Joseph Jones liked your message with Boxer. On December 6, 2015 at 14:40:14 MST, wrote:Issue #11779 has been reported by bug hit.----------------------------------------Bug #11779: Mudule#using does not make sense as a method* Author: bug hit* Status: Open* Priority: Normal* Assignee: * ruby -v: 2.2.3* Backport: 2.0.0: UNKNOWN, 2.1: UNKNOWN, 2.2: UNKNOWN----------------------------------------1. it can't be called from another method2. the receiver must be self3. since refinements are lexically scoped the self receiver must match the currently open class#3 is particularly curious```rubymodule Refinement refine String do def refined? true end endendmodule Foo def self.refined? ''.refined? rescue false endendmodule Bar def self.refined? ''.refined? rescue false end Foo.module_eval do using Refinement endendp Foo.refined? #false```The module_eval `#using` call does not raise (it's not from a method and the receiver is self), but evidently because currently open class does not match self, it does not do anything. So it should at least raise.So `#using`, though a method, does not function as a method, which is misleading.--