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path: root/t/lei-q-kw.t
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Diffstat (limited to 't/lei-q-kw.t')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/lei-q-kw.t b/t/lei-q-kw.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63e46037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lei-q-kw.t
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+#!perl -w
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+use strict; use v5.10.1; use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
+use POSIX qw(mkfifo);
+use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip);
+use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip);
+use PublicInbox::MboxReader;
+use PublicInbox::LeiToMail;
+use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(popen_rd);
+use File::Path qw(make_path);
+use PublicInbox::IO qw(write_file);
+my $exp = {
+        '<qp@example.com>' => eml_load('t/plack-qp.eml'),
+        '<testmessage@example.com>' => eml_load('t/utf8.eml'),
+$exp->{'<qp@example.com>'}->header_set('Status', 'RO');
+test_lei(sub {
+lei_ok(qw(import -F eml t/plack-qp.eml));
+my $o = "$ENV{HOME}/dst";
+lei_ok(qw(q -o), "maildir:$o", qw(m:qp@example.com));
+my @fn = glob("$o/cur/*:2,");
+scalar(@fn) == 1 or xbail $lei_err, 'wrote multiple or zero files:', \@fn;
+rename($fn[0], "$fn[0]S") or BAIL_OUT "rename $!";
+lei_ok(qw(q -o), "maildir:$o", qw(m:bogus-noresults@example.com));
+ok(!glob("$o/cur/*"), 'last result cleared after augment-import');
+lei_ok(qw(q -o), "maildir:$o", qw(m:qp@example.com));
+@fn = glob("$o/cur/*:2,S");
+is(scalar(@fn), 1, "`seen' flag set on Maildir file") or
+        diag "$o contents: ", explain([glob("$o/*/*")]);
+# ensure --no-import-before works
+my $n = $fn[0];
+$n =~ s/,S\z/,RS/;
+rename($fn[0], $n) or BAIL_OUT "rename $!";
+lei_ok(qw(q --no-import-before -o), "maildir:$o",
+        qw(m:bogus-noresults@example.com));
+ok(!glob("$o/cur/*"), '--no-import-before cleared destination');
+lei_ok(qw(q -o), "maildir:$o", qw(m:qp@example.com));
+@fn = glob("$o/cur/*:2,S");
+is(scalar(@fn), 1, "`seen' flag (but not `replied') set on Maildir file");
+        $o = "$ENV{HOME}/dst-existing";
+        make_path(map { "$o/$_" } qw(new cur tmp));
+        my $bp = eml_load('t/data/binary.patch');
+        write_file '>', "$o/cur/binary-patch:2,S", $bp->as_string;
+        lei_ok qw(q --no-import-before m:qp@example.com -o), $o;
+        my @g = glob("$o/*/*");
+        is scalar(@g), 1, 'only newly imported message left';
+        is eml_load($g[0])->header_raw('Message-ID'), '<qp@example.com>';
+        lei qw(q m:binary-patch-test@example);
+        is $lei_out, "[null]\n", 'old message not imported';
+SKIP: {
+        $o = "$ENV{HOME}/fifo";
+        mkfifo($o, 0600) or skip("mkfifo not supported: $!", 1);
+        # cat(1) since lei() may not execve for FD_CLOEXEC to work
+        my $cat = popen_rd(['cat', $o]);
+        ok(!lei(qw(q --import-before bogus -o), "mboxrd:$o"),
+                '--import-before fails on non-seekable output');
+        like($lei_err, qr/not seekable/, 'unseekable noted in error');
+        is(do { local $/; <$cat> }, '', 'no output on FIFO');
+        $cat->close;
+        $cat = popen_rd(['cat', $o]);
+        lei_ok(qw(q m:qp@example.com -o), "mboxrd:$o");
+        my $buf = do { local $/; <$cat> };
+        open my $fh, '<', \$buf or BAIL_OUT $!;
+        PublicInbox::MboxReader->mboxrd($fh, sub {
+                my ($eml) = @_;
+                $eml->header_set('Status', 'RO');
+                is_deeply($eml, $exp->{'<qp@example.com>'},
+                        'FIFO output works as expected');
+        });
+lei_ok qw(import -F eml t/utf8.eml), \'for augment test';
+my $read_file = sub {
+        if ($_[0] =~ /\.gz\z/) {
+                gunzip($_[0] => \(my $buf = ''), MultiStream => 1) or
+                        BAIL_OUT 'gunzip';
+                $buf;
+        } else {
+                open my $fh, '+<', $_[0] or BAIL_OUT $!;
+                do { local $/; <$fh> };
+        }
+my $write_file = sub {
+        if ($_[0] =~ /\.gz\z/) {
+                gzip(\($_[1]), $_[0]) or BAIL_OUT 'gzip';
+        } else {
+                write_file '>', $_[0], $_[1];
+        }
+for my $sfx ('', '.gz') {
+        $o = "$ENV{HOME}/dst.mboxrd$sfx";
+        lei_ok(qw(q -o), "mboxrd:$o", qw(m:qp@example.com));
+        my $buf = $read_file->($o);
+        $buf =~ s/^Status: [^\n]*\n//sm or BAIL_OUT "no status in $buf";
+        $write_file->($o, $buf);
+        lei_ok(qw(q -o), "mboxrd:$o", qw(rereadandimportkwchange));
+        $buf = $read_file->($o);
+        is($buf, '', 'emptied');
+        lei_ok(qw(q -o), "mboxrd:$o", qw(m:qp@example.com));
+        $buf = $read_file->($o);
+        $buf =~ s/\nStatus: O\n\n/\nStatus: RO\n\n/s or
+                BAIL_OUT "no Status in $buf";
+        $write_file->($o, $buf);
+        lei_ok(qw(q -a -o), "mboxrd:$o", qw(m:testmessage@example.com));
+        $buf = $read_file->($o);
+        open my $fh, '<', \$buf or BAIL_OUT "PerlIO::scalar $!";
+        my %res;
+        PublicInbox::MboxReader->mboxrd($fh, sub {
+                my ($eml) = @_;
+                my $mid = $eml->header_raw('Message-ID');
+                if ($mid eq '<testmessage@example.com>') {
+                        is_deeply([$eml->header('Status')], [],
+                                "no status $sfx");
+                        $eml->header_set('Status');
+                } elsif ($mid eq '<qp@example.com>') {
+                        is($eml->header('Status'), 'RO', 'status preserved');
+                } else {
+                        fail("unknown mid $mid");
+                }
+                $res{$mid} = $eml;
+        });
+        is_deeply(\%res, $exp, '--augment worked') or diag $lei_err;
+        lei_ok(qw(q -o), "mboxrd:/dev/stdout", qw(m:qp@example.com)) or
+                diag $lei_err;
+        like($lei_out, qr/^Status: RO\n/sm, 'Status set by previous augment');
+} # /mbox + mbox.gz tests
+my ($ro_home, $cfg_path) = setup_public_inboxes;
+# import keywords-only for external messages:
+$o = "$ENV{HOME}/kwdir";
+my $m = 'alpine.DEB.2.20.1608131214070.4924@example';
+my @inc = ('-I', "$ro_home/t1");
+lei_ok(qw(q -o), $o, "m:$m", @inc);
+# emulate MUA marking a Maildir message as read:
+@fn = glob("$o/cur/*");
+scalar(@fn) == 1 or xbail $lei_err, 'wrote multiple or zero files:', \@fn;
+rename($fn[0], "$fn[0]S") or BAIL_OUT "rename $!";
+lei_ok(qw(q -o), $o, 'bogus', \'clobber output dir to import keywords');
+@fn = glob("$o/cur/*");
+is_deeply(\@fn, [], 'output dir actually clobbered');
+lei_ok('q', "m:$m", @inc);
+my $res = json_utf8->decode($lei_out);
+is_deeply($res->[0]->{kw}, ['seen'], 'seen flag set for external message')
+        or diag explain($res);
+lei_ok('q', "m:$m", '--no-external');
+is_deeply($res = json_utf8->decode($lei_out), [ undef ],
+        'external message not imported') or diag explain($res);
+$o = "$ENV{HOME}/kwmboxrd";
+lei_ok(qw(q -o), "mboxrd:$o", "m:$m", @inc);
+# emulate MUA marking mboxrd message as unread
+open my $fh, '<', $o or BAIL_OUT;
+my $s = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+$s =~ s/^Status: RO\n/Status: O\nX-Status: AF\n/sm or
+        fail "failed to clear R flag in $s";
+open $fh, '>', $o or BAIL_OUT;
+print $fh $s or BAIL_OUT;
+close $fh or BAIL_OUT;
+lei_ok(qw(q -o), "mboxrd:$o", 'm:bogus', @inc,
+        \'clobber mbox to import keywords');
+lei_ok(qw(q -o), "mboxrd:$o", "m:$m", @inc);
+open $fh, '<', $o or BAIL_OUT;
+$s = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+like($s, qr/^Status: O\nX-Status: AF\n/ms,
+        'seen keyword gone in mbox, answered + flagged set');
+lei_ok(qw(q --pretty), "m:$m", @inc);
+like($lei_out, qr/^  "kw": \["answered", "flagged"\],\n/sm,
+        '--pretty JSON output shows kw: on one line');
+# ensure import on previously external-only message works
+lei_ok('q', "m:$m");
+is_deeply(json_utf8->decode($lei_out), [ undef ],
+        'to-be-imported message non-existent');
+lei_ok(qw(import -F eml t/x-unknown-alpine.eml));
+is($lei_err, '', 'no errors importing previous external-only message');
+lei_ok('q', "m:$m");
+$res = json_utf8->decode($lei_out);
+is($res->[1], undef, 'got one result');
+is_deeply($res->[0]->{kw}, [ qw(answered flagged) ], 'kw preserved on exact');
+# ensure fuzzy match import works, too
+$m = 'multipart@example.com';
+$o = "$ENV{HOME}/fuzz";
+lei_ok('q', '-o', $o, "m:$m", @inc);
+@fn = glob("$o/cur/*");
+scalar(@fn) == 1 or xbail $lei_err, "wrote multiple or zero files", \@fn;
+rename($fn[0], "$fn[0]S") or BAIL_OUT "rename $!";
+lei_ok('q', '-o', $o, "m:$m");
+is_deeply([glob("$o/cur/*")], [], 'clobbered output results');
+my $eml = eml_load('t/plack-2-txt-bodies.eml');
+$eml->header_set('List-Id', '<list.example.com>');
+my $in = $eml->as_string;
+lei_ok([qw(import -F eml --stdin)], undef, { 0 => \$in, %$lei_opt });
+is($lei_err, '', 'no errors from import');
+lei_ok(qw(q -f mboxrd), "m:$m");
+open $fh, '<', \$lei_out or BAIL_OUT $!;
+my @res;
+PublicInbox::MboxReader->mboxrd($fh, sub { push @res, shift });
+is($res[0]->header('Status'), 'RO', 'seen kw set');
+is_deeply(\@res, [ $eml ], 'imported message matches w/ List-Id');
+$eml->header_set('List-Id', '<another.example.com>');
+$in = $eml->as_string;
+lei_ok([qw(import -F eml --stdin)], undef, { 0 => \$in, %$lei_opt });
+is($lei_err, '', 'no errors from 2nd import');
+lei_ok(qw(q -f mboxrd), "m:$m", 'l:another.example.com');
+my @another;
+open $fh, '<', \$lei_out or BAIL_OUT $!;
+PublicInbox::MboxReader->mboxrd($fh, sub { push @another, shift });
+is($another[0]->header('Status'), 'RO', 'seen kw set');
+# forwarded
+        local $ENV{DBG} = 1;
+        $o = "$ENV{HOME}/forwarded";
+        lei_ok(qw(q -o), $o, "m:$m");
+        my @p = glob("$o/cur/*");
+        scalar(@p) == 1 or xbail('multiple when 1 expected', \@p);
+        my $passed = $p[0];
+        $passed =~ s/,S\z/,PS/ or xbail "failed to replace $passed";
+        rename($p[0], $passed) or xbail "rename $!";
+        lei_ok(qw(q -o), $o, 'm:bogus', \'clobber maildir');
+        is_deeply([glob("$o/cur/*")], [], 'old results clobbered');
+        lei_ok(qw(q -o), $o, "m:$m");
+        @p = glob("$o/cur/*");
+        scalar(@p) == 1 or xbail('multiple when 1 expected', \@p);
+        like($p[0], qr/,PS/, 'passed (Forwarded) flag kept');
+        lei_ok(qw(q -o), "mboxrd:$o.mboxrd", "m:$m");
+        open $fh, '<', "$o.mboxrd" or xbail $!;
+        my @res;
+        PublicInbox::MboxReader->mboxrd($fh, sub { push @res, shift });
+        scalar(@res) == 1 or xbail('multiple when 1 expected', \@res);
+        is($res[0]->header('Status'), 'RO', 'seen kw set');
+        is($res[0]->header('X-Status'), undef, 'no X-Status');
+        lei_ok(qw(q -o), "mboxrd:$o.mboxrd", 'bogus-for-import-before');
+        lei_ok(qw(q -o), $o, "m:$m");
+        @p = glob("$o/cur/*");
+        scalar(@p) == 1 or xbail('multiple when 1 expected', \@p);
+        like($p[0], qr/,PS/, 'passed (Forwarded) flag still kept');
+}); # test_lei