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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/Fetch.pm
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1 files changed, 63 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/Fetch.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/Fetch.pm
index 0bd6502c..b0f1437c 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/Fetch.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/Fetch.pm
@@ -2,40 +2,45 @@
 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
 # Wrapper to "git fetch" remote public-inboxes
 package PublicInbox::Fetch;
-use strict;
-use v5.10.1;
+use v5.12;
 use parent qw(PublicInbox::IPC);
 use URI ();
-use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(popen_rd run_die);
+use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(popen_rd run_qx run_wait);
 use PublicInbox::Admin;
 use PublicInbox::LEI;
 use PublicInbox::LeiCurl;
 use PublicInbox::LeiMirror;
+use PublicInbox::SHA qw(sha_all);
 use File::Temp ();
 sub new { bless {}, __PACKAGE__ }
-sub fetch_args ($$) {
-        my ($lei, $opt) = @_;
-        my @cmd; # (git --git-dir=...) to be added by caller
-        $opt->{$_} = $lei->{$_} for (0..2);
-        # we support "-c $key=$val" for arbitrary git config options
-        # e.g.: git -c http.proxy=socks5h://
-        push(@cmd, '-c', $_) for @{$lei->{opt}->{c} // []};
-        push @cmd, 'fetch';
-        push @cmd, '-q' if $lei->{opt}->{quiet};
-        push @cmd, '-v' if $lei->{opt}->{verbose};
-        @cmd;
+sub remote_url ($$) {
+        my ($lei, $dir) = @_;
+        my $rn = $lei->{opt}->{'try-remote'} // [ 'origin', '_grokmirror' ];
+        for my $r (@$rn) {
+                my $cmd = [ qw(git config), "remote.$r.url" ];
+                my $url = run_qx($cmd, undef, { -C => $dir, 2 => $lei->{2} });
+                next if $?;
+                $url =~ s!/*\n!!s;
+                return $url;
+        }
+        undef
-sub remote_url ($$) {
-        my ($lei, $dir) = @_; # TODO: support non-"origin"?
-        my $cmd = [ qw(git config remote.origin.url) ];
-        my $fh = popen_rd($cmd, undef, { -C => $dir, 2 => $lei->{2} });
-        my $url = <$fh>;
-        close $fh or return;
-        $url =~ s!/*\n!!s;
-        $url;
+# PSGI mount prefixes and manifest.js.gz prefixes don't always align...
+# TODO: remove, handle multi-inbox fetch
+sub deduce_epochs ($$) {
+        my ($m, $path) = @_;
+        my ($v1_ent, @v2_epochs);
+        my $path_pfx = '';
+        $path =~ s!/+\z!!;
+        do {
+                $v1_ent = $m->{$path};
+                @v2_epochs = grep(m!\A\Q$path\E/git/[0-9]+\.git\z!, keys %$m);
+        } while (!defined($v1_ent) && !@v2_epochs &&
+                $path =~ s!\A(/[^/]+)/!/! and $path_pfx .= $1);
+        ($path_pfx, $v1_ent ? $path : undef, @v2_epochs);
 sub do_manifest ($$$) {
@@ -43,26 +48,27 @@ sub do_manifest ($$$) {
         my $muri = URI->new("$ibx_uri/manifest.js.gz");
         my $ft = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => 'm-XXXX',
                                 UNLINK => 1, DIR => $dir, SUFFIX => '.tmp');
-        my $fn = $ft->filename;
         my $mf = "$dir/manifest.js.gz";
         my $m0; # current manifest.js.gz contents
         if (open my $fh, '<', $mf) {
                 $m0 = eval {
                         PublicInbox::LeiMirror::decode_manifest($fh, $mf, $mf)
-                $lei->err($@) if $@;
+                warn($@) if $@;
-        my ($bn) = ($fn =~ m!/([^/]+)\z!);
+        my ($bn) = ($ft->filename =~ m!/([^/]+)\z!);
         my $curl_cmd = $lei->{curl}->for_uri($lei, $muri, qw(-R -o), $bn);
         my $opt = { -C => $dir };
         $opt->{$_} = $lei->{$_} for (0..2);
         my $cerr = PublicInbox::LeiMirror::run_reap($lei, $curl_cmd, $opt);
         if ($cerr) {
-                return [ 404 ] if ($cerr >> 8) == 22; # 404 Missing
+                return [ 404, $muri ] if ($cerr >> 8) == 22; # 404 Missing
                 $lei->child_error($cerr, "@$curl_cmd failed");
-        my $m1 = PublicInbox::LeiMirror::decode_manifest($ft, $fn, $muri);
+        my $m1 = eval {
+                PublicInbox::LeiMirror::decode_manifest($ft, $ft, $muri);
+        } or return [ 404, $muri ];
         my $mdiff = { %$m1 };
         # filter out unchanged entries.  We check modified, too, since
@@ -80,15 +86,21 @@ sub do_manifest ($$$) {
         my (undef, $v1_path, @v2_epochs) =
-                PublicInbox::LeiMirror::deduce_epochs($mdiff, $ibx_uri->path);
-        [ 200, $v1_path, \@v2_epochs, $muri, $ft, $mf ];
+                deduce_epochs($mdiff, $ibx_uri->path);
+        [ 200, $muri, $v1_path, \@v2_epochs, $ft, $mf, $m1 ];
 sub get_fingerprint2 {
         my ($git_dir) = @_;
-        require Digest::SHA;
         my $rd = popen_rd([qw(git show-ref)], undef, { -C => $git_dir });
-        Digest::SHA::sha256(do { local $/; <$rd> });
+        sha_all(256, $rd)->digest; # ignore show-ref errors
+sub writable_dir ($) {
+        my ($dir) = @_;
+        return unless -d $dir && -w _;
+        my @st = stat($dir);
+        $st[2] & 0222; # any writable bits set? (in case of root)
 sub do_fetch { # main entry point
@@ -99,25 +111,29 @@ sub do_fetch { # main entry point
         my ($ibx_uri, @git_dir, @epochs, $mg, @new_epoch, $skip);
         if ($ibx_ver == 1) {
                 my $url = remote_url($lei, $dir) //
-                        die "E: $dir missing remote.origin.url\n";
+                        die "E: $dir missing remote.*.url\n";
                 $ibx_uri = URI->new($url);
         } else { # v2:
                 require PublicInbox::MultiGit;
                 $mg = PublicInbox::MultiGit->new($dir, 'all.git', 'git');
-                my @epochs = $mg->git_epochs;
+                @epochs = $mg->git_epochs;
                 my ($git_url, $epoch);
                 for my $nr (@epochs) { # try newest epoch, first
                         my $edir = "$dir/git/$nr.git";
-                        unless (-d $edir && -w _) { # must be writable dir
+                        if (!writable_dir($edir)) {
                                 $skip->{$nr} = 1;
+                        next if defined $git_url;
                         if (defined(my $url = remote_url($lei, $edir))) {
                                 $git_url = $url;
                                 $epoch = $nr;
-                                last;
                         } else {
-                                warn "W: $edir missing remote.origin.url\n";
+                                warn "W: $edir missing remote.*.url\n";
+                                my $o = { -C => $edir };
+                                $o->{1} = $o->{2} = $lei->{2};
+                                run_wait([qw(git config -l)], undef, $o) and
+                                        $lei->child_error($?);
                 @epochs = grep { !$skip->{$_} } @epochs if $skip;
@@ -133,7 +149,7 @@ EOM
         PublicInbox::LeiMirror::write_makefile($dir, $ibx_ver);
         $lei->qerr("# inbox URL: $ibx_uri/");
         my $res = do_manifest($lei, $dir, $ibx_uri) or return;
-        my ($code, $v1_path, $v2_epochs, $muri, $ft, $mf) = @$res;
+        my ($code, $muri, $v1_path, $v2_epochs, $ft, $mf, $m1) = @$res;
         if ($code == 404) {
                 # any pre-manifest.js.gz instances running? Just fetch all
                 # existing ones and unconditionally try cloning the next
@@ -145,6 +161,7 @@ EOM
         } else {
                 $code == 200 or die "BUG unexpected code $code\n";
+        my $mculled;
         if ($ibx_ver == 2) {
                 defined($v1_path) and warn <<EOM;
 E: got v1 `$v1_path' when expecting v2 epoch(s) in <$muri>, WTF?
@@ -153,6 +170,12 @@ EOM
                                 my ($nr) = (m!/([0-9]+)\.git\z!g);
                                 $skip->{$nr} ? () : $nr;
                         } @$v2_epochs;
+                if ($m1 && scalar keys %$skip) {
+                        my $re = join('|', keys %$skip);
+                        my @del = grep(m!/git/$re\.git\z!, keys %$m1);
+                        delete @$m1{@del};
+                        $mculled = 1;
+                }
         } else {
                 $git_dir[0] = $dir;
@@ -166,7 +189,7 @@ EOM
                 if (-d $d) {
                         $fp2->[0] = get_fingerprint2($d) if $fp2;
                         $cmd = [ @$torsocks, 'git', "--git-dir=$d",
-                                fetch_args($lei, $opt) ];
+                               PublicInbox::LeiMirror::fetch_args($lei, $opt)];
                 } else {
                         my $e_uri = $ibx_uri->clone;
                         my ($epath) = ($d =~ m!(/git/[0-9]+\.git)\z!);
@@ -192,9 +215,8 @@ EOM
         for my $i (@new_epoch) { $mg->epoch_cfg_set($i) }
         if ($ft) {
-                my $fn = $ft->filename;
-                rename($fn, $mf) or die "E: rename($fn, $mf): $!\n";
-                $ft->unlink_on_destroy(0);
+                PublicInbox::LeiMirror::dump_manifest($m1 => $ft) if $mculled;
+                PublicInbox::LeiMirror::ft_rename($ft, $mf, 0666);
         $lei->child_error($xit << 8) if $fp2 && $xit;