  Did anyone used sox to convert mp3 to wav.
  I would greatly appreciate if someone can post me the instructions.
  I need to convert mp3 file to wav(16KHz, 16bit, mono).
Thanks a bunch in advance.

On 7/25/07, David Graff <graff@ldc.upenn.edu> wrote:

kevinc@doink.com said:
> Is there a program which will convert a sound file into a text (.txt)
> or comma separated value (.csv) file?  I'm thinking that would be a
> good route to go in order to import the data from a sound file into a
> math manipulation program, e.g. octave, maxima, Matlab, Mathcad,
> Gnumeric, etc.

Someone else will probably know of existing tools for importing audio
sample data into one or another math package, but if I had to convert
from binary to ascii numerics, I'd probably use sox to convert the
input file to a raw single-channel output of appropriate endian-ness,
and run a perl one-liner to reformat the binary numbers into strings;

sox 1chn_pcm.wav -t raw - |
perl -e 'while(read(STDIN,$_,2)==2){printf("%d\n",unpack("v",$_))}' > 1ch_pcm.txt

(You probably want to elaborate the perl script to produce a different
output format, depending on what your math package wants as input.)

       Dave Graff

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