir>,
+C<imaps://user@mail.example.com/INBOX.test>, or
+C<mboxcl2:/tmp/results-mboxcl2>).  The prefix may be a supported protocol:
+C<imap://> or C<imaps://>.  URLs requiring
+authentication use L<git-credential(1)> to
+fill in the username and password.
+A prefix can specify the format of the output: C<maildir>,
+C<mboxrd>, C<mboxcl2>, C<mboxcl>, C<mboxo>.  For a description of
+mail formats, see L<lei-mail-formats(5)>.
+C<v2:/path/to/inbox> may be used to create a new inbox of
+L<public-inbox-v2-format(5)>.  The new inbox will not be configured
+in the L<public-inbox-config(5)> file.
+C<maildir> is the default for an existing directory or non-existing path.
+Default: C<-> (stdout)
+=item --format=FORMAT
+=item -f FORMAT
+Format of results to stdout.  This option exists as a convenient
+way to specify the format for the default stdout destination.
+C<reply>, C<text>, C<json>, C<jsonl>, or C<concatjson> are all supported,
+as are the various mbox variants described in L</--output>.
+When a format isn't specified, it's chosen based on the
+L</--output> destination or prefix.  C<json> is used for the
+default destination (stdout).
+Using a C<format:> prefix with the C<--output> destination is
+preferred when not writing to stdout.
+=item --no-color
+Disable color (for C<-f reply> and C<-f text>).
+=item --pretty
+Pretty-print C<json> or C<concatjson> output.  If stdout is opened to
+a tty and used as the C<--output> destination, C<--pretty> is enabled
+by default.
+=item --mua=COMMAND
+A command to run on C<--output> Maildir or mbox (e.g., C<mutt -f %f>).
+For a subset of MUAs known to accept a mailbox via C<-f>, COMMAND can
+be abbreviated to the name of the program: C<mutt>, C<mailx>, C<mail>,
+or C<neomutt>.
+=item --alert=COMMAND[,COMMAND...]
+Run C<COMMAND> after writing to output.  C<:WINCH> indicates to send
+C<SIGWINCH> to the C<--mua> process.  C<:bell> indicates to print a
+bell code.  Any other value is interpreted as a command to execute as
+This option may be given multiple times.
+Default: C<:WINCH,:bell> when C<--mua> is specified and C<--output>
+doesn't point to stdout, nothing otherwise.
+=item --augment
+=item -a
+Augment output destination instead of clobbering it.
+=item --no-import-before
+Do not import messages before writing to an existing output destination.
+Be certain you do not need existing data in your output before using
+this, it permanently erases data unless C<--augment> is used.
+=item --threads
+=item -t
+Return all messages in the same thread as the actual match(es).
+Using this twice (C<-tt>) sets the C<flagged> (AKA "important")
+on messages which were actual matches.  This is useful to distinguish
+messages which were direct hits from messages which were merely part
+of the same thread.
+TODO: Warning: this flag may become persistent and saved in
+lei/store unless an MUA unflags it!  (Behavior undecided)
+Caveat: C<-tt> only works on locally-indexed messages at the
+moment, and not on remote (HTTP(S)) endpoints.
+=item --thread-id=MSGID
+=item -T MSGID
+Only search messages in the same thread as the given Message-ID.
+For HTTP(S) externals, this only works on instances running
+public-inbox 2.0+ (UNRELEASED).
+=item --jobs=,WRITE_WORKERS
+=item -j ,WRITE_WORKERS
+Set the number of query and write worker processes for parallelism.
+C<QUERY_WORKERS> defaults to the number of CPUs available, but 4 per
+remote (HTTP/HTTPS) host.
+C<WRITE_WORKERS> defaults to 75% of the number of CPUs available for
+Maildir and mbox* destinations, but 4 per IMAP/IMAPS host.
+Omitting C<QUERY_WORKERS> but leaving the comma (C<,>) allows
+one to only set C<WRITE_WORKERS>
+=item --dedupe=STRATEGY
+=item -d STRATEGY
+Strategy for deduplicating messages: C<content>, C<oid>, C<mid>, or
+Default: C<content>
+=for comment
+TODO: Provide description of strategies?
+=item --[no-]remote
+Whether to include results requiring network access.  When local
+externals are configured, C<--remote> must be explicitly passed to
+enable reporting of results from remote externals.
+=item --no-local
+Limit operations to those requiring network access.
+=item --no-external
+Don't include results from externals.
+=item --include=LOCATION
+=item -I LOCATION
+Include specified external in search.  This option may be given
+multiple times.
+=item --exclude=LOCATION
+Exclude specified external from search.  This option may be given
+multiple times.
+=item --only=LOCATION
+=item -O LOCATION
+Use only the specified external for search.  This option may be given
+multiple times, in which case the search uses only the specified set.
+=item --globoff
+=item -g
+Do not match locations using C<*?> wildcards and C<[]> ranges.  This
+option applies to C<--include>, C<--exclude>, and C<--only>.
+=item --no-import-remote
+Disable the default behavior of memoizing remote messages into the
+local store.
+=item --lock=METHOD
+L<mbox(5)> locking method(s) to use: C<dotlock>, C<fcntl>, C<flock> or
+Default: fcntl,dotlock
+=item --limit=NUMBER
+=item -NUMBER
+=item -n NUMBER
+Fuzzy-limit the number of matches per local external and lei/store.
+Messages added by the L<--threads> switch do not count towards this
+limit, and there is no limit on remote externals.
+Default: 10000
+=item --offset=NUMBER
+Shift start of search results.
+Default: 0
+=item --reverse
+=item -r
+Reverse the results.  Note that this applies before C<--limit>.
+=item --sort=KEY
+=item -s KEY
+Order the results by KEY.  Valid keys are C<received>, C<relevance>,
+and C<docid>.
+Default: C<received>
+=item --verbose
+=item -v
+Provide more feedback on stderr.
+=item --quiet
+=item -q
+Suppress feedback messages.
+=item --torsocks=auto|no|yes
+=item --no-torsocks
+Whether to wrap L<git(1)> and L<curl(1)> commands with L<torsocks(1)>.
+Default: C<auto>
+=item --proxy=PROTOCOL://HOST[:PORT]
+C<lei q> supports the same search prefixes used by HTTP(S) public-inbox
+=for comment
+  s:        match within Subject  e.g. s:"a quick brown fox"
+  d:        match date-time range, git "approxidate" formats supported
+            Open-ended ranges such as `d:last.week..' and
+            `d:..2.days.ago' are supported
+  b:        match within message body, including text attachments
+  nq:       match non-quoted text within message body
+  q:        match quoted text within message body
+  n:        match filename of attachment(s)
+  t:        match within the To header
+  c:        match within the Cc header
+  f:        match within the From header
+  a:        match within the To, Cc, and From headers
+  tc:       match within the To and Cc headers
+  l:        match contents of the List-Id header
+  bs:       match within the Subject and body
+  dfn:      match filename from diff
+  dfa:      match diff removed (-) lines
+  dfb:      match diff added (+) lines
+  dfhh:     match diff hunk header context (usually a function name)
+  dfctx:    match diff context lines
+  dfpre:    match pre-image git blob ID
+  dfpost:   match post-image git blob ID
+  dfblob:   match either pre or post-image git blob ID
+  patchid:  match `git patch-id --stable' output
+  rt:       match received time, like `d:' if sender's clock was correct
+=for comment
+Additional search prefixes which only affect the local lei/store:
+  L:       match the given label
+  kw:      match the given keywords
+See L<lei-tag(1)> for more info on labels and keywords.
+Most prefixes are probabilistic, meaning they support stemming
+and wildcards (C<*>).  Ranges (such as C<d:>) and boolean prefixes
+do not support stemming or wildcards.
+The upstream Xapian query parser documentation fully explains
+the query syntax: L<https://xapian.org/docs/queryparser.html>
+=head1 TIPS
+C<-f reply> is intended to aid in turning a cover letter
+into a reply (since using C<git format-patch --in-reply-to=...>
+is tedious).  Results (including "From " lines) should be edited
+and trimmed in your favorite C<$EDITOR> before sending.
+=head1 CONTACT
+Feedback welcome via plain-text mail to L<mailto:meta@public-inbox.org>
+The mail archives are hosted at L<https://public-inbox.org/meta/> and
+Copyright all contributors L<mailto:meta@public-inbox.org>
+License: AGPL-3.0+ L<https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<lei-add-external(1)>, L<lei-lcat(1)>, L<lei-up(1)>,
+L<Xapian::QueryParser Syntax|https://xapian.org/docs/queryparser.html>