Joseph Jones liked your message with Boxer.

On December 7, 2015 at 03:12:22 MST, wrote:
Issue #11781 has been reported by Robert A. Heiler.

Feature #11781: Would it be possible to alias .prepend() towards .unshift() for class Array by default?

* Author: Robert A. Heiler
* Status: Open
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee:

For Strings we can do:

abc = 'world!'
abc[0,0] = 'Hello '
abc # => "Hello world!"

For Arrays we can do:

abc = ['world!']
abc[0,0] = 'Hello '
abc # => ["Hello ", "world!"]

This is nice.

For Strings we can also use .prepend() to add to the beginning.

For Arrays, we have to use .unshift().

I have a hard time remembering .unshift though, .prepend() seems
to be easier for me to remember.

I'd like to use both .prepend for Strings and Arrays; right now
I have to use different names. I could alias prepend to unshift
for class Array, but then I'd have to carry these modifications
into my projects, which is not so good - I would prefer to just
stick to what MRI is doing.

Could we have the alias .prepend() for class Array, meaning
.unshift() too? That way I could use .prepend() for both Arrays
and Strings.

Thanks for reading!
