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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/ViewDiff.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/ViewDiff.pm')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/ViewDiff.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/ViewDiff.pm
index fb394b7c..d078c5f9 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/ViewDiff.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/ViewDiff.pm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
 # used by PublicInbox::View
@@ -7,15 +7,13 @@
 # (or reconstruct) blobs.
 package PublicInbox::ViewDiff;
-use strict;
-use v5.10.1;
+use v5.12;
 use parent qw(Exporter);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(flush_diff);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(flush_diff uri_escape_path);
 use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape_utf8);
-use PublicInbox::Hval qw(ascii_html to_attr);
+use PublicInbox::Hval qw(ascii_html to_attr utf8_maybe);
 use PublicInbox::Git qw(git_unquote);
-my $UNSAFE = "^A-Za-z0-9\-\._~/"; # '/' + $URI::Escape::Unsafe{RFC3986}
 my $OID_NULL = '0{7,}';
 my $OID_BLOB = '[a-f0-9]{7,}';
 my $LF = qr!\n!;
@@ -41,22 +39,24 @@ our $EXTRACT_DIFFS = qr/(
 our $IS_OID = qr/\A$OID_BLOB\z/s;
+sub uri_escape_path {
+        # '/' + $URI::Escape::Unsafe{RFC3986}
+        uri_escape_utf8($_[0], "^A-Za-z0-9\-\._~/");
 # link to line numbers in blobs
-sub diff_hunk ($$$$) {
-        my ($dst, $dctx, $ca, $cb) = @_;
+sub diff_hunk ($$$) {
+        my ($dctx, $ca, $cb) = @_;
         my ($oid_a, $oid_b, $spfx) = @$dctx{qw(oid_a oid_b spfx)};
         if (defined($spfx) && defined($oid_a) && defined($oid_b)) {
-                my ($n) = ($ca =~ /^-([0-9]+)/);
-                $n = defined($n) ? "#n$n" : '';
-                $$dst .= qq(@@ <a\nhref="$spfx$oid_a/s/$dctx->{Q}$n">$ca</a>);
+                my $n = ($ca =~ /^-([0-9]+)/) ? "#n$1" : '';
+                my $x = qq(@@ <a\nhref="$spfx$oid_a/s/$dctx->{Q}$n">$ca</a>);
-                ($n) = ($cb =~ /^\+([0-9]+)/);
-                $n = defined($n) ? "#n$n" : '';
-                $$dst .= qq( <a\nhref="$spfx$oid_b/s/$dctx->{Q}$n">$cb</a> @@);
+                $n = ($cb =~ /^\+([0-9]+)/) ? "#n$1" : '';
+                $x .= qq( <a\nhref="$spfx$oid_b/s/$dctx->{Q}$n">$cb</a> @@);
         } else {
-                $$dst .= "@@ $ca $cb @@";
+                "@@ $ca $cb @@";
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ sub oid ($$$) {
 # returns true if diffstat anchor written, false otherwise
-sub anchor0 ($$$$) {
-        my ($dst, $ctx, $fn, $rest) = @_;
+sub anchor0 ($$$) {
+        my ($ctx, $fn, $rest) = @_;
         my $orig = $fn;
@@ -83,15 +83,12 @@ sub anchor0 ($$$$) {
         # long filenames will require us to check in anchor1()
         push(@{$ctx->{-long_path}}, $fn) if $fn =~ s!\A\.\.\./?!!;
-        if (defined(my $attr = to_attr($ctx->{-apfx}.$fn))) {
-                $ctx->{-anchors}->{$attr} = 1;
-                my $spaces = ($orig =~ s/( +)\z//) ? $1 : '';
-                $$dst .= " <a\nid=i$attr\nhref=#$attr>" .
-                        ascii_html($orig) . '</a>' . $spaces .
+        my $attr = to_attr($ctx->{-apfx}.$fn) // return;
+        $ctx->{-anchors}->{$attr} = 1;
+        my $spaces = ($orig =~ s/( +)\z//) ? $1 : '';
+        print { $ctx->{zfh} } " <a\nid=i$attr\nhref=#$attr>",
+                        ascii_html($orig), '</a>', $spaces,
-                return 1;
-        }
-        undef;
 # returns "diff --git" anchor destination, undef otherwise
@@ -123,15 +120,11 @@ sub diff_header ($$$) {
         $pa = (split(m'/', git_unquote($pa), 2))[1] if $pa ne '/dev/null';
         $pb = (split(m'/', git_unquote($pb), 2))[1] if $pb ne '/dev/null';
         if ($pa eq $pb && $pb ne '/dev/null') {
-                $dctx->{Q} = "?b=".uri_escape_utf8($pb, $UNSAFE);
+                $dctx->{Q} = '?b='.uri_escape_path($pb);
         } else {
                 my @q;
-                if ($pb ne '/dev/null') {
-                        push @q, 'b='.uri_escape_utf8($pb, $UNSAFE);
-                }
-                if ($pa ne '/dev/null') {
-                        push @q, 'a='.uri_escape_utf8($pa, $UNSAFE);
-                }
+                push @q, 'b='.uri_escape_path($pb) if $pb ne '/dev/null';
+                push @q, 'a='.uri_escape_path($pa) if $pa ne '/dev/null';
                 $dctx->{Q} = '?'.join('&amp;', @q);
@@ -141,44 +134,48 @@ sub diff_header ($$$) {
         # no need to capture oid_a and oid_b on add/delete,
         # we just linkify OIDs directly via s///e in conditional
-        if (($$x =~ s/$NULL_TO_BLOB/$1 . oid($dctx, $spfx, $2)/e) ||
-                ($$x =~ s/$BLOB_TO_NULL/
-                        'index ' . oid($dctx, $spfx, $1) . $2/e)) {
+        if ($$x =~ s/$NULL_TO_BLOB/$1 . oid($dctx, $spfx, $2)/e) {
+                push @{$ctx->{-qry}->{dfpost}}, $2;
+        } elsif ($$x =~ s/$BLOB_TO_NULL/'index '.oid($dctx, $spfx, $1).$2/e) {
+                push @{$ctx->{-qry}->{dfpre}}, $1;
         } elsif ($$x =~ $BLOB_TO_BLOB) {
                 # modification-only, not add/delete:
                 # linkify hunk headers later using oid_a and oid_b
                 @$dctx{qw(oid_a oid_b)} = ($1, $2);
+                push @{$ctx->{-qry}->{dfpre}}, $1;
+                push @{$ctx->{-qry}->{dfpost}}, $2;
         } else {
                 warn "BUG? <$$x> had no ^index line";
         $$x =~ s!^diff --git!anchor1($ctx, $pb) // 'diff --git'!ems;
-        my $dst = $ctx->{obuf};
-        $$dst .= qq(<span\nclass="head">);
-        $$dst .= $$x;
-        $$dst .= '</span>';
+        print { $ctx->{zfh} } qq(<span\nclass="head">), $$x, '</span>';
 sub diff_before_or_after ($$) {
         my ($ctx, $x) = @_;
-        my $linkify = $ctx->{-linkify};
-        my $dst = $ctx->{obuf};
-        my $anchors = exists($ctx->{-anchors}) ? 1 : 0;
-        for my $y (split(/(^---\n)/sm, $$x)) {
-                if ($y =~ /\A---\n\z/s) {
-                        $$dst .= "---\n"; # all HTML is "\r\n" => "\n"
-                        $anchors |= 2;
-                } elsif ($anchors == 3 && $y =~ /^ [0-9]+ files? changed, /sm) {
-                        # ok, looks like a diffstat, go line-by-line:
-                        for my $l (split(/^/m, $y)) {
-                                if ($l =~ /^ (.+)( +\| .*\z)/s) {
-                                        anchor0($dst, $ctx, $1, $2) and next;
-                                }
-                                $$dst .= $linkify->to_html($l);
-                        }
-                } else { # commit message, notes, etc
-                        $$dst .= $linkify->to_html($y);
+        if (exists $ctx->{-anchors} && $$x =~ # diffstat lines:
+                        /((?:^\x20(?:[^\n]+?)(?:\x20+\|\x20[^\n]*\n))+)
+                        (\x20[0-9]+\x20files?\x20)changed,/msx) {
+                my $pre = substr($$x, 0, $-[0]); # (likely) short prefix
+                substr($$x, 0, $+[0], ''); # sv_chop on $$x ($$x may be long)
+                my @x = ($2, $1);
+                my $lnk = $ctx->{-linkify};
+                my $zfh = $ctx->{zfh};
+                # uninteresting prefix
+                print $zfh $lnk->to_html($pre);
+                for my $l (split(/^/m, pop(@x))) { # $2 per-file stat lines
+                        $l =~ /^ (.+)( +\| .*\z)/s and
+                                anchor0($ctx, $1, $2) and next;
+                         print $zfh $lnk->to_html($l);
+                my $ch = $ctx->{changed_href} // '#related';
+                print $zfh pop(@x), # $3 /^ \d+ files? /
+                        qq(<a href="$ch">changed</a>,),
+                        # insertions/deletions, notes, commit message, etc:
+                        $lnk->to_html($$x);
+        } else {
+                print { $ctx->{zfh} } $ctx->{-linkify}->to_html($$x);
@@ -189,9 +186,9 @@ sub flush_diff ($$) {
         my @top = split($EXTRACT_DIFFS, $$cur);
         undef $$cur; # free memory
-        my $linkify = $ctx->{-linkify};
-        my $dst = $ctx->{obuf};
+        my $lnk = $ctx->{-linkify};
         my $dctx; # {}, keys: Q, oid_a, oid_b
+        my $zfh = $ctx->zfh;
         while (defined(my $x = shift @top)) {
                 if (scalar(@top) >= 4 &&
@@ -199,7 +196,8 @@ sub flush_diff ($$) {
                                 $top[0] =~ $IS_OID) {
                         $dctx = diff_header(\$x, $ctx, \@top);
                 } elsif ($dctx) {
-                        my $after = '';
+                        open(my $afh, '>>:utf8', \(my $after='')) or
+                                die "open: $!";
                         # Quiet "Complex regular subexpression recursion limit"
                         # warning.  Perl will truncate matches upon hitting
@@ -214,29 +212,33 @@ sub flush_diff ($$) {
                         for my $s (split(/((?:(?:^\+[^\n]*\n)+)|
                                         (?:^@@ [^\n]+\n))/xsm, $x)) {
+                                undef $x;
                                 if (!defined($dctx)) {
-                                        $after .= $s;
+                                        print $afh $s;
                                 } elsif ($s =~ s/\A@@ (\S+) (\S+) @@//) {
-                                        $$dst .= qq(<span\nclass="hunk">);
-                                        diff_hunk($dst, $dctx, $1, $2);
-                                        $$dst .= $linkify->to_html($s);
-                                        $$dst .= '</span>';
-                                } elsif ($s =~ /\A\+/) {
-                                        $$dst .= qq(<span\nclass="add">);
-                                        $$dst .= $linkify->to_html($s);
-                                        $$dst .= '</span>';
+                                        print $zfh qq(<span\nclass="hunk">),
+                                                diff_hunk($dctx, $1, $2),
+                                                $lnk->to_html($s),
+                                                '</span>';
+                                } elsif ($s =~ /\A\+/) { # $s may be huge
+                                        print $zfh qq(<span\nclass="add">),
+                                                        $lnk->to_html($s),
+                                                        '</span>';
                                 } elsif ($s =~ /\A-- $/sm) { # email sig starts
                                         $dctx = undef;
-                                        $after .= $s;
-                                } elsif ($s =~ /\A-/) {
-                                        $$dst .= qq(<span\nclass="del">);
-                                        $$dst .= $linkify->to_html($s);
-                                        $$dst .= '</span>';
-                                } else {
-                                        $$dst .= $linkify->to_html($s);
+                                        print $afh $s;
+                                } elsif ($s =~ /\A-/) { # $s may be huge
+                                        print $zfh qq(<span\nclass="del">),
+                                                        $lnk->to_html($s),
+                                                        '</span>';
+                                } else { # $s may be huge
+                                        print $zfh $lnk->to_html($s);
-                        diff_before_or_after($ctx, \$after) unless $dctx;
+                        if (!$dctx) {
+                                utf8_maybe($after);
+                                diff_before_or_after($ctx, \$after);
+                        }
                 } else {
                         diff_before_or_after($ctx, \$x);