It’s definitely not the effect processing…  we are using this to modify voice in realtime, make someone sound deeper/older for instance. Without any effects there’s still a delay. 
On Jul 13, 2020, 4:16 PM +0400, Jan Stary <>, wrote:
On Jul 10 20:40:09, wrote:
We are trying to build a Sox based real-time sound altering app, and we’ve got everything working on our LUbuntu 16.04 stations except for an issue w latency.

When we test it on actual hardware, we are having a latency of about 2 seconds, when we test it on our virtual machine the latency is more like 250ms.

sox -t pusleaudio default -t pulseaudio null pitch n

I don't use pulseaudio, but I assume that "default"
and "null" are names of pulseaudio (pseudo)devices.

How can you tell the delay when writing to a null device?
(If that means what I think it means: dropping the pulseaudio,
would it be what sox -d -n does?) I just tried

sox -d -d pitch 1000

an OpenBSD current/amd64, and there is indeed
about a half second of delay.

Whenever we add the null loopback or aloop, we experience a delay.

I don't understand: what does your application do
that you need to "add a null loopback"?

On Jul 11 14:12:13, wrote:
Some effects have additional internal buffers.

It seems there is a delay even when just playing
default input to default output; even without the effects:

sox -d -d

(So I don't think it's the effect processing
that introduces the delay.)


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