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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/KQNotify.pm
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1 files changed, 31 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/KQNotify.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/KQNotify.pm
index 7efb8b60..2efa887d 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/KQNotify.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/KQNotify.pm
@@ -1,52 +1,35 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
 # implements the small subset of Linux::Inotify2 functionality we use
 # using IO::KQueue on *BSD systems.
 package PublicInbox::KQNotify;
-use strict;
-use v5.10.1;
+use v5.12;
+use parent qw(PublicInbox::FakeInotify);
 use IO::KQueue;
 use PublicInbox::DSKQXS; # wraps IO::KQueue for fork-safe DESTROY
-use PublicInbox::FakeInotify qw(fill_dirlist on_dir_change);
-use Time::HiRes qw(stat);
+use Errno qw(ENOENT);
 # NOTE_EXTEND detects rename(2), NOTE_WRITE detects link(2)
 sub new {
         my ($class) = @_;
-        bless { dskq => PublicInbox::DSKQXS->new, watch => {} }, $class;
+        bless { dskq => PublicInbox::DSKQXS->new }, $class;
 sub watch {
         my ($self, $path, $mask) = @_;
-        my ($fh, $watch);
-        if (-d $path) {
-                opendir($fh, $path) or return;
-                my @st = stat($fh);
-                $watch = bless [ $fh, $path, $st[10] ],
-                        'PublicInbox::KQNotify::Watchdir';
-        } else {
-                open($fh, '<', $path) or return;
-                $watch = bless [ $fh, $path ],
-                        'PublicInbox::KQNotify::Watch';
-        }
-        my $ident = fileno($fh);
+        my $dir_delete = $mask & NOTE_DELETE ? 1 : 0;
+        my $w = $self->watch_open($path, \$dir_delete) or return;
+        $w->[2] = pop @$w; # ctime is unused by this subclass
+        my $ident = fileno($w->[2]) // die "BUG: bad fileno $w->[2]: $!";
         $self->{dskq}->{kq}->EV_SET($ident, # ident (fd)
                 EVFILT_VNODE, # filter
                 EV_ADD | EV_CLEAR, # flags
                 $mask, # fflags
-                0, 0); # data, udata
-                $self->{watch}->{$ident} = $watch;
-                if ($mask & (NOTE_DELETE|NOTE_LINK|NOTE_REVOKE)) {
-                        fill_dirlist($self, $path, $fh)
-                }
-        } else {
-                die "TODO Not implemented: $mask";
-        }
-        $watch;
+                0, $dir_delete); # data, udata
+        $self->{watch}->{$ident} = $w;
 # emulate Linux::Inotify::fileno
@@ -63,54 +46,31 @@ sub blocking {}
 # behave like Linux::Inotify2->read
 sub read {
         my ($self) = @_;
-        my @kevents = $self->{dskq}->{kq}->kevent(0);
         my $events = [];
-        my @gone;
-        my $watch = $self->{watch};
-        for my $kev (@kevents) {
+        for my $kev ($self->{dskq}->{kq}->kevent(0)) {
                 my $ident = $kev->[KQ_IDENT];
-                my $mask = $kev->[KQ_FFLAGS];
-                my ($dh, $path, $old_ctime) = @{$watch->{$ident}};
-                if (!defined($old_ctime)) {
-                        push @$events,
-                                bless(\$path, 'PublicInbox::FakeInotify::Event')
-                } elsif ($mask & (MOVED_TO_OR_CREATE|NOTE_DELETE|NOTE_LINK|
-                                NOTE_REVOKE|NOTE_RENAME)) {
-                        my @new_st = stat($path);
-                        if (!@new_st && $!{ENOENT}) {
-                                push @$events, bless(\$path,
-                                                'PublicInbox::FakeInotify::'.
-                                                'SelfGoneEvent');
-                                push @gone, $ident;
-                                delete $self->{dirlist}->{$path};
-                                next;
-                        }
-                        if (!@new_st) {
-                                warn "unhandled stat($path) error: $!\n";
-                                next;
-                        }
-                        $watch->{$ident}->[3] = $new_st[10]; # ctime
-                        rewinddir($dh);
-                        on_dir_change($events, $dh, $path, $old_ctime,
-                                        $self->{dirlist});
+                my $w = $self->{watch}->{$ident} or next;
+                if (!@$w) { # cancelled
+                        delete($self->{watch}->{$ident});
+                        next;
+                }
+                my $dir_delete = $kev->[KQ_UDATA];
+                my ($old_dev, $old_ino, $fh, $path) = @$w;
+                my @new_st = stat($path);
+                warn "W: stat($path): $!\n" if !@new_st && $! != ENOENT;
+                if (!@new_st || "$old_dev $old_ino" ne "@new_st[0,1]") {
+                        push(@$events, $self->gone($ident, $path));
+                        next;
+                }
+                if (-d _) {
+                        rewinddir($fh);
+                        $self->on_dir_change($events, $fh, $path, $dir_delete);
+                } else {
+                        push @$events, bless(\$path,
+                                        'PublicInbox::FakeInotify::Event');
-        delete @$watch{@gone};
-package PublicInbox::KQNotify::Watch;
-use strict;
-sub name { $_[0]->[1] }
-sub cancel { close $_[0]->[0] or die "close: $!" }
-package PublicInbox::KQNotify::Watchdir;
-use strict;
-sub name { $_[0]->[1] }
-sub cancel { closedir $_[0]->[0] or die "closedir: $!" }