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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/ViewVCS.pm')
1 files changed, 564 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/ViewVCS.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/ViewVCS.pm
index 1379bd58..f47c2703 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/ViewVCS.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/ViewVCS.pm
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
 # show any VCS object, similar to "git show"
-# FIXME: we only show blobs for now
 # This can use a "solver" to reconstruct blobs based on git
 # patches (with abbreviated OIDs in the header).  However, the
@@ -15,159 +14,592 @@
 package PublicInbox::ViewVCS;
 use strict;
-use warnings;
-use bytes (); # only for bytes::length
+use v5.10.1;
+use File::Temp 0.19 (); # newdir
 use PublicInbox::SolverGit;
-use PublicInbox::WwwStream;
+use PublicInbox::Git;
+use PublicInbox::GitAsyncCat;
+use PublicInbox::WwwStream qw(html_oneshot);
 use PublicInbox::Linkify;
 use PublicInbox::Tmpfile;
-use PublicInbox::Hval qw(ascii_html to_filename);
+use PublicInbox::ViewDiff qw(flush_diff uri_escape_path);
+use PublicInbox::View;
+use PublicInbox::Eml;
+use PublicInbox::OnDestroy;
+use Text::Wrap qw(wrap);
+use PublicInbox::Hval qw(ascii_html to_filename prurl utf8_maybe);
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use autodie qw(open seek truncate);
+use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET);
 my $hl = eval {
         require PublicInbox::HlMod;
-my %QP_MAP = ( A => 'oid_a', B => 'oid_b', a => 'path_a', b => 'path_b' );
+my %QP_MAP = ( A => 'oid_a', a => 'path_a', b => 'path_b' );
 our $MAX_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; # TODO: configurable
 my $BIN_DETECT = 8000; # same as git
+my $SHOW_FMT = '--pretty=format:'.join('%n', '%P', '%p', '%H', '%T', '%s', '%f',
+        '%an <%ae>  %ai', '%cn <%ce>  %ci', '%b%x00');
-sub html_i { # WwwStream::getline callback
-        my ($nr, $ctx) =  @_;
-        $nr == 1 ? ${delete $ctx->{obuf}} : undef;
+my %GIT_MODE = (
+        '100644' => ' ', # blob
+        '100755' => 'x', # executable blob
+        '040000' => 'd', # tree
+        '120000' => 'l', # symlink
+        '160000' => 'g', # commit (gitlink)
+# TODO: not fork safe, but we don't fork w/o exec in PublicInbox::WWW
+my (@solver_q, $solver_lim);
+my $solver_nr = 0;
-sub html_page ($$$) {
-        my ($ctx, $code, $strref) = @_;
+sub html_page ($$;@) {
+        my ($ctx, $code) = @_[0, 1];
         my $wcb = delete $ctx->{-wcb};
-        $ctx->{-upfx} = '../../'; # from "/$INBOX/$OID/s/"
-        $ctx->{obuf} = $strref;
-        my $res = PublicInbox::WwwStream->response($ctx, $code, \&html_i);
+        $ctx->{-upfx} //= '../../'; # from "/$INBOX/$OID/s/"
+        my $res = html_oneshot($ctx, $code, @_[2..$#_]);
         $wcb ? $wcb->($res) : $res;
+sub dbg_log ($) {
+        my ($ctx) = @_;
+        my $log = delete $ctx->{lh} // die 'BUG: already captured debug log';
+        if (!CORE::seek($log, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
+                warn "seek(log): $!";
+                return '<pre>debug log seek error</pre>';
+        }
+        $log = eval { PublicInbox::IO::read_all $log } // do {
+                warn "read(log): $@";
+                return '<pre>debug log read error</pre>';
+        };
+        return '' if $log eq '';
+        $ctx->{-linkify} //= PublicInbox::Linkify->new;
+        "<hr><pre>debug log:\n\n".
+                $ctx->{-linkify}->to_html($log).'</pre>';
 sub stream_blob_parse_hdr { # {parse_hdr} for Qspawn
         my ($r, $bref, $ctx) = @_;
-        my ($res, $logref) = delete @$ctx{qw(-res -logref)};
-        my ($git, $oid, $type, $size, $di) = @$res;
+        my ($git, $oid, $type, $size, $di) = @{$ctx->{-res}};
         my @cl = ('Content-Length', $size);
-        if (!defined $r) { # error
-                html_page($ctx, 500, $logref);
+        if (!defined $r) { # sysread error
+                html_page($ctx, 500, dbg_log($ctx));
         } elsif (index($$bref, "\0") >= 0) {
                 [200, [qw(Content-Type application/octet-stream), @cl] ];
         } else {
-                my $n = bytes::length($$bref);
+                my $n = length($$bref);
                 if ($n >= $BIN_DETECT || $n == $size) {
                         return [200, [ 'Content-Type',
                                 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8', @cl ] ];
                 if ($r == 0) {
-                        warn "premature EOF on $oid $$logref\n";
-                        return html_page($ctx, 500, $logref);
+                        my $log = dbg_log($ctx);
+                        warn "premature EOF on $oid $log";
+                        return html_page($ctx, 500, $log);
                 undef; # bref keeps growing
-sub stream_large_blob ($$$$) {
-        my ($ctx, $res, $logref, $fn) = @_;
-        $ctx->{-logref} = $logref;
+sub stream_large_blob ($$) {
+        my ($ctx, $res) = @_;
         $ctx->{-res} = $res;
         my ($git, $oid, $type, $size, $di) = @$res;
         my $cmd = ['git', "--git-dir=$git->{git_dir}", 'cat-file', $type, $oid];
         my $qsp = PublicInbox::Qspawn->new($cmd);
-        my $env = $ctx->{env};
-        $env->{'qspawn.wcb'} = delete $ctx->{-wcb};
-        $qsp->psgi_return($env, undef, \&stream_blob_parse_hdr, $ctx);
+        $ctx->{env}->{'qspawn.wcb'} = $ctx->{-wcb};
+        $qsp->psgi_yield($ctx->{env}, undef, \&stream_blob_parse_hdr, $ctx);
-sub show_other_result ($$) {
+sub show_other_result ($$) { # future-proofing
         my ($bref, $ctx) = @_;
-        my ($qsp, $logref) = delete @$ctx{qw(-qsp -logref)};
-        if (my $err = $qsp->{err}) {
-                utf8::decode($$err);
-                $$logref .= "git show error: $err";
-                return html_page($ctx, 500, $logref);
+        if (my $qsp_err = delete $ctx->{-qsp_err}) {
+                return html_page($ctx, 500, dbg_log($ctx) .
+                                "git show error:$qsp_err");
         my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new;
-        utf8::decode($$bref);
-        $$bref = '<pre>'. $l->to_html($$bref);
-        $$bref .= '</pre><hr>' . $$logref;
-        html_page($ctx, 200, $bref);
+        utf8_maybe($$bref);
+        html_page($ctx, 200, '<pre>', $l->to_html($$bref), '</pre><hr>',
+                dbg_log($ctx));
-sub show_other ($$$$) {
-        my ($ctx, $res, $logref, $fn) = @_;
-        my ($git, $oid, $type, $size) = @$res;
-        if ($size > $MAX_SIZE) {
-                $$logref = "$oid is too big to show\n" . $$logref;
-                return html_page($ctx, 200, $logref);
+sub cmt_title { # git->cat_async callback
+        my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $ctx_cb) = @_;
+        utf8_maybe($$bref);
+        my $title = $$bref =~ /\r?\n\r?\n([^\r\n]+)\r?\n?/ ? $1 : '';
+        # $ctx_cb is [ $ctx, $cmt_fin ]
+        push @{$ctx_cb->[0]->{-cmt_pt}}, ascii_html($title);
+sub do_cat_async {
+        my ($arg, $cb, @req) = @_;
+        # favor git(1) over Gcf2 (libgit2) for SHA-256 support
+        my $ctx = ref $arg eq 'ARRAY' ? $arg->[0] : $arg;
+        $ctx->{git}->cat_async($_, $cb, $arg) for @req;
+        if ($ctx->{env}->{'pi-httpd.async'}) {
+                $ctx->{git}->watch_async;
+        } else { # synchronous, generic PSGI
+                $ctx->{git}->cat_async_wait;
+        }
+sub do_check_async {
+        my ($ctx, $cb, @req) = @_;
+        if ($ctx->{env}->{'pi-httpd.async'}) {
+                async_check($ctx, $_, $cb, $ctx) for @req;
+        } else { # synchronous, generic PSGI
+                $ctx->{git}->check_async($_, $cb, $ctx) for @req;
+                $ctx->{git}->check_async_wait;
+        }
+sub cmt_hdr_prep { # psgi_qx cb
+        my ($fh, $ctx, $cmt_fin) = @_;
+        return if $ctx->{-qsp_err_h}; # let cmt_fin handle it
+        seek $fh, 0, SEEK_SET;
+        my $buf = do { local $/ = "\0"; <$fh> } // die "readline: $!";
+        chop($buf) eq "\0" or die 'no NUL in git show -z output';
+        utf8_maybe($buf); # non-UTF-8 commits exist
+        chomp $buf;
+        (my $P, my $p, @{$ctx->{cmt_info}}) = split(/\n/, $buf, 9);
+        truncate $fh, 0;
+        return unless $P;
+        seek $fh, 0, SEEK_SET;
+        my $qsp_p = PublicInbox::Qspawn->new($ctx->{git}->cmd(qw(show
+                --encoding=UTF-8 --pretty=format:%n -M --stat -p), $ctx->{oid}),
+                undef, { 1 => $fh });
+        $qsp_p->{qsp_err} = \($ctx->{-qsp_err_p} = '');
+        $qsp_p->psgi_qx($ctx->{env}, undef, \&cmt_patch_prep, $ctx, $cmt_fin);
+        @{$ctx->{-cmt_P}} = split / /, $P;
+        @{$ctx->{-cmt_p}} = split / /, $p; # abbreviated
+        do_cat_async([$ctx, $cmt_fin], \&cmt_title, @{$ctx->{-cmt_P}});
+sub read_patchid { # psgi_qx cb
+        my ($bref, $ctx, $cmt_fin) = @_;
+        my ($patchid) = split(/ /, $$bref); # ignore commit
+        $ctx->{-q_value_html} = "patchid:$patchid" if defined $patchid;
+sub cmt_patch_prep { # psgi_qx cb
+        my ($fh, $ctx, $cmt_fin) = @_;
+        return if $ctx->{-qsp_err_p}; # let cmt_fin handle error
+        return if -s $fh > $MAX_SIZE; # too big to show, too big to patch-id
+        seek $fh, 0, SEEK_SET;
+        my $qsp = PublicInbox::Qspawn->new(
+                                $ctx->{git}->cmd(qw(patch-id --stable)),
+                                undef, { 0 => $fh });
+        $qsp->{qsp_err} = \$ctx->{-qsp_err_p};
+        $qsp->psgi_qx($ctx->{env}, undef, \&read_patchid, $ctx, $cmt_fin);
+sub ibx_url_for {
+        my ($ctx) = @_;
+        $ctx->{ibx} and return; # fall back to $upfx
+        $ctx->{git} or die 'BUG: no {git}';
+        if (my $ALL = $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}->ALL) {
+                if (defined(my $u = $ALL->base_url($ctx->{env}))) {
+                        return wantarray ? ($u) : $u;
+                }
+        }
+        my @ret;
+        if (my $ibx_names = $ctx->{git}->{ibx_names}) {
+                my $by_name = $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}->{-by_name};
+                for my $name (@$ibx_names) {
+                        my $ibx = $by_name->{$name} // do {
+                                warn "inbox `$name' no longer exists\n";
+                                next;
+                        };
+                        $ibx->isrch // next;
+                        my $u = defined($ibx->{url}) ?
+                                prurl($ctx->{env}, $ibx->{url}) : $name;
+                        $u .= '/' if substr($u, -1) ne '/';
+                        push @ret, $u;
+                }
+        }
+        wantarray ? (@ret) : $ret[0];
+sub cmt_fin { # OnDestroy cb
+        my ($ctx) = @_;
+        my ($eh, $ep) = delete @$ctx{qw(-qsp_err_h -qsp_err_p)};
+        if ($eh || $ep) {
+                my $e = join(' - ', grep defined, $eh, $ep);
+                return html_page($ctx, 500, dbg_log($ctx) .
+                                "git show/patch-id error:$e");
+        $ctx->{-linkify} //= PublicInbox::Linkify->new;
+        my $upfx = $ctx->{-upfx} = '../../'; # from "/$INBOX/$OID/s/"
+        my ($H, $T, $s, $f, $au, $co, $bdy) = @{delete $ctx->{cmt_info}};
+        # try to keep author and committer dates lined up
+        my $x = length($au) - length($co);
+        if ($x > 0) {
+                $x = ' ' x $x;
+                $co =~ s/>/>$x/;
+        } elsif ($x < 0) {
+                $x = ' ' x (-$x);
+                $au =~ s/>/>$x/;
+        }
+        $_ = ascii_html($_) for ($au, $co);
+        my $ibx_url = ibx_url_for($ctx) // $upfx;
+        $au =~ s!(&gt; +)([0-9]{4,}-\S+ \S+)!
+                my ($gt, $t) = ($1, $2);
+                $t =~ tr/ :-//d;
+                qq($gt<a
+title="list contemporary emails">$2</a>)
+                !e;
+        $ctx->{-title_html} = $s = $ctx->{-linkify}->to_html($s);
+        my ($P, $p, $pt) = delete @$ctx{qw(-cmt_P -cmt_p -cmt_pt)};
+        $_ = qq(<a href="$upfx$_/s/">).shift(@$p).'</a> '.shift(@$pt) for @$P;
+        if (@$P == 1) {
+                $x = qq{ (<a
+href="$f.patch">patch</a>)\n   <a href=#parent>parent</a> $P->[0]};
+        } elsif (@$P > 1) {
+                $x = qq(\n  <a href=#parents>parents</a> $P->[0]\n);
+                shift @$P;
+                $x .= qq(          $_\n) for @$P;
+                chop $x;
+        } else {
+                $x = ' (<a href=#root_commit>root commit</a>)';
+        }
+        PublicInbox::WwwStream::html_init($ctx);
+        my $zfh = $ctx->zfh;
+        print $zfh <<EOM;
+<pre>   <a href=#commit>commit</a> $H$x
+     <a href=#tree>tree</a> <a href="$upfx$T/s/?b=">$T</a>
+   author $au
+committer $co
+        print $zfh "\n", $ctx->{-linkify}->to_html($bdy) if length($bdy);
+        undef $bdy; # free memory
+        my $fh = delete $ctx->{patch_fh};
+        if (-s $fh > $MAX_SIZE) {
+                print $zfh '</pre><hr><pre>patch is too large to show</pre>';
+        } else { # prepare flush_diff:
+                seek $fh, 0, SEEK_SET;
+                PublicInbox::IO::read_all $fh, -s _, \$x;
+                utf8_maybe($x);
+                $ctx->{-apfx} = $ctx->{-spfx} = $upfx;
+                $x =~ s/\r?\n/\n/gs;
+                $ctx->{-anchors} = {} if $x =~ /^diff --git /sm;
+                flush_diff($ctx, \$x); # undefs $x
+                # TODO: should there be another textarea which attempts to
+                # search for the exact email which was applied to make this
+                # commit?
+                if (my $qry = delete $ctx->{-qry}) {
+                        my $q = '';
+                        for (@{$qry->{dfpost}}, @{$qry->{dfpre}}) {
+                                # keep blobs as short as reasonable, emails
+                                # are going to be older than what's in git
+                                substr($_, 7, 64, '');
+                                $q .= "dfblob:$_ ";
+                        }
+                        chop $q; # no trailing SP
+                        local $Text::Wrap::columns = PublicInbox::View::COLS;
+                        local $Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow';
+                        $q = wrap('', '', $q);
+                        my $rows = ($q =~ tr/\n/\n/) + 1;
+                        $q = ascii_html($q);
+                        my $ibx_url = ibx_url_for($ctx);
+                        my $alt;
+                        if (defined $ibx_url) {
+                                $alt = " `$ibx_url'";
+                                $ibx_url =~ m!://! or
+                                        substr($ibx_url, 0, 0, '../../../');
+                                $ibx_url = ascii_html($ibx_url);
+                        } else {
+                                $ibx_url = $upfx;
+                                $alt = '';
+                        }
+                        print $zfh <<EOM;
+</pre><hr><form action="$ibx_url"
+id=related><pre>find related emails, including ancestors/descendants/conflicts
+<textarea name=q cols=${\PublicInbox::View::COLS} rows=$rows>$q</textarea>
+<input type=submit value="search$alt"
+/>\t(<a href="${ibx_url}_/text/help/">help</a>)</pre></form>
+                }
+        }
+        chop($x = <<EOM);
+id=commit>Commit</dfn> objects reference one tree, and zero or more parents.
+Single <dfn
+id=parent>parent</dfn> commits can typically generate a patch in
+unified diff format via `git format-patch'.
+Multiple <dfn id=parents>parents</dfn> means the commit is a merge.
+<dfn id=root_commit>Root commits</dfn> have no ancestor.  Note that it is
+possible to have multiple root commits when merging independent histories.
+Every commit references one top-level <dfn id=tree>tree</dfn> object.</pre>
+        delete($ctx->{-wcb})->($ctx->html_done($x));
+sub stream_patch_parse_hdr { # {parse_hdr} for Qspawn
+        my ($r, $bref, $ctx) = @_;
+        if (!defined $r) { # sysread error
+                html_page($ctx, 500, dbg_log($ctx));
+        } elsif (index($$bref, "\n\n") >= 0) {
+                my $eml = bless { hdr => $bref }, 'PublicInbox::Eml';
+                my $fn = to_filename($eml->header('Subject') // '');
+                $fn = substr($fn // 'PATCH-no-subject', 6); # drop "PATCH-"
+                return [ 200, [ 'Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
+                                'Content-Disposition',
+                                qq(inline; filename=$fn.patch) ] ];
+        } elsif ($r == 0) {
+                my $log = dbg_log($ctx);
+                warn "premature EOF on $ctx->{patch_oid} $log";
+                return html_page($ctx, 500, $log);
+        } else {
+                undef; # bref keeps growing until "\n\n"
+        }
+sub show_patch ($$) {
+        my ($ctx, $res) = @_;
+        my ($git, $oid) = @$res;
+        my @cmd = ('git', "--git-dir=$git->{git_dir}",
+                qw(format-patch -1 --stdout -C),
+                "--signature=git format-patch -1 --stdout -C $oid", $oid);
+        my $qsp = PublicInbox::Qspawn->new(\@cmd);
+        $ctx->{env}->{'qspawn.wcb'} = $ctx->{-wcb};
+        $ctx->{patch_oid} = $oid;
+        $qsp->psgi_yield($ctx->{env}, undef, \&stream_patch_parse_hdr, $ctx);
+sub show_commit ($$) {
+        my ($ctx, $res) = @_;
+        return show_patch($ctx, $res) if ($ctx->{fn} // '') =~ /\.patch\z/;
+        my ($git, $oid) = @$res;
+        # patch-id needs two passes, and we use the initial show to ensure
+        # a patch embedded inside the commit message body doesn't get fed
+        # to patch-id:
+        open $ctx->{patch_fh}, '+>', "$ctx->{-tmp}/show";
+        my $qsp_h = PublicInbox::Qspawn->new($git->cmd('show', $SHOW_FMT,
+                        qw(--encoding=UTF-8 -z --no-notes --no-patch), $oid),
+                        undef, { 1 => $ctx->{patch_fh} });
+        $qsp_h->{qsp_err} = \($ctx->{-qsp_err_h} = '');
+        my $cmt_fin = on_destroy \&cmt_fin, $ctx;
+        $ctx->{git} = $git;
+        $ctx->{oid} = $oid;
+        $qsp_h->psgi_qx($ctx->{env}, undef, \&cmt_hdr_prep, $ctx, $cmt_fin);
+sub show_other ($$) { # just in case...
+        my ($ctx, $res) = @_;
+        my ($git, $oid, $type, $size) = @$res;
+        $size > $MAX_SIZE and return html_page($ctx, 200,
+                ascii_html($type)." $oid is too big to show\n". dbg_log($ctx));
         my $cmd = ['git', "--git-dir=$git->{git_dir}",
                 qw(show --encoding=UTF-8 --no-color --no-abbrev), $oid ];
         my $qsp = PublicInbox::Qspawn->new($cmd);
-        my $env = $ctx->{env};
-        $ctx->{-qsp} = $qsp;
-        $ctx->{-logref} = $logref;
-        $qsp->psgi_qx($env, undef, \&show_other_result, $ctx);
+        $qsp->{qsp_err} = \($ctx->{-qsp_err} = '');
+        $qsp->psgi_qx($ctx->{env}, undef, \&show_other_result, $ctx);
-# user_cb for SolverGit, called as: user_cb->($result_or_error, $uarg)
-sub solve_result {
-        my ($res, $ctx) = @_;
-        my ($log, $hints, $fn) = delete @$ctx{qw(log hints fn)};
-        unless (seek($log, 0, 0)) {
-                $ctx->{env}->{'psgi.errors'}->print("seek(log): $!\n");
-                return html_page($ctx, 500, \'seek error');
+sub show_tree_result ($$) {
+        my ($bref, $ctx) = @_;
+        if (my $qsp_err = delete $ctx->{-qsp_err}) {
+                return html_page($ctx, 500, dbg_log($ctx) .
+                                "git ls-tree -z error:$qsp_err");
-        $log = do { local $/; <$log> };
+        my @ent = split(/\0/, $$bref);
+        my $qp = delete $ctx->{qp};
+        my $l = $ctx->{-linkify} //= PublicInbox::Linkify->new;
+        my $pfx = $ctx->{-path} // $qp->{b}; # {-path} is from RepoTree
+        $$bref = "<pre><a href=#tree>tree</a> $ctx->{tree_oid}";
+        # $REPO/tree/$path already sets {-upfx}
+        my $upfx = $ctx->{-upfx} //= '../../';
+        if (defined $pfx) {
+                $pfx =~ s!/+\z!!s;
+                if (my $t = $ctx->{-obj}) {
+                        my $t = ascii_html($t);
+                        $$bref .= <<EOM
+\n\$ git ls-tree -l $t        # shows similar output on the CLI
+                } elsif ($pfx eq '') {
+                        $$bref .= "  (root)\n";
+                } else {
+                        my $x = ascii_html($pfx);
+                        $pfx .= '/';
+                        $$bref .= qq(  <a href=#path>path</a>: $x</a>\n);
+                }
+        } else {
+                $pfx = '';
+                $$bref .= qq[  (<a href=#path>path</a> unknown)\n];
+        }
+        my ($x, $m, $t, $oid, $sz, $f, $n, $gitlink);
+        $$bref .= "\n        size        name";
+        for (@ent) {
+                ($x, $f) = split(/\t/, $_, 2);
+                undef $_;
+                ($m, $t, $oid, $sz) = split(/ +/, $x, 4);
+                $m = $GIT_MODE{$m} // '?';
+                utf8_maybe($f);
+                $n = ascii_html($f);
+                if ($m eq 'g') { # gitlink submodule commit
+                        $$bref .= "\ng\t\t$n @ <a\nhref=#g>commit</a>$oid";
+                        $gitlink = 1;
+                        next;
+                }
+                my $q = 'b='.ascii_html(uri_escape_path($pfx.$f));
+                if ($m eq 'd') { $n .= '/' }
+                elsif ($m eq 'x') { $n = "<b>$n</b>" }
+                elsif ($m eq 'l') { $n = "<i>$n</i>" }
+                $$bref .= qq(\n$m\t$sz\t<a\nhref="$upfx$oid/s/?$q">$n</a>);
+        }
+        $$bref .= dbg_log($ctx);
+        $$bref .= <<EOM;
+id=tree>Tree</dfn> objects belong to commits or other tree objects.  Trees may
+reference blobs, sub-trees, or (rarely) commits of submodules.
+id=path>Path</dfn> names are stored in tree objects, but trees do not know
+their own path name.  A tree's path name comes from their parent tree,
+or it is the root tree referenced by a commit object.  Thus, this web UI
+relies on the `b=' URI parameter as a hint to display the path name.
-        my $ref = ref($res);
+        $$bref .= <<EOM if $gitlink;
+<dfn title="submodule commit"
+id=g>Commit</dfn> objects may be stored in trees to reference submodules.</pre>
+        chop $$bref;
+        html_page($ctx, 200, $$bref);
+sub show_tree ($$) { # also used by RepoTree
+        my ($ctx, $res) = @_;
+        my ($git, $oid, undef, $size) = @$res;
+        $size > $MAX_SIZE and return html_page($ctx, 200,
+                        "tree $oid is too big to show\n". dbg_log($ctx));
+        my $cmd = [ 'git', "--git-dir=$git->{git_dir}",
+                qw(ls-tree -z -l --no-abbrev), $oid ];
+        my $qsp = PublicInbox::Qspawn->new($cmd);
+        $ctx->{tree_oid} = $oid;
+        $qsp->{qsp_err} = \($ctx->{-qsp_err} = '');
+        $qsp->psgi_qx($ctx->{env}, undef, \&show_tree_result, $ctx);
+# returns seconds offset from git TZ offset
+sub tz_adj ($) {
+        my ($tz) = @_; # e.g "-0700"
+        $tz = int($tz);
+        my $mm = $tz < 0 ? -$tz : $tz;
+        $mm = int($mm / 100) * 60 + ($mm % 100);
+        $mm = $tz < 0 ? -$mm : $mm;
+        ($mm * 60);
+sub show_tag_result { # git->cat_async callback
+        my ($bref, $oid, $type, $size, $ctx) = @_;
+        utf8_maybe($$bref);
         my $l = PublicInbox::Linkify->new;
-        $log = '<pre>debug log:</pre><hr /><pre>' .
-                $l->to_html($log) . '</pre>';
+        $$bref = $l->to_html($$bref);
+        $$bref =~ s!^object ([a-f0-9]+)!object <a
+        $$bref =~ s/^(tagger .*&gt; )([0-9]+) ([\-+]?[0-9]+)/$1.strftime(
+                '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime($2 + tz_adj($3)))." $3"/sme;
+        # TODO: download link
+        html_page($ctx, 200, '<pre>', $$bref, '</pre>', dbg_log($ctx));
-        $res or return html_page($ctx, 404, \$log);
-        $ref eq 'ARRAY' or return html_page($ctx, 500, \$log);
+sub show_tag ($$) {
+        my ($ctx, $res) = @_;
+        my ($git, $oid) = @$res;
+        $ctx->{git} = $git;
+        do_cat_async($ctx, \&show_tag_result, $oid);
+# user_cb for SolverGit, called as: user_cb->($result_or_error, $uarg)
+sub solve_result {
+        my ($res, $ctx) = @_;
+        my $hints = delete $ctx->{hints};
+        $res or return html_page($ctx, 404, 'Not found', dbg_log($ctx));
+        ref($res) eq 'ARRAY' or
+                return html_page($ctx, 500, 'Internal error', dbg_log($ctx));
         my ($git, $oid, $type, $size, $di) = @$res;
-        return show_other($ctx, $res, \$log, $fn) if $type ne 'blob';
-        my $path = to_filename($di->{path_b} || $hints->{path_b} || 'blob');
-        my $raw_link = "(<a\nhref=$path>raw</a>)";
+        return show_commit($ctx, $res) if $type eq 'commit';
+        return show_tree($ctx, $res) if $type eq 'tree';
+        return show_tag($ctx, $res) if $type eq 'tag';
+        return show_other($ctx, $res) if $type ne 'blob';
+        my $fn = $di->{path_b} // $hints->{path_b};
+        my $paths = $ctx->{-paths} //= do {
+                my $path = to_filename($fn // 'blob') // 'blob';
+                my $raw_more = qq[(<a\nhref="$path">raw</a>)];
+                my @def;
+                # XXX not sure if this is the correct wording
+                if (defined($fn)) {
+                        $raw_more .= qq(
+name: ${\ascii_html($fn)} \t # note: path name is non-authoritative<a
+href="#pathdef" id=top>(*)</a>);
+                        $def[0] = "<hr><pre\nid=pathdef>" .
+'(*) Git path names are given by the tree(s) the blob belongs to.
+    Blobs themselves have no identifier aside from the hash of its contents.'.
+                }
+                [ $path, $raw_more, @def ];
+        };
+        $ctx->{-q_value_html} //= do {
+                my $s = defined($fn) ? 'dfn:'.ascii_html($fn).' ' : '';
+                $s.'dfpost:'.substr($oid, 0, 7);
+        };
         if ($size > $MAX_SIZE) {
-                return stream_large_blob($ctx, $res, \$log, $fn) if defined $fn;
-                $log = "<pre><b>Too big to show, download available</b>\n" .
-                        "$oid $type $size bytes $raw_link</pre>" . $log;
-                return html_page($ctx, 200, \$log);
+                return stream_large_blob($ctx, $res) if defined $ctx->{fn};
+                return html_page($ctx, 200, <<EOM . dbg_log($ctx));
+<pre><b>Too big to show, download available</b>
+blob $oid $size bytes $paths->[1]</pre>
+        bless $ctx, 'PublicInbox::WwwStream'; # for DESTROY
+        $ctx->{git} = $git;
+        do_cat_async($ctx, \&show_blob, $oid);
-        my $blob = $git->cat_file($oid);
-        if (!$blob) { # WTF?
+sub show_blob { # git->cat_async callback
+        my ($blob, $oid, $type, $size, $ctx) = @_;
+        if (!$blob) {
                 my $e = "Failed to retrieve generated blob ($oid)";
-                $ctx->{env}->{'psgi.errors'}->print("$e ($git->{git_dir})\n");
-                $log = "<pre><b>$e</b></pre>" . $log;
-                return html_page($ctx, 500, \$log);
+                warn "$e ($ctx->{git}->{git_dir}) type=$type";
+                return html_page($ctx, 500, "<pre><b>$e</b></pre>".dbg_log($ctx))
         my $bin = index(substr($$blob, 0, $BIN_DETECT), "\0") >= 0;
-        if (defined $fn) {
+        if (defined $ctx->{fn}) {
                 my $h = [ 'Content-Length', $size, 'Content-Type' ];
                 push(@$h, ($bin ? 'application/octet-stream' : 'text/plain'));
                 return delete($ctx->{-wcb})->([200, $h, [ $$blob ]]);
-        if ($bin) {
-                $log = "<pre>$oid $type $size bytes (binary)" .
-                        " $raw_link</pre>" . $log;
-                return html_page($ctx, 200, \$log);
-        }
+        my ($path, $raw_more, @def) = @{delete $ctx->{-paths}};
+        $bin and return html_page($ctx, 200,
+                                "<pre>blob $oid $size bytes (binary)" .
+                                " $raw_more</pre>".dbg_log($ctx));
         # TODO: detect + convert to ensure validity
-        utf8::decode($$blob);
-        my $nl = ($$blob =~ tr/\n/\n/);
+        utf8_maybe($$blob);
+        my $nl = ($$blob =~ s/\r?\n/\n/sg);
         my $pad = length($nl);
-        $l->linkify_1($$blob);
+        ($ctx->{-linkify} //= PublicInbox::Linkify->new)->linkify_1($$blob);
         my $ok = $hl->do_hl($blob, $path) if $hl;
         if ($ok) {
                 $blob = $ok;
@@ -176,36 +608,63 @@ sub solve_result {
         # using some of the same CSS class names and ids as cgit
-        $log = "<pre>$oid $type $size bytes $raw_link</pre>" .
+        my $x = "<pre>blob $oid $size bytes $raw_more</pre>" .
                 "<hr /><table\nclass=blob>".
-                "<tr><td\nclass=linenumbers><pre>" . join('', map {
-                        sprintf("<a id=n$_ href=#n$_>% ${pad}u</a>\n", $_)
-                } (1..$nl)) . '</pre></td>' .
-                '<td><pre> </pre></td>'. # pad for non-CSS users
-                "<td\nclass=lines><pre\nstyle='white-space:pre'><code>" .
-                $l->linkify_2($$blob) .
-                '</code></pre></td></tr></table>' . $log;
-        html_page($ctx, 200, \$log);
+                "<tr><td\nclass=linenumbers><pre>";
+        # scratchpad in this loop is faster here than `printf $zfh':
+        $x .= sprintf("<a id=n$_ href=#n$_>% ${pad}u</a>\n", $_) for (1..$nl);
+        $x .= '</pre></td><td><pre> </pre></td>'. # pad for non-CSS users
+                "<td\nclass=lines><pre\nstyle='white-space:pre'><code>";
+        html_page($ctx, 200, $x, $ctx->{-linkify}->linkify_2($$blob),
+                '</code></pre></td></tr></table>'.dbg_log($ctx), @def);
-sub show ($$;$) {
-        my ($ctx, $oid_b, $fn) = @_;
-        my $qp = $ctx->{qp};
-        my $hints = $ctx->{hints} = {};
+sub start_solver ($) {
+        my ($ctx) = @_;
         while (my ($from, $to) = each %QP_MAP) {
-                defined(my $v = $qp->{$from}) or next;
-                $hints->{$to} = $v;
+                my $v = $ctx->{qp}->{$from} // next;
+                $ctx->{hints}->{$to} = $v if $v ne '';
-        $ctx->{'log'} = tmpfile("solve.$oid_b");
-        $ctx->{fn} = $fn;
-        my $solver = PublicInbox::SolverGit->new($ctx->{-inbox},
+        $ctx->{-next_solver} = on_destroy \&next_solver;
+        ++$solver_nr;
+        $ctx->{-tmp} = File::Temp->newdir("solver.$ctx->{oid_b}-XXXX",
+                                                TMPDIR => 1);
+        $ctx->{lh} or open $ctx->{lh}, '+>>', "$ctx->{-tmp}/solve.log";
+        my $solver = PublicInbox::SolverGit->new($ctx->{ibx},
                                                 \&solve_result, $ctx);
+        $solver->{limiter} = $solver_lim;
+        $solver->{gits} //= [ $ctx->{git} ];
+        $solver->{tmp} = $ctx->{-tmp}; # share tmpdir
         # PSGI server will call this immediately and give us a callback (-wcb)
+        $solver->solve(@$ctx{qw(env lh oid_b hints)});
+# run the next solver job when done and DESTROY-ed
+sub next_solver {
+        --$solver_nr;
+        # XXX FIXME: client may've disconnected if it waited a long while
+        start_solver(shift(@solver_q) // return);
+sub may_start_solver ($) {
+        my ($ctx) = @_;
+        $solver_lim //= $ctx->{www}->{pi_cfg}->limiter('codeblob');
+        if ($solver_nr >= $solver_lim->{max}) {
+                @solver_q > 128 ? html_page($ctx, 503, 'too busy')
+                                : push(@solver_q, $ctx);
+        } else {
+                start_solver($ctx);
+        }
+sub show ($$;$) {
+        my ($ctx, $oid_b, $fn) = @_;
+        @$ctx{qw(oid_b fn)} = ($oid_b, $fn);
         sub {
                 $ctx->{-wcb} = $_[0]; # HTTP write callback
-                $solver->solve($ctx->{env}, $ctx->{log}, $oid_b, $hints);
+                may_start_solver $ctx;