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DateCommit message (Collapse)
2020-02-27searchview: improve naming and simplify hash override
`%over' could be confused for the overview SQLite DB instance, so call it `%override', instead. There's also no need to write a loop to override a hash when the language can do it for us.
2020-02-24v2writable: lookup_content => content_exists
It only needs to return a boolean, since none of the current callers care about the return value. Thus avoid a hash table assignment and use of `$smsg->{mime}', here.
2020-02-24v2writable: make remove return-compatible w/ Import::remove
Import::remove is a documented interface, and the return value of the V2Writable work-alike should try to be compatible with what Import implements.
2020-02-24viewdiff: remove optional CR handling
The only caller of `flush_diff' is `add_text_body', and that already did CRLF conversion on the text part. The regexps in SolverGit still need to preserve CR, however, since that actually applies patches (instead of rendering them), and we need to preserve CRLF patches for CRLF files.
2020-02-24hval: ascii_html: drop CRLF => LF conversion
Instead, we add CRLF conversion to the only remaining place which needs it, ViewVCS. This save many redundant ops in in many places. The only other place where this mattered was in View::add_text_body, but we already started doing CRLF conversions when we added diff parsing and link generation for ViewVCS. Otherwise, all other places we used this was for header viewing and Email::MIME doesn't preserve CRLF in headers.
2020-02-24searchview: set obfuscation inbox properly
We never lookup `$ctx->{-obfuscate}' anywhere, as the correct key is `$ctx->{-obfs_ibx}' since some of the address obfuscation stuff is inbox-specific. Note: some of the obfuscation stuff still needs tests, but it's low-priority at the moment since I don't think it's a good feature after all.
2020-02-17view: shorten life of MIME object for permalink
We don't need to hold onto the Email::MIME object across multiple WwwResponse->getline calls, instead we can stuff the rendered HTML of the first (and hopefully only) message of the buffer into ctx->{-html_tip}.
2020-02-17viewdiff: do not generate "a=" parameter if "b=" matches
Long URLs waste bandwidth and redundant query parameters make caching more difficult and expensive. Fixes: ddec19694cbf0e1d ("viewdiff: rewrite and simplify")
2020-02-16view: remove last Hval->new caller
The object-oriented Hval API turned out to be less useful and more clunky than I envisioned years ago, so get rid of it. We'll no longer strip trailing whitespace from From: headers in the HTML display, but I doubt anybody cares.
2020-02-16view: escape ampersand in Message-IDs
We need to escape ampersands (and some other characters for href attributes), so introduce a `mid_href' sub to do just that. '<', '>' and '"' were always escaped, so there's no risk of tag or attribute injection, but creative Message-IDs could cause confusion for some parsers and generate invalid URLs. Start getting rid of the bloated, over-engineered OO Hval API while we're at it, I only noticed this bug because I started killing off Hval->new* callers.
2020-02-16view: escape Subject HTML directly
No need to use the over-engineered Hval OO API when the subject is already normalized and there's no trailing spaces because of normalization.
2020-02-16view,searchview: avoid smsg method calls when using SQLite/Xapian
We already pre-populate the hashref when loading $smsg (PublicInbox::SearchMsg) objects out of over.sqlite3 or Xapian, so making expensive method calls isn't necessary in those cases. We only need to use the method calls when SQLite or Xapian are not available or are being populated (such as during indexing).
2020-02-16view: cleanup topic accumulation and dumping
Avoid needlessly normalizing the subject when dumping, since it's pushed into the @$topic array during accumulation in normalized form. We can also safely treat $smsg as a hashref and avoid calling "->ds" as a method since we know we've got that loaded via Over||Search and won't have to use Email::MIME header lookup methods.
2020-02-16view: dump_topics: better naming of top Subject
We use `$top' in other places, so name it to `$top_subj' consistently for `$subj' and `$prev_subj' comparisons down the function.
2020-02-16view: single id="t" for multi-Subject messages
While multi-Subject messages are unfortunate, try not to generate confusing/invalid HTML with multiple elements having the same HTML id attribute.
2020-02-16view: remove mhref arg from multipart_text_as_html
No point in passing something on stack only to stash it into the $ctx which holds most other parameters used for rendering the HTML.
2020-02-08doc: mark some TODO items as done
NNTP TLS and COMPRESS support and cgit spawning from the WWW interface were implemented last year. Given the lack of syscall number stability guarantee on the OpenBSD and FreeBSD, I don't think supporting a pure-Perl kevent is feasible. Inline::C may still be an option since IO::KQueue is abandoned, though, as it is for some Linux-only syscalls and maybe some POSIX ones not covered by POSIX.pm.
2020-02-07syscall: support Linux x32 ABI
The x32 ABI allows users to take advantage of the extra registers on x86-64 without the bloat of 64-bit pointers and longs. This ought to be significant since Perl was designed when 32-bit was prevalent; and the common structs for ops, hashes, scalars, and arrays use longs (SSize_t/Size_t) for things which should never need 64-bits when processing emails. Debian's x32 port seems to work quite nicely under a chroot on an amd64 Linux system. All tests pass under x32, now.
2020-02-06treewide: run update-copyrights from gnulib for 2019
I didn't wait until September to do it, this year!
2020-02-04over: simplify read-only vs read-write checking
No need to call ref() and do a string comparison. Add some extra tests using the {ReadOnly} attribute in DBI.pm.
2020-02-04inbox: remove TODO item for msg_by_path
It's an old function which only gets called by inboxes w/o SQLite indices.
2020-02-04inbox: simplify ->description and ->cloneurl
We can use "//=" from Perl 5.10 to simplify the logic for these methods. The use of chomp() in ->cloneurl was also unnecessary since split(/\s+/s,...) already removes newlines.
2020-02-04www: serve $INBOX_DIR/description as $INBOX_URL/description
Instead of serving $INBOX_DIR/all.git/description, since $INBOX_DIR/all.git/description is not described in the default message when it's missing.
2020-02-04www: stricter regexp for 405 errors
We want to match "GET" and "HEAD" exactly, not requests which start with "GET" or end with "HEAD". This doesn't seem like a real problem for public-inboxes which are actually public data anyways.
2020-02-02spawn: actually die on (vfork|fork) failures
Commit 9f5a583694396f84 ("spawn (and thus popen_rd) die on failure") was incomplete in that it only removed error checking for spawn failures for non-(vfork|fork) calls, but the actual (vfork|fork) PID result could still be undef. Fixes: 9f5a583694396f84 ("spawn (and thus popen_rd) die on failure")
2020-02-02v2writable: more ways to detect online CPU count
OpenBSD and FreeBSD support `getconf NPROCESSORS_ONLN` (no leading underscore). They may also have GNU nproc installed as "gnproc". We may also encounter Linux systems w/o GNU coreutils, but able to use `getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` (with leading underscore).
2020-02-02searchidxshard: rely on autoflush instead of ->flush
It reduces the number of ops and simplifies the code, slightly. Add a missing IO::Handle import while we're at it, to be explicit about which methods we use.
2020-02-02v2writable: do not clobber {shards} or {parallel} if unset
The $jobs parameter in `public-inbox-convert' is passed to V2Writable->init_inbox as `undef' by default, causing parallelization to be disabled. Instead, leave the underlying {parallel} flag untouched if $shards is undef and do not clobber the default shard count. This allows us to take advantage of multicore systems when running public-inbox-convert with no command-line switches.
2020-02-02v2writable: nproc_shards: subtract 1 from given value
This is to be consistent with the `nproc(1)' code path. It also quiets down a warning from Admin when "-j $JOBS" is specified, since the master process (which distributes work to shards and handles OverIdx and Msgmap) is considered a job on its own.
2020-02-01config: assume multiple cgit URLs, too
Since we support inboxes with multiple URLs and multiple infourls to reduce reliance on SPOFs, we'll do the same with cgit URLs.
2020-02-01solver: join multiple URLs with "||"
It seems to make sense to the target audience that any of the URLs displayed could work.
2020-02-01wwwtext: give "url" examples in sample config
inbox.$NAME.url is a common parameter and set by public-inbox-init(1), so ensure we have lines for it and emphasize it can be multi-value for .onion hidden services or otherwise mirrored and available under multiple URLs.
2020-02-01wwwtext: show multiple infourl values properly
This is now an array, so ensure it's shown properly in the sample config, instead of "ARRAY(0xI8BADBEEF)" or similar. Fixes: 1988d730c0088e8b "config: support multi-value inbox.*.*url"
2020-01-31mboxgz: ensure gzipped mboxes always have filenames
Lets always have Content-Disposition for files intended to be downloaded for consumption by non-browsers, such as pigz, zcat, "git am". This is also to be consistent with the non-gzipped mbox $MESSAGE_ID/raw endpoint.
2020-01-28v2writable: newest epochs go first in alternates
New epochs are the most likely to have loose objects. git won't be able to take advantage of pack indices and needs to scan every alternate for the loose object via open/openat syscalls. Those syscalls will add up some day when we've got hundreds or thousands of epochs.
2020-01-28avoid relying on IO::Handle/IO::File autoload
Perl 5.14+ gained the ability to autoload IO::File (and IO::Handle) on missing methods, so relying on this breaks under 5.10.1. There's no reason to load IO::File or IO::Handle when built-in perlops work fine and are even a hair faster.
2020-01-28daemon: provide TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT for Perl <5.14
Socket::TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT() did not appear in the Socket module distributed with Perl until 5.14, despite it being available since Linux 2.4.
2020-01-27viewdiff: rewrite and simplify
Instead of going line-by-line, use split() with a giant regexp to capture groups of contiguous lines. This offloads state management to the regexp itself and makes it FAR easier to keep track of <span> and </span> pairings. Performance seems roughly on par after this change for the meta@public-inbox archives. It seems a tiny bit faster for git@vger with xt/perf-msgview.t, likely due to the longer messages and larger contiguous groups of lines having the same prefix (or no prefix at all) and drastically reduces the number of subroutine calls and Perl ops executed.
2020-01-27viewdiff: use autovivification for long_path hash
No sense in wasting code to do something the interpreter already does for us.
2020-01-27viewdiff: add "b=" param when missing "diff --git" line
<2841d2de-32ad-eae8-6039-9251a40bb00e@tngtech.com> as posted to git@vger contained an otherwise valid diff without a "diff --git" line. Generate a "b=" parameter in that case using the "+++" line instead of the "diff --git" line. SearchIdx.pm no longer uses the "diff --git" line for filename information, either.
2020-01-27viewdiff: add "b=" param with non-standard diff prefix
<20180228012207.GB251290@aiede.svl.corp.google.com> (posted to git@vger) uses "i" and "w" prefixes instead of the standard "a" and "b" prefixes, ensure we emit a "b=$FILENAME" param for the solver endpoint to improve search accuracy, syntax highlighting, and information density in the URL itself.
2020-01-27searchidx: don't assume "a/" and "b/" as prefixes
Some people use "--{src,dst}-prefix=", try to deal with those since git-apply can handle them when called by solver.
2020-01-27searchidx: skip filenames on "diff --git ..."
We already capture filenames on the lines beginning with "---" and "+++", so it's redundant work to capture filenames from "diff --git ..." lines.
2020-01-27linkify: move to_html over from ViewDiff
We use the same idiom in many places for doing two-step linkification and HTML escaping. Get rid of an outdated comment in flush_quote while we're at it.
2020-01-27linkify: compile $LINK_RE once
This gives a 3-4% performance improvement in xt/perf-msgview.t with a mirror of https://public-inbox.org/meta/
2020-01-27view: inline and eliminate msg_html
No need to keep the old sub around, anymore. Rename auxiliary subs to "msg_page_*" instead of the "html" version.
2020-01-27view: start performing buffering into {obuf}
Get rid of the confusingly named {rv} and {tip} fields and unify them into {obuf} for readability. {obuf} usage may be expanded to more areas in the future. This will eventually make it easier for us to experiment with alternative buffering schemes.
2020-01-27wwwstream: discard single-use $ctx fields after use
This should make it clear that we only use these elements once and can discard them. While we're in the area, avoid escaping '"' by using qq() instead of "" to quote strings requiring interpolation.
2020-01-27view: simplify duplicate Message-ID handling
It's an uncommon code path, no need to make it more complex than it needs to be by having extra sub parameters.
2020-01-27view: thread_skel: drop constant tpfx parameter
It hasn't changed in a few years. Now we can rely on constant folding to avoid extraneous ops to the $skel buffer.