On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 10:11 PM, wrote: > Issue #12004 has been updated by B Meyers. > > Isn't this enough? > No. Look back through this ticket. While I do not excuse Kurtis’s outburst on Twitter, note that *all* of the racism, sexism, &c. posted has been from people who *do not support* a CoC. What you are proposing is called “erasure” and may not seem like a big thing to you if you are *essentially* part of a dominant culture group. You have nothing to lose, because the default looks, sounds, and acts like you (for a fairly broad definition of “looks, sounds, and acts like”). -a -- Austin Ziegler • halostatue@gmail.com • austin@halostatue.ca http://www.halostatue.ca/ • http://twitter.com/halostatue