
I am a little bit confused about the following procedure (Windows). What is wrong?

1. Take a usual 2ch/16 Bit/44,1 kHz WAV-File (CD)
2. To get a 32 Bit FLOAT 88200 Hz File:
sox input_16_44100.wav" -b 32 -e float output_88200_32F.wav rate -s -a -v -L 88200
3. sox
output_88200_32F.wav output_88200_32F.raw

The *.raw file has 58 bytes less -> the Wav-Float-Header has a size of 58 bytes. My own code cannot read this header in Audio format 3 (only wav-PCM and Extensible like 24 Bit Wav and 32 Bit Wav). I looked inside with Hex-Editor:

-4 byte fact-chunk is beginning at byte 38

-4 byte data-chunk is beginning at byte 50 ("usually" before fact-chunk)

I could not read the size of the raw-data-chunk (raw data length). Theses bytes are at the end of the header. Here (hex): 00 00 D8 0E -> 55310 bytes, what is wrong!
It should be (
dec:) 249036800 bytes! This would be 0E D8 00 00 -> most significant bit!

Then I tried this:
sox.exe -r 88200 -e float -b 24 -c 2
output_88200_32F.raw out.wav
This would be working (but makes no sense...):
sox.exe -r 88200 -e signed-integer -b 24 -c 2output_88200_32F.raw out.wav

Any idea?
