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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/xh_cidx.h')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/xh_cidx.h b/lib/PublicInbox/xh_cidx.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8cc6a845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/xh_cidx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+// Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+// License: GPL-2.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt>
+// This file is only intended to be included by xap_helper.h
+// it implements pieces used by CodeSearchIdx.pm
+// TODO: consider making PublicInbox::CodeSearchIdx emit binary
+// (20 or 32-bit) OIDs instead of ASCII hex.  It would require
+// more code in both Perl and C++, though...
+// assumes trusted data from same host
+static inline unsigned int hex2uint(char c)
+        switch (c) {
+        case '0' ... '9': return c - '0';
+        case 'a' ... 'f': return c - 'a' + 10;
+        default: return 0xff; // oh well...
+        }
+// assumes trusted data from same host
+static kh_inline khint_t sha_hex_hash(const char *hex)
+        khint_t ret = 0;
+        for (size_t shift = 32; shift; )
+                ret |= hex2uint(*hex++) << (shift -= 4);
+        return ret;
+KHASHL_CMAP_INIT(KH_LOCAL, root2id_map, root2id,
+                const char *, const char *,
+                sha_hex_hash, kh_eq_str)
+static void term_length_extract(struct req *req)
+        req->lenv = (size_t *)xcalloc(req->pfxc, sizeof(size_t));
+        for (int i = 0; i < req->pfxc; i++) {
+                char *pfx = req->pfxv[i];
+                // extract trailing digits as length:
+                // $len = s/([0-9]+)\z// ? ($1+0) : 0
+                for (size_t j = 0; pfx[j]; j++) {
+                        if (pfx[j] < '0' || pfx[j] > '9')
+                                continue;
+                        if (j == 0) {
+                                warnx("W: `%s' not a valid prefix", pfx);
+                                continue;
+                        }
+                        char *end;
+                        unsigned long long tmp = strtoull(pfx + j, &end, 10);
+                        if (*end || tmp >= (unsigned long long)SIZE_MAX) {
+                                warnx("W: `%s' not recognized", pfx);
+                        } else {
+                                req->lenv[i] = (size_t)tmp;
+                                pfx[j] = 0;
+                                break;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+static void dump_ibx_term(struct req *req, int p,
+                        Xapian::Document *doc, const char *ibx_id)
+        Xapian::TermIterator cur = doc->termlist_begin();
+        Xapian::TermIterator end = doc->termlist_end();
+        const char *pfx = req->pfxv[p];
+        size_t pfx_len = strlen(pfx);
+        size_t term_len = req->lenv[p];
+        for (cur.skip_to(pfx); cur != end; cur++) {
+                std::string tn = *cur;
+                if (!starts_with(&tn, pfx, pfx_len)) break;
+                if (term_len > 0 && (tn.length() - pfx_len) != term_len)
+                        continue;
+                fprintf(req->fp[0], "%s %s\n", tn.c_str() + pfx_len, ibx_id);
+                ++req->nr_out;
+        }
+static enum exc_iter dump_ibx_iter(struct req *req, const char *ibx_id,
+                                Xapian::MSetIterator *i)
+        try {
+                Xapian::Document doc = i->get_document();
+                for (int p = 0; p < req->pfxc; p++)
+                        dump_ibx_term(req, p, &doc, ibx_id);
+        } catch (const Xapian::DatabaseModifiedError & e) {
+                req->srch->db->reopen();
+                return ITER_RETRY;
+        } catch (const Xapian::DocNotFoundError & e) { // oh well...
+                warnx("doc not found: %s", e.get_description().c_str());
+        }
+        return ITER_OK;
+static bool cmd_dump_ibx(struct req *req)
+        if ((optind + 1) >= req->argc)
+                ABORT("usage: dump_ibx [OPTIONS] IBX_ID QRY_STR");
+        if (!req->pfxc)
+                ABORT("dump_ibx requires -A PREFIX");
+        const char *ibx_id = req->argv[optind];
+        if (my_setlinebuf(req->fp[0])) // for sort(1) pipe
+                EABORT("setlinebuf(fp[0])"); // WTF?
+        req->asc = true;
+        req->sort_col = -1;
+        term_length_extract(req);
+        Xapian::MSet mset = mail_mset(req, req->argv[optind + 1]);
+        // @UNIQ_FOLD in CodeSearchIdx.pm can handle duplicate lines fine
+        // in case we need to retry on DB reopens
+        for (Xapian::MSetIterator i = mset.begin(); i != mset.end(); i++) {
+                for (int t = 10; t > 0; --t)
+                        switch (dump_ibx_iter(req, ibx_id, &i)) {
+                        case ITER_OK: t = 0; break; // leave inner loop
+                        case ITER_RETRY: break; // continue for-loop
+                        case ITER_ABORT: return false; // error
+                        }
+        }
+        emit_mset_stats(req, &mset);
+        return true;
+struct dump_roots_tmp {
+        struct stat sb;
+        void *mm_ptr;
+        char **entries;
+        struct fbuf wbuf;
+        root2id_map *root2id;
+        int root2off_fd;
+#define CLEANUP_DUMP_ROOTS __attribute__((__cleanup__(dump_roots_ensure)))
+static void dump_roots_ensure(void *ptr)
+        struct dump_roots_tmp *drt = (struct dump_roots_tmp *)ptr;
+        if (drt->root2off_fd >= 0)
+                xclose(drt->root2off_fd);
+        if (drt->root2id)
+                root2id_cm_destroy(drt->root2id);
+        size_t size = off2size(drt->sb.st_size);
+        if (drt->mm_ptr && munmap(drt->mm_ptr, size))
+                EABORT("BUG: munmap(%p, %zu)", drt->mm_ptr, size);
+        free(drt->entries);
+        fbuf_ensure(&drt->wbuf);
+static bool root2offs_str(struct dump_roots_tmp *drt,
+                        struct fbuf *root_offs, Xapian::Document *doc)
+        Xapian::TermIterator cur = doc->termlist_begin();
+        Xapian::TermIterator end = doc->termlist_end();
+        fbuf_init(root_offs);
+        for (cur.skip_to("G"); cur != end; cur++) {
+                std::string tn = *cur;
+                if (!starts_with(&tn, "G", 1)) break;
+                khint_t i = root2id_get(drt->root2id, tn.c_str() + 1);
+                if (i >= kh_end(drt->root2id))
+                        ABORT("kh get miss `%s'", tn.c_str() + 1);
+                fputc(' ', root_offs->fp);
+                // kh_val(...) is a NUL-terminated string matching /[0-9]+/
+                fputs(kh_val(drt->root2id, i), root_offs->fp);
+        }
+        fputc('\n', root_offs->fp);
+        ERR_CLOSE(root_offs->fp, EXIT_FAILURE); // ENOMEM
+        root_offs->fp = NULL;
+        return true;
+// writes term values matching @pfx for a given @doc, ending the line
+// with the contents of @root_offs
+static void dump_roots_term(struct req *req, int p,
+                                struct dump_roots_tmp *drt,
+                                struct fbuf *root_offs,
+                                Xapian::Document *doc)
+        Xapian::TermIterator cur = doc->termlist_begin();
+        Xapian::TermIterator end = doc->termlist_end();
+        const char *pfx = req->pfxv[p];
+        size_t pfx_len = strlen(pfx);
+        size_t term_len = req->lenv[p];
+        for (cur.skip_to(pfx); cur != end; cur++) {
+                std::string tn = *cur;
+                if (!starts_with(&tn, pfx, pfx_len)) break;
+                if (term_len > 0 && (tn.length() - pfx_len) != term_len)
+                        continue;
+                fputs(tn.c_str() + pfx_len, drt->wbuf.fp);
+                fwrite(root_offs->ptr, root_offs->len, 1, drt->wbuf.fp);
+                ++req->nr_out;
+        }
+// we may have lines which exceed PIPE_BUF, so we do our own
+// buffering and rely on flock(2), here
+static bool dump_roots_flush(struct req *req, struct dump_roots_tmp *drt)
+        bool ok = true;
+        off_t off = ftello(drt->wbuf.fp);
+        if (off < 0) EABORT("ftello");
+        if (!off) return ok;
+        ERR_FLUSH(drt->wbuf.fp); // ENOMEM
+        int fd = fileno(req->fp[0]);
+        while (flock(drt->root2off_fd, LOCK_EX)) {
+                if (errno == EINTR) continue;
+                err(EXIT_FAILURE, "LOCK_EX"); // ENOLCK?
+        }
+        ok = write_all(fd, &drt->wbuf, (size_t)off);
+        while (flock(drt->root2off_fd, LOCK_UN)) {
+                if (errno == EINTR) continue;
+                err(EXIT_FAILURE, "LOCK_UN"); // ENOLCK?
+        }
+        if (fseeko(drt->wbuf.fp, 0, SEEK_SET)) EABORT("fseeko");
+        return ok;
+static enum exc_iter dump_roots_iter(struct req *req,
+                                struct dump_roots_tmp *drt,
+                                Xapian::MSetIterator *i)
+        CLEANUP_FBUF struct fbuf root_offs = {}; // " $ID0 $ID1 $IDx..\n"
+        try {
+                Xapian::Document doc = i->get_document();
+                if (!root2offs_str(drt, &root_offs, &doc))
+                        return ITER_ABORT; // bad request, abort
+                for (int p = 0; p < req->pfxc; p++)
+                        dump_roots_term(req, p, drt, &root_offs, &doc);
+        } catch (const Xapian::DatabaseModifiedError & e) {
+                req->srch->db->reopen();
+                return ITER_RETRY;
+        } catch (const Xapian::DocNotFoundError & e) { // oh well...
+                warnx("doc not found: %s", e.get_description().c_str());
+        }
+        return ITER_OK;
+static bool cmd_dump_roots(struct req *req)
+        CLEANUP_DUMP_ROOTS struct dump_roots_tmp drt = {};
+        drt.root2off_fd = -1;
+        if ((optind + 1) >= req->argc)
+                ABORT("usage: dump_roots [OPTIONS] ROOT2ID_FILE QRY_STR");
+        if (!req->pfxc)
+                ABORT("dump_roots requires -A PREFIX");
+        const char *root2off_file = req->argv[optind];
+        drt.root2off_fd = open(root2off_file, O_RDONLY);
+        if (drt.root2off_fd < 0)
+                EABORT("open(%s)", root2off_file);
+        if (fstat(drt.root2off_fd, &drt.sb)) // ENOMEM?
+                err(EXIT_FAILURE, "fstat(%s)", root2off_file);
+        // each entry is at least 43 bytes ({OIDHEX}\0{INT}\0),
+        // so /32 overestimates the number of expected entries
+        size_t size = off2size(drt.sb.st_size);
+        size_t est = (size / 32) + 1; //+1 for "\0" termination
+        drt.mm_ptr = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ,
+                                MAP_PRIVATE, drt.root2off_fd, 0);
+        if (drt.mm_ptr == MAP_FAILED)
+                err(EXIT_FAILURE, "mmap(%zu, %s)", size, root2off_file);
+        size_t asize = est * 2;
+        if (asize < est) ABORT("too many entries: %zu", est);
+        drt.entries = (char **)xcalloc(asize, sizeof(char *));
+        size_t tot = split2argv(drt.entries, (char *)drt.mm_ptr, size, asize);
+        if (tot <= 0) return false; // split2argv already warned on error
+        drt.root2id = root2id_init();
+        root2id_cm_resize(drt.root2id, est);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < tot; ) {
+                int absent;
+                const char *key = drt.entries[i++];
+                khint_t k = root2id_put(drt.root2id, key, &absent);
+                if (!absent)
+                        err(EXIT_FAILURE, "put(%s => %s, ENTER)",
+                                key, drt.entries[i]);
+                kh_val(drt.root2id, k) = drt.entries[i++];
+        }
+        req->asc = true;
+        req->sort_col = -1;
+        Xapian::MSet mset = commit_mset(req, req->argv[optind + 1]);
+        term_length_extract(req);
+        fbuf_init(&drt.wbuf);
+        // @UNIQ_FOLD in CodeSearchIdx.pm can handle duplicate lines fine
+        // in case we need to retry on DB reopens
+        for (Xapian::MSetIterator i = mset.begin(); i != mset.end(); i++) {
+                for (int t = 10; t > 0; --t)
+                        switch (dump_roots_iter(req, &drt, &i)) {
+                        case ITER_OK: t = 0; break; // leave inner loop
+                        case ITER_RETRY: break; // continue for-loop
+                        case ITER_ABORT: return false; // error
+                        }
+                if (!(req->nr_out & 0x3fff) && !dump_roots_flush(req, &drt))
+                        return false;
+        }
+        if (!dump_roots_flush(req, &drt))
+                return false;
+        emit_mset_stats(req, &mset);
+        return true;