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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/FakeInotify.pm')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/FakeInotify.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/FakeInotify.pm
index 641bc5bd..8be07135 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/FakeInotify.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/FakeInotify.pm
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# Copyright (C) all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
 # License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
 # for systems lacking Linux::Inotify2 or IO::KQueue, just emulates
-# enough of Linux::Inotify2
+# enough of Linux::Inotify2 we use.
 package PublicInbox::FakeInotify;
-use strict;
-use v5.10.1;
-use parent qw(Exporter);
+use v5.12;
 use Time::HiRes qw(stat);
 use PublicInbox::DS qw(add_timer);
+use Errno qw(ENOTDIR ENOENT);
 sub IN_MODIFY () { 0x02 } # match Linux inotify
+# my $IN_MOVED_FROM         0x00000040        /* File was moved from X.  */
 # my $IN_MOVED_TO = 0x80;
 # my $IN_CREATE = 0x100;
 sub MOVED_TO_OR_CREATE () { 0x80 | 0x100 }
@@ -17,98 +17,125 @@ sub IN_DELETE () { 0x200 }
 sub IN_DELETE_SELF () { 0x400 }
 sub IN_MOVE_SELF () { 0x800 }
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(fill_dirlist on_dir_change);
 my $poll_intvl = 2; # same as Filesys::Notify::Simple
-sub new { bless { watch => {}, dirlist => {} }, __PACKAGE__ }
+sub new { bless {}, __PACKAGE__ }
-sub fill_dirlist ($$$) {
-        my ($self, $path, $dh) = @_;
-        my $dirlist = $self->{dirlist}->{$path} = {};
-        while (defined(my $n = readdir($dh))) {
-                $dirlist->{$n} = undef if $n !~ /\A\.\.?\z/;
-        }
+sub on_dir_change ($$$$$) { # used by KQNotify subclass
+        my ($self, $events, $dh, $path, $dir_delete) = @_;
+        my $old = $self->{dirlist}->{$path};
+        my @cur = grep(!/\A\.\.?\z/, readdir($dh));
+        $self->{dirlist}->{$path} = \@cur;
-# behaves like Linux::Inotify2->watch
-sub watch {
-        my ($self, $path, $mask) = @_;
-        my @st = stat($path) or return;
-        my $k = "$path\0$mask";
-        $self->{watch}->{$k} = $st[10]; # 10 - ctime
-        if ($mask & IN_DELETE) {
-                opendir(my $dh, $path) or return;
-                fill_dirlist($self, $path, $dh);
+        # new files:
+        my %tmp = map { $_ => undef } @cur;
+        delete @tmp{@$old};
+        push(@$events, map {
+                bless \"$path/$_", 'PublicInbox::FakeInotify::Event'
+        } keys %tmp);
+        if ($dir_delete) {
+                %tmp = map { $_ => undef } @$old;
+                delete @tmp{@cur};
+                push(@$events, map {
+                        bless \"$path/$_", 'PublicInbox::FakeInotify::GoneEvent'
+                } keys %tmp);
-        bless [ $self->{watch}, $k ], 'PublicInbox::FakeInotify::Watch';
-# also used by KQNotify since it kevent requires readdir on st_nlink
-# count changes.
-sub on_dir_change ($$$$$) {
-        my ($events, $dh, $path, $old_ctime, $dirlist) = @_;
-        my $oldlist = $dirlist->{$path};
-        my $newlist = $oldlist ? {} : undef;
-        while (defined(my $base = readdir($dh))) {
-                next if $base =~ /\A\.\.?\z/;
-                my $full = "$path/$base";
-                my @st = stat($full);
-                if (@st && $st[10] > $old_ctime) {
-                        push @$events,
-                                bless(\$full, 'PublicInbox::FakeInotify::Event')
+sub watch_open ($$$) { # used by KQNotify subclass
+        my ($self, $path, $dir_delete) = @_;
+        my ($fh, @st, @st0, $tries);
+        do {
+                unless (@st0 = stat($path)) {
+                        warn "W: stat($path): $!" if $! != ENOENT;
+                        return;
-                if (!@st) {
-                        # ignore ENOENT due to race
-                        warn "unhandled stat($full) error: $!\n" if !$!{ENOENT};
-                } elsif ($newlist) {
-                        $newlist->{$base} = undef;
+                if (!(-d _ ? opendir($fh, $path) : open($fh, '<', $path))) {
+                        goto again if $! == ENOTDIR && ++$tries < 10;
+                        warn "W: open($path): $!" if $! != ENOENT;
+                        return;
+                @st = stat($fh) or die "fstat($path): $!";
+        } while ("@st[0,1]" ne "@st0[0,1]" &&
+                ((++$tries < 10) || (warn(<<EOM) && return)));
+E: $path switching inodes too frequently to watch
+        if (-d _) {
+                $self->{dirlist}->{$path} = [];
+                on_dir_change($self, [], $fh, $path, $$dir_delete);
+        } else {
+                $$dir_delete = 0;
-        return if !$newlist;
-        delete @$oldlist{keys %$newlist};
-        $dirlist->{$path} = $newlist;
-        push(@$events, map {
-                bless \"$path/$_", 'PublicInbox::FakeInotify::GoneEvent'
-        } keys %$oldlist);
+        bless [ @st[0, 1, 10], $path, $fh ], 'PublicInbox::FakeInotify::Watch'
+# behaves like Linux::Inotify2->watch
+sub watch {
+        my ($self, $path, $mask) = @_; # mask is ignored
+        my $dir_delete = $mask & IN_DELETE ? 1 : 0;
+        my $w = watch_open($self, $path, \$dir_delete) or return;
+        pop @$w; # no need to keep $fh open for non-kqueue
+        $self->{watch}->{"$path\0$dir_delete"} = $w;
+sub gone ($$$) { # used by KQNotify subclass
+        my ($self, $ident, $path) = @_;
+        delete $self->{watch}->{$ident};
+        delete $self->{dirlist}->{$path};
+        bless(\$path, 'PublicInbox::FakeInotify::SelfGoneEvent');
+# fuzz the time for freshly modified directories for low-res VFS
+sub dir_adj ($) {
+        my ($old_ctime) = @_;
+        my $now = Time::HiRes::time;
+        my $diff = $now - $old_ctime;
+        my $adj = $poll_intvl + 1;
+        ($diff > -$adj && $diff < $adj) ? 1 : 0;
 # behaves like non-blocking Linux::Inotify2->read
 sub read {
         my ($self) = @_;
-        my $watch = $self->{watch} or return ();
-        my $events = [];
-        my @watch_gone;
-        for my $x (keys %$watch) {
-                my ($path, $mask) = split(/\0/, $x, 2);
-                my @now = stat($path);
-                if (!@now && $!{ENOENT} && ($mask & IN_DELETE_SELF)) {
-                        push @$events, bless(\$path,
-                                'PublicInbox::FakeInotify::SelfGoneEvent');
-                        push @watch_gone, $x;
-                        delete $self->{dirlist}->{$path};
+        my $ret = [];
+        while (my ($ident, $w) = each(%{$self->{watch}})) {
+                if (!@$w) { # cancelled
+                        delete($self->{watch}->{$ident});
+                        next;
-                next if !@now;
-                my $old_ctime = $watch->{$x};
-                $watch->{$x} = $now[10];
-                next if $old_ctime == $now[10];
-                if ($mask & IN_MODIFY) {
-                        push @$events,
-                                bless(\$path, 'PublicInbox::FakeInotify::Event')
-                } elsif ($mask & (MOVED_TO_OR_CREATE | IN_DELETE)) {
-                        if (opendir(my $dh, $path)) {
-                                on_dir_change($events, $dh, $path, $old_ctime,
-                                                $self->{dirlist});
-                        } elsif ($!{ENOENT}) {
-                                push @watch_gone, $x;
-                                delete $self->{dirlist}->{$path};
-                        } else {
-                                warn "W: opendir $path: $!\n";
+                my $dir_delete = (split(/\0/, $ident, 2))[1];
+                my ($old_dev, $old_ino, $old_ctime, $path) = @$w;
+                my @new_st = stat($path);
+                warn "W: stat($path): $!\n" if !@new_st && $! != ENOENT;
+                if (!@new_st || "$old_dev $old_ino" ne "@new_st[0,1]") {
+                        push @$ret, gone($self, $ident, $path);
+                        next;
+                }
+                if (-d _ && $new_st[10] > ($old_ctime - dir_adj($old_ctime))) {
+                        opendir(my $fh, $path) or do {
+                                if ($! == ENOENT || $! == ENOTDIR) {
+                                        push @$ret, gone($self, $ident, $path);
+                                } else {
+                                        warn "W: opendir($path): $!";
+                                }
+                                next;
+                        };
+                        @new_st = stat($fh) or die "fstat($path): $!";
+                        if ("$old_dev $old_ino" ne "@new_st[0,1]") {
+                                push @$ret, gone($self, $ident, $path);
+                                next;
+                        $w->[2] = $new_st[10];
+                        on_dir_change($self, $ret, $fh, $path, $dir_delete);
+                } elsif ($new_st[10] > $old_ctime) { # regular files, etc
+                        $w->[2] = $new_st[10];
+                        push @$ret, bless(\$path,
+                                        'PublicInbox::FakeInotify::Event');
-        delete @$watch{@watch_gone};
-        @$events;
+        @$ret;
 sub poll_once {
@@ -118,34 +145,30 @@ sub poll_once {
 package PublicInbox::FakeInotify::Watch;
-use strict;
+use v5.12;
-sub cancel {
-        my ($self) = @_;
-        delete $self->[0]->{$self->[1]};
+sub cancel { @{$_[0]} = () }
-sub name {
-        my ($self) = @_;
-        (split(/\0/, $self->[1], 2))[0];
+sub name { $_[0]->[3] }
 package PublicInbox::FakeInotify::Event;
-use strict;
+use v5.12;
 sub fullname { ${$_[0]} }
 sub IN_DELETE { 0 }
+sub IN_MOVED_FROM { 0 }
 sub IN_DELETE_SELF { 0 }
 package PublicInbox::FakeInotify::GoneEvent;
-use strict;
+use v5.12;
 our @ISA = qw(PublicInbox::FakeInotify::Event);
 sub IN_DELETE { 1 }
+sub IN_MOVED_FROM { 0 }
 package PublicInbox::FakeInotify::SelfGoneEvent;
-use strict;
+use v5.12;
 our @ISA = qw(PublicInbox::FakeInotify::GoneEvent);
 sub IN_DELETE_SELF { 1 }