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path: root/t/lei.t
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Diffstat (limited to 't/lei.t')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/lei.t b/t/lei.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1dbc9d4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lei.t
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+#!perl -w
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
+require_mods 'lei';
+use File::Path qw(rmtree);
+# this only tests the basic help/config/init/completion bits of lei;
+# actual functionality is tested in other t/lei-*.t tests
+my $home;
+my $home_trash = [];
+my $cleanup = sub { rmtree([@$home_trash, @_]) };
+my $test_help = sub {
+        ok(!lei([]), 'no args fails');
+        is($? >> 8, 1, '$? is 1');
+        is($lei_out, '', 'nothing in stdout');
+        like($lei_err, qr/^usage:/sm, 'usage in stderr');
+        for my $arg (['-h'], ['--help'], ['help'], [qw(daemon-pid --help)]) {
+                lei_ok($arg);
+                like($lei_out, qr/^usage:/sm, "usage in stdout (@$arg)");
+                is($lei_err, '', "nothing in stderr (@$arg)");
+        }
+        for my $arg ([''], ['--halp'], ['halp'], [qw(daemon-pid --halp)]) {
+                ok(!lei($arg), "lei @$arg");
+                is($? >> 8, 1, '$? set correctly');
+                isnt($lei_err, '', 'something in stderr');
+                is($lei_out, '', 'nothing in stdout');
+        }
+        lei_ok(qw(init -h));
+        like($lei_out, qr! \Q$home\E/\.local/share/lei/store\b!,
+                'actual path shown in init -h');
+        lei_ok(qw(init -h), { XDG_DATA_HOME => '/XDH' },
+                \'init with XDG_DATA_HOME');
+        like($lei_out, qr! /XDH/lei/store\b!, 'XDG_DATA_HOME in init -h');
+        is($lei_err, '', 'no errors from init -h');
+        lei_ok(qw(config -h));
+        like($lei_out, qr! \Q$home\E/\.config/lei/config\b!,
+                'actual path shown in config -h');
+        my $exp_help = qr/\Q$lei_out\E/s;
+        ok(!lei('config'), 'config w/o args fails');
+        like($lei_err, $exp_help, 'config w/o args shows our help in stderr');
+        lei_ok(qw(config -h), { XDG_CONFIG_HOME => '/XDC' },
+                \'config with XDG_CONFIG_HOME');
+        like($lei_out, qr! /XDC/lei/config\b!, 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME in config -h');
+        is($lei_err, '', 'no errors from config -h');
+        lei_ok(qw(-c foo.bar config dash.c works));
+        lei_ok(qw(config dash.c));
+        is($lei_out, "works\n", 'config set w/ -c');
+        lei_ok(qw(-c foo.bar config --add dash.c add-works));
+        lei_ok(qw(config --get-all dash.c));
+        is($lei_out, "works\nadd-works\n", 'config --add w/ -c');
+my $ok_err_info = sub {
+        my ($msg) = @_;
+        is(grep(!/^#/, split(/^/, $lei_err)), 0, $msg) or
+                diag "$msg: err=$lei_err";
+my $test_init = sub {
+        $cleanup->();
+        lei_ok('init', \'init w/o args');
+        $ok_err_info->('after init w/o args');
+        lei_ok('init', \'idempotent init w/o args');
+        $ok_err_info->('after idempotent init w/o args');
+        ok(!lei('init', "$home/x"), 'init conflict');
+        is(grep(/^E:/, split(/^/, $lei_err)), 1, 'got error on conflict');
+        ok(!-e "$home/x", 'nothing created on conflict');
+        $cleanup->();
+        lei_ok('init', "$home/x", \'init conflict resolved');
+        $ok_err_info->('init w/ arg');
+        lei_ok('init', "$home/x", \'init idempotent w/ path');
+        $ok_err_info->('init idempotent w/ arg');
+        ok(-d "$home/x", 'created dir');
+        $cleanup->("$home/x");
+        ok(!lei('init', "$home/x", "$home/2"), 'too many args fails');
+        like($lei_err, qr/too many/, 'noted excessive');
+        ok(!-e "$home/x", 'x not created on excessive');
+        for my $d (@$home_trash) {
+                my $base = (split(m!/!, $d))[-1];
+                ok(!-d $d, "$base not created");
+        }
+        is($lei_out, '', 'nothing in stdout on init failure');
+my $test_config = sub {
+        $cleanup->();
+        lei_ok(qw(config a.b c), \'config set var');
+        is($lei_out.$lei_err, '', 'no output on var set');
+        lei_ok(qw(config -l), \'config -l');
+        is($lei_err, '', 'no errors on listing');
+        is($lei_out, "a.b=c\n", 'got expected output');
+        ok(!lei(qw(config -f), "$home/.config/f", qw(x.y z)),
+                        'config set var with -f fails');
+        like($lei_err, qr/not supported/, 'not supported noted');
+        ok(!-f "$home/config/f", 'no file created');
+        lei_ok(qw(-c imap.debug config --bool imap.debug));
+        is($lei_out, "true\n", "-c sets w/o value");
+        lei_ok(qw(-c imap.debug=1 config --bool imap.debug));
+        is($lei_out, "true\n", "-c coerces value");
+        lei_ok(qw(-c imap.debug=tr00 config imap.debug));
+        is($lei_out, "tr00\n", "-c string value passed as-is");
+        lei_ok(qw(-c imap.debug=a -c imap.debug=b config --get-all imap.debug));
+        is($lei_out, "a\nb\n", '-c and --get-all work together');
+        my $env = { VISUAL => 'cat', EDITOR => 'cat' };
+        lei_ok([qw(config -e)], $env);
+        is($lei_out, "[a]\n\tb = c\n", '--edit works');
+        ok(!lei([qw(-c a.b=c config -e)], $env), '-c conflicts with -e');
+        like($lei_err, qr/not allowed/, 'error message shown');
+my $test_completion = sub {
+        lei_ok(qw(_complete lei), \'no errors on complete');
+        my %out = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/s, $lei_out);
+        ok($out{'q'}, "`lei q' offered as completion");
+        ok($out{'add-external'}, "`lei add-external' offered as completion");
+        lei_ok(qw(_complete lei q), \'complete q (no args)');
+        %out = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/s, $lei_out);
+        for my $sw (qw(-f --format -o --output --mfolder --augment -a
+                        --mua --no-local --local --verbose -v
+                        --save --no-save --no-remote --remote --torsocks
+                        --reverse -r )) {
+                ok($out{$sw}, "$sw offered as `lei q' completion");
+        }
+        lei_ok(qw(_complete lei q --form), \'complete q --format');
+        is($lei_out, "--format\n", 'complete lei q --format');
+        for my $sw (qw(-f --format)) {
+                lei_ok(qw(_complete lei q), $sw);
+                %out = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/s, $lei_out);
+                for my $f (qw(mboxrd mboxcl2 mboxcl mboxo json jsonl
+                                concatjson maildir)) {
+                        ok($out{$f}, "got $sw $f as output format");
+                }
+        }
+        lei_ok(qw(_complete lei import));
+        %out = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/s, $lei_out);
+        for my $sw (qw(--no-kw --kw)) {
+                ok($out{$sw}, "$sw offered as `lei import' completion");
+        }
+my $test_fail = sub {
+        lei('q', 'whatever', '-C', '/dev/null');
+        is($? >> 8, 1, 'chdir at end fails to /dev/null');
+        lei('-C', '/dev/null', 'q', 'whatever');
+        is($? >> 8, 1, 'chdir at beginning fails to /dev/null');
+        lei_ok('q', "foo\n");
+        like($lei_err, qr/trailing `\\n' removed/s, "noted `\\n' removal");
+        lei(qw(q from:infinity..));
+        is($? >> 8, 22, 'combined query fails on invalid range op');
+        lei(qw(q -t from:infinity..));
+        is($? >> 8, 22, 'single query fails on invalid range op');
+        for my $lk (qw(ei inbox)) {
+                my $d = "$home/newline\n$lk";
+                my $all = $lk eq 'ei' ? 'ALL' : 'all';
+                { # quiet newline warning on older Perls
+                        local $^W = undef if $^V lt v5.22.0;
+                        File::Path::mkpath("$d/$all.git/objects");
+                }
+                open my $fh, '>', "$d/$lk.lock" or BAIL_OUT "open $d/$lk.lock";
+                for my $fl (qw(-I --only)) {
+                        ok(!lei('q', $fl, $d, 'whatever'),
+                                "newline $lk.lock fails with q $fl");
+                        like($lei_err, qr/`\\n' not allowed/,
+                                "error noted with q $fl");
+                }
+        }
+        lei_ok('sucks', \'yes, but hopefully less every day');
+        like($lei_out, qr/loaded features/, 'loaded features shown');
+        lei_ok([qw(q --stdin -f text)], undef, { 0 => \'', %$lei_opt });
+        is($lei_err, '', 'no errors on empty stdin');
+        is($lei_out, '', 'no output on empty query');
+SKIP: {
+        skip 'no curl', 3 unless require_cmd('curl', 1);
+        lei(qw(q --only t:m));
+        is($? >> 8, 3, 'got curl exit for bogus URL');
+        lei(qw(q --only t:m -o), "$home/junk");
+        is($? >> 8, 3, 'got curl exit for bogus URL with Maildir') or
+                diag $lei_err;
+        is($lei_out, '', 'no output');
+}; # /SKIP
+test_lei(sub {
+        $home = $ENV{HOME};
+        $home_trash = [ "$home/.local", "$home/.config", "$home/junk" ];
+        $test_help->();
+        $test_config->();
+        $test_init->();
+        $test_completion->();
+        $test_fail->();
+test_lei({ mods => [] }, sub {
+        lei_ok('sucks', \'no optional modules required');