A more appropriate quote than Hanlon's may be a similar one in nature from Goethe: "...misunderstandings and neglect create more confusion in this world than trickery and malice. At any rate, the last two are certainly much less frequent." Of course this is mainly due to potential mistranslations of stupidity or ignorance, but at any rate I'm being slightly pedantic on word choice here. On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 9:27 PM, wrote: > Issue #12004 has been updated by Motohiro KOSAKI. > > > Tsuyoshi Sawada wrote: > > Vjatseslav Gedrovits, thank you for reminding us of the nature of the > poster of this thread by linking to: ( > https://twitter.com/CoralineAda/status/690334282607378432). It may be > redundant, but to emphasize, and just in case it gets deleted, let me quote > Coraline's words from there: > > > > Thoughts on leaving technical mgmt of Ruby to Matz and delegating > community mgmt to a separate org? > > > > which clearly indicates the nature/real goal of her act: force takeover > of Ruby. > > Please don't insult an another person. Your opinion was based on a guess. > Be gentle, please. > > Thanks. > > > never assume malice when stupidity will suffice. - Hanlon's razor > > > > If I were Matz, I would be shouting "何様のつもりか" (although I am not, and so > I can't). Not all but non-negligible portion of the U.S. population tend to > think the world belongs to them and they (should) rule the world. The > Japanese have been suffering such people's attacks since Matthew C. Perry. > > > > Matz and people, let's not be fooled by Coraline's superficially > friendly attitude, but understand her real intent. > > > > ---------------------------------------- > Misc #12004: Code of Conduct > https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/12004#change-56695 > > * Author: Coraline Ada Ehmke > * Status: Assigned > * Priority: Normal > * Assignee: Yukihiro Matsumoto > ---------------------------------------- > I am the creator of the Contributor Covenant, a code of conduct for Open > Source projects. At last count there are over 13,000 projects on Github > that have adopted it. This past year saw adoption of Contributor Covenant > by a lot of very large, very visible projects, including Rails, Github's > Atom text editor, Angular JS, bundler, curl, diaspora, discourse, Eclipse, > rspec, shoes, and rvm. The bundler team made code of conduct integration an > option in the gem creation workflow, putting it on par with license > selection. Many open source language communities have already adopted the > code of conduct, including Elixir, Mono, the .NET foundation, F#, and > Apple's Swift. RubyTogether also adopted a policy to only fund Ruby > projects that had a solid code of conduct in place. > > Right now in the PHP community there is a healthy debate about adopting > the Contributor Covenant. Since it came from and has been so widely adopted > by the Ruby community at large, I think it's time that we consider adopting > it for the core Ruby language as well. > > Our community prides itself on niceness. What a code of conduct does is > define what we mean by nice. It states clearly that we value openness, > courtesy, and compassion. That we care about and want contributions from > people who may be different from us. That we pledge to respect all > contributors regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or other > factors. And it makes it clear that we are prepared to follow through on > these values with action when and if an incident arises. > > I'm asking that we join with the larger Ruby community in supporting the > adoption of the Contributor Covenant for the Ruby language. I think that > this will be an important step forward and will ensure the continued > welcoming and supportive environment around Ruby. You can read the full > text of the Contributor Covenant at > http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/3/0/ and learn more at > http://contributor-covenant.org/. > > Thanks for your consideration and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. > > > ---Files-------------------------------- > Screen Shot 2016-01-22 at 6.45.23 PM.png (595 KB) > Ruby_Code_of_Conduct_Numbers.png (119 KB) > Ruby_Code_of_Conduct_Discussion.png (143 KB) > > > -- > https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/ > > Unsubscribe: > >