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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm')
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm
index 8eec17eb..b25427ee 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/Import.pm
@@ -7,19 +7,32 @@
 package PublicInbox::Import;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use Fcntl qw(:flock :DEFAULT);
+use base qw(PublicInbox::Lock);
 use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(spawn);
-use PublicInbox::MID qw(mid_mime mid2path);
+use PublicInbox::MID qw(mids mid_mime mid2path);
 use PublicInbox::Address;
+use PublicInbox::MsgTime qw(msg_timestamp msg_datestamp);
+use PublicInbox::ContentId qw(content_digest);
+use PublicInbox::MDA;
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
 sub new {
-        my ($class, $git, $name, $email, $inbox) = @_;
+        my ($class, $git, $name, $email, $ibx) = @_;
+        my $ref = 'refs/heads/master';
+        if ($ibx) {
+                $ref = $ibx->{ref_head} || 'refs/heads/master';
+                $name ||= $ibx->{name};
+                $email ||= $ibx->{-primary_address};
+        }
         bless {
                 git => $git,
                 ident => "$name <$email>",
                 mark => 1,
-                ref => 'refs/heads/master',
-                inbox => $inbox,
+                ref => $ref,
+                inbox => $ibx,
+                path_type => '2/38', # or 'v2'
+                lock_path => "$git->{git_dir}/ssoma.lock", # v2 changes this
+                bytes_added => 0,
         }, $class
@@ -33,25 +46,28 @@ sub gfi_start {
         pipe($in_r, $in_w) or die "pipe failed: $!";
         pipe($out_r, $out_w) or die "pipe failed: $!";
         my $git = $self->{git};
-        my $git_dir = $git->{git_dir};
-        my $lockpath = "$git_dir/ssoma.lock";
-        sysopen(my $lockfh, $lockpath, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT) or
-                die "failed to open lock $lockpath: $!";
-        # wait for other processes to be done
-        flock($lockfh, LOCK_EX) or die "lock failed: $!\n";
+        $self->lock_acquire;
         local $/ = "\n";
-        chomp($self->{tip} = $git->qx(qw(rev-parse --revs-only), $self->{ref}));
+        my $ref = $self->{ref};
+        chomp($self->{tip} = $git->qx(qw(rev-parse --revs-only), $ref));
+        if ($self->{path_type} ne '2/38' && $self->{tip}) {
+                local $/ = "\0";
+                my @tree = $git->qx(qw(ls-tree -r -z --name-only), $ref);
+                chomp @tree;
+                $self->{-tree} = { map { $_ => 1 } @tree };
+        }
+        my $git_dir = $git->{git_dir};
         my @cmd = ('git', "--git-dir=$git_dir", qw(fast-import
-                        --quiet --done --date-format=rfc2822));
+                        --quiet --done --date-format=raw));
         my $rdr = { 0 => fileno($out_r), 1 => fileno($in_w) };
         my $pid = spawn(\@cmd, undef, $rdr);
         die "spawn fast-import failed: $!" unless defined $pid;
         $self->{in} = $in_r;
         $self->{out} = $out_w;
-        $self->{lockfh} = $lockfh;
         $self->{pid} = $pid;
         $self->{nchg} = 0;
         binmode $out_w, ':raw' or die "binmode :raw failed: $!";
@@ -61,14 +77,7 @@ sub gfi_start {
 sub wfail () { die "write to fast-import failed: $!" }
-sub now2822 () {
-        my @t = gmtime(time);
-        my $day = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat)[$t[6]];
-        my $mon = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec)[$t[4]];
-        sprintf('%s, %2d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d +0000',
-                $day, $t[3], $mon, $t[5] + 1900, $t[2], $t[1], $t[0]);
+sub now_raw () { time . ' +0000' }
 sub norm_body ($) {
         my ($mime) = @_;
@@ -77,6 +86,7 @@ sub norm_body ($) {
+# only used for v1 (ssoma) inboxes
 sub _check_path ($$$$) {
         my ($r, $w, $tip, $path) = @_;
         return if $tip eq '';
@@ -86,27 +96,13 @@ sub _check_path ($$$$) {
         $info =~ /\Amissing / ? undef : $info;
-# returns undef on non-existent
-# ('MISMATCH', msg) on mismatch
-# (:MARK, msg) on success
-sub remove {
-        my ($self, $mime, $msg) = @_; # mime = Email::MIME
-        my $mid = mid_mime($mime);
-        my $path = mid2path($mid);
-        my ($r, $w) = $self->gfi_start;
-        my $tip = $self->{tip};
-        my $info = _check_path($r, $w, $tip, $path) or return ('MISSING',undef);
-        $info =~ m!\A100644 blob ([a-f0-9]{40})\t!s or die "not blob: $info";
-        my $blob = $1;
-        print $w "cat-blob $blob\n" or wfail;
+sub _cat_blob ($$$) {
+        my ($r, $w, $oid) = @_;
+        print $w "cat-blob $oid\n" or wfail;
         local $/ = "\n";
-        $info = <$r>;
+        my $info = <$r>;
         defined $info or die "EOF from fast-import / cat-blob: $!";
-        $info =~ /\A[a-f0-9]{40} blob (\d+)\n\z/ or
-                                die "unexpected cat-blob response: $info";
+        $info =~ /\A[a-f0-9]{40} blob (\d+)\n\z/ or return;
         my $left = $1;
         my $offset = 0;
         my $buf = '';
@@ -121,7 +117,26 @@ sub remove {
         $n = read($r, my $lf, 1);
         defined($n) or die "read final byte of cat-blob failed: $!";
         die "bad read on final byte: <$lf>" if $lf ne "\n";
-        my $cur = PublicInbox::MIME->new($buf);
+        # fixup some bugginess in old versions:
+        $buf =~ s/\A[\r\n]*From [^\r\n]*\r?\n//s;
+        \$buf;
+sub cat_blob {
+        my ($self, $oid) = @_;
+        my ($r, $w) = $self->gfi_start;
+        _cat_blob($r, $w, $oid);
+sub check_remove_v1 {
+        my ($r, $w, $tip, $path, $mime) = @_;
+        my $info = _check_path($r, $w, $tip, $path) or return ('MISSING',undef);
+        $info =~ m!\A100644 blob ([a-f0-9]{40})\t!s or die "not blob: $info";
+        my $oid = $1;
+        my $msg = _cat_blob($r, $w, $oid) or die "BUG: cat-blob $1 failed";
+        my $cur = PublicInbox::MIME->new($msg);
         my $cur_s = $cur->header('Subject');
         $cur_s = '' unless defined $cur_s;
         my $cur_m = $mime->header('Subject');
@@ -129,6 +144,103 @@ sub remove {
         if ($cur_s ne $cur_m || norm_body($cur) ne norm_body($mime)) {
                 return ('MISMATCH', $cur);
+        (undef, $cur);
+sub checkpoint {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        return unless $self->{pid};
+        print { $self->{out} } "checkpoint\n" or wfail;
+        undef;
+sub progress {
+        my ($self, $msg) = @_;
+        return unless $self->{pid};
+        print { $self->{out} } "progress $msg\n" or wfail;
+        $self->{in}->getline eq "progress $msg\n" or die
+                "progress $msg not received\n";
+        undef;
+sub _update_git_info ($$) {
+        my ($self, $do_gc) = @_;
+        # for compatibility with existing ssoma installations
+        # we can probably remove this entirely by 2020
+        my $git_dir = $self->{git}->{git_dir};
+        my @cmd = ('git', "--git-dir=$git_dir");
+        my $index = "$git_dir/ssoma.index";
+        if (-e $index && !$ENV{FAST}) {
+                my $env = { GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index };
+                run_die([@cmd, qw(read-tree -m -v -i), $self->{ref}], $env);
+        }
+        run_die([@cmd, 'update-server-info'], undef);
+        ($self->{path_type} eq '2/38') and eval {
+                require PublicInbox::SearchIdx;
+                my $inbox = $self->{inbox} || $git_dir;
+                my $s = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($inbox);
+                $s->index_sync({ ref => $self->{ref} });
+        };
+        eval { run_die([@cmd, qw(gc --auto)], undef) } if $do_gc;
+sub barrier {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        # For safety, we ensure git checkpoint is complete before because
+        # the data in git is still more important than what is in Xapian
+        # in v2.  Performance may be gained by delaying the ->progress
+        # call but we lose safety
+        if ($self->{nchg}) {
+                $self->checkpoint;
+                $self->progress('checkpoint');
+                _update_git_info($self, 0);
+                $self->{nchg} = 0;
+        }
+# used for v2
+sub get_mark {
+        my ($self, $mark) = @_;
+        die "not active\n" unless $self->{pid};
+        my ($r, $w) = $self->gfi_start;
+        print $w "get-mark $mark\n" or wfail;
+        defined(my $oid = <$r>) or die "get-mark failed, need git 2.6.0+\n";
+        chomp($oid);
+        $oid;
+# returns undef on non-existent
+# ('MISMATCH', Email::MIME) on mismatch
+# (:MARK, Email::MIME) on success
+# v2 callers should check with Xapian before calling this as
+# it is not idempotent.
+sub remove {
+        my ($self, $mime, $msg) = @_; # mime = Email::MIME
+        my $path_type = $self->{path_type};
+        my ($path, $err, $cur, $blob);
+        my ($r, $w) = $self->gfi_start;
+        my $tip = $self->{tip};
+        if ($path_type eq '2/38') {
+                $path = mid2path(v1_mid0($mime));
+                ($err, $cur) = check_remove_v1($r, $w, $tip, $path, $mime);
+                return ($err, $cur) if $err;
+        } else {
+                my $sref;
+                if (ref($mime) eq 'SCALAR') { # optimization used by V2Writable
+                        $sref = $mime;
+                } else { # XXX should not be necessary:
+                        my $str = $mime->as_string;
+                        $sref = \$str;
+                }
+                my $len = length($$sref);
+                $blob = $self->{mark}++;
+                print $w "blob\nmark :$blob\ndata $len\n",
+                        $$sref, "\n" or wfail;
+        }
         my $ref = $self->{ref};
         my $commit = $self->{mark}++;
@@ -137,7 +249,7 @@ sub remove {
                 print $w "reset $ref\n" or wfail;
         my $ident = $self->{ident};
-        my $now = now2822();
+        my $now = now_raw();
         $msg ||= 'rm';
         my $len = length($msg) + 1;
         print $w "commit $ref\nmark :$commit\n",
@@ -145,44 +257,146 @@ sub remove {
                 "committer $ident $now\n",
                 "data $len\n$msg\n\n",
                 'from ', ($parent ? $parent : $tip), "\n" or wfail;
-        print $w "D $path\n\n" or wfail;
+        if (defined $path) {
+                print $w "D $path\n\n" or wfail;
+        } else {
+                clean_tree_v2($self, $w, 'd');
+                print $w "M 100644 :$blob d\n\n" or wfail;
+        }
         (($self->{tip} = ":$commit"), $cur);
-# returns undef on duplicate
-sub add {
-        my ($self, $mime, $check_cb) = @_; # mime = Email::MIME
+sub git_timestamp {
+        my ($ts, $zone) = @_;
+        $ts = 0 if $ts < 0; # git uses unsigned times
+        "$ts $zone";
+sub extract_author_info ($) {
+        my ($mime) = @_;
+        my $sender = '';
         my $from = $mime->header('From');
         my ($email) = PublicInbox::Address::emails($from);
         my ($name) = PublicInbox::Address::names($from);
+        if (!defined($name) || !defined($email)) {
+                $sender = $mime->header('Sender');
+                if (!defined($name)) {
+                        ($name) = PublicInbox::Address::names($sender);
+                }
+                if (!defined($email)) {
+                        ($email) = PublicInbox::Address::emails($sender);
+                }
+        }
+        if (defined $email) {
+                # quiet down wide character warnings with utf8::encode
+                utf8::encode($email);
+        } else {
+                $email = '';
+                warn "no email in From: $from or Sender: $sender\n";
+        }
         # git gets confused with:
         #  "'A U Thor <u@example.com>' via foo" <foo@example.com>
         # ref:
         # <CAD0k6qSUYANxbjjbE4jTW4EeVwOYgBD=bXkSu=akiYC_CB7Ffw@mail.gmail.com>
-        $name =~ tr/<>//d;
+        if (defined $name) {
+                $name =~ tr/<>//d;
+                utf8::encode($name);
+        } else {
+                $name = '';
+                warn "no name in From: $from or Sender: $sender\n";
+        }
+        ($name, $email);
+# kill potentially confusing/misleading headers
+sub drop_unwanted_headers ($) {
+        my ($mime) = @_;
+        $mime->header_set($_) for qw(bytes lines content-length status);
+        $mime->header_set($_) for @PublicInbox::MDA::BAD_HEADERS;
+# used by V2Writable, too
+sub append_mid ($$) {
+        my ($hdr, $mid0) = @_;
+        # @cur is likely empty if we need to call this sub, but it could
+        # have random unparseable crap which we'll preserve, too.
+        my @cur = $hdr->header_raw('Message-ID');
+        $hdr->header_set('Message-ID', @cur, "<$mid0>");
+sub v1_mid0 ($) {
+        my ($mime) = @_;
+        my $hdr = $mime->header_obj;
+        my $mids = mids($hdr);
+        if (!scalar(@$mids)) { # spam often has no Message-Id
+                my $mid0 = digest2mid(content_digest($mime), $hdr);
+                append_mid($hdr, $mid0);
+                return $mid0;
+        }
+        $mids->[0];
+sub clean_tree_v2 ($$$) {
+        my ($self, $w, $keep) = @_;
+        my $tree = $self->{-tree} or return; #v2 only
+        delete $tree->{$keep};
+        foreach (keys %$tree) {
+                print $w "D $_\n" or wfail;
+        }
+        %$tree = ($keep => 1);
-        my $date = $mime->header('Date');
+# returns undef on duplicate
+# returns the :MARK of the most recent commit
+sub add {
+        my ($self, $mime, $check_cb) = @_; # mime = Email::MIME
+        my ($name, $email) = extract_author_info($mime);
+        my $hdr = $mime->header_obj;
+        my @at = msg_datestamp($hdr);
+        my @ct = msg_timestamp($hdr);
+        my $author_time_raw = git_timestamp(@at);
+        my $commit_time_raw = git_timestamp(@ct);
         my $subject = $mime->header('Subject');
         $subject = '(no subject)' unless defined $subject;
-        my $mid = mid_mime($mime);
-        my $path = mid2path($mid);
+        my $path_type = $self->{path_type};
+        my $path;
+        if ($path_type eq '2/38') {
+                $path = mid2path(v1_mid0($mime));
+        } else { # v2 layout, one file:
+                $path = 'm';
+        }
         my ($r, $w) = $self->gfi_start;
         my $tip = $self->{tip};
-        _check_path($r, $w, $tip, $path) and return;
+        if ($path_type eq '2/38') {
+                _check_path($r, $w, $tip, $path) and return;
+        }
-        # kill potentially confusing/misleading headers
-        $mime->header_set($_) for qw(bytes lines content-length status);
+        drop_unwanted_headers($mime);
+        # spam check:
         if ($check_cb) {
                 $mime = $check_cb->($mime) or return;
-        $mime = $mime->as_string;
         my $blob = $self->{mark}++;
-        print $w "blob\nmark :$blob\ndata ", length($mime), "\n" or wfail;
-        print $w $mime, "\n" or wfail;
+        my $str = $mime->as_string;
+        my $n = length($str);
+        $self->{bytes_added} += $n;
+        print $w "blob\nmark :$blob\ndata ", $n, "\n" or wfail;
+        print $w $str, "\n" or wfail;
+        # v2: we need this for Xapian
+        if ($self->{want_object_info}) {
+                my $oid = $self->get_mark(":$blob");
+                $self->{last_object} = [ $oid, $n, \$str ];
+        }
         my $ref = $self->{ref};
         my $commit = $self->{mark}++;
         my $parent = $tip =~ /\A:/ ? $tip : undef;
@@ -191,26 +405,24 @@ sub add {
                 print $w "reset $ref\n" or wfail;
-        utf8::encode($email);
-        utf8::encode($name);
-        # quiet down wide character warnings:
         print $w "commit $ref\nmark :$commit\n",
-                "author $name <$email> $date\n",
-                "committer $self->{ident} ", now2822(), "\n" or wfail;
+                "author $name <$email> $author_time_raw\n",
+                "committer $self->{ident} $commit_time_raw\n" or wfail;
         print $w "data ", (length($subject) + 1), "\n",
                 $subject, "\n\n" or wfail;
         if ($tip ne '') {
                 print $w 'from ', ($parent ? $parent : $tip), "\n" or wfail;
+        clean_tree_v2($self, $w, $path);
         print $w "M 100644 :$blob $path\n\n" or wfail;
         $self->{tip} = ":$commit";
-sub run_die ($$) {
-        my ($cmd, $env) = @_;
-        my $pid = spawn($cmd, $env, undef);
+sub run_die ($;$$) {
+        my ($cmd, $env, $rdr) = @_;
+        my $pid = spawn($cmd, $env, $rdr);
         defined $pid or die "spawning ".join(' ', @$cmd)." failed: $!";
         waitpid($pid, 0) == $pid or die join(' ', @$cmd) .' did not finish';
         $? == 0 or die join(' ', @$cmd) . " failed: $?\n";
@@ -224,33 +436,138 @@ sub done {
         my $pid = delete $self->{pid} or die 'BUG: missing {pid} when done';
         waitpid($pid, 0) == $pid or die 'fast-import did not finish';
         $? == 0 or die "fast-import failed: $?";
-        my $nchg = delete $self->{nchg};
-        # for compatibility with existing ssoma installations
-        # we can probably remove this entirely by 2020
-        my $git_dir = $self->{git}->{git_dir};
-        # XXX: change the following scope to: if (-e $index) # in 2018 or so..
-        my @cmd = ('git', "--git-dir=$git_dir");
-        if ($nchg && !$ENV{FAST}) {
-                my $index = "$git_dir/ssoma.index";
-                my $env = { GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index };
-                run_die([@cmd, qw(read-tree -m -v -i), $self->{ref}], $env);
+        _update_git_info($self, 1) if delete $self->{nchg};
+        $self->lock_release;
+sub atfork_child {
+        my ($self) = @_;
+        foreach my $f (qw(in out)) {
+                close $self->{$f} or die "failed to close import[$f]: $!\n";
-        if ($nchg) {
-                run_die([@cmd, 'update-server-info'], undef);
-                eval {
-                        require PublicInbox::SearchIdx;
-                        my $inbox = $self->{inbox} || $git_dir;
-                        my $s = PublicInbox::SearchIdx->new($inbox);
-                        $s->index_sync({ ref => $self->{ref} });
-                };
-                eval { run_die([@cmd, qw(gc --auto)], undef) };
+sub digest2mid ($$) {
+        my ($dig, $hdr) = @_;
+        my $b64 = $dig->clone->b64digest;
+        # Make our own URLs nicer:
+        # See "Base 64 Encoding with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet" in RFC4648
+        $b64 =~ tr!+/=!-_!d;
+        # Add a date prefix to prevent a leading '-' in case that trips
+        # up some tools (e.g. if a Message-ID were a expected as a
+        # command-line arg)
+        my $dt = msg_datestamp($hdr);
+        $dt = POSIX::strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', gmtime($dt));
+        "$dt.$b64" . '@z';
+sub clean_purge_buffer {
+        my ($oids, $buf) = @_;
+        my $cmt_msg = 'purged '.join(' ',@$oids)."\n";
+        @$oids = ();
+        foreach my $i (0..$#$buf) {
+                my $l = $buf->[$i];
+                if ($l =~ /^author .* (\d+ [\+-]?\d+)$/) {
+                        $buf->[$i] = "author <> $1\n";
+                } elsif ($l =~ /^data (\d+)/) {
+                        $buf->[$i++] = "data " . length($cmt_msg) . "\n";
+                        $buf->[$i] = $cmt_msg;
+                        last;
+                }
-        my $lockfh = delete $self->{lockfh} or die "BUG: not locked: $!";
-        flock($lockfh, LOCK_UN) or die "unlock failed: $!";
-        close $lockfh or die "close lock failed: $!";
+sub purge_oids {
+        my ($self, $purge) = @_;
+        my $tmp = "refs/heads/purge-".((keys %$purge)[0]);
+        my $old = $self->{'ref'};
+        my $git = $self->{git};
+        my @export = (qw(fast-export --no-data --use-done-feature), $old);
+        my ($rd, $pid) = $git->popen(@export);
+        my ($r, $w) = $self->gfi_start;
+        my @buf;
+        my $npurge = 0;
+        my @oids;
+        my ($done, $mark);
+        my $tree = $self->{-tree};
+        while (<$rd>) {
+                if (/^reset (?:.+)/) {
+                        push @buf, "reset $tmp\n";
+                } elsif (/^commit (?:.+)/) {
+                        if (@buf) {
+                                $w->print(@buf) or wfail;
+                                @buf = ();
+                        }
+                        push @buf, "commit $tmp\n";
+                } elsif (/^data (\d+)/) {
+                        # only commit message, so $len is small:
+                        my $len = $1; # + 1 for trailing "\n"
+                        push @buf, $_;
+                        my $n = read($rd, my $buf, $len) or die "read: $!";
+                        $len == $n or die "short read ($n < $len)";
+                        push @buf, $buf;
+                } elsif (/^M 100644 ([a-f0-9]+) (\w+)/) {
+                        my ($oid, $path) = ($1, $2);
+                        if ($purge->{$oid}) {
+                                push @oids, $oid;
+                                delete $tree->{$path};
+                        } else {
+                                $tree->{$path} = 1;
+                                push @buf, $_;
+                        }
+                } elsif (/^D (\w+)/) {
+                        my $path = $1;
+                        push @buf, $_ if $tree->{$path};
+                } elsif ($_ eq "\n") {
+                        if (@oids) {
+                                my $out = join('', @buf);
+                                $out =~ s/^/# /sgm;
+                                warn "purge rewriting\n", $out, "\n";
+                                clean_purge_buffer(\@oids, \@buf);
+                                $npurge++;
+                        }
+                        $w->print(@buf, "\n") or wfail;
+                        @buf = ();
+                } elsif ($_ eq "done\n") {
+                        $done = 1;
+                } elsif (/^mark :(\d+)$/) {
+                        push @buf, $_;
+                        $mark = $1;
+                } else {
+                        push @buf, $_;
+                }
+        }
+        if (@buf) {
+                $w->print(@buf) or wfail;
+        }
+        die 'done\n not seen from fast-export' unless $done;
+        chomp(my $cmt = $self->get_mark(":$mark")) if $npurge;
+        $self->{nchg} = 0; # prevent _update_git_info until update-ref:
+        $self->done;
+        my @git = ('git', "--git-dir=$git->{git_dir}");
+        run_die([@git, qw(update-ref), $old, $tmp]) if $npurge;
+        run_die([@git, qw(update-ref -d), $tmp]);
+        return if $npurge == 0;
+        run_die([@git, qw(-c gc.reflogExpire=now gc --prune=all)]);
+        my $err = 0;
+        foreach my $oid (keys %$purge) {
+                my @info = $git->check($oid);
+                if (@info) {
+                        warn "$oid not purged\n";
+                        $err++;
+                }
+        }
+        _update_git_info($self, 0);
+        die "Failed to purge $err object(s)\n" if $err;
+        $cmt;