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path: root/t/httpd-unix.t
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1 files changed, 124 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/t/httpd-unix.t b/t/httpd-unix.t
index 2d3cecc1..0b620bd6 100644
--- a/t/httpd-unix.t
+++ b/t/httpd-unix.t
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016-2021 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+#!perl -w
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
 # Tests for binding Unix domain sockets
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
+use v5.12;
 use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
 use Errno qw(EADDRINUSE);
 use Cwd qw(abs_path);
 use Carp qw(croak);
+use autodie qw(close);
 require_mods(qw(Plack::Util Plack::Builder HTTP::Date HTTP::Status));
 use IO::Socket::UNIX;
+use POSIX qw(mkfifo);
+require PublicInbox::Sigfd;
 my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir();
 my $unix = "$tmpdir/unix.sock";
 my $psgi = './t/httpd-corner.psgi';
@@ -17,6 +19,15 @@ my $out = "$tmpdir/out.log";
 my $err = "$tmpdir/err.log";
 my $td;
+my $register_exit_fifo = sub {
+        my ($s, $f) = @_;
+        my $sock = new_sock($s);
+        ok($sock->write("GET /exit-fifo$f HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"),
+                'request exit-fifo');
+        ok($sock->read(my $buf, 4096), 'read exit-fifo response');
+        like($buf, qr!\r\n\r\nfifo \Q$f\E registered\z!, 'set exit fifo');
 my $spawn_httpd = sub {
         my (@args) = @_;
         my $cmd = [ '-httpd', @args, "--stdout=$out", "--stderr=$err", $psgi ];
@@ -32,23 +43,28 @@ my $spawn_httpd = sub {
 ok(!-S $unix, 'UNIX socket does not exist, yet');
-$spawn_httpd->("-l$unix", '-W0');
-my %o = (Peer => $unix, Type => SOCK_STREAM);
-for (1..1000) {
-        last if -S $unix && IO::Socket::UNIX->new(%o);
-        select undef, undef, undef, 0.02
+my $f1 = "$tmpdir/f1";
+mkfifo($f1, 0600);
+        local $ENV{TEST_OPEN_FIFO} = $f1;
+        $spawn_httpd->("-l$unix", '-W0');
+        open my $fh, '<', $f1 or xbail "open($f1): $!";
+        is(my $hi = <$fh>, "hi\n", 'got FIFO greeting');
 ok(-S $unix, 'UNIX socket was bound by -httpd');
+sub new_sock ($) {
+        IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer => $_[0], Type => SOCK_STREAM)
+                // xbail "E: $! connecting to $_[0]";
 sub check_sock ($) {
         my ($unix) = @_;
-        my $sock = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer => $unix, Type => SOCK_STREAM);
-        warn "E: $! connecting to $unix\n" unless defined $sock;
-        ok($sock, 'client UNIX socket connected');
+        my $sock = new_sock($unix);
         ok($sock->write("GET /host-port HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"),
                 'wrote req to server');
         ok($sock->read(my $buf, 4096), 'read response');
-        like($buf, qr!\r\n\r\n127\.0\.0\.1:0\z!,
+        like($buf, qr!\r\n\r\n127\.0\.0\.1 0\z!,
                 'set REMOTE_ADDR and REMOTE_PORT for Unix socket');
@@ -83,16 +99,17 @@ check_sock($unix);
 # portable Perl can delay or miss signal dispatches due to races,
 # so disable some tests on systems lacking signalfd(2) or EVFILT_SIGNAL
-my $has_sigfd = PublicInbox::Sigfd->new({}, 0) ? 1 : $ENV{TEST_UNRELIABLE};
+my $has_sigfd = PublicInbox::Sigfd->new({}) ? 1 : $ENV{TEST_UNRELIABLE};
+PublicInbox::DS::Reset() if $has_sigfd;
 sub delay_until {
-        my $cond = shift;
+        my ($cond, $msg) = @_;
         my $end = time + 30;
         do {
                 return if $cond->();
-                select undef, undef, undef, 0.012;
+                tick(0.012);
         } until (time > $end);
-        Carp::confess('condition failed');
+        Carp::confess($msg // 'condition failed');
 SKIP: {
@@ -108,95 +125,110 @@ SKIP: {
         for my $w (qw(-W0 -W1)) {
+                my ($p0, $p1) = quit_waiter_pipe;
                 # wait for daemonization
                 $spawn_httpd->("-l$unix", '-D', '-P', $pid_file, $w);
+                close $p1;
                 is($?, 0, "daemonized $w process");
                 ok(-s $pid_file, "$w pid file written");
                 my $pid = $read_pid->($pid_file);
+                no_pollerfd($pid) if $w eq '-W1';
                 is(kill('TERM', $pid), 1, "signaled daemonized $w process");
-                delay_until(sub { !kill(0, $pid) });
-                is(kill(0, $pid), 0, "daemonized $w process exited");
+                delete $td->{-extra}; # drop tail(1) process
+                wait_for_eof($p0, "httpd $w quit pipe");
                 ok(!-e $pid_file, "$w pid file unlinked at exit");
-        # try a USR2 upgrade with workers:
         my $httpd = abs_path('blib/script/public-inbox-httpd');
         $psgi = abs_path($psgi);
         my $opt = { run_mode => 0 };
         my @args = ("-l$unix", '-D', '-P', $pid_file, -1, $out, -2, $err);
-        $td = start_script([$httpd, @args, $psgi], undef, $opt);
-        $td->join;
-        is($?, 0, "daemonized process again");
-        check_sock($unix);
-        ok(-s $pid_file, 'pid file written');
-        my $pid = $read_pid->($pid_file);
-        # stop worker to ensure check_sock below hits $new_pid
-        kill('TTOU', $pid) or die "TTOU failed: $!";
-        kill('USR2', $pid) or die "USR2 failed: $!";
-        delay_until(sub {
-                $pid != (eval { $read_pid->($pid_file) } // $pid)
-        });
-        my $new_pid = $read_pid->($pid_file);
-        isnt($new_pid, $pid, 'new child started');
-        ok($new_pid > 0, '$new_pid valid');
-        delay_until(sub { -s "$pid_file.oldbin" });
-        my $old_pid = $read_pid->("$pid_file.oldbin");
-        is($old_pid, $pid, '.oldbin pid file written');
-        ok($old_pid > 0, '$old_pid valid');
-        check_sock($unix); # ensures $new_pid is ready to receive signals
-        # first, back out of the upgrade
-        kill('QUIT', $new_pid) or die "kill new PID failed: $!";
-        delay_until(sub {
-                $pid == (eval { $read_pid->($pid_file) } // 0)
-        });
-        is($read_pid->($pid_file), $pid, 'old PID file restored');
-        ok(!-f "$pid_file.oldbin", '.oldbin PID file gone');
-        # retry USR2 upgrade
-        kill('USR2', $pid) or die "USR2 failed: $!";
-        delay_until(sub {
-                $pid != (eval { $read_pid->($pid_file) } // $pid)
-        });
-        $new_pid = $read_pid->($pid_file);
-        isnt($new_pid, $pid, 'new child started again');
-        $old_pid = $read_pid->("$pid_file.oldbin");
-        is($old_pid, $pid, '.oldbin pid file written');
-        # drop the old parent
-        kill('QUIT', $old_pid) or die "QUIT failed: $!";
-        delay_until(sub { !kill(0, $old_pid) });
-        ok(!-f "$pid_file.oldbin", '.oldbin PID file gone');
-        # drop the new child
-        check_sock($unix);
-        kill('QUIT', $new_pid) or die "QUIT failed: $!";
-        delay_until(sub { !kill(0, $new_pid) });
-        ok(!-f $pid_file, 'PID file is gone');
-        # try USR2 without workers (-W0)
-        $td = start_script([$httpd, @args, '-W0', $psgi], undef, $opt);
-        $td->join;
-        is($?, 0, 'daemonized w/o workers');
-        check_sock($unix);
-        $pid = $read_pid->($pid_file);
-        # replace running process
-        kill('USR2', $pid) or die "USR2 failed: $!";
-        delay_until(sub { !kill(0, $pid) });
-        check_sock($unix);
-        $pid = $read_pid->($pid_file);
-        kill('QUIT', $pid) or die "USR2 failed: $!";
-        delay_until(sub { !kill(0, $pid) });
-        ok(!-f $pid_file, 'PID file is gone');
+        if ('USR2 upgrades with workers') {
+                my ($p0, $p1) = quit_waiter_pipe;
+                $td = start_script([$httpd, @args, $psgi], undef, $opt);
+                close $p1;
+                $td->join;
+                is($?, 0, "daemonized process again");
+                check_sock($unix);
+                ok(-s $pid_file, 'pid file written');
+                my $pid = $read_pid->($pid_file);
+                # stop worker to ensure check_sock below hits $new_pid
+                kill('TTOU', $pid) or die "TTOU failed: $!";
+                kill('USR2', $pid) or die "USR2 failed: $!";
+                delay_until(sub {
+                        $pid != (eval { $read_pid->($pid_file) } // $pid)
+                });
+                my $new_pid = $read_pid->($pid_file);
+                isnt($new_pid, $pid, 'new child started');
+                ok($new_pid > 0, '$new_pid valid');
+                delay_until(sub { -s "$pid_file.oldbin" });
+                my $old_pid = $read_pid->("$pid_file.oldbin");
+                is($old_pid, $pid, '.oldbin pid file written');
+                ok($old_pid > 0, '$old_pid valid');
+                check_sock($unix); # ensures $new_pid is ready to receive signals
+                # first, back out of the upgrade
+                kill('QUIT', $new_pid) or die "kill new PID failed: $!";
+                delay_until(sub {
+                        $pid == (eval { $read_pid->($pid_file) } // 0)
+                });
+                delay_until(sub { !kill(0, $new_pid) }, 'new PID really died');
+                is($read_pid->($pid_file), $pid, 'old PID file restored');
+                ok(!-f "$pid_file.oldbin", '.oldbin PID file gone');
+                # retry USR2 upgrade
+                kill('USR2', $pid) or die "USR2 failed: $!";
+                delay_until(sub {
+                        $pid != (eval { $read_pid->($pid_file) } // $pid)
+                });
+                $new_pid = $read_pid->($pid_file);
+                isnt($new_pid, $pid, 'new child started again');
+                $old_pid = $read_pid->("$pid_file.oldbin");
+                is($old_pid, $pid, '.oldbin pid file written');
+                # drop the old parent
+                kill('QUIT', $old_pid) or die "QUIT failed: $!";
+                delay_until(sub { !kill(0, $old_pid) }, 'old PID really died');
+                ok(!-f "$pid_file.oldbin", '.oldbin PID file gone');
+                # drop the new child
+                check_sock($unix);
+                kill('QUIT', $new_pid) or die "QUIT failed: $!";
+                wait_for_eof($p0, 'new process');
+                ok(!-f $pid_file, 'PID file is gone');
+        }
+        if ('try USR2 without workers (-W0)') {
+                my ($p0, $p1) = quit_waiter_pipe;
+                $td = start_script([$httpd, @args, '-W0', $psgi], undef, $opt);
+                close $p1;
+                $td->join;
+                is($?, 0, 'daemonized w/o workers');
+                $register_exit_fifo->($unix, $f1);
+                my $pid = $read_pid->($pid_file);
+                # replace running process
+                kill('USR2', $pid) or xbail "USR2 failed: $!";
+                open my $fh, '<', $f1 or xbail "open($f1): $!";
+                is(my $bye = <$fh>, "bye from $pid\n", 'got FIFO bye');
+                check_sock($unix);
+                $pid = $read_pid->($pid_file);
+                kill('QUIT', $pid) or xbail "USR2 failed: $!";
+                wait_for_eof($p0, '-W0 USR2 test pipe');
+                ok(!-f $pid_file, 'PID file is gone');
+        }