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path: root/t/indexlevels-mirror.t
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Diffstat (limited to 't/indexlevels-mirror.t')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/t/indexlevels-mirror.t b/t/indexlevels-mirror.t
index 53826aef..c852f72c 100644
--- a/t/indexlevels-mirror.t
+++ b/t/indexlevels-mirror.t
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+#!perl -w
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
 use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
+use v5.10.1;
+use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
 use PublicInbox::Eml;
-use PublicInbox::Inbox;
 use PublicInbox::InboxWritable;
 require PublicInbox::Admin;
-use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
 require_git('2.6') if $PI_TEST_VERSION == 2;
@@ -26,28 +25,23 @@ my $import_index_incremental = sub {
         my $err = '';
         my $this = "pi-$v-$level-indexlevels";
         my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir();
+        my $ibx = create_inbox "testbox$v", indexlevel => $level,
+                                version => $v, tmpdir => "$tmpdir/v$v", sub {
+                $mime->header_set('Message-ID', '<m@1>');
+                $_[0]->add($mime) or BAIL_OUT;
+        };
+        my $im = $ibx->importer(0);
         local $ENV{PI_CONFIG} = "$tmpdir/config";
-        my $ibx = PublicInbox::Inbox->new({
-                inboxdir => "$tmpdir/testbox",
-                name => $this,
-                version => $v,
-                -primary_address => 'test@example.com',
-                indexlevel => $level,
-        });
-        my $im = PublicInbox::InboxWritable->new($ibx, {nproc=>1})->importer(0);
-        $mime->header_set('Message-ID', '<m@1>');
-        ok($im->add($mime), 'first message added');
-        $im->done;
         # index master (required for v1)
-        my @cmd = (qw(-index -j0), $ibx->{inboxdir}, "-L$level");
+        my @cmd = (qw(-index -j0 --dangerous), $ibx->{inboxdir}, "-L$level");
         push @cmd, '-c' if have_xapian_compact;
         ok(run_script(\@cmd, undef, { 2 => \$err }), 'index master');
         my $ro_master = PublicInbox::Inbox->new({
                 inboxdir => $ibx->{inboxdir},
                 indexlevel => $level
-        my $msgs = $ro_master->recent;
+        my $msgs = $ro_master->over->recent;
         is(scalar(@$msgs), 1, 'only one message in master, so far');
         is($msgs->[0]->{mid}, 'm@1', 'first message in master indexed');
@@ -77,7 +71,7 @@ my $import_index_incremental = sub {
                 inboxdir => $mirror,
                 indexlevel => $level,
-        $msgs = $ro_mirror->recent;
+        $msgs = $ro_mirror->over->recent;
         is(scalar(@$msgs), 1, 'only one message, so far');
         is($msgs->[0]->{mid}, 'm@1', 'read first message');
@@ -89,7 +83,7 @@ my $import_index_incremental = sub {
         # mirror updates
         is(xsys('git', "--git-dir=$fetch_dir", qw(fetch -q)), 0, 'fetch OK');
         ok(run_script([qw(-index -j0), $mirror]), "v$v index mirror again OK");
-        $msgs = $ro_mirror->recent;
+        $msgs = $ro_mirror->over->recent;
         is(scalar(@$msgs), 2, '2nd message seen in mirror');
         is_deeply([sort { $a cmp $b } map { $_->{mid} } @$msgs],
                 ['m@1','m@2'], 'got both messages in mirror');
@@ -97,7 +91,7 @@ my $import_index_incremental = sub {
         # incremental index master (required for v1)
         ok(run_script([qw(-index -j0), $ibx->{inboxdir}, "-L$level"]),
                 'index master OK');
-        $msgs = $ro_master->recent;
+        $msgs = $ro_master->over->recent;
         is(scalar(@$msgs), 2, '2nd message seen in master');
         is_deeply([sort { $a cmp $b } map { $_->{mid} } @$msgs],
                 ['m@1','m@2'], 'got both messages in master');
@@ -116,7 +110,8 @@ my $import_index_incremental = sub {
         if ($level ne 'basic') {
                 ok(run_script(['-xcpdb', '-q', $mirror]), "v$v xcpdb OK");
-                is(PublicInbox::Admin::detect_indexlevel($ro_mirror), $level,
+                is(PublicInbox::InboxWritable::detect_indexlevel($ro_mirror),
+                        $level,
                    'indexlevel detectable by Admin after xcpdb v' .$v.$level);
                 delete $ro_mirror->{$_} for (qw(over search));
                 my $mset = $ro_mirror->search->mset('m:m@2');
@@ -126,7 +121,7 @@ my $import_index_incremental = sub {
         # sync the mirror
         is(xsys('git', "--git-dir=$fetch_dir", qw(fetch -q)), 0, 'fetch OK');
         ok(run_script([qw(-index -j0), $mirror]), "v$v index mirror again OK");
-        $msgs = $ro_mirror->recent;
+        $msgs = $ro_mirror->over->recent;
         is(scalar(@$msgs), 1, '2nd message gone from mirror');
         is_deeply([map { $_->{mid} } @$msgs], ['m@1'],
                 'message unavailable in mirror');
@@ -158,13 +153,14 @@ my $import_index_incremental = sub {
         is_deeply(\@rw_nums, \@expect, "v$v master has expected NNTP articles");
         is_deeply(\@ro_nums, \@expect, "v$v mirror matches master articles");
-        is(PublicInbox::Admin::detect_indexlevel($ro_mirror), $level,
+        is(PublicInbox::InboxWritable::detect_indexlevel($ro_mirror), $level,
            'indexlevel detectable by Admin '.$v.$level);
         SKIP: {
                 skip 'xapian-compact missing', 1 if !have_xapian_compact;
                 my $cmd = [ qw(-compact), $mirror ];
-                ok(run_script($cmd, undef, { 2 => \$err}), "compact $level");
+                ok(run_script($cmd, undef, { 2 => \$err}), "compact $level")
+                        or diag $err;
@@ -172,7 +168,7 @@ my $import_index_incremental = sub {
 $import_index_incremental->($PI_TEST_VERSION, 'basic', $mime);
 SKIP: {
-        require_mods(qw(Search::Xapian), 2);
+        require_mods(qw(Xapian), 2);
         foreach my $l (qw(medium full)) {
                 $import_index_incremental->($PI_TEST_VERSION, $l, $mime);