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authorEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2019-05-23 09:36:55 +0000
committerEric Wong <e@80x24.org>2019-05-23 17:43:50 +0000
commit53a2b98e6fbce92455734bbb7214b0534d5c0bff (patch)
parent5cb7f35deae1de5f24525e595d2008d6c27cae69 (diff)
By creating temporary directories as deep as possible,
we can allow v2 repositories to have `xap$SCHEMA_VERSION'
(e.g. `xap15') reside on a separate FS.

We also check st_dev ahead-of-time to avoid doing work which
will fail with EXDEV.  Of course, another process may still
move/change things around.
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/Xapcmd.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/Xapcmd.pm
index 697221d9..860f90aa 100644
--- a/lib/PublicInbox/Xapcmd.pm
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/Xapcmd.pm
@@ -8,31 +8,36 @@ use PublicInbox::Over;
 use PublicInbox::Search;
 use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
 use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
+use File::Basename qw(dirname);
 # support testing with dev versions of Xapian which installs
 # commands with a version number suffix (e.g. "xapian-compact-1.5")
 our $XAPIAN_COMPACT = $ENV{XAPIAN_COMPACT} || 'xapian-compact';
-sub commit_changes ($$$$) {
-        my ($ibx, $old, $new, $opt) = @_;
+sub commit_changes ($$$) {
+        my ($ibx, $tmp, $opt) = @_;
         my $reindex = $opt->{reindex};
         my $im = $ibx->importer(0);
         $im->lock_acquire if $reindex;
-        my @st = stat($old) or die "failed to stat($old): $!\n";
+        while (my ($old, $new) = each %$tmp) {
+                my @st = stat($old) or die "failed to stat($old): $!\n";
-        my $over = "$old/over.sqlite3";
-        if (-f $over) {
-                $over = PublicInbox::Over->new($over);
-                $over->connect->sqlite_backup_to_file("$new/over.sqlite3");
-                $over = undef;
-        }
-        rename($old, "$new/old") or die "rename $old => $new/old: $!\n";
-        chmod($st[2] & 07777, $new) or die "chmod $old: $!\n";
-        rename($new, $old) or die "rename $new => $old: $!\n";
-        remove_tree("$old/old") or die "failed to remove $old/old: $!\n";
+                my $over = "$old/over.sqlite3";
+                if (-f $over) { # only for v1, v2 over is untouched
+                        $over = PublicInbox::Over->new($over);
+                        my $tmp_over = "$new/over.sqlite3";
+                        $over->connect->sqlite_backup_to_file($tmp_over);
+                        $over = undef;
+                }
+                rename($old, "$new/old") or die "rename $old => $new/old: $!\n";
+                chmod($st[2] & 07777, $new) or die "chmod $old: $!\n";
+                rename($new, $old) or die "rename $new => $old: $!\n";
+                my $prev = "$old/old";
+                remove_tree($prev) or die "failed to remove $prev: $!\n";
+        }
         if ($reindex) {
                 $opt->{-skip_lock} = 1;
                 PublicInbox::Admin::index_inbox($ibx, $opt);
@@ -94,19 +99,23 @@ sub progress_prepare ($) {
+sub same_fs_or_die ($$) {
+        my ($x, $y) = @_;
+        return if ((stat($x))[0] == (stat($y))[0]); # 0 - st_dev
+        die "$x and $y reside on different filesystems\n";
 sub run {
         my ($ibx, $cmd, $env, $opt) = @_;
         progress_prepare($opt ||= {});
         my $dir = $ibx->{mainrepo} or die "no mainrepo in inbox\n";
         my $exe = $cmd->[0];
-        my $pfx = $exe;
         runnable_or_die($XAPIAN_COMPACT) if $opt->{compact};
         my $reindex; # v1:{ from => $x40 }, v2:{ from => [ $x40, $x40, .. ] } }
         my $from; # per-epoch ranges
         if (ref($exe) eq 'CODE') {
-                $pfx = 'CODE';
                 $reindex = $opt->{reindex} = {};
                 $from = $reindex->{from} = [];
                 require Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase;
@@ -116,16 +125,28 @@ sub run {
         my $old = $ibx->search->xdir(1);
         -d $old or die "$old does not exist\n";
-        my $new = tempdir("$pfx-XXXXXXXX", DIR => $dir);
+        my $tmp = {}; # old partition => new (tmp) partition
         my $v = $ibx->{version} ||= 1;
         my @cmds;
+        # we want temporary directories to be as deep as possible,
+        # so v2 partitions can keep "xap$SCHEMA_VERSION" on a separate FS.
         if ($v == 1) {
-                push @cmds, [@$cmd, $old, $new];
+                my $old_parent = dirname($old);
+                same_fs_or_die($old_parent, $old);
+                $tmp->{$old} = tempdir('xapcmd-XXXXXXXX', DIR => $old_parent);
+                push @cmds, [ @$cmd, $old, $tmp->{$old} ];
         } else {
                 opendir my $dh, $old or die "Failed to opendir $old: $!\n";
                 while (defined(my $dn = readdir($dh))) {
                         if ($dn =~ /\A\d+\z/) {
-                                push @cmds, [@$cmd, "$old/$dn", "$new/$dn"];
+                                my $tmpl = "$dn-XXXXXXXX";
+                                my $dst = tempdir($tmpl, DIR => $old);
+                                same_fs_or_die($old, $dst);
+                                my $cur = "$old/$dn";
+                                push @cmds, [@$cmd, $cur, $dst ];
+                                $tmp->{$cur} = $dst;
                         } elsif ($dn eq '.' || $dn eq '..') {
                         } elsif ($dn =~ /\Aover\.sqlite3/) {
                         } else {
@@ -158,7 +179,7 @@ sub run {
                                 die join(' ', @$x)." failed: $?\n" if $?;
-                commit_changes($ibx, $old, $new, $opt);
+                commit_changes($ibx, $tmp, $opt);