Hello I have an application that processes audio as rec writes the file. rec is buffering the data before it writes and I get the updates about 2 or 3 seconds late. I have played with the --buffer pram and I not been able to see a difference. I would like to tell rec to write the data as soon as it gets it or reduce the file write buffer size. I have silence detection on rec -c 1 -r 8000 --buffer 4096 currentRecording.wav silence 1 0.0001 2.1% 1 15.0 2.6% The writes look like this Size of currentRecording.wav = 24576 Size of currentRecording.wav = 36864 *Size* *of* *currentRecording.wav* *=* *45056* *Size* *of* * currentRecording.wav* *=* *77824* The data I am looking for is split between the two last writes .... Any ideas ? I just pulled down the source any ideas what file handles writing the files? Thanks