; Example public-inbox config snippet for a mirror of ; https://public-inbox.org/ruby-core/ ; See public-inbox-config(5) manpage for more details: ; https://public-inbox.org/public-inbox-config.html [publicinbox "ruby-core"] inboxdir = /path/to/top-level-inbox ; note: public-inbox before v1.2.0 used `mainrepo' instead of ; `inboxdir', both remain supported after 1.2 mainrepo = /path/to/top-level-inbox url = https://example.com/ruby-core/ url = http://example.onion/ruby-core/ address = ruby-core@ruby-lang.org address = ruby-core@ml.ruby-lang.org listid = ruby-core.ml.ruby-lang.org infourl = https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/community/mailing-lists/ ; altid DBs may be used to provide numeric article ID lookup from ; old, pre-existing sources. You can recreate them via curl(1), ; gzip(1), and sqlite3(1) as documented: ; curl -d '' https://public-inbox.org/ruby-core/core.sql.gz | \ ; gzip -dc | \ ; sqlite3 /path/to/top-level-inbox/core.sqlite3 altid = serial:core:file=core.sqlite3 filter = PublicInbox::Filter::RubyLang newsgroup = inbox.comp.lang.ruby.core replyto = :list,Cc,To,Reply-To imapmirror = imaps://public-inbox.org/inbox.comp.lang.ruby.core nntpmirror = nntp://ie5yzdi7fg72h7s4sdcztq5evakq23rdt33mfyfcddc5u3ndnw24ogqd.onion/inbox.comp.lang.ruby.core nntpmirror = nntps://news.public-inbox.org/inbox.comp.lang.ruby.core nntpmirror = nntp://news.gmane.io/gmane.comp.lang.ruby.core