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authorEric Wong <e@yhbt.net>2020-06-10 07:04:26 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@yhbt.net>2020-06-13 07:55:45 +0000
commitd622e3b7978d974b2c0d76acea3074ec9cac80f5 (patch)
tree4a219d72dfa9feec06eaa9a5222905286f5a579e /xt
parent71cbe4126d03dc79cfa8f3b13ba83c29af9da5d1 (diff)
Include a test for Mail::IMAPTalk, here, since Mail::IMAPClient
stalls with compression enabled:
Diffstat (limited to 'xt')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xt/cmp-imapd-compress.t b/xt/cmp-imapd-compress.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b12cf74e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xt/cmp-imapd-compress.t
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#!perl -w
+# Copyright (C) 2020 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
+my $inboxdir = $ENV{GIANT_INBOX_DIR};
+(defined($inboxdir) && -d $inboxdir) or
+        plan skip_all => "GIANT_INBOX_DIR not defined for $0";
+plan skip_all => "bad characters in $inboxdir" if $inboxdir =~ m![^\w\.\-/]!;
+my ($tmpdir, $for_destroy) = tmpdir();
+my $cfg = "$tmpdir/cfg";
+my $mailbox = 'inbox.test';
+        open my $fh, '>', $cfg or BAIL_OUT "open: $!";
+        print $fh <<EOF or BAIL_OUT "print: $!";
+[publicinbox "test"]
+        newsgroup = $mailbox
+        address = test\@example.com
+        inboxdir = $inboxdir
+        close $fh or BAIL_OUT "close: $!";
+my ($out, $err) = ("$tmpdir/stdout.log", "$tmpdir/stderr.log");
+my $sock = tcp_server();
+my $cmd = [ '-imapd', '-W0', "--stdout=$out", "--stderr=$err"];
+my $env = { PI_CONFIG => $cfg };
+my $td = start_script($cmd, $env, { 3 => $sock }) or BAIL_OUT "-imapd: $?";
+my ($host, $port) = ($sock->sockhost, $sock->sockport);
+my $c = tcp_connect($sock);
+like(readline($c), qr/CAPABILITY /, 'got greeting');
+undef $c;
+SKIP: {
+        require_mods('Mail::IMAPClient', 3);
+        unless ($ENV{RT_132720_FIXED}) {
+                my $bug = 'https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132720';
+                skip "<$bug>, RT_132720_FIXED not defined", 3;
+        }
+        my %opt = (Server => $host, Port => $port,
+                        User => 'u', Password => 'p', Clear => 1);
+        my $uc = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%opt);
+        my $c = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%opt);
+        ok($c->compress, 'enabled compression');
+        ok $c->examine($mailbox), 'compressed EXAMINE-ed';
+        ok $uc->examine($mailbox), 'uncompress EXAMINE-ed';
+        my $range = $uc->search('all');
+        for my $uid (@$range) {
+                my $A = $uc->fetch_hash($uid, 'BODY[]');
+                my $B = $c->fetch_hash($uid, 'BODY[]');
+                if (!is_deeply($A, $B, "$uid identical")) {
+                        diag Dumper([$A, $B]);
+                        diag Dumper([$uc, $c]);
+                        last;
+                }
+        }
+        $uc->logout;
+        $c->logout;
+SKIP: {
+        require_mods('Mail::IMAPTalk', 3);
+        my %opt = (Server => $host, Port => $port, UseSSL => 0,
+                Username => 'u', Password => 'p', Uid => 1);
+        my $uc = Mail::IMAPTalk->new(%opt) or BAIL_OUT 'IMAPTalk->new';
+        my $c = Mail::IMAPTalk->new(%opt, UseCompress => 1) or
+                BAIL_OUT 'IMAPTalk->new(UseCompress => 1)';
+        ok $c->examine($mailbox), 'compressed EXAMINE-ed';
+        ok $uc->examine($mailbox), 'uncompress EXAMINE-ed';
+        my $range = $uc->search('all');
+        for my $uid (@$range) {
+                my $A = $uc->fetch($uid, 'rfc822');
+                my $B = $c->fetch($uid, 'rfc822');
+                if (!is_deeply($A, $B, "$uid identical")) {
+                        diag Dumper([$A, $B]);
+                        diag Dumper([$uc, $c]);
+                        last;
+                }
+        }