Hi again, On 2018-10-04 19:39:11 (+0200), David Runge wrote: > I'm happy to see, that there has been some activity for sox this year. > I'm even more happy to see, that a lot of CVEs got fixed by patching it! > > Currently, I'm maintaining sox for Arch Linux. I'd love to see a new > release, so I can drop all the extra patches soon. > It would of course generally be awesome to have more frequent releases > again! Is this a possibility for the current developers/maintainers? I > know, that this is not really an easy task... > > Is there any ticket preventing a new release? If so, how can the process > be helped? as sox has now accumulated a total of twelve (!) CVEs for version 14.4.2 [1], I'd like to once more urge the current maintainers to tag a new release. Given the maintenance burden of applying all of these patches (and the numerous other bugfixes that have been added [2]) on top of the last stable release in a packaging context, I would very much like to see a new release. Is there anything preventing it? Is there something that can be helped with? Best, David [1] https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=sox [2] https://sourceforge.net/p/sox/code/commit_browser -- https://sleepmap.de