
Here's my example of configuration:

1. Install Virtual Audio Cable (Muzychenko).
2. Add up to two lines (Line 1 & Line 2).
3. Adjust default audio device to listen to Line 1.
4. Run the following command:
sox -twaveaudio "Line 2 (Virtual Audio Cable)" -L -r48000 -c2 -twaveaudio "Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable)" mcompand "0.005,0.8 -45,-12,-34,-8,-17,-6,0,-6" 100 "0.005,0.8 -45,-12,-34,-8,-17,-6,0,-6" 400 "0.000625,0.0125 -45,-9,-34,-6,-17,-6,0,-6" 1600 "0.005,0.8 -45,-12,-34,-8,-17,-6,0,-6" 6400 "0.005,0.8 -45,-9,-34,-6,-17,-6,0,-6" gain -6

Happy to see it works. Just need some time to test its durability and play with the parameters. Thank you, everyone!

For entertainment use only.


Chia-Yuan Chang (Thomas) / 張家源
Lead Artist & Researcher @ Football Computing Labs
Tel: +886-981-053-368