Hello everybody, I have recently developed a set of Python bindings for SoX, which I hope to release within the next few weeks under the package name 'PySox'. If anybody here uses Python and is interested in getting involved with this project, please let me know. The core of the package is complete, but I still need help with some organizational issues, minor debugging, and cross-platform testing (in principle, there shouldn't be any compatibility issues, but I've only tested on Windows and Cygwin so far). Beyond that, I would greatly appreciate it if you all could help promote PySox to your fellow programmers and SoX users once it is released. I've found from my past experience that a small amount of community effort can go a very long way towards helping a promising package succeed. Thanks! -Jasper- *-------- Jasper Danielson* B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering B.A. Cognitive Sciences B.A. Mathematics Minor Neuroscience Rice University '16