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1 files changed, 112 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/IPC.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/IPC.pm
index 74862673..ed6d27fd 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/IPC.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/IPC.pm
@@ -8,18 +8,17 @@
 # use ipc_do when you need work done on a certain process
 # use wq_io_do when your work can be done on any idle worker
 package PublicInbox::IPC;
-use strict;
-use v5.10.1;
+use v5.12;
 use parent qw(Exporter);
+use autodie qw(close pipe read socketpair sysread);
 use Carp qw(croak);
-use PublicInbox::DS qw(dwaitpid);
+use PublicInbox::DS qw(awaitpid);
 use PublicInbox::Spawn;
 use PublicInbox::OnDestroy;
 use PublicInbox::WQWorker;
 my $MY_MAX_ARG_STRLEN = 4096 * 33; # extra 4K for serialization
-my $SEQPACKET = eval { Socket::SOCK_SEQPACKET() }; # portable enough?
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(ipc_freeze ipc_thaw);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(ipc_freeze ipc_thaw nproc_shards);
 my ($enc, $dec);
 # ->imports at BEGIN turns sereal_*_with_object into custom ops on 5.14+
 # and eliminate method call overhead
@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ if ($enc && $dec) { # should be custom ops
         *ipc_thaw = \&Storable::thaw;
-my $recv_cmd = PublicInbox::Spawn->can('recv_cmd4');
+our $recv_cmd = PublicInbox::Spawn->can('recv_cmd4');
 our $send_cmd = PublicInbox::Spawn->can('send_cmd4') // do {
         require PublicInbox::CmdIPC4;
         $recv_cmd //= PublicInbox::CmdIPC4->can('recv_cmd4');
@@ -55,9 +54,9 @@ our $send_cmd = PublicInbox::Spawn->can('send_cmd4') // do {
 sub _get_rec ($) {
         my ($r) = @_;
-        defined(my $len = <$r>) or return;
+        my $len = <$r> // return;
         chop($len) eq "\n" or croak "no LF byte in $len";
-        defined(my $n = read($r, my $buf, $len)) or croak "read error: $!";
+        my $n = read($r, my $buf, $len);
         $n == $len or croak "short read: $n != $len";
@@ -94,28 +93,26 @@ sub ipc_worker_loop ($$$) {
+sub exit_exception { exit(!!$@) }
 # starts a worker if Sereal or Storable is installed
 sub ipc_worker_spawn {
-        my ($self, $ident, $oldset, $fields) = @_;
+        my ($self, $ident, $oldset, $fields, @cb_args) = @_;
         return if ($self->{-ipc_ppid} // -1) == $$; # idempotent
         delete(@$self{qw(-ipc_req -ipc_res -ipc_ppid -ipc_pid)});
-        pipe(my ($r_req, $w_req)) or die "pipe: $!";
-        pipe(my ($r_res, $w_res)) or die "pipe: $!";
+        pipe(my $r_req, my $w_req);
+        pipe(my $r_res, my $w_res);
         my $sigset = $oldset // PublicInbox::DS::block_signals();
-        my $seed = rand(0xffffffff);
-        my $pid = fork // die "fork: $!";
+        my $pid = PublicInbox::DS::fork_persist;
         if ($pid == 0) {
-                srand($seed);
-                eval { Net::SSLeay::randomize() };
-                eval { PublicInbox::DS->Reset };
                 delete @$self{qw(-wq_s1 -wq_s2 -wq_workers -wq_ppid)};
                 $w_req = $r_res = undef;
                 $SIG{$_} = 'IGNORE' for (qw(TERM INT QUIT));
                 local $0 = $ident;
                 # ensure we properly exit even if warn() dies:
-                my $end = PublicInbox::OnDestroy->new($$, sub { exit(!!$@) });
+                my $end = on_destroy \&exit_exception;
                 eval {
                         $fields //= {};
                         local @$self{keys %$fields} = values(%$fields);
@@ -133,29 +130,20 @@ sub ipc_worker_spawn {
         $self->{-ipc_req} = $w_req;
         $self->{-ipc_res} = $r_res;
         $self->{-ipc_ppid} = $$;
+        awaitpid($pid, \&ipc_worker_reap, $self, @cb_args);
         $self->{-ipc_pid} = $pid;
-sub ipc_worker_reap { # dwaitpid callback
-        my ($args, $pid) = @_;
-        my ($self, @uargs) = @$args;
+sub ipc_worker_reap { # awaitpid callback
+        my ($pid, $self, $cb, @args) = @_;
         delete $self->{-wq_workers}->{$pid};
-        return $self->{-reap_do}->($args, $pid) if $self->{-reap_do};
+        return $cb->($pid, $self, @args) if $cb;
         return if !$?;
         my $s = $? & 127;
         # TERM(15) is our default exit signal, PIPE(13) is likely w/ pager
         warn "$self->{-wq_ident} PID:$pid died \$?=$?\n" if $s != 15 && $s != 13
-sub wq_wait_async {
-        my ($self, $cb, @uargs) = @_;
-        local $PublicInbox::DS::in_loop = 1;
-        $self->{-reap_async} = 1;
-        $self->{-reap_do} = $cb;
-        my @pids = keys %{$self->{-wq_workers}};
-        dwaitpid($_, \&ipc_worker_reap, [ $self, @uargs ]) for @pids;
 # for base class, override in sub classes
 sub ipc_atfork_prepare {}
@@ -170,7 +158,7 @@ sub ipc_atfork_child {
 # idempotent, can be called regardless of whether worker is active or not
 sub ipc_worker_stop {
-        my ($self, $args) = @_;
+        my ($self) = @_;
         my ($pid, $ppid) = delete(@$self{qw(-ipc_pid -ipc_ppid)});
         my ($w_req, $r_res) = delete(@$self{qw(-ipc_req -ipc_res)});
         if (!$w_req && !$r_res) {
@@ -179,18 +167,7 @@ sub ipc_worker_stop {
         die 'no PID with IPC pipes' unless $pid;
         $w_req = $r_res = undef;
-        return if $$ != $ppid;
-        dwaitpid($pid, \&ipc_worker_reap, [$self, $args]);
-# use this if we have multiple readers reading curl or "pigz -dc"
-# and writing to the same store
-sub ipc_lock_init {
-        my ($self, $f) = @_;
-        $f // die 'BUG: no filename given';
-        require PublicInbox::Lock;
-        $self->{-ipc_lock} //= bless { lock_path => $f }, 'PublicInbox::Lock'
+        awaitpid($pid) if $$ == $ppid; # for non-event loop
 sub _wait_return ($$) {
@@ -204,8 +181,6 @@ sub _wait_return ($$) {
 sub ipc_do {
         my ($self, $sub, @args) = @_;
         if (my $w_req = $self->{-ipc_req}) { # run in worker
-                my $ipc_lock = $self->{-ipc_lock};
-                my $lock = $ipc_lock ? $ipc_lock->lock_for_scope : undef;
                 if (defined(wantarray)) {
                         my $r_res = $self->{-ipc_res} or die 'no ipc_res';
                         _send_rec($w_req, [ wantarray, $sub, @args ]);
@@ -234,15 +209,12 @@ sub recv_and_run {
         my $n = length($buf) or return 0;
         my $nfd = 0;
         for my $fd (@fds) {
-                if (open(my $cmdfh, '+<&=', $fd)) {
-                        $self->{$nfd++} = $cmdfh;
-                        $cmdfh->autoflush(1);
-                } else {
-                        die "$$ open(+<&=$fd) (FD:$nfd): $!";
-                }
+                open(my $cmdfh, '+<&=', $fd);
+                $self->{$nfd++} = $cmdfh;
+                $cmdfh->autoflush(1);
         while ($full_stream && $n < $len) {
-                my $r = sysread($s2, $buf, $len - $n, $n) // croak "read: $!";
+                my $r = sysread($s2, $buf, $len - $n, $n);
                 croak "read EOF after $n/$len bytes" if $r == 0;
                 $n = length($buf);
@@ -256,12 +228,19 @@ sub recv_and_run {
-sub wq_worker_loop ($$) {
-        my ($self, $bcast2) = @_;
+sub sock_defined { # PublicInbox::DS::post_loop_do CB
+        my ($wqw) = @_;
+        defined($wqw->{sock});
+sub wq_worker_loop ($$$) {
+        my ($self, $bcast2, $oldset) = @_;
         my $wqw = PublicInbox::WQWorker->new($self, $self->{-wq_s2});
         PublicInbox::WQWorker->new($self, $bcast2) if $bcast2;
-        PublicInbox::DS->SetPostLoopCallback(sub { $wqw->{sock} });
-        PublicInbox::DS::event_loop();
+        local @PublicInbox::DS::post_loop_do = (\&sock_defined, $wqw);
+        my $sig = delete($self->{wq_sig});
+        $sig->{CHLD} //= \&PublicInbox::DS::enqueue_reap;
+        PublicInbox::DS::event_loop($sig, $oldset);
@@ -272,56 +251,40 @@ sub do_sock_stream { # via wq_io_do, for big requests
 sub wq_broadcast {
         my ($self, $sub, @args) = @_;
-        if (my $wkr = $self->{-wq_workers}) {
-                my $buf = ipc_freeze([$sub, @args]);
-                for my $bcast1 (values %$wkr) {
-                        my $sock = $bcast1 // $self->{-wq_s1} // next;
-                        send($sock, $buf, MSG_EOR) // croak "send: $!";
-                        # XXX shouldn't have to deal with EMSGSIZE here...
-                }
-        } else {
-                eval { $self->$sub(@args) };
-                warn "wq_broadcast: $@" if $@;
+        my $wkr = $self->{-wq_workers} or Carp::confess('no -wq_workers');
+        my $buf = ipc_freeze([$sub, @args]);
+        for my $bcast1 (values %$wkr) {
+                my $sock = $bcast1 // $self->{-wq_s1} // next;
+                send($sock, $buf, 0) // croak "send: $!";
+                # XXX shouldn't have to deal with EMSGSIZE here...
 sub stream_in_full ($$$) {
         my ($s1, $fds, $buf) = @_;
-        socketpair(my $r, my $w, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or
-                croak "socketpair: $!";
+        socketpair(my $r, my $w, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
         my $n = $send_cmd->($s1, [ fileno($r) ],
                         ipc_freeze(['do_sock_stream', length($buf)]),
-                        MSG_EOR) // croak "sendmsg: $!";
+                        0) // croak "sendmsg: $!";
         undef $r;
         $n = $send_cmd->($w, $fds, $buf, 0) // croak "sendmsg: $!";
-        while ($n < length($buf)) {
-                my $x = syswrite($w, $buf, length($buf) - $n, $n) //
-                                croak "syswrite: $!";
-                croak "syswrite wrote 0 bytes" if $x == 0;
-                $n += $x;
-        }
+        print $w substr($buf, $n) if $n < length($buf); # need > 2G on Linux
+        close $w; # autodies
 sub wq_io_do { # always async
         my ($self, $sub, $ios, @args) = @_;
-        if (my $s1 = $self->{-wq_s1}) { # run in worker
-                my $fds = [ map { fileno($_) } @$ios ];
-                my $buf = ipc_freeze([$sub, @args]);
-                if (length($buf) > $MY_MAX_ARG_STRLEN) {
-                        stream_in_full($s1, $fds, $buf);
-                } else {
-                        my $n = $send_cmd->($s1, $fds, $buf, MSG_EOR);
-                        return if defined($n); # likely
-                        $!{ETOOMANYREFS} and
-                                croak "sendmsg: $! (check RLIMIT_NOFILE)";
-                        $!{EMSGSIZE} ? stream_in_full($s1, $fds, $buf) :
-                                croak("sendmsg: $!");
-                }
+        my $s1 = $self->{-wq_s1} or Carp::confess('no -wq_s1');
+        my $fds = [ map { fileno($_) } @$ios ];
+        my $buf = ipc_freeze([$sub, @args]);
+        if (length($buf) > $MY_MAX_ARG_STRLEN) {
+                stream_in_full($s1, $fds, $buf);
         } else {
-                @$self{0..$#$ios} = @$ios;
-                eval { $self->$sub(@args) };
-                warn "wq_io_do: $@" if $@;
-                delete @$self{0..$#$ios}; # don't close
+                my $n = $send_cmd->($s1, $fds, $buf, 0);
+                return if defined($n); # likely
+                $!{ETOOMANYREFS} and croak "sendmsg: $! (check RLIMIT_NOFILE)";
+                $!{EMSGSIZE} ? stream_in_full($s1, $fds, $buf) :
+                        croak("sendmsg: $!");
@@ -339,7 +302,7 @@ sub wq_sync_run {
 sub wq_do {
         my ($self, $sub, @args) = @_;
         if (defined(wantarray)) {
-                pipe(my ($r, $w)) or die "pipe: $!";
+                pipe(my $r, my $w);
                 wq_io_do($self, 'wq_sync_run', [ $w ], wantarray, $sub, @args);
                 undef $w;
                 _wait_return($r, $sub);
@@ -350,7 +313,6 @@ sub wq_do {
 sub prepare_nonblock {
         ($_[0]->{-wq_s1} // die 'BUG: no {-wq_s1}')->blocking(0);
-        $_[0]->{-reap_async} or die 'BUG: {-reap_async} needed for nonblock';
         require PublicInbox::WQBlocked;
@@ -360,24 +322,19 @@ sub wq_nonblock_do { # always async
         if ($self->{wqb}) { # saturated once, assume saturated forever
         } else {
-                $send_cmd->($self->{-wq_s1}, [], $buf, MSG_EOR) //
+                $send_cmd->($self->{-wq_s1}, [], $buf, 0) //
                         ($!{EAGAIN} ? PublicInbox::WQBlocked->new($self, $buf)
                                         : croak("sendmsg: $!"));
-sub _wq_worker_start ($$$$) {
-        my ($self, $oldset, $fields, $one) = @_;
+sub _wq_worker_start {
+        my ($self, $oldset, $fields, $one, @cb_args) = @_;
         my ($bcast1, $bcast2);
-        $one or socketpair($bcast1, $bcast2, AF_UNIX, $SEQPACKET, 0) or
-                                                        die "socketpair: $!";
-        my $seed = rand(0xffffffff);
-        my $pid = fork // die "fork: $!";
+        $one or socketpair($bcast1, $bcast2, AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0);
+        my $pid = PublicInbox::DS::fork_persist;
         if ($pid == 0) {
-                srand($seed);
-                eval { Net::SSLeay::randomize() };
                 undef $bcast1;
-                eval { PublicInbox::DS->Reset };
                 delete @$self{qw(-wq_s1 -wq_ppid)};
                 $self->{-wq_worker_nr} =
                                 keys %{delete($self->{-wq_workers}) // {}};
@@ -385,30 +342,28 @@ sub _wq_worker_start ($$$$) {
                 local $0 = $one ? $self->{-wq_ident} :
                         "$self->{-wq_ident} $self->{-wq_worker_nr}";
                 # ensure we properly exit even if warn() dies:
-                my $end = PublicInbox::OnDestroy->new($$, sub { exit(!!$@) });
+                my $end = on_destroy \&exit_exception;
                 eval {
                         $fields //= {};
                         local @$self{keys %$fields} = values(%$fields);
                         my $on_destroy = $self->ipc_atfork_child;
                         local @SIG{keys %SIG} = values %SIG;
-                        PublicInbox::DS::sig_setmask($oldset);
-                        wq_worker_loop($self, $bcast2);
+                        wq_worker_loop($self, $bcast2, $oldset);
                 warn "worker $self->{-wq_ident} PID:$$ died: $@" if $@;
                 undef $end; # trigger exit
         } else {
                 $self->{-wq_workers}->{$pid} = $bcast1;
+                awaitpid($pid, \&ipc_worker_reap, $self, @cb_args);
 # starts workqueue workers if Sereal or Storable is installed
 sub wq_workers_start {
-        my ($self, $ident, $nr_workers, $oldset, $fields) = @_;
-        ($send_cmd && $recv_cmd && defined($SEQPACKET)) or return;
+        my ($self, $ident, $nr_workers, $oldset, $fields, @cb_args) = @_;
+        ($send_cmd && $recv_cmd) or return;
         return if $self->{-wq_s1}; # idempotent
-        $self->{-wq_s1} = $self->{-wq_s2} = undef;
-        socketpair($self->{-wq_s1}, $self->{-wq_s2}, AF_UNIX, $SEQPACKET, 0) or
-                die "socketpair: $!";
+        socketpair($self->{-wq_s1}, $self->{-wq_s2},AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0);
         $nr_workers //= $self->{-wq_nr_workers}; # was set earlier
         my $sigset = $oldset // PublicInbox::DS::block_signals();
@@ -416,7 +371,9 @@ sub wq_workers_start {
         $self->{-wq_ident} = $ident;
         my $one = $nr_workers == 1;
         $self->{-wq_nr_workers} = $nr_workers;
-        _wq_worker_start($self, $sigset, $fields, $one) for (1..$nr_workers);
+        for (1..$nr_workers) {
+                _wq_worker_start($self, $sigset, $fields, $one, @cb_args);
+        }
         PublicInbox::DS::sig_setmask($sigset) unless $oldset;
         $self->{-wq_ppid} = $$;
@@ -424,13 +381,11 @@ sub wq_workers_start {
 sub wq_close {
         my ($self) = @_;
         if (my $wqb = delete $self->{wqb}) {
-                $self->{-reap_async} or die 'BUG: {-reap_async} unset';
         delete @$self{qw(-wq_s1 -wq_s2)} or return;
-        return if $self->{-reap_async};
-        my @pids = keys %{$self->{-wq_workers}};
-        dwaitpid($_, \&ipc_worker_reap, [ $self ]) for @pids;
+        return if ($self->{-wq_ppid} // -1) != $$;
+        awaitpid($_) for keys %{$self->{-wq_workers}};
 sub wq_kill {
@@ -446,23 +401,52 @@ sub DESTROY {
+# _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN = 84 on both Linux glibc and musl,
+# emitted using: $^X devel/sysdefs-list
+        linux => 84,
+        freebsd => 58,
+        dragonfly => 58,
+        openbsd => 503,
+        netbsd => 1002
 sub detect_nproc () {
-        # _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN = 84 on both Linux glibc and musl
-        return POSIX::sysconf(84) if $^O eq 'linux';
-        return POSIX::sysconf(58) if $^O eq 'freebsd';
-        # TODO: more OSes
+        my $n = $NPROCESSORS_ONLN{$^O};
+        return POSIX::sysconf($n) if defined $n;
-        # getconf(1) is POSIX, but *NPROCESSORS* vars are not
+        # getconf(1) is POSIX, but *NPROCESSORS* vars are not even if
+        # glibc, {Free,Net,Open}BSD all support them.
                 `getconf $_ 2>/dev/null` =~ /^(\d+)$/ and return $1;
-        for my $nproc (qw(nproc gnproc)) { # GNU coreutils nproc
-                `$nproc 2>/dev/null` =~ /^(\d+)$/ and return $1;
+        # note: GNU nproc(1) checks CPU affinity, which is nice but
+        # isn't remotely portable
+        undef
+# SATA storage lags behind what CPUs are capable of, so relying on
+# nproc(1) can be misleading and having extra Xapian shards is a
+# waste of FDs and space.  It can also lead to excessive IO latency
+# and slow things down.  Users on NVME or other fast storage can
+# use the NPROC env or switches in our script/public-inbox-* programs
+# to increase Xapian shards
+sub nproc_shards ($) {
+        my ($creat_opt) = @_;
+        my $n = $creat_opt->{nproc} if ref($creat_opt) eq 'HASH';
+        $n //= $ENV{NPROC};
+        if (!$n) {
+                # assume 2 cores if not detectable or zero
+                state $NPROC_DETECTED = PublicInbox::IPC::detect_nproc() || 2;
+                $n = $NPROC_DETECTED;
+                $n = $NPROC_MAX_DEFAULT if $n > $NPROC_MAX_DEFAULT;
-        # should we bother with `sysctl hw.ncpu`?  Those only give
-        # us total processor count, not online processor count.
-        undef
+        # subtract for the main process and git-fast-import
+        $n -= 1;
+        $n < 1 ? 1 : $n;