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1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/LeiInspect.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiInspect.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..576ab2c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiInspect.pm
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+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# "lei inspect" general purpose inspector for stuff in SQLite and
+# Xapian.  Will eventually be useful with plain public-inboxes,
+# not just lei/store.  This is totally half-baked at the moment
+# but useful for testing.
+package PublicInbox::LeiInspect;
+use strict;
+use v5.10.1;
+use parent qw(PublicInbox::IPC);
+use PublicInbox::Config;
+use PublicInbox::MID qw(mids);
+use PublicInbox::NetReader qw(imap_uri nntp_uri);
+use PublicInbox::LeiOverview;
+*iso8601 = \&PublicInbox::LeiOverview::iso8601;
+sub _json_prep ($) {
+        my ($smsg) = @_;
+        $smsg->{$_} += 0 for qw(bytes lines); # integerize
+        $smsg->{dt} = iso8601($smsg->{ds}) if defined($smsg->{ds});
+        $smsg->{rt} = iso8601($smsg->{ts}) if defined($smsg->{ts});
+        +{ %$smsg } # unbless and scalarize
+sub inspect_blob ($$) {
+        my ($lei, $oidhex) = @_;
+        my $ent = {};
+        if (my $lse = $lei->{lse}) {
+                my $oidbin = pack('H*', $oidhex);
+                my @docids = $lse ? $lse->over->oidbin_exists($oidbin) : ();
+                $ent->{'lei/store'} = \@docids if @docids;
+                my $lms = $lei->lms;
+                if (my $loc = $lms ? $lms->locations_for($oidbin) : undef) {
+                        $ent->{'mail-sync'} = $loc;
+                }
+        }
+        $ent;
+sub inspect_imap_uid ($$) {
+        my ($lei, $uid_uri) = @_;
+        my $ent = {};
+        my $lms = $lei->lms or return $ent;
+        my @oidhex = $lms->imap_oidhex($lei, $uid_uri);
+        $ent->{$$uid_uri} = @oidhex == 1 ? $oidhex[0] :
+                        ((@oidhex == 0) ? undef : \@oidhex);
+        $ent;
+sub inspect_nntp_range {
+        my ($lei, $uri) = @_;
+        my ($ng, $beg, $end) = $uri->group;
+        $uri = $uri->clone;
+        $uri->group($ng);
+        my $ent = {};
+        my $ret = { "$uri" => $ent };
+        my $lms = $lei->lms or return $ret;
+        my $folders = [ $$uri ];
+        eval { $lms->arg2folder($lei, $folders) };
+        $lei->qerr("# no folders match $$uri (non-fatal)") if $@;
+        $end //= $beg;
+        for my $art ($beg..$end) {
+                my @oidhex = map { unpack('H*', $_) }
+                        $lms->num_oidbin($folders->[0], $art);
+                $ent->{$art} = @oidhex == 1 ? $oidhex[0] :
+                                ((@oidhex == 0) ? undef : \@oidhex);
+        }
+        $ret;
+sub inspect_sync_folder ($$) {
+        my ($lei, $folder) = @_;
+        my $ent = {};
+        my $lms = $lei->lms or return $ent;
+        my $folders = [ $folder ];
+        eval { $lms->arg2folder($lei, $folders) };
+        $lei->qerr("# no folders match $folder (non-fatal)") if $@;
+        for my $f (@$folders) {
+                $ent->{$f} = $lms->location_stats($f); # may be undef
+        }
+        $ent
+sub _inspect_doc ($$) {
+        my ($ent, $doc) = @_;
+        my $data = $doc->get_data;
+        $ent->{data_length} = length($data);
+        $ent->{description} = $doc->get_description;
+        $ent->{$_} = $doc->$_ for (qw(termlist_count values_count));
+        my $cur = $doc->termlist_begin;
+        my $end = $doc->termlist_end;
+        for (; $cur != $end; $cur++) {
+                my $tn = $cur->get_termname;
+                $tn =~ s/\A([A-Z]+)// or warn "$tn no prefix! (???)";
+                my $term = ($1 // '');
+                push @{$ent->{terms}->{$term}}, $tn;
+        }
+        $cur = $doc->values_begin;
+        $end = $doc->values_end;
+        for (; $cur != $end; $cur++) {
+                my $n = $cur->get_valueno;
+                my $v = $cur->get_value;
+                my $iv = PublicInbox::Search::sortable_unserialise($v);
+                $v = $iv + 0 if defined $iv;
+                # not using ->[$n] since we may have large gaps in $n
+                $ent->{'values'}->{$n} = $v;
+        }
+        $ent;
+sub inspect_docid ($$;$) {
+        my ($lei, $docid, $ent) = @_;
+        require PublicInbox::Search;
+        $ent //= {};
+        my $xdb;
+        if ($xdb = delete $ent->{xdb}) { # from inspect_num
+        } elsif (defined(my $dir = $lei->{opt}->{dir})) {
+                no warnings 'once';
+                $xdb = $PublicInbox::Search::X{Database}->new($dir);
+        } elsif ($lei->{lse}) {
+                $xdb = $lei->{lse}->xdb;
+        }
+        $xdb or return $lei->fail('no Xapian DB');
+        my $doc = $xdb->get_document($docid); # raises
+        $ent->{docid} = $docid;
+        _inspect_doc($ent, $doc);
+sub dir2ibx ($$) {
+        my ($lei, $dir) = @_;
+        if (-f "$dir/ei.lock") {
+                require PublicInbox::ExtSearch;
+                PublicInbox::ExtSearch->new($dir);
+        } elsif (-f "$dir/inbox.lock" || -d "$dir/public-inbox") {
+                require PublicInbox::Inbox; # v2, v1
+                bless { inboxdir => $dir }, 'PublicInbox::Inbox';
+        } else {
+                $lei->fail("no (indexed) inbox or extindex at $dir");
+        }
+sub inspect_num ($$) {
+        my ($lei, $num) = @_;
+        my ($docid, $ibx);
+        my $ent = { num => $num };
+        if (defined(my $dir = $lei->{opt}->{dir})) {
+                $ibx = dir2ibx($lei, $dir) or return;
+                if (my $srch = $ibx->search) {
+                        $ent->{xdb} = $srch->xdb and
+                                $docid = $srch->num2docid($num);
+                }
+        } elsif ($lei->{lse}) {
+                $ibx = $lei->{lse};
+                $lei->{lse}->xdb; # set {nshard} for num2docid
+                $docid = $lei->{lse}->num2docid($num);
+        }
+        if ($ibx && $ibx->over) {
+                my $smsg = $ibx->over->get_art($num);
+                $ent->{smsg} = _json_prep($smsg) if $smsg;
+        }
+        defined($docid) ? inspect_docid($lei, $docid, $ent) : $ent;
+sub inspect_mid ($$) {
+        my ($lei, $mid) = @_;
+        my $ibx;
+        my $ent = { mid => $mid };
+        if (defined(my $dir = $lei->{opt}->{dir})) {
+                $ibx = dir2ibx($lei, $dir)
+        } else {
+                $ibx = $lei->{lse};
+        }
+        if ($ibx && $ibx->over) {
+                my ($id, $prev);
+                while (my $smsg = $ibx->over->next_by_mid($mid, \$id, \$prev)) {
+                        push @{$ent->{smsg}}, _json_prep($smsg);
+                }
+        }
+        if ($ibx && $ibx->search) {
+                my $mset = $ibx->search->mset(qq{mid:"$mid"});
+                for (sort { $a->get_docid <=> $b->get_docid } $mset->items) {
+                        my $tmp = { docid => $_->get_docid };
+                        _inspect_doc($tmp, $_->get_document);
+                        push @{$ent->{xdoc}}, $tmp;
+                }
+        }
+        $ent;
+sub inspect1 ($$$) {
+        my ($lei, $item, $more) = @_;
+        my $ent;
+        if ($item =~ /\Ablob:(.+)/) {
+                $ent = inspect_blob($lei, $1);
+        } elsif ($item =~ m!\A(?:maildir|mh):!i || -d $item) {
+                $ent = inspect_sync_folder($lei, $item);
+        } elsif ($item =~ m!\Adocid:([0-9]+)\z!) {
+                $ent = inspect_docid($lei, $1 + 0);
+        } elsif ($item =~ m!\Anum:([0-9]+)\z!) {
+                $ent = inspect_num($lei, $1 + 0);
+        } elsif ($item =~ m!\A(?:mid|m):(.+)\z!) {
+                $ent = inspect_mid($lei, $1);
+        } elsif (my $iuri = imap_uri($item)) {
+                if (defined($iuri->uid)) {
+                        $ent = inspect_imap_uid($lei, $iuri);
+                } else {
+                        $ent = inspect_sync_folder($lei, $item);
+                }
+        } elsif (my $nuri = nntp_uri($item)) {
+                if (defined(my $mid = $nuri->message)) {
+                        $ent = inspect_mid($lei, $mid);
+                } else {
+                        my ($group, $beg, $end) = $nuri->group;
+                        if (defined($beg)) {
+                                $ent = inspect_nntp_range($lei, $nuri);
+                        } else {
+                                $ent = inspect_sync_folder($lei, $item);
+                        }
+                }
+        } else { # TODO: more things
+                return $lei->fail("$item not understood");
+        }
+        $lei->out($lei->{json}->encode($ent));
+        $lei->out(',') if $more;
+        1;
+sub inspect_argv { # via wq_do
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        my ($lei, $argv) = delete @$self{qw(lei argv)};
+        my $multi = scalar(@$argv) > 1;
+        $lei->{1}->autoflush(0);
+        $lei->out('[') if $multi;
+        while (defined(my $x = shift @$argv)) {
+                eval { inspect1($lei, $x, scalar(@$argv)) or return };
+                warn "E: $@\n" if $@;
+        }
+        $lei->out(']') if $multi;
+sub inspect_start ($$) {
+        my ($lei, $argv) = @_;
+        my $self = bless { lei => $lei, argv => $argv }, __PACKAGE__;
+        my ($op_c, $ops) = $lei->workers_start($self, 1);
+        $lei->{wq1} = $self;
+        $lei->wait_wq_events($op_c, $ops);
+        $self->wq_do('inspect_argv');
+        $self->wq_close;
+sub do_inspect { # lei->do_env cb
+        my ($lei) = @_;
+        my $str = delete $lei->{stdin_buf};
+        PublicInbox::Eml::strip_from($str);
+        my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new(\$str);
+        inspect_start($lei, [ 'blob:'.$lei->git_oid($eml)->hexdigest,
+                        map { "mid:$_" } @{mids($eml)} ]);
+sub lei_inspect {
+        my ($lei, @argv) = @_;
+        $lei->{json} = ref(PublicInbox::Config::json())->new->utf8->canonical;
+        $lei->{lse} = ($lei->{opt}->{external} // 1) ? do {
+                my $sto = $lei->_lei_store;
+                $sto ? $sto->search : undef;
+        } : undef;
+        my $isatty = -t $lei->{1};
+        $lei->{json}->pretty(1)->indent(2) if $lei->{opt}->{pretty} || $isatty;
+        $lei->start_pager if $isatty;
+        if ($lei->{opt}->{stdin}) {
+                return $lei->fail(<<'') if @argv;
+no args allowed on command-line with --stdin
+                $lei->slurp_stdin(\&do_inspect);
+        } else {
+                inspect_start($lei, \@argv);
+        }
+sub _complete_inspect {
+        require PublicInbox::LeiRefreshMailSync;
+        PublicInbox::LeiRefreshMailSync::_complete_refresh_mail_sync(@_);
+        # TODO: message-ids?, blobs? could get expensive...
+sub ipc_atfork_child {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        $self->{lei}->_lei_atfork_child;
+        $self->SUPER::ipc_atfork_child;