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path: root/t/imapd.t
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Diffstat (limited to 't/imapd.t')
1 files changed, 595 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/imapd.t b/t/imapd.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..549b8766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/imapd.t
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+#!perl -w
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# end-to-end IMAP tests, see unit tests in t/imap.t, too
+use v5.12;
+use Time::HiRes ();
+use PublicInbox::DS qw(now);
+use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
+use PublicInbox::TailNotify;
+use PublicInbox::Config;
+require_mods(qw(-imapd Mail::IMAPClient));
+my $imap_client = 'Mail::IMAPClient';
+my $can_compress = $imap_client->can('compress');
+if ($can_compress) { # hope this gets fixed upstream, soon
+        require PublicInbox::IMAPClient;
+        $imap_client = 'PublicInbox::IMAPClient';
+require_ok 'PublicInbox::IMAP';
+my $first_range = '0';
+my $level = 'basic';
+SKIP: {
+        require_mods('Xapian', 1);
+        $level = 'medium';
+my @V = (1);
+push(@V, 2) if require_git('2.6', 1);
+my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir();
+my $home = "$tmpdir/home";
+BAIL_OUT "mkdir: $!" unless (mkdir($home) and mkdir("$home/.public-inbox"));
+my @ibx;
+open my $cfgfh, '>', "$home/.public-inbox/config" or BAIL_OUT;
+print $cfgfh <<EOM or BAIL_OUT;
+        spamcheck = none
+my $eml;
+for my $V (@V) {
+        my $ibx = create_inbox("i$V-$level",
+                                tmpdir => "$tmpdir/i$V", version => $V,
+                                indexlevel => $level, sub {
+                my ($im) = @_;
+                $im->add($eml //= eml_load('t/utf8.eml')) or BAIL_OUT;
+        });
+        push @ibx, $ibx;
+        $ibx->{newsgroup} = "inbox.i$V";
+        print $cfgfh <<EOF or BAIL_OUT;
+[publicinbox "i$V"]
+        inboxdir = $ibx->{inboxdir}
+        address = $ibx->{-primary_address};
+        newsgroup = inbox.i$V
+        url = http://example.com/i$V
+        indexlevel = $level
+close $cfgfh or BAIL_OUT;
+local $ENV{HOME} = $home;
+my $sock = tcp_server();
+my $err = "$tmpdir/stderr.log";
+my $out = "$tmpdir/stdout.log";
+my $cmd = [ '-imapd', '-W0', "--stdout=$out", "--stderr=$err" ];
+my $td = start_script($cmd, undef, { 3 => $sock }) or BAIL_OUT("-imapd: $?");
+my ($ihost, $iport) = tcp_host_port($sock);
+my %mic_opt = ( Server => $ihost, Port => $iport, Uid => 1 );
+my $mic = $imap_client->new(%mic_opt);
+my $pre_login_capa = $mic->capability;
+is(grep(/\AAUTH=ANONYMOUS\z/, @$pre_login_capa), 1,
+        'AUTH=ANONYMOUS advertised pre-login');
+ok($mic->login && $mic->IsAuthenticated, 'LOGIN works');
+my $post_login_capa = $mic->capability;
+ok(join("\n", @$pre_login_capa) ne join("\n", @$post_login_capa),
+        'got different capabilities post-login');
+$mic_opt{Authmechanism} = 'ANONYMOUS';
+$mic_opt{Authcallback} = sub { '' };
+$mic = $imap_client->new(%mic_opt);
+ok($mic && $mic->login && $mic->IsAuthenticated, 'AUTHENTICATE ANONYMOUS');
+my $post_auth_anon_capa = $mic->capability;
+is_deeply($post_auth_anon_capa, $post_login_capa,
+        'auth anon has same capabilities');
+my $e;
+ok($mic->noop, 'NOOP');
+ok($mic->noop, 'NOOP (again)'); # for warnings
+ok(!$mic->examine('foo') && ($e = $@), 'EXAMINE non-existent');
+like($e, qr/\bNO\b/, 'got a NO on EXAMINE for non-existent');
+ok(!$mic->select('foo') && ($e = $@), 'EXAMINE non-existent');
+like($e, qr/\bNO\b/, 'got a NO on EXAMINE for non-existent');
+my $mailbox1 = "inbox.i1.$first_range";
+ok($mic->select('inbox.i1'), 'SELECT on parent succeeds');
+ok($mic->noop, 'NOOP while selected');
+ok($mic->noop, 'NOOP again while selected'); # check warnings later
+ok($mic->select($mailbox1), 'SELECT succeeds');
+ok($mic->examine($mailbox1), 'EXAMINE succeeds');
+my @raw = $mic->status($mailbox1, qw(Messages uidnext uidvalidity));
+is(scalar(@raw), 2, 'got status response');
+like($raw[0], qr/\A\*\x20STATUS\x20inbox\.i1\.$first_range\x20
+        \(MESSAGES\x20[1-9][0-9]*\x20
+        UIDNEXT\x20\d+\x20UIDVALIDITY\x20\d+\)\r\n/sx);
+like($raw[1], qr/\A\S+ OK /, 'finished status response');
+my @orig_list = @raw = $mic->list;
+like($raw[0], qr/^\* LIST \(.*?\) "\." INBOX/,
+        'got an inbox');
+like($raw[-1], qr/^\S+ OK /, 'response ended with OK');
+is(scalar(@raw), scalar(@V) * 2 + 2, 'default LIST response');
+@raw = $mic->list('', 'inbox.i1');
+is(scalar(@raw), 2, 'limited LIST response');
+like($raw[0], qr/^\* LIST \(.*?\) "\." INBOX/,
+                'got an inbox.i1');
+like($raw[-1], qr/^\S+ OK /, 'response ended with OK');
+my $ret = $mic->search('all') or BAIL_OUT "SEARCH FAIL $@";
+is_deeply($ret, [ 1 ], 'search all works');
+$ret = $mic->search('uid 1') or BAIL_OUT "SEARCH FAIL $@";
+is_deeply($ret, [ 1 ], 'search UID 1 works');
+$ret = $mic->search('uid 1:1') or BAIL_OUT "SEARCH FAIL $@";
+is_deeply($ret, [ 1 ], 'search UID 1:1 works');
+$ret = $mic->search('uid 1:*') or BAIL_OUT "SEARCH FAIL $@";
+is_deeply($ret, [ 1 ], 'search UID 1:* works');
+$ret = $mic->search('DELETED') or BAIL_OUT "SEARCH FAIL $@";
+is_deeply($ret, [], 'searching for DELETED returns nothing');
+SKIP: {
+        skip 'Xapian missing', 8 if $level eq 'basic';
+        my $x = $mic->search(qw(smaller 99999));
+        is_deeply($x, [1], 'SMALLER works with Xapian (hit)');
+        $x = $mic->search(qw(smaller 9));
+        is_deeply($x, [], 'SMALLER works with Xapian (miss)');
+        $x = $mic->search(qw(larger 99999));
+        is_deeply($x, [], 'LARGER works with Xapian (miss)');
+        $x = $mic->search(qw(larger 9));
+        is_deeply($x, [1], 'LARGER works with Xapian (hit)');
+        $x = $mic->search(qw(HEADER Message-ID testmessage@example.com));
+        is_deeply($x, [1], 'HEADER Message-ID works');
+        $x = $mic->search(qw(DRAFT HEADER Message-ID testmessage@example.com));
+        is_deeply($x, [], 'impossible (DRAFT) key filters out match');
+        $x = $mic->search(qw(HEADER Message-ID miss));
+        is_deeply($x, [], 'HEADER Message-ID can miss');
+        my @q = qw[OR HEADER Message-ID testmessage@example.com
+                        (OR FROM Ryan (OR TO Joe CC Scott))];
+        $x = $mic->search(join(' ', @q));
+        is_deeply($x, [1], 'nested query works');
+is_deeply(scalar $mic->flags('1'), [], '->flags works');
+        # RFC 3501 section 6.4.8 states:
+        # Also note that a UID range of 559:* always includes the
+        # UID of the last message in the mailbox, even if 559 is
+        # higher than any assigned UID value.
+        my $exp = $mic->fetch_hash(1, 'UID');
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash('559:*', 'UID');
+        is_deeply($ret, $exp, 'beginning range too big');
+        {
+                my @w; # Mail::IMAPClient hits a warning via overload
+                local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, @_ };
+                $ret = $mic->fetch_hash(my $r = '559:558', 'UID');
+                is_deeply($ret, {}, "out-of-range UID FETCH $r");
+                @w = grep(!/\boverload\.pm\b/, @w);
+                is_deeply(\@w, [], 'no unexpected warning');
+        }
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash(my $r = '558:559', 'UID');
+        is_deeply($ret, {}, "out-of-range UID FETCH $r");
+for my $r ('1:*', '1') {
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'RFC822') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        is_deeply([keys %$ret], [1]);
+        like($ret->{1}->{RFC822}, qr/\r\n\r\nThis is a test/, 'read full');
+        # ensure Mail::IMAPClient behaves
+        my $str = $mic->message_string($r) or BAIL_OUT "->message_string: $@";
+        is($str, $ret->{1}->{RFC822}, '->message_string works as expected');
+        my $sz = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'RFC822.size') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        is($sz->{1}->{'RFC822.SIZE'}, length($ret->{1}->{RFC822}),
+                'RFC822.SIZE');
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'RFC822.HEADER') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        is_deeply([keys %$ret], [1]);
+        like($ret->{1}->{'RFC822.HEADER'},
+                qr/^Message-ID: <testmessage\@example\.com>/ms, 'read header');
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'INTERNALDATE') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        is($ret->{1}->{'INTERNALDATE'}, '01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 +0000',
+                'internaldate matches');
+        ok(!$mic->fetch_hash($r, 'INFERNALDATE'), 'bogus attribute fails');
+        my $envelope = $mic->get_envelope($r) or BAIL_OUT("get_envelope: $@");
+        is($envelope->{bcc}, 'NIL', 'empty bcc');
+        is($envelope->{messageid}, '<testmessage@example.com>', 'messageid');
+        is(scalar @{$envelope->{to}}, 1, 'one {to} header');
+        # *sigh* too much to verify...
+        #use Data::Dumper; diag Dumper($envelope);
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'FLAGS') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        is_deeply($ret->{1}->{FLAGS}, '', 'no flags');
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'BODY[1]') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        like($ret->{1}->{'BODY[1]'}, qr/\AThis is a test message/, 'BODY[1]');
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'BODY[1]<1>') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        like($ret->{1}->{'BODY[1]<1>'}, qr/\Ahis is a test message/,
+                        'BODY[1]<1>');
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'BODY[1]<2.3>') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        is($ret->{1}->{'BODY[1]<2>'}, "is ", 'BODY[1]<2.3>');
+        $ret = $mic->bodypart_string($r, 1, 3, 2) or
+                                        BAIL_OUT "bodypart_string $@";
+        is($ret, "is ", 'bodypart string');
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS.NOT (Message-ID)]')
+                or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        $ret = $ret->{1}->{'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS.NOT (MESSAGE-ID)]'};
+        unlike($ret, qr/message-id/i, 'Message-ID excluded');
+        like($ret, qr/\r\n\r\n\z/s, 'got header end');
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($r, 'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (Message-ID)]')
+                or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        is($ret->{1}->{'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (MESSAGE-ID)]'},
+                'Message-ID: <testmessage@example.com>'."\r\n\r\n",
+                'got only Message-ID');
+        my $bs = $mic->get_bodystructure($r) or BAIL_OUT("bodystructure: $@");
+        ok($bs, 'got a bodystructure');
+        is(lc($bs->bodytype), 'text', '->bodytype');
+        is(lc($bs->bodyenc), '8bit', '->bodyenc');
+ok($mic->has_capability('COMPRESS') ||
+        $mic->has_capability('COMPRESS=DEFLATE'), 'deflate cap');
+SKIP: {
+        skip 'Mail::IMAPClient too old for ->compress', 2 if !$can_compress;
+        my $c = $imap_client->new(%mic_opt);
+        ok($c && $c->compress, 'compress enabled');
+        ok($c->examine($mailbox1), 'EXAMINE succeeds after COMPRESS');
+        $ret = $c->search('uid 1:*') or BAIL_OUT "SEARCH FAIL $@";
+        is_deeply($ret, [ 1 ], 'search UID 1:* works after compression');
+ok($mic->logout, 'logout works');
+my $have_inotify = eval { require PublicInbox::Inotify; 1 };
+for my $ibx (@ibx) {
+        my $name = $ibx->{name};
+        my $ng = $ibx->{newsgroup};
+        my $mic = $imap_client->new(%mic_opt);
+        ok($mic && $mic->login && $mic->IsAuthenticated, "authed $name");
+        my $mb = "$ng.$first_range";
+        my $uidnext = $mic->uidnext($mb); # we'll fetch BODYSTRUCTURE on this
+        ok($uidnext, 'got uidnext for later fetch');
+        ok($mic->has_capability('IDLE'), "IDLE capa $name");
+        ok(!$mic->idle, "IDLE fails w/o SELECT/EXAMINE $name");
+        ok($mic->examine($mb), "EXAMINE $ng succeeds");
+        ok(my $idle_tag = $mic->idle, "IDLE succeeds on $ng");
+        my $im = $ibx->importer(0);
+        $im->add(eml_load 't/data/message_embed.eml') or BAIL_OUT;
+        $im->done;
+        my $t0 = Time::HiRes::time();
+        ok(my @res = $mic->idle_data(11), "IDLE succeeds on $ng");
+        is(grep(/\A\* [0-9] EXISTS\b/, @res), 1, 'got EXISTS message');
+        ok((Time::HiRes::time() - $t0) < 10, 'IDLE client notified');
+        my (@ino_info, $ino_fdinfo);
+        SKIP: {
+                skip 'no inotify support', 1 unless $have_inotify;
+                skip 'missing /proc/$PID/fd', 1 if !-d "/proc/$td->{pid}/fd";
+                my @ino = grep {
+                        readlink($_) =~ /\binotify\b/
+                } glob("/proc/$td->{pid}/fd/*");
+                is(scalar(@ino), 1, 'only one inotify FD');
+                my $ino_fd = (split('/', $ino[0]))[-1];
+                $ino_fdinfo = "/proc/$td->{pid}/fdinfo/$ino_fd";
+                if (open my $fh, '<', $ino_fdinfo) {
+                        local $/ = "\n";
+                        @ino_info = grep(/^inotify wd:/, <$fh>);
+                        ok(scalar(@ino_info), 'inotify has watches');
+                } else {
+                        skip "$ino_fdinfo missing: $!", 1;
+                }
+        };
+        # ensure IDLE persists across HUP, w/o extra watches or FDs
+        $td->kill('HUP') or BAIL_OUT "failed to kill -imapd: $!";
+        for my $n (1..2) { # kick the event loop so we know HUP is done
+                my $m = $imap_client->new(%mic_opt);
+                ok($m->login && $m->IsAuthenticated && $m->logout,
+                        "connection $n works after HUP");
+        }
+        $im->add(eml_load 't/data/0001.patch') or BAIL_OUT;
+        $im->done;
+        $t0 = Time::HiRes::time();
+        ok(@res = $mic->idle_data(11), "IDLE succeeds on $ng after HUP");
+        is(grep(/\A\* [0-9] EXISTS\b/, @res), 1, 'got EXISTS message');
+        ok((Time::HiRes::time() - $t0) < 10, 'IDLE client notified');
+        ok($mic->done($idle_tag), 'IDLE DONE');
+        my $bs = $mic->get_bodystructure($uidnext);
+        ok($bs, 'BODYSTRUCTURE ok for deeply nested');
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($uidnext, 'BODY') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        ok($ret->{$uidnext}->{BODY}, 'got something in BODY');
+        # this matches dovecot behavior
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($uidnext, 'BODY[1]') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        is($ret->{$uidnext}->{'BODY[1]'},
+                "testing embedded message harder\r\n", 'BODY[1]');
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($uidnext, 'BODY[2]') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        like($ret->{$uidnext}->{'BODY[2]'},
+                qr/\ADate: Sat, 18 Apr 2020 22:20:20 /, 'BODY[2]');
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($uidnext, 'BODY[2.1.1]') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        is($ret->{$uidnext}->{'BODY[2.1.1]'},
+                "testing embedded message\r\n", 'BODY[2.1.1]');
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($uidnext, 'BODY[2.1.2]') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+        like($ret->{$uidnext}->{'BODY[2.1.2]'}, qr/\AFrom: /,
+                'BODY[2.1.2] tip matched');
+        like($ret->{$uidnext}->{'BODY[2.1.2]'},
+                 # trailing CRLF may vary depending on MIME parser
+                 qr/done_testing;(?:\r\n){1,2}\z/,
+                'BODY[2.1.2] tail matched');
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash("1:$uidnext", 'BODY[2.HEADER]') or
+                                                BAIL_OUT "2.HEADER $@";
+        like($ret->{$uidnext}->{'BODY[2.HEADER]'},
+                qr/\ADate: Sat, 18 Apr 2020 22:20:20 /,
+                '2.HEADER of message/rfc822');
+        $ret = $mic->fetch_hash($uidnext, 'BODY[2.MIME]') or
+                BAIL_OUT "2.MIME $@";
+        is($ret->{$uidnext}->{'BODY[2.MIME]'}, <<EOF, 'BODY[2.MIME]');
+Content-Type: message/rfc822\r
+Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="embed2x\.eml"\r
+        my @hits = $mic->search('SENTON' => '18-Apr-2020');
+        is_deeply(\@hits, [ $uidnext ], 'search with date condition works');
+        ok($mic->examine($ng), 'EXAMINE on dummy');
+        @hits = $mic->search('SENTSINCE' => '18-Apr-2020');
+        is_deeply(\@hits, [], 'search on dummy with condition works');
+        ok(!$mic->search('SENTSINCE' => '18-Abr-2020'), 'bad month fails');
+        $mic->Uid(0);
+        my $ret = $mic->fetch_hash(2, 'RFC822');
+        is_deeply($ret, {},
+                'MSN FETCH on empty dummy will not trigger warnings, later');
+}; # for @ibx
+# message sequence numbers :<
+is($mic->Uid(0), 0, 'disable UID on '.ref($mic));
+ok($mic->reconnect, 'reconnected');
+$ret = $mic->fetch_hash('1,2:3', 'RFC822') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+is(scalar keys %$ret, 3, 'got all 3 messages with comma-separated sequence');
+$ret = $mic->fetch_hash('1:*', 'RFC822') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+is(scalar keys %$ret, 3, 'got all 3 messages');
+SKIP: {
+        # do any clients use non-UID IMAP SEARCH?
+        skip 'Xapian missing', 3 if $level eq 'basic';
+        my $x = $mic->search('all');
+        is_deeply($x, [1, 2, 3], 'MSN SEARCH works before rm');
+        $x = $mic->search(qw(header subject embedded));
+        is_deeply($x, [2], 'MSN SEARCH on Subject works before rm');
+        $x = $mic->search('FROM scraper@example.com');
+        is_deeply($x, [], "MSN SEARCH miss won't trigger warnings");
+        my $rdr = { 0 => \($ret->{1}->{RFC822}) };
+        my $env = { HOME => $ENV{HOME} };
+        my @cmd = qw(-learn rm --all);
+        run_script(\@cmd, $env, $rdr) or BAIL_OUT('-learn rm');
+SKIP: {
+        # do any clients use non-UID IMAP SEARCH?  We only ensure
+        # MSN "SEARCH" can return a result which can be retrieved
+        # via MSN "FETCH"
+        skip 'Xapian missing', 3 if $level eq 'basic';
+        my $x = $mic->search(qw(header subject embedded));
+        is(scalar(@$x), 1, 'MSN SEARCH on Subject works after rm');
+        SKIP: {
+                skip 'previous test failed', 1 if !scalar(@$x);
+                $x = $mic->message_string($x->[0]);
+                is($x, $ret->{2}->{RFC822}, 'message 2 unchanged');
+        }
+        $x = $mic->search(qw(text embedded));
+        is(scalar(@$x), 1, 'MSN SEARCH on TEXT works after rm');
+# FIXME? no EXPUNGE response, yet
+my $r2 = $mic->fetch_hash('1:*', 'BODY.PEEK[]') or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+is(scalar keys %$r2, 2, 'did not get all 3 messages');
+is($r2->{2}->{'BODY[]'}, $ret->{2}->{RFC822}, 'message 2 unchanged');
+is($r2->{3}->{'BODY[]'}, $ret->{3}->{RFC822}, 'message 3 unchanged');
+$r2 = $mic->fetch_hash(2, 'BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (message-id)]')
+                        or BAIL_OUT "FETCH $@";
+is($r2->{2}->{'BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (MESSAGE-ID)]'},
+        'Message-ID: <20200418222508.GA13918@dcvr>'."\r\n\r\n",
+        'BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS ...] drops .PEEK');
+        my @new_list = $mic->list;
+        # tag differs in [-1]
+        like($orig_list[-1], qr/\A\S+ OK List done\r\n/, 'orig LIST');
+        like($new_list[-1], qr/\A\S+ OK List done\r\n/, 'new LIST');
+        pop @new_list;
+        pop @orig_list;
+        # TODO: not sure if sort order matters, imapd_refresh_finalize
+        # doesn't sort, hopefully clients don't care...
+        @new_list = sort @new_list;
+        @orig_list = sort @orig_list;
+        is_deeply(\@new_list, \@orig_list, 'LIST identical');
+ok($mic->close, 'CLOSE works');
+ok(!$mic->close, 'CLOSE not idempotent');
+ok($mic->logout, 'logged out');
+        my $c = tcp_connect($sock);
+        $c->autoflush(1);
+        like(<$c>, qr/\* OK/, 'got a greeting');
+        print $c "\r\n";
+        like(<$c>, qr/\A\* BAD Error in IMAP command/, 'empty line');
+        print $c "tagonly\r\n";
+        like(<$c>, qr/\Atagonly BAD Error in IMAP command/, 'tag-only line');
+        ok(my $ic = $imap_client->new(%mic_opt), 'logged in');
+        my $mb = "$ibx[0]->{newsgroup}.$first_range";
+        ok($ic->examine($mb), "EXAMINE $mb");
+        my $uidnext = $ic->uidnext($mb); # we'll fetch BODYSTRUCTURE on this
+        my $im = $ibx[0]->importer(0);
+        $im->add(PublicInbox::Eml->new(<<EOF)) or BAIL_OUT;
+Subject: test Ævar
+Message-ID: <smtputf8-delivered-mess\@age>
+From: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <avarab\@example>
+To: git\@vger.kernel.org
+        $im->done;
+        my $envl = $ic->get_envelope($uidnext);
+        is($envl->{subject}, 'test Ævar', 'UTF-8 subject');
+        is($envl->{sender}->[0]->{personalname}, 'Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason',
+                'UTF-8 sender[0].personalname');
+        SKIP: {
+                skip 'need compress for comparisons', 1 if !$can_compress;
+                ok($ic = $imap_client->new(%mic_opt), 'uncompressed logged in');
+                ok($ic && $ic->compress, 'compress enabled');
+                ok($ic->examine($mb), "EXAMINE $mb");
+                my $raw = $ic->get_envelope($uidnext);
+                is_deeply($envl, $raw, 'raw and compressed match');
+        }
+my $wait_re = sub {
+        my ($tail_notify, $re) = @_;
+        my $end = now() + 5;
+        my (@l, @all);
+        until (grep(/$re/, @l = $tail_notify->getlines(5)) || now > $end) {
+                push @all, @l;
+                @l = ();
+        }
+        return \@l if @l;
+        diag explain(\@all);
+        xbail "never got `$re' message";
+my $watcherr = "$tmpdir/watcherr";
+SKIP: {
+        use_ok 'PublicInbox::InboxIdle';
+        require_git '1.8.5', 4;
+        my $old_env = { HOME => $ENV{HOME} };
+        my $home = "$tmpdir/watch_home";
+        mkdir $home or BAIL_OUT $!;
+        mkdir "$home/.public-inbox" or BAIL_OUT $!;
+        local $ENV{HOME} = $home;
+        my $name = 'watchimap';
+        my $addr = "i1-$level\@example.com";
+        my $url = "http://example.com/i1";
+        my $inboxdir = "$tmpdir/watchimap";
+        my $cmd = ['-init', '-V2', '-Lbasic', $name, $inboxdir, $url, $addr];
+        my $imapurl = "imap://$ihost:$iport/inbox.i1.0";
+        run_script($cmd) or BAIL_OUT("init $name");
+        xsys(qw(git config), "--file=$home/.public-inbox/config",
+                        "publicinbox.$name.watch",
+                        $imapurl) == 0 or BAIL_OUT "git config $?";
+        my $cfg = PublicInbox::Config->new;
+        PublicInbox::DS->Reset;
+        my $ii = PublicInbox::InboxIdle->new($cfg);
+        my $cb = sub { @PublicInbox::DS::post_loop_do = (sub {}) };
+        my $obj = bless \$cb, 'PublicInbox::TestCommon::InboxWakeup';
+        $cfg->each_inbox(sub { $_[0]->subscribe_unlock('ident', $obj) });
+        open my $err_wr, '>>', $watcherr or BAIL_OUT $!;
+        my $errw = PublicInbox::TailNotify->new($watcherr);
+        my $w = start_script(['-watch'], undef, { 2 => $err_wr });
+        diag 'waiting for initial fetch...';
+        PublicInbox::DS::event_loop();
+        diag 'inbox unlocked on initial fetch, waiting for IDLE';
+        $wait_re->($errw, qr/# \S+ idling/);
+        open my $fh, '<', 't/iso-2202-jp.eml' or BAIL_OUT $!;
+        $old_env->{ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT} = $addr;
+        ok(run_script([qw(-mda --no-precheck)], $old_env, { 0 => $fh }),
+                'delivered a message for IDLE to kick -watch') or
+                diag "mda error \$?=$?";
+        diag 'waiting for IMAP IDLE wakeup';
+        @PublicInbox::DS::post_loop_do = ();
+        PublicInbox::DS::event_loop();
+        diag 'inbox unlocked on IDLE wakeup';
+        # try again with polling
+        xsys(qw(git config), "--file=$home/.public-inbox/config",
+                'imap.PollInterval', 0.11) == 0
+                or BAIL_OUT "git config $?";
+        $w->kill('HUP');
+        diag 'waiting for -watch reload + initial fetch';
+        $wait_re->($errw, qr/# will check/);
+        open $fh, '<', 't/psgi_attach.eml' or BAIL_OUT $!;
+        ok(run_script([qw(-mda --no-precheck)], $old_env, { 0 => $fh }),
+                'delivered a message for -watch PollInterval');
+        diag 'waiting for PollInterval wakeup';
+        @PublicInbox::DS::post_loop_do = ();
+        PublicInbox::DS::event_loop();
+        diag 'inbox unlocked (poll)';
+        $w->kill;
+        $w->join;
+        is($?, 0, 'no error in exited -watch process');
+        $cfg->each_inbox(sub { shift->unsubscribe_unlock('ident') });
+        $ii->close;
+        PublicInbox::DS->Reset;
+        open my $errfh, '<', $watcherr or xbail "open: $!";
+        my @err = grep(!/^(?:I:|#)/, <$errfh>);
+        is(@err, 0, 'no warnings/errors from -watch'.join(' ', @err));
+        SKIP: { # not sure how reliable this test can be
+                skip 'TEST_KILL_IMAPD not set', 1 if !$ENV{TEST_KILL_IMAPD};
+                $^O eq 'linux' or
+                        diag "TEST_KILL_IMAPD may not be reliable under $^O";
+                xsys(qw(git config), "--file=$home/.public-inbox/config",
+                        qw(--unset imap.PollInterval)) == 0
+                        or BAIL_OUT "git config $?";
+                unlink $watcherr or xbail $!;
+                open my $err_wr, '>>', $watcherr or xbail $!;
+                my @t0 = times;
+                $w = start_script(['-watch'], undef, { 2 => $err_wr });
+                $wait_re->($errw, qr/# \S+ idling/);
+                diag 'killing imapd, waiting for CPU spins';
+                my $delay = 0.11;
+                $td->kill(9);
+                tick $delay;
+                $w->kill;
+                $w->join;
+                is($?, 0, 'no error in exited -watch process');
+                my @t1 = times;
+                my $c = $t1[2] + $t1[3] - $t0[2] - $t0[3];
+                my $thresh = (0.9 * $delay);
+                diag "c=$c, threshold=$thresh";
+                ok($c < $thresh, 'did not burn much CPU');
+                open $errfh, '<', $watcherr or xbail "open: $!";
+                is_deeply([grep(/ line \d+$/m, <$errfh>)], [],
+                                'no backtraces from errors');
+        }
+is($?, 0, 'no error in exited process') if !$ENV{TEST_KILL_IMAPD};
+open my $fh, '<', $err or BAIL_OUT("open $err failed: $!");
+my $eout = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+unlike($eout, qr/wide/i, 'no Wide character warnings');
+unlike($eout, qr/uninitialized/i, 'no uninitialized warnings');