No, it's called "double standards" as he DOES feel harassed and offended. The fact he doesn't know English well enough to express this doesn't make him any less offended or harassed. And I feel offended of your treatment of people by their English knowledge and/or knowing what harassment means, can you please take anti-harassment actions on yourself? 

And I'm reminding you again that in some countries the very idea of sexual equality is very offensive, so please, don't bullshit us with your "common human rights" as these are your "common USA bullshit rights". Thank you.

PS. BIG SARCASM SIGN. But, honestly, bullshit caroline, sjws, you and other nice guys are trying to spread here looks not much different for me.

On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 10:16 AM, Austin Ziegler <> wrote:
Please learn the definition of “harassment” before you start making foolish statements like the one you just made, Hans. Harassment (in the dictionary) is “aggressive pressure or intimidation”. There are also different legal definitions that are more specific and even less vague. What happened to Coraline (doxxing) is harassment. Your feelings being hurt because someone points out that you’re making foolish statements is not harassment. Not by a long shot.

On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 1:34 AM, <> wrote:
Issue #12004 has been updated by Hans Mackowiak.

Question: if i get called a **"irrational, knee-jerk"** (that does harass my feelings) does that violate the CoC and result in Banning of that user? Quote: "Public or private harassment"

if not than this shows how "Double Standard" this whole discussion is.

Misc #12004: Code of Conduct

* Author: Coraline Ada Ehmke
* Status: Assigned
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: Yukihiro Matsumoto
I am the creator of the Contributor Covenant, a code of conduct for Open Source projects. At last count there are over 13,000 projects on Github that have adopted it. This past year saw adoption of Contributor Covenant by a lot of very large, very visible projects, including Rails, Github's Atom text editor, Angular JS, bundler, curl, diaspora, discourse, Eclipse, rspec, shoes, and rvm. The bundler team made code of conduct integration an option in the gem creation workflow, putting it on par with license selection. Many open source language communities have already adopted the code of conduct, including Elixir, Mono, the .NET foundation, F#, and Apple's Swift. RubyTogether also adopted a policy to only fund Ruby projects that had a solid code of conduct in place.

Right now in the PHP community there is a healthy debate about adopting the Contributor Covenant. Since it came from and has been so widely adopted by the Ruby community at large, I think it's time that we consider adopting it for the core Ruby language as well.

Our community prides itself on niceness. What a code of conduct does is define what we mean by nice. It states clearly that we value openness, courtesy, and compassion. That we care about and want contributions from people who may be different from us. That we pledge to respect all contributors regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or other factors. And it makes it clear that we are prepared to follow through on these values with action when and if an incident arises.

I'm asking that we join with the larger Ruby community in supporting the adoption of the Contributor Covenant for the Ruby language. I think that this will be an important step forward and will ensure the continued welcoming and supportive environment around Ruby. You can read the full text of the Contributor Covenant at and learn more at

Thanks for your consideration and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

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