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path: root/t/lei-import.t
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Diffstat (limited to 't/lei-import.t')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/lei-import.t b/t/lei-import.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89eb1492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lei-import.t
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+#!perl -w
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+use v5.12; use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
+use PublicInbox::DS qw(now);
+use PublicInbox::IO qw(write_file);
+use autodie qw(open close truncate);
+test_lei(sub {
+ok(!lei(qw(import -F bogus), 't/plack-qp.eml'), 'fails with bogus format');
+like($lei_err, qr/\bis `eml', not --in-format/, 'gave error message');
+lei_ok(qw(q s:boolean), \'search miss before import');
+unlike($lei_out, qr/boolean/i, 'no results, yet');
+open my $fh, '<', 't/data/0001.patch';
+lei_ok([qw(import -F eml -)], undef, { %$lei_opt, 0 => $fh },
+        \'import single file from stdin') or diag $lei_err;
+close $fh;
+lei_ok(qw(q s:boolean), \'search hit after import');
+lei_ok(qw(q s:boolean -f mboxrd), \'blob accessible after import');
+        my $expect = [ eml_load('t/data/0001.patch') ];
+        require PublicInbox::MboxReader;
+        my @cmp;
+        open my $fh, '<', \$lei_out;
+        PublicInbox::MboxReader->mboxrd($fh, sub {
+                my ($eml) = @_;
+                $eml->header_set('Status');
+                push @cmp, $eml;
+        });
+        is_deeply(\@cmp, $expect, 'got expected message in mboxrd');
+lei_ok(qw(import -F eml), 't/data/message_embed.eml',
+        \'import single file by path');
+lei_ok(qw(q m:testmessage@example.com));
+is($lei_out, "[null]\n", 'no results, yet');
+my $oid = '9bf1002c49eb075df47247b74d69bcd555e23422';
+my $eml = eml_load('t/utf8.eml');
+my $in = 'From x@y Fri Oct  2 00:00:00 1993'."\n".$eml->as_string;
+lei_ok([qw(import -F eml -)], undef, { %$lei_opt, 0 => \$in });
+lei_ok(qw(q m:testmessage@example.com));
+is(json_utf8->decode($lei_out)->[0]->{'blob'}, $oid,
+        'got expected OID w/o From');
+my $eml_str = <<'';
+From: a@b
+Message-ID: <x@y>
+Status: RO
+my $opt = { %$lei_opt, 0 => \$eml_str };
+lei_ok([qw(import -F eml -)], undef, $opt,
+        \'import single file with keywords from stdin');
+lei_ok(qw(q m:x@y));
+my $res = json_utf8->decode($lei_out);
+is($res->[1], undef, 'only one result');
+is($res->[0]->{'m'}, 'x@y', 'got expected message');
+is($res->[0]->{kw}, undef, 'Status ignored for eml');
+lei_ok(qw(q -f mboxrd m:x@y));
+unlike($lei_out, qr/^Status:/, 'no Status: in imported message');
+lei_ok('blob', $res->[0]->{blob});
+is($lei_out, "From: a\@b\nMessage-ID: <x\@y>\n", 'got blob back');
+$eml->header_set('Message-ID', '<v@y>');
+$eml->header_set('Status', 'RO');
+$in = 'From v@y Fri Oct  2 00:00:00 1993'."\n".$eml->as_string;
+lei_ok([qw(import --no-kw -F mboxrd -)], undef, { %$lei_opt, 0 => \$in },
+        \'import single file with --no-kw from stdin');
+lei(qw(q m:v@y));
+$res = json_utf8->decode($lei_out);
+is($res->[1], undef, 'only one result');
+is($res->[0]->{'m'}, 'v@y', 'got expected message');
+is($res->[0]->{kw}, undef, 'no keywords set');
+$eml->header_set('Message-ID', '<k@y>');
+$in = 'From k@y Fri Oct  2 00:00:00 1993'."\n".$eml->as_string;
+lei_ok([qw(import -F mboxrd /dev/fd/0)], undef, { %$lei_opt, 0 => \$in },
+        \'import single file with --kw (default) from stdin');
+lei(qw(q m:k@y));
+$res = json_utf8->decode($lei_out);
+is($res->[1], undef, 'only one result');
+is($res->[0]->{'m'}, 'k@y', 'got expected message');
+is_deeply($res->[0]->{kw}, ['seen'], "`seen' keywords set");
+# no From, Sender, or Message-ID
+$eml_str = <<'EOM';
+Subject: draft message with no sender
+References: <y@y>
+Resent-Message-ID: <resent-test@example>
+No use for a name
+lei_ok([qw(import -F eml -)], undef, { %$lei_opt, 0 => \$eml_str });
+lei_ok(['q', 's:draft message with no sender']);
+my $draft_a = json_utf8->decode($lei_out);
+ok(!exists $draft_a->[0]->{'m'}, 'no fake mid stored or exposed');
+lei_ok([qw(tag -F eml - +kw:draft)], undef, { %$lei_opt, 0 => \$eml_str });
+lei_ok(['q', 's:draft message with no sender']);
+my $draft_b = json_utf8->decode($lei_out);
+my $kw = delete $draft_b->[0]->{kw};
+is_deeply($kw, ['draft'], 'draft kw set');
+is_deeply($draft_a, $draft_b, 'fake Message-ID lookup') or
+                                diag explain($draft_a, $draft_b);
+lei_ok('blob', '--mail', $draft_b->[0]->{blob});
+is($lei_out, $eml_str, 'draft retrieved by blob');
+$eml_str = "Message-ID: <inbox\@example.com>\nSubject: label-this\n\n";
+lei_ok([qw(import -F eml - +kw:seen +L:inbox)],
+        undef, { %$lei_opt, 0 => \$eml_str });
+lei_ok(qw(q m:inbox@example.com));
+$res = json_utf8->decode($lei_out);
+is_deeply($res->[0]->{kw}, ['seen'], 'keyword set');
+is_deeply($res->[0]->{L}, ['inbox'], 'label set');
+# idempotent import can add label
+lei_ok([qw(import -F eml - +L:boombox)],
+        undef, { %$lei_opt, 0 => \$eml_str });
+lei_ok(qw(q m:inbox@example.com));
+$res = json_utf8->decode($lei_out);
+is_deeply($res->[0]->{kw}, ['seen'], 'keyword remains set');
+is_deeply($res->[0]->{L}, [qw(boombox inbox)], 'new label added');
+# idempotent import can add keyword
+lei_ok([qw(import -F eml - +kw:answered)],
+        undef, { %$lei_opt, 0 => \$eml_str });
+lei_ok(qw(q m:inbox@example.com));
+$res = json_utf8->decode($lei_out);
+is_deeply($res->[0]->{kw}, [qw(answered seen)], 'keyword added');
+is_deeply($res->[0]->{L}, [qw(boombox inbox)], 'labels preserved');
+# +kw:seen is not a location
+open my $null, '<', '/dev/null';
+ok(!lei([qw(import -F eml +kw:seen)], undef, { %$lei_opt, 0 => $null }),
+        'import fails w/ only kw arg');
+like($lei_err, qr/\bLOCATION\.\.\. or --stdin must be set/s, 'error message');
+lei_ok([qw(import -F eml +kw:flagged)], # no lone dash (`-')
+        undef, { %$lei_opt, 0 => \$eml_str },
+        'import succeeds with implicit --stdin');
+lei_ok(qw(q m:inbox@example.com));
+$res = json_utf8->decode($lei_out);
+is_deeply($res->[0]->{kw}, [qw(answered flagged seen)], 'keyword added');
+is_deeply($res->[0]->{L}, [qw(boombox inbox)], 'labels preserved');
+lei_ok qw(import --commit-delay=1 +L:bin -F eml t/data/binary.patch);
+lei_ok 'ls-label';
+unlike($lei_out, qr/\bbin\b/, 'commit-delay delays label');
+my $end = now + 10;
+my $n = 1;
+diag 'waiting for lei/store commit...';
+do {
+        tick $n;
+        $n = 0.1;
+} until (!lei('ls-label') || $lei_out =~ /\bbin\b/ || now > $end);
+like($lei_out, qr/\bbin\b/, 'commit-delay eventually commits');
+SKIP: {
+        my $strace = strace_inject(1); # skips if strace is old or non-Linux
+        my $tmpdir = tmpdir;
+        my $tr = "$tmpdir/tr";
+        my $cmd = [ $strace, '-q', "-o$tr", '-f',
+                "-P", File::Spec->rel2abs('t/plack-qp.eml'),
+                '-e', 'inject=readv,read:error=EIO'];
+        lei_ok qw(daemon-pid);
+        chomp(my $daemon_pid = $lei_out);
+        push @$cmd, '-p', $daemon_pid;
+        require PublicInbox::Spawn;
+        require PublicInbox::AutoReap;
+        my $pid = PublicInbox::Spawn::spawn($cmd, \%ENV);
+        my $ar = PublicInbox::AutoReap->new($pid);
+        tick; # wait for strace to attach
+        ok(!lei(qw(import -F eml t/plack-qp.eml)),
+                '-F eml import fails on pathname error injection');
+        my $IO = '[Ii](?:nput)?/[Oo](?:utput)?';
+        like($lei_err, qr!error reading t/plack-qp\.eml: .*?$IO error!,
+                'EIO noted in stderr');
+        open $fh, '<', 't/plack-qp.eml';
+        ok(!lei(qw(import -F eml -), undef, { %$lei_opt, 0 => $fh }),
+                '-F eml import fails on stdin error injection');
+        like($lei_err, qr!error reading .*?: .*?$IO error!,
+                'EIO noted in stderr');
+        local $ENV{PI_CONFIG} = "$ENV{HOME}/pi_config";
+        write_file '>', $ENV{PI_CONFIG}, <<EOM;
+        dropUniqueUnsubscribe
+        my $in = <<EOM;
+List-Unsubscribe: <https://example.com/some-UUID-here/test>
+List-Unsubscribe-Post: List-Unsubscribe=One-Click
+Message-ID: <unsubscribe-1\@example>
+Subject: unsubscribe-1 example
+From: u\@example.com
+To: 2\@example.com
+Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1993 00:00:00 +0000
+        lei_ok [qw(import -F eml +L:unsub)], undef, { %$lei_opt, 0 => \$in },
+                'import succeeds w/ List-Unsubscribe';
+        lei_ok qw(q L:unsub -f mboxrd);
+        like $lei_out, qr/some-UUID-here/,
+                'Unsubscribe header preserved despite PI_CONFIG dropping';
+        lei_ok qw(q L:unsub -o), "v2:$ENV{HOME}/v2-1";
+        lei_ok qw(q s:unsubscribe -f mboxrd --only), "$ENV{HOME}/v2-1";
+        unlike $lei_out, qr/some-UUID-here/,
+                'Unsubscribe header dropped w/ dropUniqueUnsubscribe';
+        like $lei_out, qr/Message-ID: <unsubscribe-1\@example>/,
+                'wrote expected message to v2 output';
+        # the default for compatibility:
+        truncate $ENV{PI_CONFIG}, 0;
+        lei_ok qw(q L:unsub -o), "v2:$ENV{HOME}/v2-2";
+        lei_ok qw(q s:unsubscribe -f mboxrd --only), "$ENV{HOME}/v2-2";
+        like $lei_out, qr/some-UUID-here/,
+                'Unsubscribe header preserved by default :<';
+        # ensure we can fail
+        write_file '>', $ENV{PI_CONFIG}, <<EOM;
+        dropUniqueUnsubscribe = bogus
+        ok(!lei(qw(q L:unsub -o), "v2:$ENV{HOME}/v2-3"), 'bad config fails');
+        like $lei_err, qr/is not boolean/, 'non-booleaness noted in stderr';
+        ok !-d "$ENV{HOME}/v2-3", 'v2 directory not created';
+# see t/lei_to_mail.t for "import -F mbox*"