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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2019-11-15 09:50:57 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2019-11-16 11:05:24 +0000
commitf3264939f276965e82f0264b209b0c2e62bab39e (patch)
treee6f5bea753ffa13839fb1ba402ea5d3e623210f9 /t
parent05204ae8b1049433360a5e730ea807a0e6c0151d (diff)
This more than doubles the speed of the test.
Diffstat (limited to 't')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/t/v2mda.t b/t/v2mda.t
index ebcbd1f4..0cd852b1 100644
--- a/t/v2mda.t
+++ b/t/v2mda.t
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ my $mime = PublicInbox::MIME->create(
         body => "hello world\n",
-my $mda = "blib/script/public-inbox-mda";
-ok(-f "blib/script/public-inbox-mda", '-mda exists');
 my $main_bin = getcwd()."/t/main-bin";
 my $fail_bin = getcwd()."/t/fail-bin";
 local $ENV{PI_DIR} = "$tmpdir/foo";
@@ -44,26 +42,19 @@ local $ENV{PATH} = "$main_bin:blib/script:$ENV{PATH}";
 my $faildir = "$tmpdir/fail";
 local $ENV{PI_EMERGENCY} = $faildir;
 ok(mkdir $faildir);
-my @cmd = (qw(public-inbox-init), "-V$V", $ibx->{name},
+my @cmd = (qw(-init), "-V$V", $ibx->{name},
                 $ibx->{inboxdir}, 'http://localhost/test',
-ok(PublicInbox::Import::run_die(\@cmd), 'initialized v2 inbox');
+ok(run_script(\@cmd), 'initialized v2 inbox');
-open my $tmp, '+>', undef or die "failed to open anonymous tempfile: $!";
-ok($tmp->print($mime->as_string), 'wrote to temporary file');
-ok($tmp->flush, 'flushed temporary file');
-ok($tmp->sysseek(0, SEEK_SET), 'seeked');
-my $rdr = { 0 => fileno($tmp) };
+my $rdr = { 0 => \($mime->as_string) };
 local $ENV{ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT} = 'test@example.com';
-ok(PublicInbox::Import::run_die(['public-inbox-mda'], undef, $rdr),
-        'mda delivered a message');
+ok(run_script(['-mda'], undef, $rdr), 'mda delivered a message');
 $ibx = PublicInbox::Inbox->new($ibx);
 if ($V == 1) {
-        my $cmd = [ 'public-inbox-index', "$tmpdir/inbox" ];
-        ok(PublicInbox::Import::run_die($cmd, undef, $rdr), 'v1 indexed');
+        ok(run_script([ '-index', "$tmpdir/inbox" ]), 'v1 indexed');
 my $msgs = $ibx->search->query('');
 is(scalar(@$msgs), 1, 'only got one message');
@@ -75,15 +66,8 @@ is($saved->{mime}->as_string, $mime->as_string, 'injected message');
         is_deeply(\@new, [], 'nothing in faildir');
         local $ENV{PATH} = $fail_path;
         $mime->header_set('Message-ID', '<bar@foo>');
-        ok($tmp->sysseek(0, SEEK_SET) &&
-                        $tmp->truncate(0) &&
-                        $tmp->print($mime->as_string) &&
-                        $tmp->flush &&
-                        $tmp->sysseek(0, SEEK_SET),
-                'rewound and rewrite temporary file');
-        my $cmd = ['public-inbox-mda'];
-        ok(PublicInbox::Import::run_die($cmd, undef, $rdr),
-                'mda did not die on "spam"');
+        $rdr->{0} = \($mime->as_string);
+        ok(run_script(['-mda'], undef, $rdr), 'mda did not die on "spam"');
         @new = glob("$faildir/new/*");
         is(scalar(@new), 1, 'got a message in faildir');
         $msgs = $ibx->search->reopen->query('');
@@ -94,9 +78,8 @@ is($saved->{mime}->as_string, $mime->as_string, 'injected message');
         my $k = 'publicinboxmda.spamcheck';
         is(system('git', 'config', "--file=$config", $k, 'none'), 0,
                 'disabled spamcheck for mda');
-        ok($tmp->sysseek(0, SEEK_SET), 'rewound input file');
-        ok(PublicInbox::Import::run_die($cmd, undef, $rdr), 'mda did not die');
+        ok(run_script(['-mda'], undef, $rdr), 'mda did not die');
         my @again = glob("$faildir/new/*");
         is_deeply(\@again, \@new, 'no new message in faildir');
         $msgs = $ibx->search->reopen->query('');
@@ -106,9 +89,8 @@ is($saved->{mime}->as_string, $mime->as_string, 'injected message');
         my $patch = 't/data/0001.patch';
         open my $fh, '<', $patch or die "failed to open $patch: $!\n";
-        $rdr = { 0 => fileno($fh) };
-        ok(PublicInbox::Import::run_die(['public-inbox-mda'], undef, $rdr),
-                'mda delivered a patch');
+        $rdr->{0} = \(do { local $/; <$fh> });
+        ok(run_script(['-mda'], undef, $rdr), 'mda delivered a patch');
         my $post = $ibx->search->reopen->query('dfpost:6e006fd7');
         is(scalar(@$post), 1, 'got one result for dfpost');
         my $pre = $ibx->search->query('dfpre:090d998');