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path: root/lib/PublicInbox/GitHTTPBackend.pm
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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2016-02-07 08:35:29 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2016-02-07 08:46:37 +0000
commit0af0bd903b9b5aede71155ce8756e01a229b40bb (patch)
tree0b41dd9fa5540c89b3bff8f6af9b5e06721bb56c /lib/PublicInbox/GitHTTPBackend.pm
parente31f5bf979f8316cd6156410357026b3df392f81 (diff)
This requires POST and (small file) upload support from the
PSGI/Plack web server.  CGI.pm is currently not supported with
this feature.

We'll serve everything git can handle by default for performance
in the general case.

To avoid introducing cognitive overhead for sysadmins managing
existing HTTP backends, we do not introduce new configuration

Thus, setting http.uploadpack=false in the relevant git config
file for each public-inbox (ssoma) git repo will disable smart
HTTP for CPU/memory-constrained systems.

Technically we could support http.receivepack to allow posting
messages to a public-inbox over HTTP(S), but that breaks
the public-inbox model of encouraging users to Cc: everyone.
Again, we encourage users to Cc: everyone to reduce the chance
of a public-inbox becoming a centralized point of
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/PublicInbox/GitHTTPBackend.pm')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/GitHTTPBackend.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/GitHTTPBackend.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71b7a8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/GitHTTPBackend.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 all contributors <meta@public-inbox.org>
+# License: AGPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt>
+# when no endpoints match, fallback to this and serve a static file
+# or smart HTTP
+package PublicInbox::GitHTTPBackend;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Fcntl qw(:seek);
+use POSIX qw(dup2);
+# n.b. serving "description" and "cloneurl" should be innocuous enough to
+# not cause problems.  serving "config" might...
+my @text = qw[HEAD info/refs
+        objects/info/(?:http-alternates|alternates|packs)
+        cloneurl description];
+my @binary = qw!
+        objects/[a-f0-9]{2}/[a-f0-9]{38}
+        objects/pack/pack-[a-f0-9]{40}\.(?:pack|idx)
+        !;
+our $ANY = join('|', @binary, @text);
+my $BIN = join('|', @binary);
+my $TEXT = join('|', @text);
+sub r {
+        [ $_[0] , [qw(Content-Type text/plain Content-Length 0) ], [] ]
+sub serve {
+        my ($cgi, $git, $path) = @_;
+        my $service = $cgi->param('service') || '';
+        if ($service =~ /\Agit-\w+-pack\z/ || $path =~ /\Agit-\w+-pack\z/) {
+                my $ok = serve_smart($cgi, $git, $path);
+                return $ok if $ok;
+        }
+        my $type;
+        if ($path =~ /\A(?:$BIN)\z/o) {
+                $type = 'application/octet-stream';
+        } elsif ($path =~ /\A(?:$TEXT)\z/o) {
+                $type = 'text/plain';
+        } else {
+                return r(404);
+        }
+        my $f = "$git->{git_dir}/$path";
+        return r(404) unless -f $f && -r _;
+        my @st = stat(_);
+        my $size = $st[7];
+        # TODO: If-Modified-Since and Last-Modified
+        open my $in, '<', $f or return r(404);
+        my $code = 200;
+        my $len = $size;
+        my @h;
+        my $env = $cgi->{env} || \%ENV;
+        my $range = $env->{HTTP_RANGE};
+        if (defined $range && $range =~ /\bbytes=(\d*)-(\d*)\z/) {
+                ($code, $len) = prepare_range($cgi, $in, \@h, $1, $2, $size);
+                if ($code == 416) {
+                        push @h, 'Content-Range', "bytes */$size";
+                        return [ 416, \@h, [] ];
+                }
+        }
+        push @h, 'Content-Type', $type, 'Content-Length', $len;
+        sub {
+                my ($res) = @_; # Plack callback
+                my $fh = $res->([ $code, \@h ]);
+                my $buf;
+                my $n = 8192;
+                while ($len > 0) {
+                        $n = $len if $len < $n;
+                        my $r = read($in, $buf, $n);
+                        last if (!defined($r) || $r <= 0);
+                        $len -= $r;
+                        $fh->write($buf);
+                }
+                $fh->close;
+        }
+sub prepare_range {
+        my ($cgi, $in, $h, $beg, $end, $size) = @_;
+        my $code = 200;
+        my $len = $size;
+        if ($beg eq '') {
+                if ($end ne '') { # "bytes=-$end" => last N bytes
+                        $beg = $size - $end;
+                        $beg = 0 if $beg < 0;
+                        $end = $size - 1;
+                        $code = 206;
+                } else {
+                        $code = 416;
+                }
+        } else {
+                if ($beg > $size) {
+                        $code = 416;
+                } elsif ($end eq '' || $end >= $size) {
+                        $end = $size - 1;
+                        $code = 206;
+                } elsif ($end < $size) {
+                        $code = 206;
+                } else {
+                        $code = 416;
+                }
+        }
+        if ($code == 206) {
+                $len = $end - $beg + 1;
+                if ($len <= 0) {
+                        $code = 416;
+                } else {
+                        seek($in, $beg, SEEK_SET) or return [ 500, [], [] ];
+                        push @$h, qw(Accept-Ranges bytes Content-Range);
+                        push @$h, "bytes $beg-$end/$size";
+                        # FIXME: Plack::Middleware::Deflater bug?
+                        if (my $env = $cgi->{env}) {
+                                $env->{'psgix.no-compress'} = 1;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        ($code, $len);
+# returns undef if 403 so it falls back to dumb HTTP
+sub serve_smart {
+        my ($cgi, $git, $path) = @_;
+        my $env = $cgi->{env};
+        my $input = $env->{'psgi.input'};
+        my $buf;
+        my $in;
+        my $err = $env->{'psgi.errors'};
+        if (fileno($input) >= 0) { # FIXME untested
+                $in = $input;
+        } else {
+                $in = IO::File->new_tmpfile;
+                while (1) {
+                        my $r = $input->read($buf, 8192);
+                        unless (defined $r) {
+                                $err->print('error reading input: ', $!, "\n");
+                                return r(500);
+                        }
+                        last if ($r == 0);
+                        $in->write($buf);
+                }
+                $in->flush;
+                $in->sysseek(0, SEEK_SET);
+        }
+        my $out = IO::File->new_tmpfile;
+        my $pid = fork; # TODO: vfork under Linux...
+        unless (defined $pid) {
+                $err->print('error forking: ', $!, "\n");
+                return r(500);
+        }
+        if ($pid == 0) {
+                # may be set in the server-process and are passed as-is
+                foreach my $name (qw(QUERY_STRING
+                                        REMOTE_USER REMOTE_ADDR
+                                        HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING
+                                        CONTENT_TYPE
+                                        SERVER_PROTOCOL
+                                        REQUEST_METHOD)) {
+                        my $val = $env->{$name};
+                        $ENV{$name} = $val if defined $val;
+                }
+                # $ENV{GIT_PROJECT_ROOT} = $git->{git_dir};
+                $ENV{GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL} = '1';
+                $ENV{PATH_TRANSLATED} = "$git->{git_dir}/$path";
+                dup2(fileno($in), 0) or die "redirect stdin failed: $!\n";
+                dup2(fileno($out), 1) or die "redirect stdout failed: $!\n";
+                my @cmd = qw(git http-backend);
+                exec(@cmd) or die 'exec `' . join(' ', @cmd). "' failed: $!\n";
+        }
+        if (waitpid($pid, 0) != $pid) {
+                $err->print("git http-backend ($git->{git_dir}): ", $?, "\n");
+                return r(500);
+        }
+        $in = undef;
+        $out->seek(0, SEEK_SET);
+        my @h;
+        my $code = 200;
+        {
+                local $/ = "\r\n";
+                while (defined(my $line = <$out>)) {
+                        if ($line =~ /\AStatus:\s*(\d+)/) {
+                                $code = $1;
+                        } else {
+                                chomp $line;
+                                last if $line eq '';
+                                push @h, split(/:\s*/, $line, 2);
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        return if $code == 403;
+        sub {
+                my ($cb) = @_;
+                my $fh = $cb->([ $code, \@h ]);
+                while (1) {
+                        my $r = $out->read($buf, 8192);
+                        die "$!\n" unless defined $r;
+                        last if ($r == 0);
+                        $fh->write($buf);
+                }
+                $fh->close;
+        }