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1 files changed, 129 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/LeiImport.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiImport.pm
index 7f247b64..5521188c 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/LeiImport.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/LeiImport.pm
@@ -1,198 +1,163 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2021 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
 # front-end for the "lei import" sub-command
 package PublicInbox::LeiImport;
 use strict;
 use v5.10.1;
-use parent qw(PublicInbox::IPC);
-use PublicInbox::Eml;
-use PublicInbox::PktOp qw(pkt_do);
+use parent qw(PublicInbox::IPC PublicInbox::LeiInput);
+use PublicInbox::InboxWritable qw(eml_from_path);
+use PublicInbox::Compat qw(uniqstr);
-sub _import_eml { # MboxReader callback
-        my ($eml, $sto, $set_kw) = @_;
-        $sto->ipc_do('set_eml', $eml, $set_kw ? $sto->mbox_keywords($eml) : ());
+# /^input_/ subs are used by (or override) PublicInbox::LeiInput superclass
+sub input_eml_cb { # used by PublicInbox::LeiInput::input_fh
+        my ($self, $eml, $vmd) = @_;
+        my $xoids = $self->{lei}->{ale}->xoids_for($eml);
+        if (my $all_vmd = $self->{all_vmd}) {
+                @$vmd{keys %$all_vmd} = values %$all_vmd;
+        }
+        $self->{lei}->{sto}->wq_do('set_eml', $eml, $vmd, $xoids);
-sub import_done_wait { # dwaitpid callback
-        my ($arg, $pid) = @_;
-        my ($imp, $lei) = @$arg;
-        $lei->child_error($?, 'non-fatal errors during import') if $?;
-        my $ign = $lei->{sto}->ipc_do('done'); # PublicInbox::LeiStore::done
-        $lei->dclose;
+sub input_mbox_cb { # MboxReader callback
+        my ($eml, $self) = @_;
+        my $vmd;
+        if ($self->{-import_kw}) {
+                my $kw = PublicInbox::MboxReader::mbox_keywords($eml);
+                $vmd = { kw => $kw } if scalar(@$kw);
+        }
+        input_eml_cb($self, $eml, $vmd);
-sub import_done { # EOF callback for main daemon
-        my ($lei) = @_;
-        my $imp = delete $lei->{imp} or return;
-        $imp->wq_wait_old(\&import_done_wait, $lei);
+sub pmdir_cb { # called via wq_io_do from LeiPmdir->each_mdir_fn
+        my ($self, $f, $fl) = @_;
+        my ($folder, $bn) = ($f =~ m!\A(.+?)/(?:new|cur)/([^/]+)\z!) or
+                die "BUG: $f was not from a Maildir?\n";
+        my $kw = PublicInbox::MdirReader::flags2kw($fl);
+        substr($folder, 0, 0) = 'maildir:'; # add prefix
+        my $lse = $self->{lse} //= $self->{lei}->{sto}->search;
+        my $lms = $self->{-lms_rw} //= $self->{lei}->lms; # may be 0 or undef
+        my @oidbin = $lms ? $lms->name_oidbin($folder, $bn) : ();
+        @oidbin > 1 and warn("W: $folder/*/$$bn not unique:\n",
+                                map { "\t".unpack('H*', $_)."\n" } @oidbin);
+        my @docids = sort { $a <=> $b } uniqstr
+                        map { $lse->over->oidbin_exists($_) } @oidbin;
+        my $vmd = $self->{-import_kw} ? { kw => $kw } : undef;
+        if (scalar @docids) {
+                $lse->kw_changed(undef, $kw, \@docids) or return;
+        }
+        if (my $eml = eml_from_path($f)) {
+                $vmd->{sync_info} = [ $folder, \$bn ] if $self->{-mail_sync};
+                $self->input_eml_cb($eml, $vmd);
+        }
-sub net_merge_complete { # callback used by LeiAuth
-        my ($self) = @_;
-        for my $input (@{$self->{inputs}}) {
-                $self->wq_io_do('import_path_url', [], $input);
+sub input_mh_cb {
+        my ($mhdir, $n, $kw, $eml, $self) = @_;
+        substr($mhdir, 0, 0) = 'mh:'; # add prefix
+        my $lse = $self->{lse} //= $self->{lei}->{sto}->search;
+        my $lms = $self->{-lms_rw} //= $self->{lei}->lms; # may be 0 or undef
+        my @oidbin = $lms ? $lms->num_oidbin($mhdir, $n) : ();
+        @oidbin > 1 and warn("W: $mhdir/$n not unique:\n",
+                                map { "\t".unpack('H*', $_)."\n" } @oidbin);
+        my @docids = sort { $a <=> $b } uniqstr
+                        map { $lse->over->oidbin_exists($_) } @oidbin;
+        if (scalar @docids) {
+                $lse->kw_changed(undef, $kw, \@docids) or return;
-        $self->wq_close(1);
+        if (defined $eml) {
+                my $vmd = $self->{-import_kw} ? { kw => $kw } : undef;
+                $vmd->{sync_info} = [ $mhdir, $n + 0 ] if $self->{-mail_sync};
+                $self->input_eml_cb($eml, $vmd);
+        }
+        # TODO:
+        # elsif (my $ikw = $self->{lei}->{ikw}) { # old message, kw only
+        #        $ikw->wq_io_do('ck_update_kw', [], "mh:$dir", $uid, $kw);
-sub import_start {
-        my ($lei) = @_;
-        my $self = $lei->{imp};
-        my $j = $lei->{opt}->{jobs} // scalar(@{$self->{inputs}}) || 1;
-        if (my $net = $lei->{net}) {
-                # $j = $net->net_concurrency($j); TODO
-        } else {
-                my $nproc = $self->detect_nproc;
-                $j = $nproc if $j > $nproc;
+sub input_net_cb { # imap_each / nntp_each
+        my ($uri, $uid, $kw, $eml, $self) = @_;
+        if (defined $eml) {
+                my $vmd = $self->{-import_kw} ? { kw => $kw } : undef;
+                $vmd->{sync_info} = [ $$uri, $uid ] if $self->{-mail_sync};
+                $self->input_eml_cb($eml, $vmd);
+        } elsif (my $ikw = $self->{lei}->{ikw}) { # old message, kw only
+                # we send $uri as a bare SCALAR and not a URIimap ref to
+                # reduce socket traffic:
+                $ikw->wq_io_do('ck_update_kw', [], $$uri, $uid, $kw);
-        my $ops = { '' => [ \&import_done, $lei ] };
-        $lei->{auth}->op_merge($ops, $self) if $lei->{auth};
-        $self->{-wq_nr_workers} = $j // 1; # locked
-        my $op = $lei->workers_start($self, 'lei_import', undef, $ops);
-        $self->wq_io_do('import_stdin', []) if $self->{0};
-        net_merge_complete($self) unless $lei->{auth};
-        while ($op && $op->{sock}) { $op->event_step }
-sub call { # the main "lei import" method
-        my ($cls, $lei, @inputs) = @_;
+sub do_import_index ($$@) {
+        my ($self, $lei, @inputs) = @_;
         my $sto = $lei->_lei_store(1);
-        my ($net, @f, @d);
-        $lei->{opt}->{kw} //= 1;
-        my $self = $lei->{imp} = bless { inputs => \@inputs }, $cls;
-        if ($lei->{opt}->{stdin}) {
-                @inputs and return $lei->fail("--stdin and @inputs do not mix");
-                $lei->check_input_format or return;
-                $self->{0} = $lei->{0};
-        }
-        my $fmt = $lei->{opt}->{'in-format'};
-        # e.g. Maildir:/home/user/Mail/ or imaps://example.com/INBOX
-        for my $input (@inputs) {
-                my $input_path = $input;
-                if ($input =~ m!\A(?:imaps?|nntps?|s?news)://!i) {
-                        require PublicInbox::NetReader;
-                        $net //= PublicInbox::NetReader->new;
-                        $net->add_url($input);
-                } elsif ($input_path =~ s/\A([a-z0-9]+)://is) {
-                        my $ifmt = lc $1;
-                        if (($fmt // $ifmt) ne $ifmt) {
-                                return $lei->fail(<<"");
---format=$fmt and `$ifmt:' conflict
-                        }
-                        if (-f $input_path) {
-                                require PublicInbox::MboxReader;
-                                PublicInbox::MboxReader->can($ifmt) or return
-                                        $lei->fail("$ifmt not supported");
-                        } elsif (-d _) {
-                                require PublicInbox::MdirReader;
-                                $ifmt eq 'maildir' or return
-                                        $lei->fail("$ifmt not supported");
-                        } else {
-                                return $lei->fail("Unable to handle $input");
-                        }
-                } elsif (-f $input) { push @f, $input
-                } elsif (-d _) { push @d, $input
-                } else { return $lei->fail("Unable to handle $input") }
-        }
-        if (@f) { $lei->check_input_format(\@f) or return }
-        if (@d) { # TODO: check for MH vs Maildir, here
-                require PublicInbox::MdirReader;
-        }
-        $self->{inputs} = \@inputs;
+        $self->{-import_kw} = $lei->{opt}->{kw} // 1;
+        $self->{all_vmd} = $lei->{vmd_mod} if keys %{$lei->{vmd_mod}};
+        $lei->ale; # initialize for workers to read (before LeiPmdir->new)
+        $self->{-mail_sync} = $lei->{opt}->{'mail-sync'} // 1;
+        $self->prepare_inputs($lei, \@inputs) or return;
+        my $j = $lei->{opt}->{jobs} // 0;
+        $j =~ /\A([0-9]+),[0-9]+\z/ and $j = $1 + 0;
+        $j ||= scalar(@{$self->{inputs}}) || 1;
+        my $ikw;
+        my $net = $lei->{net};
         if ($net) {
-                if (my $err = $net->errors) {
-                        return $lei->fail($err);
+                # $j = $net->net_concurrency($j); TODO
+                if ($lei->{opt}->{incremental} // 1) {
+                        $net->{incremental} = 1;
+                        $net->{-lms_rw} = $lei->lms // 0;
+                        if ($self->{-import_kw} && $net->{-lms_rw} &&
+                                        !$lei->{opt}->{'new-only'} &&
+                                        $net->{imap_order}) {
+                                require PublicInbox::LeiImportKw;
+                                $ikw = PublicInbox::LeiImportKw->new($lei);
+                                $net->{each_old} = 1;
+                        }
-                $net->{quiet} = $lei->{opt}->{quiet};
-                $lei->{net} = $net;
-                require PublicInbox::LeiAuth;
-                $lei->{auth} = PublicInbox::LeiAuth->new;
+        } else {
+                my $nproc = $self->detect_nproc;
+                $j = $nproc if $j > $nproc;
-        import_start($lei);
+        ($lei->{opt}->{'new-only'} && (!$net || !$net->{imap_order})) and
+                warn "# --new-only is only for IMAP\n";
+        $lei->{-eml_noisy} = 1;
+        $lei->{-err_type} = 'non-fatal';
+        $lei->wq1_start($self, $j);
-sub ipc_atfork_child {
-        my ($self) = @_;
-        my $lei = $self->{lei};
-        delete $lei->{imp}; # drop circular ref
-        $lei->lei_atfork_child;
-        $self->SUPER::ipc_atfork_child;
-        $lei->{auth}->do_auth_atfork($self) if $lei->{auth};
-        undef;
-sub _import_fh {
-        my ($lei, $fh, $input, $ifmt) = @_;
-        my $set_kw = $lei->{opt}->{kw};
-        eval {
-                if ($ifmt eq 'eml') {
-                        my $buf = do { local $/; <$fh> } //
-                                return $lei->child_error(1 << 8, <<"");
-error reading $input: $!
-                        my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new(\$buf);
-                        _import_eml($eml, $lei->{sto}, $set_kw);
-                } else { # some mbox (->can already checked in call);
-                        my $cb = PublicInbox::MboxReader->can($ifmt) //
-                                die "BUG: bad fmt=$ifmt";
-                        $cb->(undef, $fh, \&_import_eml, $lei->{sto}, $set_kw);
-                }
-        };
-        $lei->child_error(1 << 8, "<stdin>: $@") if $@;
+sub lei_import { # the main "lei import" method
+        my ($lei, @inputs) = @_;
+        my $self = bless {}, __PACKAGE__;
+        do_import_index($self, $lei, @inputs);
-sub _import_maildir { # maildir_each_file cb
-        my ($f, $sto, $set_kw) = @_;
-        $sto->ipc_do('set_eml_from_maildir', $f, $set_kw);
-sub _import_net { # imap_each, nntp_each cb
-        my ($url, $uid, $kw, $eml, $sto, $set_kw) = @_;
-        $sto->ipc_do('set_eml', $eml, $set_kw ? @$kw : ());
-sub import_path_url {
-        my ($self, $input) = @_;
-        my $lei = $self->{lei};
-        my $ifmt = lc($lei->{opt}->{'in-format'} // '');
-        # TODO auto-detect?
-        if ($input =~ m!\Aimaps?://!i) {
-                $lei->{net}->imap_each($input, \&_import_net, $lei->{sto},
-                                        $lei->{opt}->{kw});
-                return;
-        } elsif ($input =~ m!\A(?:nntps?|s?news)://!i) {
-                $lei->{net}->nntp_each($input, \&_import_net, $lei->{sto}, 0);
-                return;
-        } elsif ($input =~ s!\A([a-z0-9]+):!!i) {
-                $ifmt = lc $1;
+sub _complete_import {
+        my ($lei, @argv) = @_;
+        my $has_arg = @argv;
+        my ($pfx, $cur, $match_cb) = $lei->complete_url_prepare(\@argv);
+        my @try = $has_arg ? ($pfx.$cur, $argv[-1]) : ($argv[-1]);
+        push(@try, undef) if defined $try[-1];
+        my (@f, @k);
+        for (@try) {
+                @k = $lei->url_folder_cache->keys($_, 1) and last;
-        if (-f $input) {
-                open my $fh, '<', $input or return $lei->child_error(1 << 8, <<"");
-unable to open $input: $!
-                _import_fh($lei, $fh, $input, $ifmt);
-        } elsif (-d _ && (-d "$input/cur" || -d "$input/new")) {
-                return $lei->fail(<<EOM) if $ifmt && $ifmt ne 'maildir';
-$input appears to a be a maildir, not $ifmt
-                PublicInbox::MdirReader::maildir_each_file($input,
-                                        \&_import_maildir,
-                                        $lei->{sto}, $lei->{opt}->{kw});
-        } else {
-                $lei->fail("$input unsupported (TODO)");
+        my @L = eval { $lei->_lei_store->search->all_terms('L') };
+        push(@k, map { "+L:$_" } @L);
+        if (my $lms = $lei->lms) {
+                for (@try) {
+                        @f = $lms->folders($_, 1) and last;
+                }
+                push @k, @f;
+        my @m = map { $match_cb->($_) } @k;
+        @m ? @m : @k;
-sub import_stdin {
-        my ($self) = @_;
-        my $lei = $self->{lei};
-        _import_fh($lei, delete $self->{0}, '<stdin>', $lei->{opt}->{'in-format'});
+no warnings 'once';
+*ipc_atfork_child = \&PublicInbox::LeiInput::input_only_atfork_child;
+*net_merge_all_done = \&PublicInbox::LeiInput::input_only_net_merge_all_done;
-no warnings 'once'; # the following works even when LeiAuth is lazy-loaded
-*net_merge_all = \&PublicInbox::LeiAuth::net_merge_all;