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4 files changed, 150 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
index af707ced..283bdd6c 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdx.pm
@@ -325,6 +325,16 @@ sub index_xapian { # msg_iter callback
+sub index_list_id ($$$) {
+        my ($self, $doc, $hdr) = @_;
+        for my $l ($hdr->header_raw('List-Id')) {
+                $l =~ /<([^>]+)>/ or next;
+                my $lid = lc $1;
+                $doc->add_boolean_term('G' . $lid);
+                index_text($self, $lid, 1, 'XL'); # probabilistic
+        }
 sub index_ids ($$$$) {
         my ($self, $doc, $hdr, $mids) = @_;
         for my $mid (@$mids) {
@@ -338,12 +348,7 @@ sub index_ids ($$$$) {
         $doc->add_boolean_term('Q' . $_) for @$mids;
-        for my $l ($hdr->header_raw('List-Id')) {
-                $l =~ /<([^>]+)>/ or next;
-                my $lid = lc $1;
-                $doc->add_boolean_term('G' . $lid);
-                index_text($self, $lid, 1, 'XL'); # probabilistic
-        }
+        index_list_id($self, $doc, $hdr);
 sub add_xapian ($$$$) {
@@ -363,6 +368,10 @@ sub add_xapian ($$$$) {
         index_headers($self, $smsg);
+        if (my $ng_or_dir = $self->{ng_or_dir}) { # external index
+                $doc->add_boolean_term('P'.
+                                "$ng_or_dir:$smsg->{num}:$smsg->{blob}");
+        }
         msg_iter($eml, \&index_xapian, [ $self, $doc ]);
         index_ids($self, $doc, $eml, $mids);
@@ -436,6 +445,56 @@ sub add_message {
+sub _get_doc ($$$) {
+        my ($self, $docid, $oid) = @_;
+        my $doc = eval { $self->{xdb}->get_document($docid) };
+        $doc // do {
+                warn "E: $@\n" if $@;
+                warn "E: #$docid $oid missing in Xapian\n";
+                undef;
+        }
+sub add_xref3 {
+        my ($self, $docid, $xnum, $oid, $ng_or_dir, $eml) = @_;
+        begin_txn_lazy($self);
+        my $doc = _get_doc($self, $docid, $oid) or return;
+        term_generator($self)->set_document($doc);
+        $doc->add_boolean_term('P'."$ng_or_dir:$xnum:$oid");
+        index_list_id($self, $doc, $eml);
+        $self->{xdb}->replace_document($docid, $doc);
+sub remove_xref3 {
+        my ($self, $docid, $oid, $ng_or_dir, $eml) = @_;
+        begin_txn_lazy($self);
+        my $doc = _get_doc($self, $docid, $oid) or return;
+        my $xref3 = PublicInbox::Smsg::xref3(undef, $doc);
+        for (grep(/\A\Q$ng_or_dir\E:[0-9]+:\Q$oid\E\z/, @$xref3)) {
+                $doc->remove_term('P' . $_);
+        }
+        for my $l ($eml->header_raw('List-Id')) {
+                $l =~ /<([^>]+)>/ or next;
+                my $lid = lc $1;
+                $doc->remove_term('G' . $lid);
+                # nb: we don't remove the XL probabilistic terms
+                # since terms may overlap if cross-posted.
+                #
+                # IOW, a message which has both <foo.example.com>
+                # and <bar.example.com> would have overlapping
+                # "XLexample" and "XLcom" as terms and which we
+                # wouldn't know if they're safe to remove if we just
+                # unindex <foo.example.com> while preserving
+                # <bar.example.com>.
+                #
+                # In any case, this entire sub is will likely never
+                # be needed and users using the "l:" prefix are probably
+                # rarer.
+        }
+        $self->{xdb}->replace_document($docid, $doc);
 sub get_val ($$) {
         my ($doc, $col) = @_;
@@ -457,12 +516,7 @@ sub xdb_remove {
         my ($self, $oid, @removed) = @_;
         my $xdb = $self->{xdb} or return;
         for my $num (@removed) {
-                my $doc = eval { $xdb->get_document($num) };
-                unless ($doc) {
-                        warn "E: $@\n" if $@;
-                        warn "E: #$num $oid missing in Xapian\n";
-                        next;
-                }
+                my $doc = _get_doc($self, $num, $oid) or next;
                 my $smsg = smsg_from_doc($doc);
                 my $blob = $smsg->{blob}; # may be undef if --skip-docdata
                 if (!defined($blob) || $blob eq $oid) {
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdxShard.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdxShard.pm
index f23d23d0..8e24aa1b 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdxShard.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/SearchIdxShard.pm
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ package PublicInbox::SearchIdxShard;
 use strict;
 use v5.10.1;
 use parent qw(PublicInbox::SearchIdx);
+use bytes qw(length);
 use IO::Handle (); # autoflush
 use PublicInbox::Eml;
@@ -47,6 +48,13 @@ sub spawn_worker {
         close $r or die "failed to close: $!";
+sub eml ($$) {
+        my ($r, $len) = @_;
+        my $n = read($r, my $bref, $len) or die "read: $!\n";
+        $n == $len or die "short read: $n != $len\n";
+        PublicInbox::Eml->new(\$bref);
 # this reads all the writes to $self->{w} from the parent process
 sub shard_worker_loop ($$$$$) {
         my ($self, $v2w, $r, $shard, $bnote) = @_;
@@ -65,25 +73,32 @@ sub shard_worker_loop ($$$$$) {
                                         die "write failed for barrier $!\n";
                 } elsif ($line =~ /\AD ([a-f0-9]{40,}) ([0-9]+)\n\z/s) {
                         $self->remove_by_oid($1, $2 + 0);
+                } elsif ($line =~ s/\A\+X //) {
+                        my ($len, $docid, $xnum, $oid, $ng_or_dir) =
+                                                        split(/ /, $line, 5);
+                        $self->add_xref3($docid, $xnum, $oid, $ng_or_dir,
+                                                eml($r, $len));
+                } elsif ($line =~ s/\A-X //) {
+                        my ($len, $docid, $xnum, $oid, $ng_or_dir) =
+                                                        split(/ /, $line, 5);
+                        $self->remove_xref3($docid, $xnum, $oid,
+                                                $ng_or_dir, eml($r, $len));
                 } else {
                         chomp $line;
                         # n.b. $mid may contain spaces(!)
-                        my ($to_read, $bytes, $num, $blob, $ds, $ts, $tid, $mid)
+                        my ($len, $bytes, $num, $oid, $ds, $ts, $tid, $mid)
                                 = split(/ /, $line, 8);
-                        my $n = read($r, my $msg, $to_read) or die "read: $!\n";
-                        $n == $to_read or die "short read: $n != $to_read\n";
-                        my $mime = PublicInbox::Eml->new(\$msg);
                         my $smsg = bless {
                                 bytes => $bytes,
                                 num => $num + 0,
-                                blob => $blob,
+                                blob => $oid,
                                 mid => $mid,
                                 tid => $tid,
                                 ds => $ds,
                                 ts => $ts,
                         }, 'PublicInbox::Smsg';
-                        $self->add_message($mime, $smsg);
+                        $self->add_message(eml($r, $len), $smsg);
@@ -107,6 +122,32 @@ sub index_raw {
+sub shard_add_xref3 {
+        my ($self, $docid, $xnum, $oid, $xibx, $eml) = @_;
+        my $ng_or_dir = $xibx->{newsgroup} // $xibx->{inboxdir};
+        if (my $w = $self->{w}) {
+                my $hdr = $eml->header_obj->as_string;
+                my $len = length($hdr);
+                print $w "+X $len $docid $xnum $oid $ng_or_dir\n", $hdr or
+                        die "failed to write shard: $!";
+        } else {
+                $self->add_xref3($docid, $xnum, $oid, $ng_or_dir, $eml);
+        }
+sub shard_remove_xref3 {
+        my ($self, $docid, $oid, $xibx, $eml) = @_;
+        my $ng_or_dir = $xibx->{newsgroup} // $xibx->{inboxdir};
+        if (my $w = $self->{w}) {
+                my $hdr = $eml->header_obj->as_string;
+                my $len = length($hdr);
+                print $w "-X $len $docid $oid $ng_or_dir\n", $hdr or
+                        die "failed to write shard: $!";
+        } else {
+                $self->remove_xref3($docid, $oid, $ng_or_dir, $eml);
+        }
 sub atfork_child {
         close $_[0]->{w} or die "failed to close write pipe: $!\n";
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/Smsg.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/Smsg.pm
index 14086538..c0fd85fd 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/Smsg.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/Smsg.pm
@@ -137,4 +137,17 @@ sub subject_normalized ($) {
+sub xref3 {
+        my ($self, $doc) = @_;
+        my $end = $doc->termlist_end;
+        my $it = $doc->termlist_begin;
+        $it->skip_to('P');
+        my @ret;
+        for (; $it != $end; $it++) {
+                my $val = $it->get_termname;
+                $val =~ s/\AP// and push @ret, $val;
+        }
+        \@ret;
diff --git a/t/search.t b/t/search.t
index a66aec36..e789b81e 100644
--- a/t/search.t
+++ b/t/search.t
@@ -341,6 +341,14 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
                 my $uid = PublicInbox::SearchIdx::get_val($doc, $col);
                 is($uid, $smsg->{num}, 'UID column matches {num}');
                 is($uid, $m->get_docid, 'UID column matches docid');
+                # check ->xref3 for external index:
+                is_deeply($smsg->xref3($doc), [], 'xref3 empty by default');
+                my $exp = "inbox.com.example:$uid:deadbeef";
+                $doc->add_boolean_term('P'.$exp);
+                is_deeply($smsg->xref3($doc), [ $exp ], 'xref3 can be set');
+                $doc->remove_term('P'.$exp);
+                is_deeply($smsg->xref3($doc), [], 'xref3 can be unset');
         $mset = $ibx->search->mset('tc:list@example.com');
@@ -513,8 +521,13 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
         my $doc_id = $rw->add_message(eml_load('t/data/message_embed.eml'));
         ok($doc_id > 0, 'messages within messages');
-        $rw->commit_txn_lazy;
-        $ibx->search->reopen;
+        my $eml = PublicInbox::Eml->new(<<EOF);
+List-Id: <blahblah.example.com>
+        $rw->add_xref3($doc_id, 1, 'deadbeef', 'newsgroup1.example', $eml);
+        $rw_commit->();
         my $n_test_eml = $query->('n:test.eml');
         is(scalar(@$n_test_eml), 1, 'got a result');
         my $n_embed2x_eml = $query->('n:embed2x.eml');
@@ -532,8 +545,15 @@ $ibx->with_umask(sub {
         is($query->('s:"mail header experiments"')->[0]->{mid},
                 'Subject search reaches inside message/rfc822');
+        is($query->('l:blahblah.example.com')->[0]->{num}, $doc_id,
+                'xref3 List-Id probabilistic works');
+        is($query->('lid:blahblah.example.com')->[0]->{num}, $doc_id,
+                'xref3 List-Id boolean term works');
+        $rw->remove_xref3($doc_id, 'deadbeef', 'newsgroup1.example', $eml);
+        $rw->commit_txn_lazy;
+        $ibx->search->reopen;
+        my $res = $query->('lid:blahblah.example.com');
+        is_deeply($res, [], '->remove_xref3 dropped boolean term');