Hello everyone! New sox user here. Is it possible to run multiple pipe operations in series? 

For example, instead of:

"sox"  "|'sox'   'input-audio.wav' -p  gain 0.0" "output-audio.wav" 

and then

"sox"  "|'sox'   'output-audio.wav' -p  gain 0.0" "output-audio-2.wav" 

is it possible to have the pipe in the first command to be in the input for the pipe in the second command? Something like:

"sox"  "|'sox'   '"|'sox'   'input-audio.wav' -p  gain 0.0"' -p  gain 0.0" "output-audio2.wav" 

^this command as it is here does not work, but perhaps it is a trivial problem in my syntax.

The goal is to run many pipe operations without needing to write intermediate files. 




Brandon Lincoln Snyder
Composer | Musician | Writer - Stuttgart, Germany
Bachelor of Arts in Music - Harvard University 2018