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path: root/t
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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2019-11-15 09:50:58 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2019-11-16 11:05:24 +0000
commit79ce2d0a2bab01323964f5692416fedcda6dc5ff (patch)
tree47fae7ef5c18126d2ef18bfa8b6dde75a026f7c5 /t
parentf3264939f276965e82f0264b209b0c2e62bab39e (diff)
This more than doubles the speed of these tests
Diffstat (limited to 't')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/t/indexlevels-mirror.t b/t/indexlevels-mirror.t
index 40afe4e9..d129237e 100644
--- a/t/indexlevels-mirror.t
+++ b/t/indexlevels-mirror.t
@@ -17,9 +17,7 @@ foreach my $mod (qw(DBD::SQLite)) {
         plan skip_all => "$mod missing for $0" if $@;
-my $path = 'blib/script';
-my $index = "$path/public-inbox-index";
-my @xcpdb = ("$path/public-inbox-xcpdb", '-q');
+my @xcpdb = qw(-xcpdb -q);
 my $mime = PublicInbox::MIME->create(
         header => [
@@ -48,7 +46,8 @@ sub import_index_incremental {
         # index master (required for v1)
-        is(system($index, $ibx->{inboxdir}, "-L$level"), 0, 'index master OK');
+        ok(run_script(['-index', $ibx->{inboxdir}, "-L$level"]),
+                'index master OK');
         my $ro_master = PublicInbox::Inbox->new({
                 inboxdir => $ibx->{inboxdir},
                 indexlevel => $level
@@ -70,13 +69,13 @@ sub import_index_incremental {
         # inbox init
         local $ENV{PI_CONFIG} = "$tmpdir/.picfg";
-        @cmd = ("$path/public-inbox-init", '-L', $level,
+        @cmd = ('-init', '-L', $level,
                 'mirror', $mirror, '//example.com/test', 'test@example.com');
         push @cmd, '-V2' if $v == 2;
-        is(system(@cmd), 0, "v$v init OK");
+        ok(run_script(\@cmd), "v$v init OK");
         # index mirror
-        is(system($index, $mirror), 0, "v$v index mirror OK");
+        ok(run_script(['-index', $mirror]), "v$v index mirror OK");
         # read-only access
         my $ro_mirror = PublicInbox::Inbox->new({
@@ -94,14 +93,15 @@ sub import_index_incremental {
         # mirror updates
         is(system('git', "--git-dir=$fetch_dir", qw(fetch -q)), 0, 'fetch OK');
-        is(system($index, $mirror), 0, "v$v index mirror again OK");
+        ok(run_script(['-index', $mirror]), "v$v index mirror again OK");
         ($nr, $msgs) = $ro_mirror->recent;
         is($nr, 2, '2nd message seen in mirror');
         is_deeply([sort { $a cmp $b } map { $_->{mid} } @$msgs],
                 ['m@1','m@2'], 'got both messages in mirror');
         # incremental index master (required for v1)
-        is(system($index, $ibx->{inboxdir}, "-L$level"), 0, 'index master OK');
+        ok(run_script(['-index', $ibx->{inboxdir}, "-L$level"]),
+                'index master OK');
         ($nr, $msgs) = $ro_master->recent;
         is($nr, 2, '2nd message seen in master');
         is_deeply([sort { $a cmp $b } map { $_->{mid} } @$msgs],
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ sub import_index_incremental {
         is_deeply(\@rw_nums, [1], 'unindex NNTP article'.$v.$level);
         if ($level ne 'basic') {
-                is(system(@xcpdb, $mirror), 0, "v$v xcpdb OK");
+                ok(run_script([@xcpdb, $mirror]), "v$v xcpdb OK");
                 is(PublicInbox::Admin::detect_indexlevel($ro_mirror), $level,
                    'indexlevel detectable by Admin after xcpdb v' .$v.$level);
                 delete $ro_mirror->{$_} for (qw(over search));
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ sub import_index_incremental {
         # sync the mirror
         is(system('git', "--git-dir=$fetch_dir", qw(fetch -q)), 0, 'fetch OK');
-        is(system($index, $mirror), 0, "v$v index mirror again OK");
+        ok(run_script(['-index', $mirror]), "v$v index mirror again OK");
         ($nr, $msgs) = $ro_mirror->recent;
         is($nr, 1, '2nd message gone from mirror');
         is_deeply([map { $_->{mid} } @$msgs], ['m@1'],
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ sub import_index_incremental {
         is(system('git', "--git-dir=$fetch_dir", qw(fetch -q)), 0, 'fetch OK');
-        is(system($index, '--reindex', $mirror), 0,
+        ok(run_script(['-index', '--reindex', $mirror]),
                 "v$v index --reindex mirror OK");
         @ro_nums = map { $_->{num} } @{$ro_mirror->over->query_ts(0, 0)};
         @rw_nums = map { $_->{num} } @{$ibx->over->query_ts(0, 0)};