On 28 Jun. 2017 06:06, wrote: Issue #13683 has been updated by shevegen (Robert A. Heiler). I am not against or in favour of it but just a question. What would the results be for the following code? In ruby (I find it easier to read ruby code rather than the description actually): I'm not sure the description is that hard to read... Is the same as #first but raises an exception of the enum doesn't have exactly one element. [].single [1].single [1,2].single [1,2,3].single Err, 1, err, err {}.single {cat: 'Tom'}.single {cat: 'Tom', mouse: 'Jerry'}.single Err, ['cat', 'Tom'], err (And any other Enumerable objects I may have forgotten here.) Same as .to_a.single I suppose. Cheers -- Matthew Kerwin