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1 files changed, 87 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/SolverGit.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/SolverGit.pm
index 3e3a5899..c9812b32 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/SolverGit.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/SolverGit.pm
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 package PublicInbox::SolverGit;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use 5.010_001;
 use File::Temp 0.19 ();
 use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET);
 use PublicInbox::Git qw(git_unquote git_quote);
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ my $MAX_PATCH = 9999;
 #        oid_a => abbreviated pre-image oid,
 #        oid_b => abbreviated post-image oid,
 #        tmp => anonymous file handle with the diff,
-#        hdr_lines => arrayref of various header lines for mode information
+#        hdr_lines => string of various header lines for mode information
 #        mode_a => original mode of oid_a (string, not integer),
 #        ibx => PublicInbox::Inbox object containing the diff
 #        smsg => PublicInbox::SearchMsg object containing diff
@@ -47,10 +48,6 @@ my $MAX_PATCH = 9999;
 #        n => numeric path of the patch (relative to worktree)
 # }
-# don't bother if somebody sends us a patch with these path components,
-# it's junk at best, an attack attempt at worse:
-my %bad_component = map { $_ => 1 } ('', '.', '..');
 sub dbg ($$) {
         print { $_[0]->{out} } $_[1], "\n" or ERR($_[0], "print(dbg): $!");
@@ -100,10 +97,8 @@ sub solve_existing ($$) {
 sub extract_diff ($$) {
         my ($p, $arg) = @_;
-        my ($self, $diffs, $re, $ibx, $smsg) = @$arg;
+        my ($self, $diffs, $pre, $post, $ibx, $smsg) = @$arg;
         my ($part) = @$p; # ignore $depth and @idx;
-        my $hdr_lines; # diff --git a/... b/...
-        my $tmp;
         my $ct = $part->content_type || 'text/plain';
         my ($s, undef) = msg_part_text($part, $ct);
         defined $s or return;
@@ -116,66 +111,87 @@ sub extract_diff ($$) {
                 $s =~ s/\r\n/\n/sg;
-        foreach my $l (split(/^/m, $s)) {
-                if ($l =~ $re) {
-                        $di->{oid_a} = $1;
-                        $di->{oid_b} = $2;
-                        if (defined($3)) {
-                                my $mode_a = $3;
-                                if ($mode_a =~ /\A(?:100644|120000|100755)\z/) {
-                                        $di->{mode_a} = $mode_a;
-                                }
-                        }
-                        # start writing the diff out to a tempfile
-                        my $path = ++$self->{tot};
-                        $di->{n} = $path;
-                        open($tmp, '>', $self->{tmp}->dirname . "/$path") or
-                                                        die "open(tmp): $!";
-                        push @$hdr_lines, $l;
-                        $di->{hdr_lines} = $hdr_lines;
-                        utf8::encode($_) for @$hdr_lines;
-                        print $tmp @$hdr_lines or die "print(tmp): $!";
-                        # for debugging/diagnostics:
-                        $di->{ibx} = $ibx;
-                        $di->{smsg} = $smsg;
-                } elsif ($l =~ m!\Adiff --git ("?[^/]+/.+) ("?[^/]+/.+)$!) {
-                        last if $tmp; # got our blob, done!
-                        my ($path_a, $path_b) = ($1, $2);
-                        # diff header lines won't have \r because git
-                        # will quote them, but Email::MIME gives CRLF
-                        # for quoted-printable:
-                        $path_b =~ tr/\r//d;
-                        # don't care for leading 'a/' and 'b/'
-                        my (undef, @a) = split(m{/}, git_unquote($path_a));
-                        my (undef, @b) = split(m{/}, git_unquote($path_b));
-                        # get rid of path-traversal attempts and junk patches:
-                        foreach (@a, @b) {
-                                return if $bad_component{$_};
-                        }
-                        $di->{path_a} = join('/', @a);
-                        $di->{path_b} = join('/', @b);
-                        $hdr_lines = [ $l ];
-                } elsif ($tmp) {
-                        utf8::encode($l);
-                        print $tmp $l or die "print(tmp): $!";
-                } elsif ($hdr_lines) {
-                        push @$hdr_lines, $l;
-                        if ($l =~ /\Anew file mode (100644|120000|100755)$/) {
-                                $di->{mode_a} = $1;
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        return undef unless $tmp;
+        state $LF = qr!\r?\n!;
+        state $FN = qr!(?:("?[^/\n]+/[^\r\n]+)|/dev/null)!;
+        $s =~ m!( # $1 start header lines we save for debugging:
+                # everything before ^index is optional, but we don't
+                # want to match ^(old|copy|rename|deleted|...) unless
+                # we match /^diff --git/ first:
+                (?: # begin optional stuff:
+                # try to get the pre-and-post filenames as $2 and $3
+                (?:^diff\x20--git\x20$FN\x20$FN$LF)
+                # old mode $4
+                (?:^old mode\x20(100644|120000|100755)$LF)?
+                # ignore other info
+                (?:^(?:copy|rename|deleted|dissimilarity|similarity).*$LF)?
+                # new mode (possibly new file) ($5)
+                (?:^new\x20(?:file\x20)?mode\x20(100644|120000|100755)$LF)?
+                # ignore other info
+                (?:^(?:copy|rename|deleted|dissimilarity|similarity).*$LF)?
+                )? # end of optional stuff, everything below is required
+                # match the pre and post-image OIDs as $6 $7
+                ^index\x20(${pre}[a-f0-9]*)\.\.(${post}[a-f0-9]*)
+                        # mode if unchanged $8
+                        (?:\x20(100644|120000|100755))?$LF
+        ) # end of header lines ($1)
+        ( # $9 is the patch body
+                # "--- a/foo.c" sets pre-filename ($10) in case
+                # $2 is missing
+                (?:^---\x20$FN$LF)
+                # "+++ b/foo.c" sets post-filename ($11) in case
+                # $3 is missing
+                (?:^\+{3}\x20$FN$LF)
+                # the meat of the diff, including "^\\No newline ..."
+                # We also allow for totally blank lines w/o leading spaces,
+                # because git-apply(1) handles that case, too
+                (?:^(?:[\@\+\x20\-\\][^\r\n]*|)$LF)+
+        )!smx or return;
+        my $hdr_lines = $1;
+        my $path_a = $2 // $10;
+        my $path_b = $3 // $11;
+        $di->{oid_a} = $6;
+        $di->{oid_b} = $7;
+        $di->{mode_a} = $5 // $8 // $4; # new (file) // unchanged // old
+        my $patch = $9;
+        # don't care for leading 'a/' and 'b/'
+        my (undef, @a) = split(m{/}, git_unquote($path_a));
+        my (undef, @b) = split(m{/}, git_unquote($path_b));
+        # get rid of path-traversal attempts and junk patches:
+        # it's junk at best, an attack attempt at worse:
+        state $bad_component = { map { $_ => 1 } ('', '.', '..') };
+        foreach (@a, @b) { return if $bad_component->{$_} }
+        $di->{path_a} = join('/', @a);
+        $di->{path_b} = join('/', @b);
+        utf8::encode($hdr_lines);
+        utf8::encode($patch);
+        my $path = ++$self->{tot};
+        $di->{n} = $path;
+        open(my $tmp, '>', $self->{tmp}->dirname . "/$path") or
+                die "open(tmp): $!";
+        print $tmp $hdr_lines, $patch or die "print(tmp): $!";
         close $tmp or die "close(tmp): $!";
+        # for debugging/diagnostics:
+        $di->{ibx} = $ibx;
+        $di->{smsg} = $smsg;
+        $di->{hdr_lines} = $hdr_lines;
         push @$diffs, $di;
@@ -214,13 +230,13 @@ sub find_extract_diffs ($$$) {
         my $msgs = $srch->query($q, { relevance => 1 });
-        my $re = qr/\Aindex ($pre[a-f0-9]*)\.\.($post[a-f0-9]*)(?: ([0-9]+))?/;
         my $diffs = [];
         foreach my $smsg (@$msgs) {
                 $ibx->smsg_mime($smsg) or next;
                 my $mime = delete $smsg->{mime};
                 msg_iter($mime, \&extract_diff,
-                                [$self, $diffs, $re, $ibx, $smsg]);
+                                [$self, $diffs, $pre, $post, $ibx, $smsg]);
         @$diffs ? $diffs : undef;
@@ -251,7 +267,7 @@ sub prepare_index ($) {
         my $oid_full = $existing->[1];
         my $path_a = $di->{path_a} or die "BUG: path_a missing for $oid_full";
-        my $mode_a = $di->{mode_a} || extract_old_mode($di);
+        my $mode_a = $di->{mode_a} // '100644';
         my $in = tmpfile("update-index.$oid_full") or die "tmpfile: $!";
         print $in "$mode_a $oid_full\t$path_a\0" or die "print: $!";
@@ -307,15 +323,6 @@ EOF
-sub extract_old_mode ($) {
-        my ($di) = @_;
-        if (join('', @{$di->{hdr_lines}}) =~
-                        /^old mode (100644|100755|120000)\b/) {
-                return $1;
-        }
-        '100644';
 sub do_finish ($) {
         my ($self) = @_;
         my ($found, $oid_want) = @$self{qw(found oid_want)};
@@ -484,7 +491,7 @@ sub do_git_apply ($) {
                 my $i = ++$self->{nr};
                 $di = shift @$patches;
                 dbg($self, "\napplying [$i/$total] " . di_url($self, $di) .
-                        "\n" . join('', @{$di->{hdr_lines}}));
+                        "\n" . $di->{hdr_lines});
                 my $path = $di->{n};
                 $len += length($path) + 1;
                 push @cmd, $path;