
On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 2:49 PM, <eregontp@gmail.com> wrote:
Issue #12733 has been updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze).

hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA) wrote:
> We can choose some strategy.
> * Rewrite bundler's rspec to minitest/spec
> * Ruby core bundle rspec and integrate rspec and test suite of ruby core.
> * Prepare isolation environment for bundler and rspec without test suite of ruby core. We add new test task named "make test-bundler` and iinvoke it on rubyci.
> * etc...
> These are only technical side problem.
> I'm going to solve this problem used `isolation environment` as first.

I think isolation environment is the best strategy (or the only reasonable).

Rewriting tests is not an option for upstream development and is very time-consuming/error-prone (minitest/spec is a tiny subset of RSpec).

I am not sure what you mean by bundling rspec, but rspec should not be available to normal Ruby users like default gems.
It's a private dependency needed to run tests, and it probably makes most sense to install it as a gem when running the tests.

I suspect it might also be difficult to run the tests in-tree.
In that case I think it makes sense to require an installed Ruby to run more integration-like tests.

Feature #12733: Bundle bundler to ruby core

* Author: hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA)
* Status: Assigned
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA)
* Target version: 2.5
rubygems team has plan to migrate bundler into rubygems at rubygems 3.0.

ref. https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/issues/1681

In current status, rubygems only use `Bundler` module on test suites.
But we should track rubygems upstream step by step. I propose to bundle bundler
for stdlib as default gem on ruby core repository.

but we have some consideration. such as

 * bundler uses rspec for test suites. How to use rspec on ruby core repository?
 * Who are maintain bundler on ruby core repository?

This issue is epic topic. Please comment your concerns or idea.


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Eduardo Souza